*echolalia into the void*
133 posts
oh look it's me, your friendly neighborhood autism
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thestimmer · 3 years ago
happy april
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thestimmer · 4 years ago
scratch the demigirl part im agender. and it turns out that valley/val is more my name than willow is
I go by Valley on the internet(my real name’s Willow but nobody online is calling me that) I’m a minor and a cis girl. I’m doing this thingy because I saw some things on @butterflyinthewell and thought “wow me”, looked in the actuallyautistic tag and thought “wow me”, then looked at more scientific sources and decided “that’s me!”
I’m probably an aroace, though I’m waiting until I’m actually an adult to make sure it’s not just other people not being dateable. And also I’m Irish.
Random facts:
i own a fidget cube and it’s great
sensory overload is a Thing for me
flapping is really nice
K bye
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
me seeing a person who presents to the world as cishet and neurotypical: are you,,,like me?
*that person ends up being bi and autistic/having adhd*
radar systems successful
Anyone else have something that’s like a gaydar but it’s like.. for other neurodivergent people? I can just tell when I come across someone else that’s neurodivergent.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
or autism
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polly pocket clothes
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
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(Image description: a trans, genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, nonbinary, genderflux, demiboy, demigirl, polygender, and agender pride flags with the words "trans autistics rock" centered in white and black text.)
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
if you learnt about being autistic from someone else, just enter in their name in the pause menu and you both get 1 extra level
you also get a x2 multiplier when you're around other autistics
also just saw someone on twitter refer to themselves as a ‘parent of a child with level 2 autism’ and i desperately want to know how we level up, why did no one tell me
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, parts 13 and 14
for what i struggle with, sensory overload is the big one. it's the most,,,obviously autistic trait I have, and also quite hard to explain. Usually, it results in people thinking I'm annoyed at them when really the world is just being Too Fucking Loud.
and what i wish people knew is that autistic people exist in every age, gender and race. It's not just the stereotypical 5 year old white boy. We exist all around you, and if you're being an ableist little shit we can hear that too. And also, i wish that people knew enough about autism that i wouldn't be scared to tell them who I am, because I thought they wouldn't see me as human if I did.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, part 12
communication can be tricky. people infer a whole lot of things, and when they have to explain them to me they just get annoyed. which is Not the Best. im ignorant enough to most of pop culture that sometimes i just end up sitting in a corner in silence. so...yeah communication is not my strong point.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, parts 10 and 11
i can tell when people are joking like 80% of the time, but when I can't i really can't. because if someone says they're telling the truth I usually believe them, so it gets pretty annoying when they were actually telling a joke.
as for question 11...hoo boi.
I'm self dx. Have been for around 1 and a half years now. And as time goes on I just get more and more sure I'm right on this, but my reason for not telling people has changed. Before, it was because I thought I might be wrong. Now, as all of my neurotypical masking has stopped through a whole lot of effort, it's more a matter of i do not fit the ableist depiction of autism and I'm scared that people would never look at me the same way again. So the internet basically knows because they're chill, but school friends are another matter. Two of them know. One because she is the kindest person i have met and i knew she'd understand, and the other because,,,well you know how gaydar is meant to work, my autism radar fuckin dings off the charts at him. he's like me, and knowing how to cope in a world designed for neurotypicals is pretty helpful for him too.
Anyone else? Not a chance. If they find out, they find out, but i have gotten very good at making my excuses. Because I don't know who would accept me, and who would never see me as human again.
(bill wurtz voice) sociiietyyy~
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, day 9
my attitude to touch varies a lot. with people I don't like, it's very much Never Ever Touch Me. with people I do like i just,,,shoulder pats and hugs all the time. i absolutely love hugs, they're great
apart from when im panicking about something, in which case i literally flinch if anyone touches me. because it just feels so bad.
so, yeah. it varies.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, part 8
i hate the people who think they can always tell if someone's autistic or not. since i have enough neurotypical traits to get by, people assume I'm not autistic and then the ableism really comes out. I mean...did the "autistic folk are awesome" badge on my schoolbag not clue them in to my opinion on that shit?
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
Autism time, parts 6 and 7
I can't drive. I'm 16 and live in a country where the driving a car age is 17. So, yeah.
As for autism in the media, I feel like the best autistic representation is when writers don't know they're writing autistic characters. It's so obvious to us, but since the world is ableist as fuck it means that they make a character without all the stereotypes.
So my favourite autistic characters are both unofficial. The Doctor(of Doctor Who) and Ford Prefect(of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy). I love them both so much
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, part 5
I'm a minor, so i live with my mum. We're the only 2 people in the family. I also live in the middle of nowhere and there's no access to anyone else, so guess who hasn't seen a single being they know in 23 days? Me. Yay.(a very sarcastic yay)
This is probably quite unusual among this community, but i would love to live somewhere more populated. I like the reassurance that people are still alive and existing, and the lights at night, and the background noise.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
Autism time, part 4
Yeah, being autistic is an important part of who I am. I wouldn't be the same without being autistic, and it massively influences how I see the world. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be neurotypical, and honestly? I don't want to be. It can be hard sometimes, but i like my way of seeing the world.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
autism time, part 3
it has been an entire year and my main special interest is still autism itself. because i just love learning about it and knowing all the things and just Having Knowledge
i don't experience special interests that much, but i do focus on shows that i like with laser point precision
like Life on Mars. its so fuckin good
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
it's autism time, part 2
so No to a selfie, because a) no and b) i am coincidentally wearing mostly blue. but i am very much on the side of fuck autism speaks, so ye. #redinstead.
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thestimmer · 5 years ago
Anyway I'm Willow, a being with a rather loose grasp of a lot of identity at the moment. so...she/her or they/them for me. I'm 16, Irish, and a self-dx peep. Have been since around one and a half years ago. I love a whole lot of fandoms and book series(but the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy has a special place) and also have a...rather eclectic taste in music. And i am going to see this whole month of posts through this time i swear to heck
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