thestarexpress · 6 years
Onexone bnha villains doubling roleplay search!
Hello, all! I'm going to keep this short. I'm looking for a one on one roleplay partner (for an offsite roleplay), 18+, who is interested in doubling canonxoc.
Who I'd like you to play against my oc: my neet bby Shigaraki
Who I can play against your oc: literally anyone, try me!
I'm a multi-paragraph roleplayer who's just interested in a spot of fun with characters of ill-intent. ♡ If you're interested, send me a pm!
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thestarexpress · 6 years
mystic messenger onexone search
Hey demons, it's ya girl. I'm going to make this short; I'm looking for someone interested in a MysMe roleplay, doubling:
You playing Saeran/Ray against my OC
Me playing anyone you'd like against your OC
I'd prefer this to take place over discord/gdocs, I can write hella length, and would you please be 18+? You know. Reasons.
If you're interested, message me. Thanks~♡
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thestarexpress · 6 years
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Newest commission for @pinkheartcollars :) 
I hope u like it! <3
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thestarexpress · 6 years
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Courtship   4/7/18
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thestarexpress · 6 years
Me as a writer: Gotta add a little bit of fluff, a handful of laughter and sarcasm, and just a dash of angst.
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Also me as a writer: Just. A. Dash. Of. Angst.
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thestarexpress · 6 years
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16K notes · View notes
thestarexpress · 6 years
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commision for @pinkheartcollars
thank you so much ❤ 
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thestarexpress · 6 years
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The day i was abducted was also the first day i started feeling alive💫👽
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thestarexpress · 7 years
♡ 시작하다 - to start (시작해요, 시작했아요, 시작할 거에요…)
♡ 끝나다 - to finish, end ( 끝나요, 끝났어요, 끝날 거에요…)
♡ 살다 - to live (살아요, 살았어요, 살 거에요…)
♡ 죽다 - to die (죽어요, 죽었어요, 죽을 거에요…)
♡ 있다 - to have (있어요, 있었어요, 있을 거에요…)
♡ 없다 - to not have (없어요, 없었어요, 없을 거에요…)
♡ 먹다 - to eat (먹어요, 먹었어요, 먹을 거에요…)
♡ 마시다 - to drink (미셔요, 마셨어요, 마실 거에요…)
♡ 요리하다 - to cook (요리해요, 요리했어요, 요리할 거에요…)
♡ 만들하다 - to make (만들해요, 만들했어요, 만들할 거에요…)
♡ 사용하다 - to use (사용해요, 사용했어요, 사용할 거에요…)
♡ 하다 - to do (해요, 했어요, 할 거에요…)
♡ 주다 - to give (줘요, 줬어요, 줄 거에요…)
♡ 가다 - to go (가요, 갔어요, 갈 거에요…)
♡ 오다 - to come (와요, 왔어요, 올 거에요…)
♡ 만나다 - to meet ( 만나요, 만났어요, 만날 거에요…)
♡ 배우다 - to learn (배워요, 배웠어요, 배울 거에요…)
♡ 공부하다 - to study (공부해요, 공부했어요, 공부할 거에요)
♡ 가르치다 - to teach (가르쳐요, 가르쳤어요, 가르칠 거에요…)
♡ 읽다 - to read (읽어요, 읽었어요, 읽을 거에요…)
♡ 보다 - to watch/see (봐요, 봤어요, 볼 거에요…)
♡ 일하하다 - to work (일해요, 일했어요, 일할 거에요…)
♡ 운동하다 - to exercise (운동해요, 운동했어요, 운동할 거에요…)
♡ 쉬다 - to rest (쉬여요, 쉬였어요, 쉬을 거에요…)
♡ 일어나다 - to get up (일어나요, 일어났어요, 일어날 거에요…)
♡ 자다 - to sleep (자요, 잤어요, 잘 거에요…)
♡ 앉다 - to sit (앉아요, 앉았어요, 앉을 거에요…)
♡ 울다 - to cry (울어요, 울었어요, 울을 거에요…)
♡ 웃다 - to smile (웃어요, 웃었어요, 웃을 거에요…)
♡ 노래하다 - to sing (노래해요, 노래했어요, 노래할 거에요….)
♡ 춤 추다 - to dance (춤 춰요, 춤 췄어요, 춤 출 거에요…)
♡ 연습하다 - to practice (연습해요, 연습했어요, 연습할 거에요…)
♡ 놀다 - to play (놀아요, 놀았어요, 놀을 거에요…)
♡ 사다 - to buy (사요, 샀어요, 슬 거에요…)
♡ 주문하다 - to order (주문해요, 주문했어요, 주문할 거에요…)
♡ 팔다 - to sell (팔아요, 팔았어요, 팔을 거에요…)
♡ 내다 - to pay (내요, 냈어요, 낼 거에요…)
♡ 기다리다 - to wait (기다려요, 기다렸어요, 기다릴 거에요…)
♡ 찍다 - to take a picture (찍어요, 찍었어요, 찍을 거에요…)
♡ 알다: to know (알아요, 알았어요…)
♡ 모르다: to not know (몰라요, 몰랐어요…)
♡ 생각하다 - to think (생각해요, 생각했어요, 생각할 거에요…)
♡ 말하다 - to talk, speak (말하요, 말핬어요, 말할 거에요…)
♡ 전화하다 - to telephone (전화해요, 전화했어요, 전화할 거에요…)
♡ 얘기하다 - to talk, chat (얘가해요, 얘가했어요, 얘기할 거에요…)
♡ 채팅하다 - to chat on the internet (채팅해요, 채팅했어요, 채팅할 거에요…)
♡ 물어보다 - to ask (물어봐요, 물어봤어요, 물어볼 거에요…)
♡ 도와주다 - to help (도와줘요, 도와줬어요, 도와줄 거에요…)
♡ 필요하다 - to need (필요해요, 필요했어요, 필요할 거에요…)
♡ 타다 - to ride (타요, 탔어요, 탈 거에요…)
♡ 운정하다 - to drive (운정해요, 운정했어요, 운정할 거에요…)
♡ 태어나다 - to be born (태어나요, 태어났어요, 태어날 거에요…)
♡ 사랑하다 - to love (사랑해요, 사랑했어요, 사랑할 거에요…)
♡ 좋아하다 - to like (좋아해요, 좋아했어요, 좋아할 거에요…)
♡ 싫어하다 - to hate (싫어해요, 싫어했어요, 싫어할 거에요…)
♡ 보내다 - to send (보내요, 보냈어요, 보낼 거에요…)
♡ 받다 - to receive (받아요, 받았어요, 받을 거에요…)
♡ 공유하다 - to share (공유해요, 공유했어요, 공유할 거에요…)
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thestarexpress · 10 years
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Baby Pink Mixed Supplies Bag
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