theroseofalexandra · 3 years
When Annabeth died- A Percy Jackson Hc
He refused to be called anything other than “Jackson” when Annabeth died.
Torn with grief and rage, he unleashed havoc upon any monster that crossed him. within himself, the raft that had once been floating calmly on a smooth sea of hope and happiness was now helpless amidst an ever-growing storm.
he wanted to hurt the cyclopes. Torture it. Make it suffer. He savoured the terror in the monsters pleading eyes as he controlled its limbs to tear itself apart and choked it with its own blood. He thrived off it. But it did not satisfy the hunger within him. One was not enough.
Jackson hunted down every cyclopes he could find. He relished their screams as he destroyed them with a savagery only seen within the darkest depths of himself. A savagery that could only be quelled by the love of his life. A savagery that had once been contained within his own Pandora’s box, of which he had given to Annabeth for safekeeping.
Nothing, not eve charmspeak, could stop him. 
She was dead. There was no kind way of putting it.
However, when Jackson stormed the underworld, the god of the dead felt true fear. Enraged at the gods, and the fates, Jackson marched to Hades’ throne and pointed the tip of his sword at the god’s face, demanding to take Annabeth home. 
Hades saw past the storm in the mere child’s eyes, no, a grieving man’s eyes; and found himself gazing into a mirror of his own desperation, longing, and grief, when his beloved Maria Di’ Angelo had died.
Upon recognising the love Jackson felt for his lost companion, Hades offered a deal, the same he had offered to Orpheus. Jackson, of course, agreed to the terms, willing to do anything.
He began the long journey back to the surface. Over many days and nights, Jackson battled monsters and fought against hunger and thirst, all the while refusing to look behind him, where Hades had explained that Annabeth would be ten paces behind. Jackson had to trust that Annabeth would follow. Jackson hated having to rely on the words of a god. But it was his only hope, so Jackson continued his path.
 However, with every passing minute Jackson spent in the tunnel, the stronger the storm inside him became, the raft thrashing on a sea of despair, desperately bailing out hopelessness and failure against the rearing waves.
Finally, after many days of agony, Jackson saw a light at the end of the tunnel. just one more step. One more step. He was so close. 
He broke into a run.
He could feel the sunlight brush at his feet and skin. He hadn’t heard any sound from her, despite his constant pleading with her to respond. He had talked to her, sung to her, but he received no recognition. Was Annabeth still behind him? he had to check. 
He pushed forward into the light, took a breath of fresh air, and turned around.
Annabeth wasn’t in the light. She hadn’t caught up to him.
 The gods on Olympus flinched as Jackson screamed.
 He watched, hopeless, as Annabeth smiled at him sadly, and began to fade, the swirling mist enveloping her as she was dragged back down the tunnel. Jackson reached out a hand, but his fingers met only stale air. 
he collapsed to his knees. The raft sank the ocean floor, The last fragment of the soul of a hero drowning with it.
 I know its ooc I wrote this at like 2am
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theroseofalexandra · 3 years
If I have to hear about that goddamn meadow one more time
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theroseofalexandra · 3 years
Young Adult Tropes: The Immortal and the Teenager
Soooo, I was motivated to post this meta today, cause I keep seeing this argument pop up throughout the Shadow and Bones fandom which is decrying Alina and the Darkling because of the age gap. Cause, ya know, she’s seventeen to eighteen (and who knows what they’ve made her in the show) and he’s hundreds of years old.
I assume that these people haven’t read that many YA fantasy novels, because this particular trope is so common that you can’t throw a stone in the Barnes and Noble YA fantasy section without hitting one. And it is popular for a very simple reason: Teens want to imagine themselves with the hot, immortal, fantasy creature.
Vampires, angels, demons, Fae, magicians, witches, aliens, ghosts, straight up gods–there are a lot of love interests in YA fiction that have been around for 100 + years. And now they’re taking interest in the teenage protagonist (Usually 17 or 18). Why is the protagonist a teenager? Cause that’s the target audience. Now, usually, the love interest still LOOKS young. They died or were turned or present themselves as close to the age of the protagonist. But obviously that doesn’t change the fact that they’re not.
So is this problematic? Is this giving a BAD lesson to teenagers? Is it pedophilia?
Short answer? No. Long answer: No! It’s not giving a bad lesson because guess what? Not a single teenager is gonna get asked out by an immortal entity. They are NEVER going to be faced with this dilemma of meeting a hot guy who looks there age but is actually centuries (or sometimes millenia) old. I certainly never got asked to prom by a vampire or a demon. It’s a problem that simply does not exist.
It’s wish fulfillment in the paranormal romance genre. Teenagers want to imagine joining a magic society of some sort. Getting into a romance with some otherworldly guy. And yeah, occasionally the protagonist will end up with the human love interest closer to their age, but for every one of those there’s one when she like…becomes a vampire queen or ascends to godhood or whatever.
To spotlight a teenager x immortal ship I don’t personally like–I don’t vibe with Edward and Bella. But while I make fun of the ridiculous concept of a vampire wanting to go to high school again, it’s not the age gap that matters to me at the end of the day. That’s standard fair for YA paranormal romance. It’s that I don’t like a lot of his behavior toward her. And that’s fine. I don’t have to jump to the age gap to defend my positions.
My point is there are a LOT of reasons to criticize Darklina as toxic. Age gap aside, he wants to use her for her power in book one. He hurts and kills a bunch of her friends.These are very good reasons to not like Darklina and I’m not gonna fight anyone who doesn’t like them (so long as they aren’t clowning in the tags). People who don’t like hero x villain ships aren’t going to like them and that’s chill.
But lets not bring the moralizing ‘the age gap is toxic’ stuff into the game because, again: This is just a trope of YA. And don’t worry. We’re never going to meet anyone like the Darkling in real life. The cool shadow wizard isn’t going to come to my house. Very tragic, but it’s true.
Also, even worse, people who talk about the fourteen year age gap between the actors?? Jessie is 25. A full grown adult by several years with her brain fully finished developing. She’s my age. Ben being fourteen years older is just not the problem you think it is, especially when they are ACTORS doing a JOB. Hell, the age difference between the actors who played Geralt and Yennefer in the Witcher was only one year less and she was younger at the time she played it. Didn’t see people complaining about THAT being toxic. And it wasn’t. Cause they are adults and professionals.
You can dislike a ship without having to get all high and mighty about it. It is possible. And when I see you picking at this particular thing, I just think you haven’t read a lot in the YA genre.
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theroseofalexandra · 3 years
I know that Bloom and Sky are not very popular these days in the winx fandom, but let me say this. No one can deny they have problems, but what relationship doesn't? I think these problems lie in how the couple is represented in the show, not them themselves. (Yes I am pretending the are real people). Because at the heart of it all, despite everything, they love eachother. They kinda had a whole forbidden love thing going on, which is cool.
They always come back to eachother, would die for the other without hesitation, and die with eachother. Hell, Sky threw himself into the goddamm vortex of flames when Bloom was thrown in. He didn't have anything holding him, there wasn't enough momentum for him to catch her and somehow miraculously get them to the other side. He just dove for her hand and would have died with her in that moment. He also dove infront of her when Icy tried to attack her, willing to sacrifice himself for her. He stood up to the f*cking Shadow Phoenix to save her, because he loved her.
And Bloom? She realized she didn't want to be without him and was able to move past the hurt he caused in season one. She healed him in season two out of sheer will. It was his love that helped her break out of her darkness and she knew that she loved him too. She was willing to do anything to break Diaspro's spell on him. And yes, she could have handled it better when Sky lost his memories. But she was so desperate to get him back because she didn't want to be without him. Bloom jumped in front of him when the Trix attacked them again. Helped him regain his confidence in his skills as a specialist. And when he did regain his memories, it was the Pendant of Eraklyon that brought them back, a symbol of their love. She loved him before she knew he was a prince. She loves who he is, without the title and the riches. Just Sky.
What I'm trying to say here is, at the core of the relationship, in their hearts, their souls, there is the purest form of love. They will always come back to eachother, and will always love eachother, and that's really special.
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theroseofalexandra · 3 years
Rewrite the Stars is a maxerica song sorry I don't make the rules
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