Madison Woods
315 posts
♡ this is the official blog page for @madisonwoodsblog on instagram ♡
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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Hey there! My name is Madison, and I am the newest owner of this blog! You might remember me from a long time back, I was featured in a post written by Brinley Harris, Andie’s late sister. Me and Brinley were best friends, and she wrote such a meaningful post to shed some light on the hardships of my life. I was a teenager trying to get through high school while raising my baby brother after my biological parents and step mom had passed away. I had a rough childhood, but I got through it, and now I am here living my life so fully and happily. My next post will be a couple of things to get to know me. I am so excited to embark on this new blogging journey!
Love, Madison :)
PS: go follow my instagram! @madisonwoodsblog
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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I’m so sorry that I’m here to say this, but this is going to be my very last blog post on here. I know this may come as a shock to you all, but I just feel that I don't have time to sit around and blog for an hour, especially since the twins are getting older and need more attention. I’m going to miss blogging very much, but I have a feeling that you guys are going to love the girl that’s taking over for me! She is an old family friend and I’m so excited to see the types of things she posts. As for the Murphy family’s future, all I can say is that right now we are happier than ever, and I love being a wife and mom to my three boys so much. Hendrix is entering his 4th year of elementary school and the twins are about to start pre school. My sweet pup Rocky is still chugging along for the ride, even though she's a little old lady now. David and I’s marriage is stronger than ever, and we’ve actually been talking about writing an EP together or maybe starting a new coffee shop style band again. We miss music so much and we put it on hold to raise a family, but now that our kids aren’t exactly babies anymore, I think going back to our roots would be so much fun and be such a cool activity for our whole family. I want my boys to know how important music is to me and our family, and I want them to know where their names came from and how special those artists are to me. Well, thats all for the Murphy’s, I love you all so much and thank you for everything!
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
Are you sad that one or both of the twins wasn't a girl? -Ella
I am a little sad I probably won’t ever have a daughter as me and David are almost positive we’re not having any more kids, but I love my sons so much and I know I was meant to be a mom of three crazy boys!
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
How has Hendrix adjusted to being a big brother? -Kyle
Hendrix is absolutely loving being a big brother. He always wants to feed the babies and he acts so lonely when they’re taking a nap. I couldn’t ask for him to be a better big brother honestly! 
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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Welcome to the world, my youngest little boy, Halen! Halen Alexander Murphy was born on April 28th at 9:24 PM, just 3 minutes after his twin brother. He is the sweetest and quite frankly, easiest-going baby I’ve had so far! He is a total Mommy’s boy, and he is also super in love with his big brother Hendrix. He is such a perfect addition to our perfect little family. Halen’s name, just like my other two kid’s names, came from one of David and I’s favorite rock and roll artists, Eddie Van Halen. Eddie Van Halen is David’s absolute favorite singer and artist of all time, so it was only fitting that we used a part of his name with our kids. Halen is pronounced “hay-lynn” in case you get confused! As for Halen’s middle name, it simply comes from David’s middle name which is a commonly used name in his family, so we knew we needed to use it for one of our sons. I am so blessed to be a mommy to not only this boy, but to his two brothers as well! 
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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Welcome to the world, my beautiful son, Harrison! Harrison James Murphy was born on April 28th at 9:21 PM, just 3 minutes before his brother. He is such a handsome little man and I can’t wait to see him grow up. David and I chose the name Harrison after one of our favorite rock and roll musicians, George Harrison from The Beatles. The first song I listened to that made me fall in love with rock and roll was a song by The Beatles, so I’ve always held that band close to my heart. As for his middle name, I was actually a bit weary to use it because of its meaning, but at the end of the day, I like it. My middle name is James, which came from my father’s first name. My father and I haven’t spoken since I was a teenager, and even though thats where the name James originally came from in my family, its still my middle name, so I wanted Harrison to have it too. All in all, I love his name and I love him! Stay tuned for Harrison’s twin brother’s birth announcement! 
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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This pregnancy has been totally kicking my butt lately, so some hot tub time with my man is always a good way to unwind at the end of the day! Being pregnant with twins is seriously so much different than my last pregnancy. Having one baby in my belly was so easy compared to two babies! I look like I’m already full term, but I actually a lot longer to go! I’m so excited to welcome these two little boys into the world. Becoming a mother to Hendrix was one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and now being a mother to three little boys will only multiply my love for motherhood even more. I never knew that being a mom was my calling until now. I guess my mom really wants a lot of grand babies! Haha! Oh, also, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about a possible name reveal. David and I have decided to keep the names a secret until they’re born, but yes, the twins already have names! More pregnancy and life updates to come soon! :)
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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Yes, you read that correctly... I’m the soon to be mother of THREE BOYS! I know, it sounds terrifying, but I think David and I can handle it! More updates to come soon!
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
INSANE pregnancy update...
Hey guys, so today I had my first doctors appointment for this pregnancy, and we have so pretty crazy news to share with all of you... David and I are expecting not one, but two babies! That’s right, we’re having TWINS! This came as such a huge shock to us as twins don’t run in our families, but we are so happy to of been blessed with two bundles of joy this time around. We will be finding out the genders next week by blood test, and we will announce the genders of the babies then. We are so excited to begin this crazy journey as a family of FIVE! I’ll update soon! :)
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
How many kids do you want? And if Hendrix was a girl, what would you of named her? -Kat
Hey Kat! I’m not gonna share my girl name choice right now because if this next baby is a girl I’m going to be using the same name, so I’ll announce it if I’m having a baby girl this time around. As for how many kids, I’m pretty sure I’ll be done after this pregnancy, but if you were to ask David that question, he’d say at least three more! Haha! Thanks for your questions, Kat!
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
now that you know what its like to have 1 baby, would you consider having more? -Owen
Before Hendrix was born, I thought I only wanted one baby, but now that I’m pregnant a second time, honestly... who knows how many kids the Murphy’s are going to have now! Haha! Thanks for your question, Owen!
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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My beautiful son...Oh how I wish I could multiply you! Oh wait...I can...and I did! Yes! That's right! David and I are expecting another baby! I know this may come as a shock to you all, but we both think Hendrix needs at least one sibling to grow up with, so we’ve decided to give it another go! It’s super early in my pregnancy, like, I haven’t even had my first doctor’s appointment yet, but next week we’ll be sharing all the details of this little bun in my oven, and we can't wait! I'm really hoping its a girl, but of course David wants another little Jr. Rockstar! But hey, who says my (possible) daughter couldn’t be a Pop Princess?! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! We’ll update you all soon! We can't be more excited to be sharing this special time with you all!
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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I found this photo of David and I in Hawaii a while back... boy do I miss that sand and sunshine! We plan on going back when Hendrix is a little older, and I can’t wait! Speaking of Hendrix, he is growing up way too fast! Time seriously needs to slow down in the Murphy household! Having Hendrix get older makes me really think about having another baby. When I got pregnant with Hendrix, it was a complete shock. I didn't want to have a baby at that time, but it happened, and now, I'm so glad it did. I love my baby boy more than anything in this world, and if I could go back, I would still get pregnant and have him. As for baby number 2, David’s trying to get me to really think about it, but I’m not so sure. I don't know if I could be a good mom to more than one child... its a lot of responsibility to think about! What do you guys think, should David and I have another baby so Hendrix can have a sibling to grow up with, or should we be one and done?
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
I'm so sorry about Dallas. How is Hannah coping? -Wendy
Thank you for your condolences. Hannah is doing better than expected, actually. She's super positive and is staying on the good side of this horrible situation, and I’m super proud of her for that. I know what its like to lose a sibling, and its seriously so difficult to get through, but Hannah is a strong girl and I know she’ll come out of this a stronger person! :)
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
Are you more of a cat or dog person? -Iris
probably dog, just because I love my dog Rocky so much already, I don't think I’d even want to try having a cat! haha!
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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So I unfortunately have some pretty devastating news to share with you all today....One of my best friends, and former bandmate, has passed away. Dallas had a pretty severe drug and alcohol problem that none of us were able to control, (by “us” I am re referring to me, David or Dallas’ sister Hannah) and it unfortunately spiraled into an overdose that medical professionals were not able to revive him from. He was such a talented musician and just a great guy in general, and he was so fun to be around. I have known Dallas since high school and I will miss him everyday and continue to live through him in my music. I love you Dallas, and I’m sorry it had to end this way for you. I hope you’re rockin’ out in heaven, buddy! You will be greatly missed.
xoxo, AJ.
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thesimsfam · 8 years ago
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I’m so glad my husband took this photo of me, so I can share exactly how I was feeling when he took this! In this photo, as you can see, I am on the phone with someone, and that someone is a man named Nick Starr. He is the owner of a huge rock and roll band camp here in Bakersfield, and he found a few videos of my old band Black Mist online, and asked me to be a guitar instructor at his camp! I am so excited to begin this new job, and I can't wait to be teaching young rockers how to play the guitar and be rockstars when they grow up! I can't wait for the day that Hendrix is old enough to join this camp, that will be one proud day for his mama! I am so excited to begin this new chapter of my life! Bye Black Mist, hello guitar-teaching Goddess!
xoxo, AJ.
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