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STARs Program and Police Response
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Read the article here! (all graphics used in this post are from the article)
D:SLKFJ Social work and environmentalism will always be my greatest passion, so when a wonderful friend of mine showed me this and I nearly cried. This program sends healthcare workers instead of police to respond to low-level issues such as trespassing and mental health episodes. They have responded to over 700 calls in the past 6 months and zero resulted in arrests. The police who they work with listen to them and call STAR when they find someone in need of mental health intervention. Police only need to work with dangerous criminals, not just people who need help finding food, a place to sleep, or are in need of intervention for mental health issues. 
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AND IM SO FUCKING HAPPY IT AVOIDS POLICE HAVING TO GO IN FOR WELFARE CHECKS. This keeps them doing what they’re supposed to do, not something they aren’t trained for. 
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Particularly wonderful part of the article
Sailon said she remembers a call last year in which a woman was experiencing mental health symptoms at a 7-Eleven. The clerk had called the police — the woman was technically trespassing — but when the police arrived, they called Sailon.
“We got there and told police they could leave,” Sailon said. “We didn’t need them there.”
The woman, who was unhoused, was upset about some issues she was having on her prepaid Social Security card. Sailon helped her into the van where the two “game-planned” a solution before the STAR crew drove her to a day shelter for some food, she said.
“So we were sort of able to solve those problems in the moment for her and got the police back in service, dealing with a law enforcement call,” Sailon said.
The fact that the police officers even called the STAR team tells Dr. Matthew Lunn, who is in charge of DPD’s strategic initiatives, that the program is working (Lunn has a PhD but is not a medical doctor). About 35 percent of calls to STAR personnel come from police officers, according to the report.
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