Resources for 125+ languages
I’ve found this list with resources for over 125 languages on pastebin (https://pastebin.com/UjkfE3qk - I can’t use hyperlinks in this post for some reason). I reposted it under the cut in case it ever gets lost but it includes the following languages:
Afrikaans, Ainu, Akkadian, Albanian, Ancient Sanskrit, Arabic (MSA as well as six dialects), Aramaic, Armenian, Assyrian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Berber, Breton, Cajun, French, Cantonese, Catalan, Cherokee, Classical Armenian, Classical Greek, Classical Latin, Coptic, Cornish, Crimean Gothic, Croatian, Czech, Dari, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faeroese, Farsi, Finnish, French, Frisian, Furlan, Genovese, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek (Modern), Greenlandic, Guarani, Hakka, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hittite, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Inuktitut, Irish , Italian, Japanese, Jèrriais, Koine Greek, Khmer, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Manchu, Mandarin Chinese, Manx, Maori, Mari, Mayan (Classical), Mayan (Tzotzil), Mayan (Yucatec), Mixtec, Nahuatl, Norwegian, Okinawan, Old Church Slavonic, Old English, Old Iranian, Old Irish, Old Norse, Old Prussian, Old Tupi, Persian, Middle Polish, Portuguese, Proto-Indo-European, Quechua, Romanian, Rromani, Russian, Sami, Sanskrit, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Shanghainese, Sicilian, Slovene, Sm'algyax, Spanish, Sumerian, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tengwar, Thai, Tocharian, Tok Pisin, Toki Pona, Tongan, Turkish, Vietnamese, Volapük, Welsh, Wu, Xibe, Yoruba, Yup'ik and Zulu
Some of the links are broken and there are more resources for some languages than for others but I still think it’s really worth checking out, especially for those of you interested in lesser known languages.
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03•09•2017 // I am back with a newfound love for math.
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Since everyone else posts the most adorable notes I figured I would bring down the average lol
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french summer vocabulary
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l’été - the summer
juin - june
juillet - july
août - august 
le thé glacé - the ice(d) tea
les fraises [la fraise] - the strawberrries
la pastèque (melon d’eau) - the watermelon
voyager - travel 
aller nager - go swimming
l’océan - the ocean
l’eau - the water
le soleil - the sun
la lumière du soleil - the sunlight
chaud - warm
cool off - rafraîchir
le maillot de bain - the swimsuit  
le bateau - the boat 
plonger - diving
le pique-nique - the picnic 
here’s just a few summer words to get everyone ready for summer and warmth (thank god)☀️  ! please correct me if i’m wrong!
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Working hard does not mean working until you break down
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Oh, yes please.
reblog if you’d like to be in a studyblr group chat on snapchat! we can talk about studying, life and other things !
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you’re not the same person you were a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago. you’re always growing. experiences don’t stop.
take advantage of this. be proud, be happy. enjoy every moment.
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26•02•2017 // My my, look who's back with her first solve on her first shape mod!!
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11•02•2017 // *muted screaming because OLL has more than 50 algorithms to memorise*
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A message to baby Studyblr’s
You don’t need amazing grades to be a studyblr- when i started most of my teachers didn’t think i was even going to turn up to the exams
You don’t need a pretty backdrop to be a studyblr- i don’t have a fancy desk because i know i will never use it
You don’t need a macbook/mildliners/moleskin to be a studyblr- if it’s out of your price range thats okay get cute stuff from the stationery section in the supermarket, just because the majority of studyblrs have them doesn’t mean you should
If you are scared to post your own pictures- be brave, no one is gonna make fun of you 
The only thing you need to be a studyblr is to study and have fun doing it 😊✨
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05•02•2017 // An English essay and ventures in the Pyraminx
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02•02•2017 // English!
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01•02•2017 // AND I'M BACK! And at the 3rd SRP Distinguished Symposium and Lecture!!!!!!!
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27•01•17 // Going to Kuala Lumpur to celebrate Chinese New Year!!!!
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26•01•2017 // that moment when your teacher goes through the South China Sea conflict real fast and you can't even take down proper notes
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