someone made a post making the point that like fionna and cake as characters seem very. annoying right now. very very ambivalent to every problem theyre faced with and generally uncaring. i did want to make a post saying something like fionna and cakes enthusiasm towards simon becoming the ice king again is very disturbing and its extremely clear to me that that is on purpose. like its just blatant lol and its a very interesting way to take all of this and these characters, however as far as im aware there are only going to be 10 episodes maximum, and we just had the 6th so we're over halfway done, and fionna and cake are still in a very unfortunately unlikeable spot. of course the whole 'adventure' really just started, you cant criticize it too much for that, but it is a little frightening for the future. theyre finn and jake, fionna and cake, and of course you have to take into consideration simons loss of magic affecting the character mentally and changing them for the worse, but still its very strange i guess
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i dont really like that That happened but i do like that fionna is kind of messed up romantically and also like in general she really is pulling a finn mertens here being all messed up
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i kind of dont like that finn is given. i dont know a canonical love interest in the end of things not that anything yet has been stated as canon just implied but i couldnt explain why because i think after everything he does deserve love but of all the choices he has i dont really know or think any of them are right. but theyre like definitely 100% saying it was huntress wizard
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i can’t stop laughing he’s tiny 🥰
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The Candy Queen
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The Ice Prince
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things to think about: during the maid episode finn asks prismo to get rid of the crown that was tormenting farmworld finn and rather than destroying it outright prismo just places it back in time onto simons head so the crown is destroyed when the nuke goes off. im fairly certain theyre not going to go back on this and say "the crown survived" but they might, and if it did survive i find it significant that the crown STILL IS the crown in its natural form. however if this is not the road they take then there are 2 other options. the crown does not physically exist in the world of OOO anymore considering gunthers wish to become ice king, but the gems still exist (though one gem in his eye was seen missing i imagine theyre going to spend an episode or 2 trying to find it) the crown does not exist anymore but the wish gems do, and considering that they still carry the wish to "be the ice king" theoretically they can make it work. The other option that isn't OOO is the wish world where jake is still alive and finn is a younger adult, which seems to be a wishful scenario where finn and jake are still adventuring, and i wouldnt be surprised if the ice king with his crown existed there. simon 'becoming the ice king' again seems to be or the closest thing i can guess to what the show will end on. i dont think he actually WILL become the ice king again canonically and forever but getting there seems to be what theyre going for, theres alot they have to do in 10 episodes and 4 are out already. the ice king missing a gem from his eye might just be a red herring to hint at another way to find the crown (another universe) or it very well may be exactly what they do though they'll have to completely rebuild the crown doing that and the effect that'll have on gunther isnt really clear. either way guess whos been waiting for the eps to drop for hours
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also look so serious i love the lich as much as the next guy. i think hes a spectacular character and i wish there was a way. but they brought back the farm world jake lich hand TWICE and i even rolled my eyes about it watching together again if they do it a 3rd time im gonna spit onto my tv
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you have to be understanding with these voice recasts, the new guy they got for prismo I think did a very lovely job and put the work in, the original va DID want to come back to revoice him and the directors wanted him back as well, but the show is out by now and was finished ages ago. however you should all be thanking god and jumping with joy over lemongrabs recast
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see now i dont understand how people will draw human interpretations of prismo white considering we see him as a 'human' in the show and he is literally not white
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something upon recollection i find really fascinating is that in adventure time jake was always the one to bring up killing something as an answer to a problem or as a joke like the horse episode he's like lets just kill it or when ice king's staying with them he's like okay im ready to murder the ice king and finn never really said stuff like that but now in fionna and cake in the absence of jake killing or violence seems to be something finn finds alot easier to do and handle and take as an answer to all of his or other peoples problems. maybe im literally grasping at straws but see my vision
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heres to hoping for the midnight drop. okay
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the gender swapping shit is so confusing man i was wondering like i wonder why fionna's last name is campbell instead of mertens its because minerva would be her dad in that universe and martin would be her mom LOL so she got minerva's surname
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there are alot of implications in the fact that both lemongrabs exist rather than the 1 in this universe however im fairly certain its not important and they did it really just for fun. however the fun thing i wanted to point out is i wondered why they had different haircuts and i think the bang over white lemongrabs left eye is supposed to reference when that side of his head was bit off during the lemonhope arc ^_^
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