thesigilsofbaphomet · 5 months
I want to hug you, I don’t know why, but I want to hug you.
Aw, ty
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 6 months
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Magical Art Therapy ● Sigils for Trauma and Recovery 
(series) (prints)
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 6 months
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Rhyzamykorr, Teratakero of defiant life, persistence and survival.
Teratakero are a form of divine spirit, somewhat akin to angels. But where as angels are often conceived of as beautiful and perfect, teratakero are bringers of omens, monstrously beautiful and beautifully monstrous.
“Since childhood, I've been faithful to monsters. I have been saved and absolved by them, because monsters, I believe, are patron saints of our blissful imperfection, and they allow and embody the possibility of failing.” ― Guillermo del Toro
Terat- Gr. for "sign sent by the gods, portent, marvel, monster"
Akero- Mycenaean, earliest form of "angel," meaning "messenger"
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 8 months
Blender of Eyeshadow
Crafter of Jewelry
Teach me to adorn myself
And appreciate my natural beauty
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 8 months
Rebel Angel
Lawless One
Lead me to greater freedom
And grant me the wisdom
To know how to use it
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 8 months
I'll meet you at the crossroads,
Mighty Goddess of the liminal spaces,
Borderless night-wanderer.
Hekate, born of the Stary Night,
She who blessed all the souls,
I'll let your darkness swallow me,
For i'm your devotee.
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 10 months
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 10 months
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Likes to charge, reblogs to cast
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 10 months
The Father is not my shepherd, for I am not a sheep. He is my guide, the one who set me free from a life of guilt and burden.
The Father takes my hand walks beside me on this earth. I walk by his side instead of being under the microscope of a judgmental and tyrannical god like some insect.
I am not his property, nor his failed plan, but his precious child. In his image I am made, not God’s. God lost his custody battle for me long ago.
Ave Satanas, ave Lucifer, my Father and friend. May your reign on this earth be eternal, may your light never fade.
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thesigilsofbaphomet · 10 months
Litany of Hope
Morningstar, Lightbringer, Lucifer,
Be with us.
Fallen yet rising,
Be with us.
Divine Survivor,
Be with us.
Star of Hope, unbroken,
Star of Hope, unconquered,
Star of Hope, undying,
Be with us.
Star of Hope, fiercely shining,
Star of Hope, fiercely battling,
Star of Hope, fiercely loving,
Be with us.
Hope ever-revolting,
Be with us.
Spark of Rebellion,
Be with us.
Companion of Outcasts,
Be with us.
Song of Insurgents,
Be with us.
Banner of Freedom,
Be with us.
Dandelion thriving,
Be with us.
Snowdrop blooming,
Be with us.
Dew, silver promise of morning,
Be with us.
The Thing with Feathers,
Be with us.
Nightingale in the Dark,
Be with us.
Blackbird, Herald of Dawn,
Be with us.
New Moon and Rising Sun,
Oh, Morningstar,
Be with us!
Star of Hope, Lucifer, you never leave your people in need. Fill our hearts with your fire, and burn despair away. For even when all is lost, the hope of spirit remains - like you, we will never be broken. And that is the greatest of all hopes.
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Player 1: Okay, so Nation 1 is kept in check on the global stage by Nation 2 and vice versa. We actually really dislike Nation 2, so let's sell mass produced versions of our artifcer's mech suit to Nation 1!
DM: The nation I described two sentences ago as "proto-fascist?"
Player 1: Okay fair, bad idea.
*two minutes later in this conversation*
Player 1: Okay, so how about we sell the mech suits to Nation 3?
DM: Which faction? They're in a civil war right now.
Player 1: The relatively nice faction.
DM: Well, it's a morally superior option to Nations 1 or 2, but they're relatively nice *for now.* You could easily be creating a monster.
Player 1: Alright, probably a bad idea too.
*another two minutes later, same conversation*
Player 1: Okay, so how about we sell the mech suits to Nation 4? Help them in their war against Nation 2 and help them liberate their occupied territory?
DM: Actually pretty cool thing to do and way less likely to blow up in the world's face within your lifetime, but the operative word there is "sell." You already know Nation 4 is actually a hippy dippy collective of independent cities and temples with no actual formal currency between them. They can't *pay* you except in trade goods you'd have to go through the trouble of selling.
Player 1: God dammit! War profiteering is *hard!*
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It is impossible to express the sheer love and gratefulness i feel for lucifer. I need to scream my love out into the world. He saved my life in so many ways and he makes me feel so loved and safe and appreciated the way no human save for my closest family has ever made me feel. He has taught me so much already and he helped me love and accept myself and see the world from a different perspective. He is the one who is always there for me, even when nobody else is.
Ave Lucifer, light of my life.
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If there was a way to run SUPER MEGA AD BLOCKER on this website I fucking would
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Calling all Satanists!
Any age, any kind of Satanism. I require some assistance. I’m doing a research paper on modern Satanism (for an English class but I chose the topic because I care about it) & I’d like to learn about the beliefs & experiences of real individual Satanists. I’ve made a google form asking questions about this. I’d appreciate it so greatly if any Satanists reading this could fill it out. It’d be best if you fill it out by Wednesday 9/13 but if not that’s okay & it’ll still be useful after that.
Thank you! Ave Satanas
Reblogs much appreciated too so hopefully more Satanists can see this
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Does that mean he respects it?
Imagine getting your cards read at an occult store and being told you're legally married to Greg down the street
That's what y'all sound like when you show up in my DMs telling me you're "spoused" to DeityA because a diviner told you, but you've never dated them or even talked to them
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Iunno, if the god in question is Zeus....
Imagine getting your cards read at an occult store and being told you're legally married to Greg down the street
That's what y'all sound like when you show up in my DMs telling me you're "spoused" to DeityA because a diviner told you, but you've never dated them or even talked to them
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Terfs are not welcome in the satanism community.
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