I’m a depressed thot.
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why does everyone and their mother have a song called “jenny”
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“Heel Turn 2” is such a good, healing song for me. So, “Beat the Champ” was the first album to come out after I got out of a pretty terrible relationship, and I remember hearing the release of HT2 on Nightvale (I hadn’t listened to WTNV for almost two years at this point, but I listened to that episode just for the new Goats song). The whole “fuck being the good guy, I have to serve myself for once” attitude just spoke so much to the way I wanted to live my life after that relationship ended. I spent so many years serving others, and when I finally took time to pursue what I wanted for once, god, I was so much happier.
Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.
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Currently working on a text-post essay drawing parallels between “Unicorn Tolerance” and me embracing my queer identity. Apologies in advance because it’s going to be...long.
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Sasha Banks is actually probably my favorite wrestler out there right now, so the fact that this song now exists and JD wrote it fills me with such an amazing glow.
new song from them goats
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The winter’s wet, and the summer’s hot. Take a match in Puerto Rico:
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me when werewolf gimmick comes on:
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mountain goats emotions: - mad at your dad in a car - mad at your partner but not going to talk about it - general defiant rage against the entire world - content, but dreading when you won’t be - paralyzing self hatred - Bad but can’t really elaborate on it
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baby JD
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I just said the phrase “...the nudists at the Unitarian swing dance” and my girlfriend and I both agree it could be a tMG lyric. The only question is, from which album? I say “Tallahassee”, but she’s convinced the Alpha Couple are too Catholic for that. Thoughts?
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Me but with tMG
NT: what music do you like ??
Me, an adhd gremlin: only Arctic Monkeys….
NT: th… that’s it… ?
Me: or anything that I know all the words to.
NT: oh… um…. okay
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This post has a very John Mulaney energy to it
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@soldier-poet-king @abinnana
this was posted in the mountain goats shitposting fb group. holy shit
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i’m out of my element! i can’t
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Uncomfortable discovery:
“The world shines, as I Cross the Macon County line Going to Georgia”
is a haiku.
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so in theory yes i would LOVE to listen to literally any other band than the mountain goats but unfortunately my major traumas are all standing around me in a circle pointing guns to my head forcing me to listen to magpie on repeat !
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