thesloanranger · 9 hours
❝  i need you.  don’t you get that?  ❞
❝  i’m right here.  i’m always here right in front of you but you never see me!  ❞
❝  you’re my person.  ❞
❝  no,  i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now.  i just want you.  ❞
❝  i know you’re busy and i don’t want to bother you i just—  can i just sit here with you while you work?  ❞
❝  are we okay?  ❞
❝  honestly,  i’m always there.  in my head.  the scars on my body might’ve healed but i never really walked away from it.  ❞
❝  do you want me to make the others leave?  or we could go,  get some fresh air.   ❞
❝  look i’m not coddling you,  i’m just trying to help.  i wanna take care of you cause i,  you know— care about you.  ❞
❝  alright,  here’s your coffee.  are you ready to talk or should i find something to ramble about for a few minutes?  ❞
❝  eventually,  you just gotta learn to let go of the past.  it’s always gonna hurt,  but you can choose when to start focusing on something other than the pain.  ❞
❝  hey,  just breathe.  look at me— look at me.  in and out.  breathe with me okay?  ❞
❝  keep your eyes on me—  just focus on me.  we’re gonna be okay.  ❞
❝  no,  i’m not okay.  nothing is okay.  it never is.  but that’s just how i function most days.  so i’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  i’m not gonna pretend anymore.  i’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better.  ❞
❝  if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love,  you’re never gonna be with them.  and they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.  ❞
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
❝  i don’t need your permission to fall in love with you.  you don’t gotta love me back,  but it isn’t gonna stop me from being here when you need someone.  ❞
❝  you love me too much.  i know how that sounds but—  fucking hell.  you shouldn’t care that much about someone like me.  ❞
❝  i don’t care if loving you hurts me.  the world already has enough pain to dole out for no reason,  at least i’ll have gotten these scars from something beautiful.  ❞
❝  if people can hate for no reason,  than i can love for no reason too.  ❞
❝  one day you’re gonna need me and i’m not gonna be there to fix it.  ❞
❝  no,  i can’t fix everything for you this time.  it’s your mess.  clean it up.  ❞
❝  i dunno who taught you that love comes with conditions and limitations,  but mine doesn’t.  not when it’s you.  ❞
❝  i don’t know how to ask for help i just— i’ve never had anyone to ask for help from before.  so…this is me trying i guess.  i need it and i’m afraid to ask for it.  that’s the best i can do.  ❞
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thesloanranger · 9 hours
WILDCARD [ send your own word ]
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thesloanranger · 9 hours
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
hc + 🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
hc + 💪 for a sport-themed headcanon
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
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hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
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hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
hc + 💰 for a money-themed
hc + 💼 for a job-themed headcanon
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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thesloanranger · 9 hours
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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thesloanranger · 9 days
Post/Present Part ll starter for: @drownholywater-kennedy
She stays on the outskirts of the dance floor all night, doesn’t care to mingle, doesn’t care to do anything more than watch from afar. Eyes skirting the patrons, looking for familiarity and finding none, she’s taken off her mask when the pompous host mentions his game. Wonders if Aurelia truly is in this crowd. This heinous display of splendor, wealth, and cruelty. If she is, well, Sloan hopes she keeps herself safe. Why had she even bothered to track her this far? Why had she decided to come back? ’Love’ her heart tells her. ’No one gets left behind.’ and hasn’t her wife been nothing if not left, even if it had been under dangerous circumstances.
She sees it, the flash in eyes by a passing ghost as they spot her face. This was a mistake. She’s out of the hall before the true chaos begins, glad she had chosen to not dress in anything garish or flashy as she makes her way down the street and only stopping at the sound of someone following. , the barely there stutter.
Aurelia had healed, but never that slight stutter in her feet, though it sounds fainter now. The blonde stops and hesitates before turning round to face her past. Something between a grimace and a smile crossed her lips. “You look good,” she finally offers, unnaturally unsure before her gaze turns steely. “I shouldn’t have come.”
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thesloanranger · 10 days
Tumblr media
Name: Sloan Kennedy Occupation: Ex-FBI Veteran Age: 51 looks 40 Sexuality: Lesbian Species: Vampire Clan?: Clanless Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Married Personality Traits: Loyal, Dedicated, Determined, Aggressive, Cool, Stubborn.
Born in Boston, Sloan spent most of her childhood out in the streets. A bit of a bully and a pickpocket born to a family that truly couldn’t support another child. But that was fine with her, she never went hungry and ensured her siblings didn’t either. Whatever it took, no one got left behind. That was her motto, the words her father, tired from a day spent in the factory would tell them at night over meager meals. They would strike it big one day, they would all rise, no one gets left behind. She was determined to be a part of that rise, so she worked her hardest.
But, there was always one thing in her way, Aurelia Kennedy. The girls constantly buttheads, both stubborn and determined to be the best, whether it was a childish game in the play yard, Or in class. Both at the front, both competing to outdo the other. And they never seemed to outgrow it. Elementary turned to Middle School. And middle school turned to High School. Things at home were still rough, Sloan and all of her siblings working to cover what little free time they had, the older children leaving home. Forgetting the family motto, but not Sloan. Her father had fallen ill, COPD brought on from the fumes of the factory, her mother had picked up a part-time job at the Laundromat down the street.
Joining the Army after a recruiter had come to give a speech seemed like the best solution for her to help. Her checks could be sent back home, and a free college education meant a better-paying job when she retired from service. Her family would be safe, they could be steady. Her dad dies the summer after she completes boot camp. It’s a shock to her system, her first realization of how short life can be. Of how even the best people aren’t safe from time. Her mother moves in with her older brother, he promises he’ll watch her. Sloan pushes on, for her father, and for her family.
Things are going well, she’s rising in ranks and eventually, she makes the decision, ending up in the Marines. It’s there that home comes crashing back into her life in the form of Aurelia Kennedy. They clash as they always have, bickering and fighting. Trying to outdo one another as they always have. But what is hatred if not love in disguise? They’re drunk the first night they fall into bed together. In the middle of a heated argument, Sloan isn’t sure who kisses who first, but it ends up being more than a one-time thing. And then there is the accident.
They’re traveling through an active warzone, squad broken up in to teams, the second rover is hit. The warning sent out in form of a distress signal. And for the second time in her life she can’t breathe. Some how Aurelia makes it out alive, injured, but alive and Sloan thanks whatever higher power made that happen. It’s the hardest road they’ve travelled together. At any moment she can the blonde is there for her injured friend, lover, competitor. They fight, they scream. There are tears and whispered apologies as they grow closer and closer. Every night ends with Sloan’s hand brushing her fingers and muttering ‘No one gets left behind.’
Finally after months in the hospital, with pt and annoying doctor visits Aurelia is free to leave and the blonde is quick to offer her home to the other woman. She admits it’s a little funny considering what little dating they’ve done was in a hospital cafeteria over bland mashed potatoes and jello cups. But it just works for them. And with time her girlfriend is fully back on her feet. She still sends a portion of her money to her brother and their mother, and she goes out with Aurelia on the weekends, she’s started academy, decided to not reenlist and instead try law enforcement.
It’s when they are on a hike one October afternoon that her girlfriend becomes her fiancee. And after a few months of planning, her wife. They still fight and bicker and buttheads, but Sloan doesn’t think there has ever been someone she loves more. They’re still planning their honeymoon, both finally having the time and money saved, when it happens. It was just meant to be a raid, people going missing, drugs in and out.
What Sloan finds in that old warehouse, well she was never prepared for. It’s not just one, it’s a whole den of them, some wayward clan. They’re fast, she has no idea what they are. Vampires. She never makes it out alive, somehow the only on her team to get turned, the lord saying she was too pretty to truly kill.
She won’t see her wife again until the other tracks her down several months later, she begs Sloan to go with her and it’s all the blonde can do to get her out, to get her to freedom before being sucked back into the life she’s come to know. Ten years…it’s been ten years, she’s finally free, but can the woman she loves ever love a beast?
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