theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
She smiled a little bit, cheeks flushing over a soft subtle pink, "Oh...thank you. The shop is my pride and joy...I love this place and I'm glad you seem to like it, too..." She chuckled and took one of the cheesecake samples for herself. It was her shop, why not? 
Ofheroismandsacrifice started following you
“Hmm…” She shook her head, a slightly apologetic smile resting upon her lips. “No, you may have me confused with someone else. I actually don’t spend much time in town. But for this place,” she began, letting her eyes flit about the bakery, “I may need to visit more often.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"Probably not..." She frowned quietly, pushing her hair up out of her face with a soft sigh. "He's my personal knight... I don't know? I mean...I could ask, I suppose."
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“I—” she paused, taking Galinda’s words to heart, really mulling it over, “I don’t know…He’s a Knight of the Seaside Royal Guard. He’s…He’s perfectly eligible…Huh…”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"I--" she paused, taking Galinda's words to heart, really mulling it over, "I don't know...He's a Knight of the Seaside Royal Guard. He's...He's perfectly eligible...Huh..."
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“Lamont?” she asked as she took a bite of bread “That your boyfriend” Galinda teased the girl right back “and don’t worry about it bread is more then enough.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"It's glorious, at least in my own eyes. I'd like to take credit for it, but I'm sure someone out there perfected it well before I." She gave a soft laugh, popping a tiny spoon into a cup. "I think I may have seen you before, I think...do you own a bookshop?"
Ofheroismandsacrifice started following you
The girl offered a soft smile, resting her chin in her hands over the display case in her bakery. “Hi there. Welcome.” 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
Feferi blushed considerably, her smile wide enough to press up into her eyes. "I wish, Galinda... I wish."
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“Lamont?” she asked as she took a bite of bread “That your boyfriend” Galinda teased the girl right back “and don’t worry about it bread is more then enough.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"You sea," she chided playfully with a slow smile, "My mother doesn't expect much from me anymore since she caught me pilfering through the gold. I'm a lost cause so I suppose," she paused, hip checking him lightly, "I'm free to do as I please...with whomever I please."
Seaside Stroll (Feferi/Lamont, FTL)
“Forgive me, Fef,” the knight said, letting his composed and professional attitude slip a bit with a small grin. “I know you’re not fond of the title, but I do still have to keep up appearances… I shudder to think what your mother might do if she saw us conversing like equals.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"Oh my Gosh...Oh my Gosh! I have to tell Lamont! He's going to be so happy! I think. Maybe? Oh geez I hope he will be...Mmmn." Her excitement diminished, leaving her just as content as before. "You're so wonderful, Galinda. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you for this... I hope the bread's a start." She giggled, shooting the blonde a teasing glance.  
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“I can do that” she smiled as she lightly patted the other girls hand “We can start first thing in the morning.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
Without even thinking, Feferi threw her arms around Galinda, nestling in tight with a lighthearted giggle. "Really? You would teach me? Oh thank you. Thank you so much." 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“I can do that” she smiled as she lightly patted the other girls hand “We can start first thing in the morning.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"I'd like...I'd like to know how to help people. Please..." Her head tilted ever so slightly, smiling quietly. "I'd like to know how to help heal the hurt my mother creates..." 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“Could you…” she scooted forward on the blanket, green eyes wide with suppressed excitement, “…Could you teach me?” 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"Could you..." she scooted forward on the blanket, green eyes wide with suppressed excitement, "...Could you teach me?" 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“Healing people…helping them. What’s it like?” Her head tilted the other way. Hook, line and sinker; Feferi was intrigued. 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"Healing people...helping them. What's it like?" Her head tilted the other way. Hook, line and sinker; Feferi was intrigued. 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“You’re thinking of dark magic dear” she smiled as she took the slice offered to her with a nod of thanks “Dark magic comes with a price usualy that makes what you want not worth it anymore good magic like what I use is there to help and to heal very rarely coming with a price so long as you don’t use it selfishly” Galinda explained as she took a bite of bread.
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
"...To...To heal?" Her gaze moved from the lake over to Galinda's face and she looked intrigued. "...That sounds so wonderful." 
After a long pause she leaned in, head tilted ever so slightly. "What's it like?" 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“You’re thinking of dark magic dear” she smiled as she took the slice offered to her with a nod of thanks “Dark magic comes with a price usualy that makes what you want not worth it anymore good magic like what I use is there to help and to heal very rarely coming with a price so long as you don’t use it selfishly” Galinda explained as she took a bite of bread.
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
Jane giggled softly and gave him a sweet smile. "I'm not so good with secrets, but for you? I suppose I'll make an exception." 
Her eyes drifted over his face and the smile softened just a tinge. She'd never actually looked at the Sheriff before...Not really. Seen in passing, perhaps, but never to stop and chat. It was nice, really. New people and conversations always were, "Yeah, donuts require waking up three hours early to actually make them and you know? I'm just not sure I can spare the sleep. I'm glad you're not terrifically offended..." The last sentence spoken in a lighthearted, playful tone. 
the-lone-huntsman started following you
“Is that so, well then I think I’ll have to stop by on my way home. It’s my one weakness cheesecake, don’t go telling anyone I told you that, especially Regina.” He said almost in a whisper to add some mild amusement to the conversation. “Don’t go to too much trouble for me, as much as I love donuts, the cheesecake will do.”
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
Feferi giggled and sat down, pulling a knife from her bodice that she smuggled almost everywhere she went. It had been a present...She used it to cut thick slices of bread from the loaf, offering one to Galinda with a smile. "Sea...," She started, unsure how to continue without offending Galinda--a well known magic user, "I just...I feel like nothing good can come out of so much centralized power...I've been avoiding learning about it, really. I'm too afraid of becoming my mother to want anything to do with it...who...doesn't have magic but is a tyrant all the same. Imagine her with magic and the results could be catastrophic." 
She put the knife down and took a bite, chewing it over, a thoughtful look on her face. "It's not that I don't trust magic users...I just feel that everything comes with a price, and I don't think I'm willing to pay it. I've been told that these waters are so clean they can influence magic unknown to our kind. Think that's true?" 
galinda-the-great found her way into your kingdom
“Well whatever you want to know just ask and I will try to answer” Galinda replied as she helped her with the blanket once it was down she moved a rock on each corner to keep it down. 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
apparently it's munday 
I do not want it to be monday so this'll do
god I hope this readmore works 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
The smile widened with the complement, head ducking bashfully with a soft bubbling laugh, "Well thank you kindly, Miss. It's always a pleasure to hear that...would you like to try a sample? Today's is chai cheesecake." Jane gestured to a platter covered in cups, a bite or two of cheesecake in each.
Ofheroismandsacrifice started following you
The girl offered a soft smile, resting her chin in her hands over the display case in her bakery. “Hi there. Welcome.” 
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theseasheiress-blog · 12 years
Feferi glimpsed that smile and dropped her head to rest gently against his shoulder with a gentle smile. She hip checked him lightly as they meandered away from the castle, holding her tongue until finally deigning to speak.
"Oh, dear," She waited to finish her statement when they were well away from the castle walls, strolling along the beach, "Your Majesty is so terrible a title, Lamont...You know my name. Use it." 
Seaside Stroll (Feferi/Lamont, FTL)
Upon seeing her, Lamont smiled softly, allowing her to take his arm.
“Hello, your Majesty.” He politely bowed his head to her, keeping to his chivalrous responsibilities despite her familiar greeting. “If you’re ready, then yes, to the shore with us.”
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