The Starlight Fox
108 posts
A Whisper in Time.
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
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Edible flowers
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
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the portal
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
Creating a Spell Box
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This is a diy witchy thing that I did this week to ease my boredom. I enjoy painting boxes, but I’ve never attempted to create them in this sort of way. Anyways, here’s what I did :)
Start by painting your box with a base layer. This makes it easy to layer it with the rest of the materials
Sprinkle some herbs onto the wet paint. I used herbs like mugwort, mint, and marshmallow root. This is because my box is dedicated to spirit work. I also sprinkled some sulfur into the mix to add some demonic connections
Next, I dripped wax over the herbs. This is done to seal the mixture, as well as to add some qualities to the box. I used a purple-blue “brow chakra” candle and another dark purple candle to accentuate the spirit-work energies
Paint over the wax (let it dry first!)
Add sigils to the box if desired. I painted a pentagram to the top of the box. On the front of the box, I added 4 sigils, which respectively mean: clear sight, clear feeling, clear knowing, and clear hearing. There are also sigils on the side of the box (not shown) that represent connections with ghosts and demons.
I used magic ink and a fountain pen to draw a spiral and a baphomet inside the box. This is optional. You can draw whatever you want inside of the box, or you could choose to leave it blank. It’s up to you.
Add what you want to the box! I added a spell scroll; some kyanite, moonstone, and labradorite; graveyard dirt; and some herbs in the bottom of the box. Shoutout to @a-tired-witch for helping me write the ritual on the spell scroll!
And that’s it! Send me pictures if any of you decide to create something like this. I’d love to see your ideas :)
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
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moss is magic
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
More One Word Spells
Divimaggior - To heighten divination abilities (taken from the words divination and maggiore)
Deterlopeso - To gain determination to lose weight (taken from the words determination, lose, and peso)
Passindietro - To gain back your passions (taken from the words passion and indietro
Innamoqui - To attract a lover (taken from the words innamorato and qui)
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
If You Don’t Have Witch Ingredients
• Pen & Paper - for sigil writing  • Lighters/Matches - to light said sigils, to do fire magick, or divination with a flame • Salt - to cleanse or protect  • Jars - for jar spells/to keep herbs & spices or stones in, to make moon water •  Notebooks - for any sort of grimoire/BoS  •  Herbs & Spices - for jar spells, sachet spells,  •  Candles - can be used to set a witchy mood, burn sigils also, or for color/scent correspondence, & circle casting  •  String/thread - for binding spells  •  Needles - to make your own pendulum for divination  •  Ribbons - to tie around jar spells for color correspondence, also could be used in binding •  Glitter - used in glamours  • Feathers - air magick, or an offering when casting a circle  • Dandelions, & many common weeds  • Playing cards - to do divination readings, used in place of tarot cards  • Keys & Coins - for symbolic spells  • Nails - for curses, to cause misfortune  • Rubber bands - binding spells  Will probably add more things. Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
Wandlore: Magical Properties of Trees
Alder - PRESERVING - (water) oracular magic, seership, dreamwork, preservation, concealment, bridging worlds
Apple - SINGING - (air) protection, blessing, calling, sending, opening doorways to other worlds, love, inspiration, enchantment
Ash - JOURNEYING - (earth, water) calling, direction of art and craft, moving toward a goal, healing, crossing bridges to other worlds
Beech - LEARNING - (fire) solar and positive magic, the enhancement of creativity, learning, the search for information, books, languages Birch - BEGINNING - (water) purification, discipline, spells of youth and fresh starts, creativity, procreation, birth, renewal and rebirth Blackthorn and Plum - BLOCKING - (earth) protection, faerie magic, overcoming creative barriers, persistence, patience, divining of precious metals Cedar - CLEANSING - (air) enchantment, clearing negativity, dedication of sacred space, poetry, smithcraft, healing Cherry - DESIRING - (fire) protection, conflict, sex, attraction, assertiveness, aggression, love, confidence, daring, union of opposites, root chakra, healing of injuries from conflict or loss Chestnut - PRODUCING - (water) fertility, feminine powers, motherhood, the sea, protection of waters, reflection, introspection, meditation, abundance, nurturance, cleansing, relationships, especially mother and child Ebony - DOMINATING - (earth) leadership, domination, penetrating to the core of any problem, control, sexual assertion, aggression, concealing, revealing, healing dark diseases, dragon energy, seduction Elder - REGENERATING - (earth) enchantment, healing, protection, regeneration, wealth, long life, nurturing Elm - CONTAINING - (earth) healing, fertility, growth, rebirth, destiny, wisdom, metamorphosis, endurance Hawthorn - GUARDING - (air) fertility, rebirth, renewal union, wildness, human being as animal, detects magic, counter-jinxes, warding, sending
Hazel - UNDERSTANDING - (air) female autonomy, feminine power, magic of wisdom, beauty, charm, love, navigation, summoning, attraction, creativity
Holly - PENETRATING - (fire) protection, work against evil spirits, poisons, angry elementals, and lightning; averting fear, allowing courage to emerge, dream magic and eternal life, success in business or endeavor, hunting or quests Juniper - TRANSFORMING - (earth) transformation, transition, crossing to other worlds, cloaking, revealing, letting go, yin power, shadow, meditation, seduction, binding, geas, fate Lilac - IMAGINING - (air) magic of union, attraction, cultivation of creative bliss, intellectual pursuits, imagination, information, mental power, creation of harmony, travel, illusion, detection, writing
Linden - ATTRACTING - (air) creation, transmutation, illumination, love, attraction, binding, obligation, healing wounds, enhancement of beauty, peace
Maple - CHANGING - (earth, fire) control, finding, binding, transformation, creation, ambition, passion, revolution, rebirth, poetry, beauty, harvest, healing, abundance
Oak - OPENING - (fire) leadership, wise rule, personal sovereignty, authority, power, protection, sealing or opening doors, endurance, invocation of wisdom, fertility, abundance
Poplar - FEELING - (water) emotions, feelings, sensitivity, intuition, empathy, dance, instincts
Redwood - ASPRIING - (fire) striving upward, travel to higher spheres, drawing down power from heaven to earth, religious seeking, discipline, mystical union, wild animals, wisdom
Rowan - QUICKENING - (earth) unites fire and earth elements, bridges worlds, astral vision, protection, warding off evil spirits, averts storms and lightning (sudden disaster and struggle), brings peace, growth, fertility, rebirth; supports women’s autonomy, poetry, metalwork, geomancy, work with ley lines
Spruce, also Fir and Pine - TURNING - (water) battling evil, astral flight, cleansing, purification, creation, potion-making, witches brooms, transformation, shape shifting, wisdom
Walnut - ILLUMINATING - (air, fire) wind and weather magic, expansion, vortices, enhancement of the powers of breath, spells to conjure or avert lightning, hurricanes, or cyclones; teleportation, astral travel, knowledge, wisdom
Willow - WEAVING - (water) dowsing, divination, seership, rain-making, funerary rites, love, easing childbirth, fertility, healing, glamour, bewitchment, concealment, secrecy, germination, herb-magic, potion-making, melody and combination Yew - REMEMBERING - (air, earth) death, grieving, travel between worlds, ancestors, trance, seership, divination, healing, transformation, knowledge, eloquence, persuasion, mediumism, necromancy
Sources and further reading: Wandlore: The Art of Craft the Ultimate Magical Tool by Alferian Gwydion MacLir The Witch’s Wand: The Craft, Lore, and Magick of Wands & Staffs by Alferian Gwydion MacLir
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
Poisonous Herbs
I’ve seen quite a few post going around about potentially toxic or harmful herbs so I just wanted to make a list for me and other witches to use.
**I am not an expert so please before you use any herb/plant do your own research please!
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Arnica; poisonous in large amounts which can cause serve gastroenteritis, fever, nausea, dizziness, abnormal pulse rate, diarrhea, skin reactions, and internal bleeding of the digestive tract.
Azalea; poisonous and causes nausea, vomiting, depression, difficulties breathing, coma, and it is rarely lethal.
Balm of Gilead; can cause skin irritation, serve stomach upset, and pregnant/breastfeeding woman should avoid.
Belladonna; very deadly poisonous causes blurred vision, staggering, loss of balance, dry mouth and throat, headache, rash, constipation, confusion, hallucination, and convulsions. Careful when handling because it can be adsorbed through skin.
Bleeding Heart; may be poisonous in large amounts which cause convulsion and other nervous symptoms.
Blue Flag; nausea, vomiting, irritation of the mouth, throat, digestive tract, skin, headaches, watery eyes.
Bryony; all parts of are poisonous and can cause death, lethal if consumed.
Buttercup; irritant juices may severely damage the digestive system.
Calamus; toxic in large dosages and causes hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting.
Calabar Bean; extremely toxic which can cause excessive sweating and saliva, reduced pupil size, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, blood pressure changes, confusion, seizures, coma, muscle weakness, paralysis, serve breathing problems, and death.
Camphor; serve allergic reaction which include rashes, hives, itching, difficulties breathing, tightness in chest, swelling of the mouth, eyes, face, lips, or tongue.
Castor Oil Plant; poisonous and causes burning sensation in mouth and throat, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea. In the next several days dehydration, drop in blood pressure, and decrease in urine. Unless treated death can be within 3-5 days.
Celandine; nausea, dizziness, fatigue, fever, and liver damage.
Christmas Rose; causes burning of the mouth, eyes, throat, oral ulceration, gastroenteritis, and vomiting blood.
Cowbane; poisonous and can attack the central nervous system which can induce seizures.
Daffodil; can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and can be but usually not fatal.
Daphne; poisonous, causes burns to the mouth and the digestive tract then followed by a coma. Can be fatal.
Dog’s Mercury; poisoning will appear in the next few hours which includes vomiting, pain, gastric and kidney inflammation, sometimes inflammation of the jaw and cheeks, and drowsiness.
Elderberry; poisonous and causes nausea and digestive upset.
Elephant Ear; all parts are poisonous and causes irritation of the mouth and tongue, can be fatal.
Ergot; can be fatal and can also cause nausea, vomiting, muscle pain or weakness, numbness, itching, vision problems, convulsion, confusion, spams, and unconsciousness.
Gelsemium; extremely poisonous even in small amounts very toxic and can cause headaches, vision problems, difficulties swallowing, dizziness, muscle problems, seizures, breathing problems, and slowing of the heart.
Golden Chain; serve poisoning which causes excitement, staggering, convulsions, and coma. This can be lethal.
Foxglove; large amounts can cause irregular heartbeat, digest upset, mental confusion, and can be fatal.
Hellebore; likely unsafe if ingested or applied to skin which can cause irritation of the mouth and throat lining and also slow down the heartbeat. Large dosages cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulties swallowing, nerve problems, blindness, convulsions, paralysis, difficulties breathing and death.
Hemlock; stomach pains, vomiting, and progressive paralysis of the central nervous system.
Henbane; cause dilated pupils, hallucinations, increased heart rate, convulsions, vomiting, hypertension, and ataxia.
Holly; berries can be deadly and the leaves can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach and intestinal problems.
Honeysuckle; can cause allergic reactions which include rashes.
Horse balm; gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, dizziness, and painful urination.
Hyacinth; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and can be fatal.
Ilex; serve allergic reactions which include rash, hives, itching, difficulties breathing, redness, burning, swelling of the mouth, eyes, face, lips, or tongue.
Iris; serve digest upset.
Ivy; poisonous, causes stomach pains, labored breathing, and possible coma.
Jewelweed; dangerous when consumed in large amounts.
Jerusalem Cherry; nausea and vomiting and occasionally fatal especially to children
Jimsonweed; do not inhale or consume, can cause many toxic effects like dry mouth, extreme thirst, vision problem, nausea, vomiting, constipation, fast heart rate, hallucinations, high temperatures, seizures, confusion, loss of conciseness, breathing problems, and death.
Laburnum; intense sleepiness, vomiting, excitement, staggering, convulsive movements, frothing at the mouth, unequally dilated pupils, coma and death.
Larkspur; digestive upset, nervous excitement, depression, and can be fatal.
Laurel; poisoning produces anorexia, profuse salivation, depression, uncoordination, vomiting, watering of the eyes, difficulties breathing, weakness, cardiac distress, convulsion, coma, and eventually death.
Lily of the Valley; irregular heartbeat and pulse accompanied by digest upset and mental confusion.
Lobelia; potentially toxic which can cause vomiting, it also can interfere with medication.
Jack-In-The-Pulpit; produces allergic reactions and causes skin, mouth, throat irritation, swelling, burning, difficulties breathing, and stomach upset.
Kava Kava; can cause liver problems, nausea, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, drowsiness, numbness around mouth, hallucinations, kidney effects, shortness of breath, and disorientation.
Mandrake; poisonous which can cause blurred vision, dryness of the mouth, difficulties urinating, headaches, vomiting, rapid heart rate, and hallucinations.
Mayapple; diarrhea and serve digestive upset.
Mistletoe; poisonous and causes gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, weak/slow pulse, seizures, and it is rarely lethal to humans.
Morning Glory; toxic and causes diarrhea, gastrointestinal upset, disorientation, ataxia, anorexia, and hallucinations.
Mugwort; use in a well ventilated area and with the right dosage, too much can be lethal.
Nightshade; fatal and intense digestive disturbance and nervous symptoms.
Oak; poisonous in large amounts and gradually affects the kidneys.
Oleander; extremely poisonous can cause heart effects, serve digest upset and even death.
Pennyroyal; can cause serve liver and kidney damage and also stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, burning of the throat, fever, confusion, restlessness, dizziness, high blood pressure, abortions, and brain damage.
Periwinkle; contains poisonous chemicals and should no be ingested can cause nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, hair loss, dizziness, bleeding, nerve problems, seizures, liver damage, low blood sugar, and even death.
Pleurisy Root; can cause serve heart problems, nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes.
Poinsettia; skin rashes, serve eye irritation, and irritation or burns to the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestinal lining.
Pokeweed; all parts are poisonous and when handling use gloves because some chemicals can pass through skin and affect the blood  and it also causes nausea, vomiting, cramping, stomach pain, diarrhea, low blood pressure, difficulty controlling urine, and thirst.
Rhubarb; fatal and large amounts can cause convulsions, coma, and a rapid death.
Snakeroot; can be fatal, cause nausea and vomiting.
Spurge; unsafe and has chemicals that cause cancer, other effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, burning of the mouth, dilated pupils, dizziness, painful bowel movements, near unconsciousness, irregular heartbeat, rashes, reddening, itching, burning, and blisters.
St John’s Wort; can be poisonous and cause fatigue, dizziness, confusion, and dry mouth.
Skullcap; pregnant women should not use it can cause a miscarriage
Thorn Apple; abnormal thirst, distorted sight, delirium, incoherence and can be fatal.
Uva Ursi; can cause skin discoloration, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, muscle twitching, tremors, convulsion, seizures, nausea, vomiting, irritation to the skin and eyes.
Wahoo; poisonous and potentially deadly, symptoms include serve upset stomach, bloody diarrhea, fever, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, spams and coma.
Wisteria; mild to serve digestive upset, many children have been poisoned by this plant.
Wolfsbane; also know as Aconite, disables nerves, lowers blood pressure, and can stop the heart. Avoid skin contact.
Wormwood; can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, restlessness, vertigo, and seizures.
Yellow Jasmine; poisonous and cause nausea and vomiting.
Yew; fatal, death is usually sudden without any warning symptoms.
(Source) (Source) (Source) (Source)
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
A self love visual spell in my grimoire. I meditated on all the seemingly impossible things I’ve overcome in my life and reminded myself that I’m stronger than I think.
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thestarlightfox · 5 years ago
A Greeting for Ghosts Tarot Spread
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A spread made specifically for communicating with ghosts. Ghosts are human spirits who are stuck and unable to move on. This spread is meant to aid you in helping the ghost let go.
Feel free to use, modify, or change to fit your practice. Do not repost. Do not remove the watermark.
Made in Krita.
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
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$10 dollar headshot commissions open. Please Dm with the reference photo you would like me to use. Payment is via paypal and taken up front. Will send you the paypal info once you have sent your dm. #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #thestarlightfox #starlightfoxart #headshotart #art #digitalart #commissionsopen
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
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So I have decided to set up a simple price list for my commissions so everyone knows straight up what they will cost. I have also added some samples of my work. Some commissions and some fan arts . This isn't all my work by any means but what I have already posted on Instagram. I know my art is a work in progress,but the fact I am comfortable enough to do art for others now is a huge step for me. Have to give a shout out to @artistjodysteel because she has been a huge inspiration for me. She has helped me not only mentally with her inspiring posts but also helped me push on with my art work. #art #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #commissionsopen #takingastep #starlightfoxart #starlightfox
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
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So I might be working g on another thing 😁... This time it's a fan art of @peggypincurls Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff. So I get a lot of inspiration from people I see posting here on Insta and . @peggypincurls is one of them. She has posted a few times about how negative thoughts get to her sometimes but she still finds ways to push through. This is deticated to her and for the reminder she gives me that you aren't alone in your struggles other people have them too. Please come like this on [email protected] If you are interested in a commission feel free to DM me. #blackwidowcosplay #peggypincurlscosplay #natasharomanoff #cosplayerfanart #starliestauntonart
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
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Hey! Yeah you I have decided to take on commissions. I know I posted that I would have limited slots, but since people have been responding positively I have decided to just open commissions completely. The link below is that of my commission price list. For those of you who do commissions please don't tell me I am over charging or undercharging people I am new to this and just starting out so I don't want to be outrageous at this point in time. The second photo is a sample of my work the rest will be posted on Facebook on the moonlight fox crafts store page. Thanks for checking things out . Facebook page #artistsoninstagram #commissionsopen #themoonlightfox
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
Tumblr media Hey guys check out this custom blanket we are doing for a friend. If you are interested please come message us on our Etsy store to place your order. #themoonlightfox #crochet #graphgan #gameofthrones @emilia_clarke @kitharingtonig @sophiet @maisie_williams
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thestarlightfox · 6 years ago
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Not quite finished but here is my @heyitsme.lp lines with some color! The squirrel turned out so fucking cute!!!! #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinsta #squirrelgirl #cosplayerart #fanart #formysisterfromanothermister
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