“You weren’t creative enough. A toad is so fifth year. That’s your crime.”
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♛ — “so judgmental theo. i could have done a better job, but i was annoyed and did it out of impulse. i’ll make sure that i do it up to your standards next time.”
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“You mean other than turning a student into a frog?” Gemma questioned with a raised brow. “Anyway, detention with Slughorn isn’t that bad, I’d hardly call it a punishment.” 
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♛ — “oh i know it’s no punishment, but i do have other things to do with my life than helping him with whatever he needs help with.” damian replied, trailing his fingertips across the books on the shelf.
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“Well that sucks, though I suppose it’s your own fault for getting caught. Who gave you detention?”
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♛ — “surprisingly sluggy himself gave me detention. it was a harmless prank. the students here do these kind of things all the time. i don’t think i deserve this punishment. i have better things to do then help him with whatever he needs.”
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“besides the fact that you turned the kid into a frog?” she raised an eyebrow. “i’m surprised slughorn punished you, honestly.”
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♛ — “think i’m the only slytherin he would punish. or there was the fact that some of our other professors had witnessed my bad behavior, as they say.”
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♛ — “i ended up turning a first year into a frog after class today, and somehow got detention with slughorn. i don’t see what i did wrong.”
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introduction down below
hello lovelies !! i’m kendall and i will be playing this little shit damian. while i finish writing out his biography and changing his theme around. you should totally come and plot with him. he is in need of some friends.
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Task 001: Under the cut there are a few questions that you can answer to help you flesh out some ideas or to help write some sort of bio for you character. 
1.What was your upbringing like?
my upbringing? i come from a very high and respected family, which makes me have to live up to our family name. i was always a troubled little boy growing up.  yes, my parents are caring and always gave me everything i wanted, but i also found it annoying how much attention they paid to me.
2.Do you get on with your family?
sometimes i do. depends on my mood.
3.What’s your view on blood status?
i don’t care much about them. we are who we are.
4.What’s your favourite class at Hogwarts?
potions and charms. every other class is okay.
5,Who is your alliance with or are you neutral?
now why so nosy? neutral until someone convinces me to join a side.
6.How has your time at Hogwarts been so far?
well i’m away from home for a few months. so you tell me how that’s going? i view school to be slightly less boring than i thought it would be coming into my first year. it’s fun to pick on the first years.
7.What is your Patronus?
my patronus would be a tortoiseshell cat.
8.What does Amortentia smell like to you?
9.What is your Boggart?
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“ wha  ━ nooope, not drunk at all. ”
♛ — “you have always been a terrible liar remus.” damian let out a sigh, taking away the male’s drink. “maybe you have had enough for the day.”
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“On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the chances of me persuading McGonagall that Peeves stole my homework?” 
♛ — “that would be a negative. there’s no way she will ever believe that. have you met the woman?”
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“The staircase changed on my way to Potions…  I almost didn’t go in when I was late, and I kind of wish I hadn’t because Old Sluggy spent almost the entire class glaring at me.”
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♛ — damian had been working on his assignment for potions when the girl started talking. “didn’t you get the memo about the important announcement he was giving today?”
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“We should DEFINITELY do that again.” Cassandra stated to the other while holding the bedsheet round her chest to cover her naked body.
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♛ — damian hummed in response, turning his head towards the older girl with a smirk stretched across his face. “same time next week?" he raised his hand up, stroking her cheek.
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