the last day of summer
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>Like all lovers in a lonely castle<br>
The sad people on abandoned beaches<br>
As the poets say I’m a mess<br>
The truth is that even when there are no poets around<br>
I am not steady and not in control<br>
So let me just be the poet<br>
And the writer of my death scene </p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
Alles glijdt weg. De grond waarop ik sta zie ik bewegen alsof ik op een viaduct sta en de auto’s op de snelweg beneden zie verschijnen en wegschieten. Maar ik kan ze niet horen. /Het is moeilijk te geloven dat ik ze aan zou kunnen raken als ik wilde. Het is moeilijk te geloven dat ze niet buiten bereik zijn, dat er niets dan lucht tussen mij en die mensen daar beneden in zit, dat ik geen eigen wereld heb in een andere waarin ieder ander leeft./ ik ben op een boot, zo'n toeristenboot op de Middellandse Zee. Ik sta op het glas waardoor de toeristen wonderen zouden moeten zien./Ik zie alleen maar wat troebele dingen die soms scherpe vormen aannemen maar meestal zo vreemd lijken dat het is alsof ik naar een andere planeet kijk. Maar ik ben dan ook niet op deze boot als toerist. Ik ben bewoner./Ik bekijk de wereld. Ik observeer. Ik registreer. Ik concludeer. Ik begrijp het niet. Alles is om me heen, maar als alles geen betekenis heeft staat het vrijwel gelijk aan leegte. Alles glipt langs me heen, en hoewel ik soms omver wordt geduwd en val, voel ik er niets van want het lijkt niet echt./Ik kijk tv. De verkeerde zender. Maar de juiste geeft geen signaal dus kijk ik dit programma maar, gewoon omdat er geen andere keuze is en ik niets anders kan doen./Verkeerd verbonden. Dat hoor ik als ik opneem. -Maar je hebt mijn nummer toch echt gedraaid. -Per ongeluk, snap je? -Weet ik niet, is alles wat ik zeggen wil./Alle woorden zijn weg. Leg het me uit. Laat me begrijpen. /Maar ik sta op een viaduct zonder weg naar beneden en woon op een boot in een stomme zee en kijk naar het verkeerde programma terwijl ik hoop dat iemand naast me komt staan, met mij de zee zal trotseren of naar het meest overgewaardeerde programma ooit zal kijken./Alles glijdt weg, en ik wil rennen, maar mijn voeten zitten vast. Misschien wil ik niet graag genoeg. En misschien kan het echt niet.
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
She nodded. 'That's the thing, you know. You don't just walk up on people and say 'these are my demons and I'm hard to handle.''
Sometimes it's not clear anymore. Whether everyone hates me
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>The people are high of their need for attention
and I don’t want to be forgotten<br>
I try to talk to them while I don’t want to<br>
Can people actually see each other?<br>
I think they just assume they can</p>
<p>We’re driving too hard on the highways to whenever
and I didn’t want to be here<br>
I came anyway and I tried and almost killed
The lights inside people’s chests <br>
They don’t recognise me anymore
</p><p>I try to talk to you but all that comes out of my mouth<br>
is heavy breath and I smile in vain<br>
I’m still alive and I haven’t really changed<br>
But it’s hard to believe that neither you<br>
Want to whisper in lines of the tired drivers
</p><p>And we’re heading for the future with<br>
my hands in my backpack looking for<br>
All the words that lost somewhere<br>
And I need their attention like they need mine<br>
But you won’t look at me </p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>Said that they were better than her dreams<br>
One day she’d like to tell someone<br>
Walked around the parking lot<br>
Where boys were kissing girls<br>
Singing like everybody’s deaf</p>
<p>Graveyards were the signs<br>
But wandering lost castles was her truth<br>
She hadn’t talked since years ago<br>
Lately she’d only said some words<br>
Meaningless and empty eyes</p>
<p>She had a journal full of poems<br>
She liked to call them letters to the flies<br>
Bones of her fingers and scars in her mind<br>
The uncertain soul behind her breath<br>
Like once it was painless</p>
<p>She killed her family and ate alone<br>
Faking smiles and finding joy<br>
When she stroked those girls’ lips<br>
She kissed one boy in the living room<br>
Human contact was a bore</p>
<p>Her friends had left some time ago<br>
She lost track of them years before<br>
In her fantasy she was an actress<br>
So she could be someone else<br>
To be better than her dreams</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>give me your glass<br>
being drunk is overrated<br>
stay at this person’s house<br>
this is something i’ve always hated</p>
Big houses and ceilings with fake renaissance paintings<br>
Wonder who’s made them<br>
Wish it was me if this was real but I’ve lost somehow track of the honest</p>
<p>When I started lying I was six and now I’m used to doing it<br>
I lie that I like people and that I’m listening but to be honest what I almost never am<br>
I never lie to you</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>we told each other that we were going to work this out<br>
and we would’ve done that<br>
sure of course<br>
in another universe, if this was a movie<br>
a young adult novel maybe<br>
but that’s neither what this is about</p>
<p>apologies in broken hands<br>
made of water in an ocean red</p>
<p>shards balancing between two minds<br>
whispering curses at fading skylines</p>
<p>riding the bus home with you by my side<br>
mirror in the window like the lip you bite</p>
<p>and we told each other that we were going to work this out</p>
<p>your mother didn’t like me<br>
and you were allergic to my room</p>
<p>you were the friend i never had<br>
the one i’d love more than everyone</p>
<p>you were a stain on my new thoughts<br>
a piece of magic in the dark</p>
<p>yes, we told each other we were going to work this out</p>
<p>and i said shit<br>
and you fuck this<br>
my world is on the edge of hundredten<br>
but we all could’ve been much worse</p>
<p>so you say you’ll stay<br>
and i will really do</p>
<p>doing things like our story has a plot<br>
universes, dreams of home<br>
at the balcony at three am<br>
talking like we have to say a lot</p>
<p>but in the early morning i’ll be gone and you releaved<br>
we said we were going to work this out<br>
but there are better things that cannot be received</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>The light has turned a colour I can’t describe<br>
It’s a shade of dark black blue and white<br>
It’s shining in the night in front of my tired eyes<br>
It’s blinding me and crying terrifying</p>
<p>People try to make their ways home down the road<br>
I can see them through the windows in the dark outside<br>
They had to disappear into the night but they stayed anyway too long<br>
And I don’t know where and why</p>
<p>I wander the rooms of this house I’ve lived in all my life<br>
When did the walls become so soft<br>
And has the ground always been cold</p>
<p>The lights are way too much<br>
And it’s already time<br>
But the clock is ticking in my head<br>
And I can’t find my bed</p>
<p>The lights will go on in the night and I will try<br>
To captivate the glory in my messing mind<br>
And leave this in the ceiling and look for knives to laugh and bite<br>
But I don’t know where to go nor where to find</p>
<p>So help me throw away the sheets<br>
And close the curtains so people won’t see<br>
Upon the streets they lie awake but I don’t want them to stay<br>
So please help me for I don’t know what is right</p>
<p>Help me improve myself this time<br>
So I won’t lose this fight</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p><p>lippen nog steeds rood, ogen nog steeds blauw<br>
zelfde witte shirt, wat meer littekens<br>
zowel bij mij als bij jou</p>
<p>maar het is niet ik en ook niet jij<br>
lijkt toch zo echt, verdomd dichtbij<br>
klinkt zelfs als iets van ooit eerder<br>
maar ik kan het niet aanraken,<br>
het is niet meer van mij</p>
We zijn niet wie we waren<br>
We zijn niet meer wie we waren<br>
We zijn alleen maar twee schimmen<br>
waar we vanaf jouw en mijn oude plaats naar staren<br>
proberend weer te weten hoe het was<br>
om een lichaam met stromend bloed te ervaren </p>
in een donkere woonkamer schijnen felle lichten<br>
de koelkast, mobiel, laptop, de maan<br>
recht in onze gezichten</p>
<p>maar het is niet genoeg en maakt het kil<br>
de leegte schreeuwt dus is het stil<br>
we herhalen wat we al eerder zeiden<br>
want ik kan verhalen niet vertellen,<br>
je stom genoeg niet zeggen wat ik wil</p>
we zijn niet wie we waren<br>
we zijn niet meer wie we waren<br>
we zijn twee geesten die vanaf onze oude plekken terugstaren<br>
We zijn niet meer wie we waren<br>
we zijn niet meer wie we waren<br>
we zijn slechts twee geesten dolend door vaag bekende straten<br>
proberend te herinneren hoe het was<br>
om een kloppend hart te ervaren</p>
we zijn niet meer wie we waren<br>
we zijn slechts twee geesten<br>
tevergeefs proberend<br>
onze oude personen met een lichaam te evenaren</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>op dezelfde dag geboren zijn we<br>
nog geen uur verschil<br>
en niet dat ik het wil<br>
maar broer en zus hadden we kunnen zijn<br>
zo zeiden onze beide moeders altijd</p>
<p>vreemd genoeg dachten ze ook<br>
dat we altijd vrienden zouden blijven<br>
namen op dezelfde trouwakte zouden schrijven<br>
mijn naam en jouw naam, deborah<br>
maar daar gaven we geen gehoor aan</p>
<p>ze dachten dat we nooit uit elkaar zouden gaan<br>
wil je weten dat ik ons in gedachten vaak eeuwig naast elkaar heb zien staan?</p>
oh, deborah, weet je nog<br>
jullie huis dat inmiddels is verkocht<br>
waar we na school altijd speelden<br>
omdat van jouw moeder alles mocht<br>
oh, deborah, weet je nog<br>
dat je me niet meer zag<br>
toen ik je later opzocht
</p><p>dus ik zei<br>
laten we elkaar weer ontmoeten in het jaar 2000<br>
zal het niet vreemd zijn<br>
wanneer we allen groot zijn<br>
volgroeid zijn<br>
volwassen zijn <br>
ben je er ook<br>
bij de fontein <br>
om twee uur op het plein?
</p><p>en jaren terug<br>
op die ene donderdag<br>
had ik nooit verwacht<br>
dat je trouwen zou<br>
dat ik nu alleen <br>
mezelf erop na hou<br>
net als op die eenzame donderdag<br>
naast de school in de regenachtige kou</p>
sommige jongens zeiden<br>
dat jouw lichaam het beste was<br>
je had als eerste borsten van de klas<br>
en ik wendde me in gêne af<br>
als martyn me een veelbetekenende blik gaf
</p><p>nog steeds waren we vrienden<br>
je liep soms met me mee naar huis<br>
maar altijd kwam ik alleen thuis<br>
en daar was het mee gezegd<br>
want er was dat ene gevecht
</p><p>zo van ik was mezelf en raar aan de zijkant<br>
en jij was, hoe kon het ook anders, middelpunt van populairen-land</p>
oh, deborah, weet je nog<br>
jullie huis dat inmiddels is verkocht<br>
waar we na school altijd speelden<br>
omdat van jouw moeder alles mocht<br>
oh, deborah, weet je nog<br>
dat je me niet meer zag<br>
toen ik je later opzocht
</p><p>en ik zei<br>
laten we elkaar weer ontmoeten in het jaar 2000<br>
zal het niet vreemd zijn<br>
wanneer we allen groot zijn<br>
volgroeid zijn<br>
volwassen zijn<br>
ben je er ook<br>
bij de fontein <br>
om twee uur op het plein?
en jaren terug<br>
op die ene donderdag<br>
had ik nooit verwacht<br>
dat je trouwen zou<br>
dat ik nu alleen <br>
mezelf erop na hou<br>
net als op die eenzame donderdag<br>
naast de school in de regenachtige kou
en inmiddels heb jij een leven gekozen<br>
ik zal niet langer tevergeefs hopen <br>
wetend dat we elkaar niet meer zullen zien<br></p><p>
maar ooit zei ik<br>
laten we elkaar weer ontmoeten in het jaar 2000<br>
zal het niet vreemd zijn<br>
wanneer we allen groot zijn<br>
volgroeid zijn<br>
volwassen zijn</p><p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>The girls who write journals and the girls who use ctrl+v.<br>
The girls at trainstations, at the gym and the library and in the hallways of high school.<br>
The girls that laugh very loud or don’t at all. Or just fake a laugh.<br>
The lonely girls, the popular girls, the pretty girls, add what you want. <br>
You would decide it for them anyway, isn’t it? <br>
Because they’re “only girls.” <br>
Or “just girls.”<br>
And girls will always be girls.<br>
They write journals and are dramatic. <br>
They love melodrama and they use ctrl+v and then say that they’re not like other girls.<br>
But don’t you think they are? Since they are girls.<br>
And girls will be girls, will always be girls.<br>
They dress like each other or like nobody ever. <br>
They dress like boys and they fall in love with boys. And with each orther. With everyone in between.<br>
Girls will be girls. All the girls ever.<br>
The girls who become lawyers, singers and housewives, maybe somewhere in the future. But most of all, girls will be girls.
All the girls ever. <br>
The stars might fade and the lights can go out and the aliens may come. And kill most of us.<br>
Nothing will be sure and there’s nothing to rely on anymore.<br>
But at least girls are girls. They will always be.<br>
They reach for the stars, only find thick air, too thick to breathe.<br>
Because girls will always be girls.</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>today, i am going to be nice<br>
today, i will be kind to all the people i don’t like<br>
i won’t say mean things and i’ll try to be honest<br>
yet i am not going to be mean</p>
<p>today, i am going to be that girl<br>
you think is happy<br>
you think is really nice<br>
that girl that you could just sat next to if you were new in school<br>
that girl i am going to be today</p>
<p>i will smile and say hi to people in the hallways<br>
i won’t look at the ground when i see someone i know<br>
just to avoid eyecontact<br>
and i won’t look away</p>
<p>i am not going to be arrogant today</p>
<p>i am going to be motivated<br>
and i am going to be active during pe</p>
<p>today, my thoughts won’t shift away<br>
i will pay attention in class<br>
i will participate in class<br>
like raise my hand when i know the answer<br>
and i won’t be afraid to say something wrong<br>
because i will be honest today</p>
<p>i am not going to sit in the back of the class<br>
not pretending i don’t care <br>
while i fucking do</p>
<p>i will talk to people<br>
maybe even to that boy that i think i could be friends with<br>
even to the girl in math class i used to laugh with</p>
<p>i won’t laugh at other people<br>
when they do something stupid<br>
i will be nice to stupid people<br>
and don’t call stupid people stupid people<br>
not even in my head</p>
<p>today, i am going to be someone<br>
who does not have a resting bitch face<br>
and some problems with sleeping at normal times</p>
<p>today, i’m going to be helpful<br>
i won’t scroll through my list of contacts to make it look like i’m busy so people don’t talk to me<br>
and of course i won’t ignore people who think they can have a conversation with me<br>
today, i am social</p>
<p>today, i am going to be nice<br>
i am going to be kind<br>
and not a single insult will cross my mind</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p><p>I see two people, there on the beach<br>
Near the surf, and they don’t speak</p>
<p>The sun sets slowly<br>
A silence of harmony<br>
I know her, for you is she<br>
Smiles at him, he could be me</p>
<p>But that’s not true, ‘cause my hands<br>
They break everything</p>
<p>I can’t be the guy over there<br>
The love, the peace, the lack of cares<br>
I still haven’t found any right way<br>
But then again, why does this look <br>
Like homecoming after a long day?</p>
<p>I love you, like you see<br>
But in this picture, he’s not me<br>
Look at his hand, he wears a ring <br>
And in reality, I never did the wedding-thing</p>
I’m not myself<br>
Or haven’t been all these years<br>
I have not fallen, but am yet in tears<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years</p>
<p>I see two people, they walk away<br>
She turns around, we cannot stay</p>
<p>Look into my eyes<br>
See the same reasons to cry<br>
All this love a fading lie<br>
There is no holding on, but still I try </p>
<p>I’m not myself<br>
Or haven’t been all these years<br>
I am the one in a blind city who sees clear<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years</p>
<p>Oh, let it be the sun<br>
Oh, let it be this beach<br>
Let it be the sea<br>
Let me make a move<br>
Don’t let me there alone to stay<br>
Give me something to say<br>
So you won’t get away<br>
And oh, let it be salt</p>
<p>Let it be my worst mistake<br>
Let it be world’s greatest fault<br>
But don’t ever <br>
Don’t ever <br>
Let me forget about this<br>
Don’t ever<br>
This is the one thing I can’t miss</p>
<p>I’m not myself<br>
Or haven’t been all these years<br>
I am the one who has never drowned his fears
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all those years
I’m not myself<br>
Or haven’t been all these years<br>
I have not fallen, but am yet in tears<br>
I am the one in a blind city who sees clear<br>
I am the one who has never drowned his fears<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years<br>
I’m not myself or haven’t been all these years</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>Hollow like your soul <br>
Deep in your hands fivehundred miles away <br>
And all the things you never said keep wandering through my head</p>
<p>I tried and I would do it again <br>
But it will be all in vain and it won’t be worth it <br>
But anyway you’ll take the pain<br>
And it’s so wrong and I want to laugh but<br>
It’s a four word story <br>
That I make way too long in my head <br>
As if all the important is gone</p>
<p>Walking these old lanes with the unpleasant sound of <br>
One alive beneath the ground that’s <br>
Stuck in your head like a song of which you never knew the words<br>
But I know yours and you never knew mine<br>
That’s alright because the last things you said to me were as obvious <br>
As I thought you wouldn’t ever be</p>
<p>No more words than needed since there were just enough <br>
To make a correct line<br>
No justs and wells and nevrous laughter<br>
Which makes me wonder how long you’ve<br>
Wanted to say those things that made it<br>
Those days and simple questions and the words</p>
<p>It is a four word story<br>
We can’t handle you<br>
And I just want you to know that I would <br>
Have appreciated if you told me before<br>
But it’s a simple one this time so we’ll keep it up <br>
Follow all the unknown rules into this city of my knives</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>alone, mistaken, all at once<br>
trying and searching finding</p>
<p>and they say that not all those who wander are lost<br>
but i am and so were you before gravity lost something to hold on to since all the ground has turned to dust<br>
now we live in ruins of my screaming castle</p>
<p>green clouds above the river of death<br>
you were writing your mind somewhere<br>
i can hear the wind in the water<br>
and the abandoned ones beneath my feet</p>
<p>the worst, the best<br>
the first, the last</p>
<p>old lovers in books of other times<br>
where women wore dresses and men only suits<br>
in ballrooms with violins and their ugly sounds<br>
like nails on chalkboards that we also lost</p>
<p>the victory behind the scenes<br>
shards of flames in your hands</p>
<p>how are you doing tonight?<br>
just fine i guess?<br>
well, that’s all i wanted to hear, right?<br>
like, did you see her dress?<br>
like, o my fucking god</p>
<p>the stairs grow longer every hour<br>
this castle won’t let us leave this place of banned habits like biting our bones<br>
somehow i’ve forgotten how it felt to bleed</p>
<p>and they say that everyone is normal until you get to know them<br>
the other way around it is<br>
defintions are burnt anyways in the streets of ancient cities<br>
even adults cry sometimes</p>
<p>we couldn’t care any less<br>
not knowing how to walk</p>
<p>the mountain’s shouting back at us<br>
but silver rivers flow to the open sea</p>
<p>searching for eternity<br>
that never was for me</p>
<p>and they say that no one is a villain in their own story<br>
but i don’t see the truth in it</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>the sour wind at the empty beach<br>
a memory of what i used to need<br>
some people never learn to bleed<br>
some never learn to care</p>
<p>the sea swallows the sun<br>
i’ve lost my ability to scream<br>
and society knows you need more <br>
than a school to succeed<br>
again, why don’t you have to ask <br>
permission before you breed?</p>
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theskyisdefinitelynotblue · 6 years ago
<p>the good die young<br>
the best are still alive<br>
and eating breakfast<br>
you do it with your mouth closed</p>
<p>stairway to heaven on repeat<br>
that tv-show you saw ten times or more<br>
lonely for this work alone<br>
years ago the last time you went home</p>
<p>your mother she’s calling you<br>
caring never like you needed<br>
you knew pretty well and you’re not dumb<br>
but you never pick up the phone</p>
<p>there’s nothing i can’t do alone<br>
streets of houses you used to own<br>
in your dreams and nightmares<br>
you just needed a friend as well</p>
<p>shooting stars you made a promise on<br>
maybe hell’s even better than heaven<br>
you go to the toilet to wash your hands<br>
i steal your headphones to sleep</p>
<p>and how you were the best<br>
neither did you know how to fit in<br>
i never cared enough<br>
so it’s hard to believe you did</p>
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