Healthy and Happy
80 posts
Learning to love myself one day at a time.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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I think I deserve this perfect breakfast after recruitment day 1. Breakfast is: Turkey bacon, eggs, English muffins, natural jelly preserves, Greek cream cheese, and a smoothie with a banana, strawberries, and vanilla Greek yogurt
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
I'm just going to complain for one second because I have sorority recruitment tonight from 5-11
And I can't workout beforehand :( 6 hours straight in heels is so much. I need motivation!
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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Tumblr+thunderstorms+my bed is bae
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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Tumblr+rain+my bed is bae.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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40% Off SALE - Keep Going - Typography - Hand Lettering - Watercolor - Abstract Floral - Pink - Magenta - Illustration - 8x10 Print by MaiAutumn (18.00 USD)
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 10 years ago
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Top photo: last nights dinner consisted of fresh avocado, sliced cherry tomatoes, and sliced fresh mozzarella cheese on top of French bread. This was before it was baked. Today for lunch I made a summer salad with mixed lettuce, strawberries, apples, grapes, and an ounce of fresh mozzarella. So yummy!! & both were quick and easy to make. Tonight I'll be going to the gym to do hiit for a bit, then work on arms. I feel so much better already! I finally caught up on sleep and I've been drinking water all day. This feels like a great start!
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
my main problem is that im not consistent. one minute i workout and eat like a fitness model and another min im a greasy slob too lazy to reach for the remote thats within arms reach.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
I've moved back to school and I have been super busy, so I haven't written in a while. I have been feeling like crap lately though. Not sick or anything, but just generally unhappy. I need to get back on track with the healthy habits starting today! I'm going to make a list of goals that I stopped doing, and want to start back up. I think doing this is important so I can realize what areas I'm slacking in! This weeks goals: Drink way more water Get enough sleep Eat 80% healthy Track food until I'm back to eating healthy Get some form of exercise each day I know these are pretty basic, but you have to lay down the foundation before you get started on anything big. Wish me luck! I hope to get back on track with everything by next week
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
I just feel like everyone should be obsessed with a certain fruit at all times.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
30 DS Update
I've decided to lose weight slowly, so I can do it healthy and actually stick to it. This means that I've been trying to complete the 30 DS when I have time. I'm on level 2, and I will have to say that for me it was way easier than the first level. I felt like I could complete everything. I even stuck mostly with Natalie! Has anyone else experienced it being easier on the second level. Other than that I have been sticking to eating healthy, and listening to my body. I have been maintaining my weight, but my mind towards my body is so much healthier! I love my body, and I haven't been critical towards myself since I stopped focusing so much on my weight. I know I am at a healthy weight already, and it's just vanity pounds I want to lose. I'm happy with where I am at.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
so I just had an epiphany...
I know you guys don't know me or my life but this is my blog, so I'm using it to sort things out and clear my head. I just realized that I have been so self conscious since about December. I haven't been the nicest person all the time to the people I love, and especially to myself. I've been trying to perfect myself, and I'm just hurting myself. I want to be a better person naturally. So I'm changing a few things... I'm done with the scale. I check it way too often, and it's literally just the mass of me. That's stupid. No one knows how much I weigh. It's not like I carry the scale with me. Secondly, I'm done counting calories and feeling guilty when I miss one day of working out. I'm obviously too obsessed to the point that I'm eating under calories and it's very unhealthy. I feel like I'm obsessed with this weightloss. I need to focus on how my body looks and feels. If I feel hungry, I'm going to eat. Granted, I'll try and eat to nourish my body. If I feel tired I'm going to sleep, even if I miss my workout for the day. If I feel thirsty I will drink water. I don't have to drink exactly 8 cups a day. I'm going to start loving my body and myself. Life is too damn short to have regrets about things I know I shouldn't do. I'm going to start being as nice to myself and the people I love as I am to strangers. I need to be at peace with myself or I know I'll lose everything. I need to stop making lists and planning out every single aspect of my day, because it is unhealthy. Basically, from now on, my main focus in life will be learning to love myself again, so I can be a better version of me. Not just for myself, but also for the people I love. I probably won't be posting on here as often, but I'll keep it updated. I'm not sure if anyone even reads these, but I'm starting a new journey. & this helps me a lot to vent.
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
I think I have been eating too few calories. The past few days I have had a headache, I'm so tired, I can barely sleep, and today I'm very emotional. I have only been eating about 1000 calories/day even though mfp is at 1400/day. I just haven't had an appetite, which I think might be due to stress. I am going to try and eat more from now on and hopefully I will feel better! Today I skipped my workout, so tomorrow I'm going to get back on track. I'm planning on doing yoga, the 30 day shred, using the punching bag, and doing a fun blogilates video. That should bring back my appetite! Because 1000 calories is definitely not sustainable. I know I need to focus more on how I feel rather than how I look!
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theroadtohealthyandfit · 11 years ago
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The 1000 SQUAT CHALLENGE. Do 100 reps of each. Time how long it took you. Took me 40 minutes. Legs and butt were DYING!
Do the full length video with me here:
Reblog if you plan on doing this!
Remember to be careful. This workout is NOT EASY. So take breaks when you need it and only push yourself to a level of slight discomfort but not to the point where you’re going to hurt yourself. 
Have fun!
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