The Simulation
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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A note left in the Blue Velvet lounge by bartender Monica Aviles, after closing on Summer 6:
"Can someone test the carbon monoxide detector? I felt dizzy and tired all evening, and had a lot of similar complaints from customers."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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Personal note from a journal attributed to Blush Pastelle:
"Summer 6
"I know not what compelled me to the Blue Velvet this eve. I know only that after years of searching, I have at last found someone like me, someone afflicted with this same deadly curse. Yet he appears to enjoy it. Perhaps. It is difficult to see past his icy countenance.
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"However, before he left me he encouraged me to explore my powers, not to shrink away from them and hide myself in dusty old books. It seemed like strange advice to come from one so ancient, but I was curious. I attempted it, toying with the mortals in the lounge. I fed from one - carefully of course - and, I admit, Vlad was right. I learnt a great deal more about myself than if I had stayed home with those dull encyclopedias.
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"And of course, had I not remained at the Blue Velvet, I may not have had the pleasure of meeting... Her."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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Notes from a book attributed to Blush Pastelle:
"Note to self: Do not hunt frogs during a thunderstorm."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 5 continued.]
"I cooked steak for everyone, and Jacob showed off his bonsai project. Over dinner I asked Kristopher about what happened last night. He explained a little bit about getting overwhelmed somethimes and going on a sort of rampage... I feel like he didn't tell me the whole story. It doesn't really add up.
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"I wanted to ask more, but the sound of thunder startled us, and I was afraid Kris might go wild again, the way he reacted! He did calm down quite quickly, but he went and stood in the rain on his own, and didn't want to talk anymore."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"Summer 5
"After last night's... events, I thought I should check in on Kristopher, so I headed over there in the morning before work. I must admit I was a bit nervous. He gave me quite a fright yesterday! I had nothing to worry about though - except that I'd dressed for sunny Henford, and Moonwood Mill was going through a thunderstorm!
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"Kristopher was in good spirits, though apologetic, and I got to see his lovely house, and meet his son Jacob, and Lily who seems to live with them. No sign of his daughter Rory, but maybe she lives somewhere else in Moonwood Mill. I feel like there's a lot I don't know about these people..."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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Notes from a book attributed to Blush Pastelle:
"Summer 4
"Finally finding some information. Searched the Willow Creek Archive this eve. Seems fish and frogs may be options for an alternative diet. Ought to look into catching/breeding my own.
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"Did grab a snack on my way home though. Tried not to take too much, but still feel guilty. Need to stop."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
A letter from Kristopher Volkov, of Moonwood Mill, to Sara Scott, owner of the Gnome's Arms, dated Summer 5:
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"Dearest Mrs Scott,
"I am writing to you to express my deepest regret about the events which transpired yesterday evening at your establishment in Henford-on-Bagley. You have always very understanding of my 'condition', and have made my family and I feel uncommonly welcome at the Gnome's Arms. The last thing I would wish is to disturb you or your patrons. Last night I lost control and for that I am sorry.
"I hope that no one was injured, and that I have not damaged your business with this unfortunate incident. I will of course pay for any repairs, and I would understand if it were better for me to avoid your premises henceforth. Please do not include Rory in this punishment - we have our differences, but she warned me I was cutting it fine and I foolishly dismissed her.
"I hope our friendship is not destroyed completely by my thoughtlessness.
"My sincerest apologies once again,
"Kristopher Volkov"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 4 continued.]
"Coming out of the pub loo, I bumped into Mitchell - the guy I met by the waterfall last week! He was in a strange mood..."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 4 continued.]
"After a much-needed shower, Dina and I went down to the Gnome's Arms. There's always someone new to meet in Finchwick, but this was quite a surprise! A
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"The young woman with him seemed very relaxed, so I approached thinking she was there with her... Really Big Dog? But he spoke! His name was Kristopher Volkov and the woman with him was his adopted daughter Rory. He must have some sort of condition that makes him so hairy. I hope I hid my surprise! I feel quite guilty for thinking he was a dog.
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"I also felt bad because Dina was so rude to them! I really liked Rory, and Kristopher was nice too, but Dina looked like I'd rubbed dung in her face all evening. Surely it can't be because Kristopher looks a little different?"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 4 continued.]
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"Oh, I feel terrible! I ran into Dina while I was out jogging, and I didn't realise till later that I absolutely stank! She didn't say anything, but I am so embarrassed."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"Summer 4
"My very first egg! I'm so proud of Salt! I hope she doesn't mind too much that I've put it in the fridge.
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"Mateo called to tell me that he now has a crush on Grace Anansi. No idea who she is, but good luck to her I say! I don't know how Mateo has the idea that I want to hear this stuff... Is this some new kind of flirting that I'm not aware of?"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 3 continued.]
"I met Thomas Watson's wife, Rahmi! She's lovely. We had a nice chat and I persuaded Sara to show off her skills behind the bar, which was great fun!
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"Then my mixology prayers were answered! Sara let me tend the bar for a while, and kindly showed me how to make some simple cocktails. What a wonderful friend she is!
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"It was still light when I got tired of bartending, so before heading home I went for a relaxing jog around Finchwick. I'm really beginning to enjoy this whole fitness thing!"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 3 continued.]
"Sara was pleased I'd managed to get her ingredients so fast - I wonder if she asked me to do it so she wouldn't have to talk to Agnes Crumplebottom? I wouldn't blame her!
"She made me a delicious drink as a thank you. Verdant and Funk, I think it was called. I definitely felt a bit funky. After that, my night was awesome!"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
From the diary of Molly Trout:
"[Summer 3 continued.]
"I remembered I'd promised to run an errand for Sara, so I popped down to Finchwick to see if I could find what she was looking for. I had a nice chat with Kim, but she didn't have what I needed.
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"Then I had the strangest interaction at the gardening shop. It wasn't Agatha running it today, it was her... sister? Cousin? I don't know. But I had hardly said two words to her when she suddenly warned me, quite rudely, against public displays of affection in her town! Her town? What? I really didn't klnow what to say to that. But she had the mushroom I wanted, so I bought it and left quickly."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
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From the diary of Molly Trout:
"Summer 3
"Chickens! I couldn't help myself! I have a day off today, and I really wanted to make the most of it after Mateo annoyed me last night. So, first thing, I bought a white hen and a black rooster.
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"I've named them Salt and Pepper because... well, why not? I love them so much! They're so cute. I can't wait to start collecting eggs!"
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
Alex Moyer's journal, dated Summer 3:
"The weirdest thing happened last night. I was out near Parkshore, walking. I mean, sure, I was kinda keeping an eye out - I wanted to catch a glimpse of the new guy everyone's been talking about. But mostly I just needed some fresh air.
"Anyway, I was passing by Parkshore and... I don't know? I think I remember seeing someone, talking to them maybe? But maybe that was a dream? The next thing I definitely remember is waking up in my bed. I thought maybe I hadn't even gone out - like maybe I dreamed the whole thing?
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"But I am SO exhausted today! I feel like I haven't slept at all. I hope I'm not getting sick."
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thesimulation · 2 years ago
From the diary of Molly Trout:
"Summer 2
"Another promotion! I can't believe I'm a caterer already! They gave me a stainless steel auto-pot too! As a reward, I suppose. Well, I'm certainly going to use it to reward myself with some decent coffee! I made steak tartare to celebrate too. Clearly I can cook well, but I need to figure out how I'm going to learn mixology, if I want to keep getting promotions.
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"Then Mateo spoiled the mood. He called to tell me he was in love with Zoe Patel. I don't know wht he thought I would want to know. I don't know Zoe Patel! And clearly Mateo isn't the person I thought he was."
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