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Don't get me wrong though there's boys in bands, and kids who like to scrap with pool cues in their hands. %
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Colton: I'm going to have to inform you that ill say it when I want.
Colton: thanks thoo.
Aubree: >:(
Aubree: touchy
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"I have some Mistletoe in my pocket — wanna use it?"

"If that's a term used for any sorta drug, then I'm down."
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Colton: Why do I care?
Colton: Bc I'm a cool ass carebear that's why.
Aubree: Wow.
Aubree: I'm going to have to ask you to not say that ever again, please.
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"Cause i'm too pretty to slap."

⊰ « :: ✰ :: » ⊱——; “You’re such a shithead sometimes. I seriously don’t understand why I haven’t smacked you across the face yet.”
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"Seems a little more, practical."

"Or that, that’s cool too."
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"From where I'm standing, it doesn't seem so bad either."
"Topless Tuesday, how much I love this day."

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"Not that great, obviously." He mumbled, grabbing the small piece of paper in his hand and crumpling it up, throwing it behind him and letting a small sigh escape from his lips.

"Aw…babe. Come on! I didn’t mean it like that.", the brunette pouted, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you and it’s great, okay?"

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"Or I could just give you one and eat them with you."

“Give me gobstoppers and i’ll fuck you for hours, it’s inevitable.” He just really love gobstoppers.
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"Right, fucking give me it back then." He spat, grabbing the piece of paper.

"Because it’s damn hard to figure out what you actually wrote…I can only guess."

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"—-" She’s pissed off. I wouldn’t go near her.

"--- Do I get a hello?"

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"I write a poem for you and the first thing you do is criticize my handwriting?"

The brunette smiled, reading through the lines as soon as she got the paper in her hands. “Though your handwriting could really be better, it’s really good!”

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Finn: He just left for work
Finn: does that mean you can come over now
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"A little something." He smiled, pushing the small piece of paper forward.
{; When I am without her, the sun doesn’t shine as brightly. When I am without her, the clouds are dark and foreboding. When I am without her, the birds don’t sing as sweetly. When I am without her, the walls close in on me. When I am without her, in the depths of my hell, whispering her name sustains me. But, when I am with her, she lifts me up. When I am with her, I have the strength to move mountains. When I am with her, I can withstand anything. When I am with her, her smile warms my very soul. When I am with her, the angels sing her name. When I am with her, I fall in love all over again. ;}

"What are you writing there?" Chelsea, you don’t just interrupt people.

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Alex cradled the sprawled out blanket that was placed on the floor, nothing left but the smell of his girlfriend remaining on it. "We have to fucking kill them!" He yelled, tears flooding through his eyes as he watched Dominic pace around the room. "W-We can't just let them w-walk!" He screamed, the blanket now even tighter against his chest. Once Dominic called a group meeting, Alex stood far from him as he could, standing up and folding the small blanket into a pocket size. Sliding it into his pocket, he quickly walked over to Jasmine as he heard his name called. "Sure." He spoke, soft words now coming from his lips. Watching her emerge the gun from the drawer, he was slightly taken aback as that was the same thing that was used to take his whole life away from him. "S-Sure. But don't bring it anywhere near me, thanks." He mumbled, sliding his hands into his pockets.
escape plan // dominic & jasmine, autumn & tommy

"We gotta pack and fucking leave this place," Dominic muttered quietly, but loud enough for the other three in the garage to hear him. There used to eight in the gang, and now there are just a pathetic number of four and Dominic knew that they couldn’t risk hanging their asses around. That would basically meant they are giving in. "Now, dammit!" He yelled, grabbing his bag and started throwing things he needed inside. "Alright, group meeting," the male sighed, walking over to the steel table, resting his hands there. "We’re going to leave this place— think of it as a road trip. We’ll just go home, grab only your necessities like charges or whatsoever. Don’t care about clothes, we stole a shit ton of money so we’re set to buy some. We’ll meet here in an hour. W’ll go in pairs." He nodded before snapping his fingers at pointed at __1___. "You’re going with me. I’m driving." Pointing at __2__, he spoke, "You’re going with Jasmine."
Everything was still such a blur for Jasmine. Just last week, they were happily running out of the other gang’s lair with a bunch of drugs and money with a mindset that they were set for life. And today, they have lost four of their members and they know they had to act fast before another one of them is sacrificed. Her hands were shaking as she listened to her friend speak, her eyes glancing briefly at the other two who remained silent. She was hesitant to leave, the only family left she has left being her two brothers staying in this town. When told who she was going with, she looked up at __2__ hesitantly before looking back down, blinking away tears. God fucking dammit, Jasmine. There is no time to fucking cry. Don’t be fucking weak. The female’s hands balled into fists as she walked up to the drawer, grabbing a gun. “We’ll need this— in case.” They were all best friends— and she knows she’s lucky to be able to go through this with them. Maybe if they were to get this done and over with, she might be able to come back here and reunite with her brothers in the future.

Everything was happening too fast for Autumn to bring in, not so long ago everything was fine. Not so long ago --- she was perfectly cuddled up beside Dominic like nothing could ever harm them again, like for once everything was how it should be. But of course, being in a gang could never stay that perfect forever. Once they were called over to the table, she casually placed herself down and began fidgeting with the sleeve of her jacket, trying to hold back the countless amount of sobs that were about to pour from her lips. Sucking in her bottom lip, she gave him a small nod as she was directed with going with Dominic. "A-Alright." She mumbled, wiping the dried up mascara from under her eyes as she clung tighter to her sleeve, standing up slowly and walking towards the door.
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You really get into writing, don't you Alex.
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