thethoughts312 · 18 days
You know those pvs that you click on off of a random link, knowing absolutely nothing about the group, not even what genre they are, but 30 seconds into the video you already know you will become a super-fan because you need all info and songs by the group right fucking now?
Yeah that just happened for me.
Just watch it.
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thethoughts312 · 18 days
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
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thethoughts312 · 18 days
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Baldurs Gate 3 Origin Characters Oracle Cards! Almost all of them have been updated since I first posted them. The last one is my Durge Amaranthine 💜 Which card do you like the most?
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thethoughts312 · 19 days
Self care is writing fan fiction that you are the sole target audience for.
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thethoughts312 · 30 days
I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts. 
May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.
I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.
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thethoughts312 · 1 month
Reblog this if you pronounce “.gif” as “GIF.”
And here is the link for the opposite.
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thethoughts312 · 1 month
writing dialogue for Astarion in like a normal text editor is very difficult actually because it feels like all his dialogue should be created with WordArt
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thethoughts312 · 1 month
heartbreaking. you have to write the fic youre writing in order for it to be written
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thethoughts312 · 1 month
welp, somehow im glad im not the only one
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thethoughts312 · 1 month
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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thethoughts312 · 2 months
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thethoughts312 · 2 months
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thethoughts312 · 3 months
if you're stuck on a chapter there are a few reasons:
-your set up to the scene you're writing is not working. go back and check it
-you are not in the right POV. think about who would be the most interesting or the most entertaining or the most informative in that scene, depending on what impact you want the scene to have
-you're at the beginning of the chapter and the words aren't coming to you even though you have it planned out already? the solution is simple: you don't like what you have planned out as much as you think you do. do not force it
-solution to a lot of problems comes from a single question I ask myself: Do I choose the kind option, or the mean option? (Your readers will eat up either one)
-You find the dialogue lacking? Act it out
-Your scene feels boring or something just "ain't right" but you can't tell what it is? Try making yourself feel the emotion you want your readers to feel. If you didn't cry while writing a scene meant to make your readers bawl their eyes out, then you might not have connected to your character as well as you wanted to. Put yourself in their shoes, pretend you ARE them.
(And afterwards, please practice putting yourself back in your own shoes and taking care of your mental health. Sometimes the fucked up stuff might get to you. Healthy minds create healthy lives, and in turn, you get to keep creating.)
-Your environment might be bothering you. Take a look around you and see what's nagging you. Is your workspace not clean? Are your notes out of order? A clean/orderly workspace can help you organize your thoughts or get you into a more productive mood. (Trust me, I get it, sometimes it's really hard to keep it tidy.)
-Try white/brown/pink noise. Try listening to music, or to videos that create background noise you feel most productive with.
-Jumping jacks. Squats. Stretches. Wiggle around your room. That one scene in High School Musical where Sharpay and Ryan are warming up. It sounds ridiculous, but this is good for you, your body, and your mind. Release pent up energy, get yourself awake and focused. If you aren't able to do this, try something silly to wake your brain up. Do some puzzles, sing some songs, etc.
-Most importantly:
Did you do your laundry? Did you get enough sun? Did you drink enough water? Did you eat enough today? Did you get your favorite snack? Did you smile? Did you run in your yard like you did as a kid? Did you laugh with your friend? Did you see the way their eyes crinkle when they smile at you? Did you play with your dog? Your cat? Did you look at the flowers in the field near your house? Did you meet someone new? Did you learn something you didn't before? Did you try something you were scared of? Did it go well? Did you enjoy being yourself? Did you explore the world today? Did you live? Did you love? Did you feel? Did you breathe, and relax, and feel that everything is gonna be okay?
It might seem insignificant, but we write from the heart, not just the mind. Let your story sit in the back of your mind when you truly feel stuck. Take care of yourself, try getting out of your head. Notice the details around you, commit them to memory. Your story will wait for you. It might take a day, or days, or a week, or a month, months, or a year or years. But the story sits with you and you'll be thinking about it without actually thinking about it. When you come to your story again, it will be happy that you've grown, no matter how big or small
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thethoughts312 · 3 months
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a.k.a. you may find your work Bad and Cringy™️ but you wrote something and that’s a Good Thing™️.
All writing is good practice and progresses you as a writer.
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thethoughts312 · 3 months
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thethoughts312 · 3 months
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This is a picture of a cis woman, y’all are literally just racist
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thethoughts312 · 3 months
Can't stop thinking about the people who learned about cultural Christianity for the first time and insisted that it doesn't really exist, and the very concept of it is just like the concept of original sin. Like, by merely equating the idea of cultural Christianity with original sin, you goobers are embodying and perpetuating this very thing you claim doesn't exist. Good job.
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