The Untold Tales Of Someone Named Me
101 posts
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
The regrets, foretold.
Im not new to the whole concept of missing out of the most important parts of your life, taking people for granted, forgetting the fragility of every valuable possession in your life, so i know what it means to overlook the best things in life until there's nothing left of them except their memories.
History keeps repeating itself and time never stops, it's always too late and never when you're completely ready for it, you will lose the things u didnt know u had, u will look back and shed a tear or two for the heart u broke and the feelings that got forgotten and u see that it's always too late.
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
You will find your answers here when it's too late.
Everything is always about u, u have never loved me, never once wanted me unconditionally, maybe u did one day but that day has passed, now all i am to u is a burden, someone who expects too much from you and you're right.
You ruined me like the ones before u, seems as if I'm just a toy for all my lovers, afterall i always cherished the idea of being loved, but i lve always been dumb, easily fooled i got tangled up in the lies you cant keep anymore, and still i would give my life for your happiness.
And still I'm a fool.
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
Death, once more.
You ruined my life, you'd be happy if i die, I'm gonna grant you your happiness, soon.
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
Will i find happiness one day?
Yeah that's all.
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
Play day
One day you will realize what you've been doing and that day will be too late, one day you'll see no one will ever be able to love u like i did, care for your happiness like i did, want u like i did, u will see this post when it's late, you're bored and there is nothing left of me to play with.
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thesupergenioss · 4 years ago
I know he's the one for me but now he has to prove if he feels I'm the one for him.
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thesupergenioss · 7 years ago
Forget forgiveness.
There's a you in me
A you that I forgot to nourish
A you that I kept shutting down
A you that I had no idea of being you cause of all the time it spend hiding in me.
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thesupergenioss · 7 years ago
Fall for it.
I write backwards and inside out, I swallow the words that make sense and leave you with the rest of my literal bullshit and I adore the ways you wanna put an end to this misery.
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thesupergenioss · 7 years ago
Dear brain, damaged.
The conflict between what seems to be the object of my struggles and what might only be a hormonal release can light up the forgotten insanity in me.
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thesupergenioss · 7 years ago
Why death is never enough?
The silence we share, the lines we cross, the words we ignore.
All I wanted to take was your breath, my love.
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thesupergenioss · 7 years ago
The days we die.
Everyday I spend hours killing u in the most mysterious ways.
Beautiful, magnificent, magical deaths all for u, my dearest, and yet u live.
Every time I wanna trap your soul and make sure your eyes never see the light of day, your eyes slip and I forget how to call your name.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
Nearest wormhole.
I wish your heart was a gateway to another universe. I wish i was brainwashed into your love. I wish worms could eat their way up to your mind. I wish pain had a surprise button. I wish trees could grow in black holes. I wish hugs could make u whole.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
The beautiful sunset. Watching the clouds form. The first day of creation, u and I, created the end.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
I write best when I'm dead.
I planted seeds in ur stomach, hope ur butterflies will like it when u see me. When the worms in ur eyes allow the nerves to be fired up. Turn the lights off let me carve my name in ur chest and kiss me hard while I drown in ur colors.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
I write backward and inside out. I eat words that are supposed to make sense and leave u with the rest of my literal bullshit and I adore the ways u are planning to put an end to this misery.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
Heaven and hell
I'm not gonna look for the answer, I'm not gonna write the answer, it's pretty simple: It lies within every guilty soul, the pleasure to be right, to write the truth and to watch it all burn away as billions of dumbasses fall for it.
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thesupergenioss · 8 years ago
Or maybe not
Believe At the end of every day Believe At the end of every sentence Believe At the end of me.
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