This blog is officially inactive and will be deleted when it is convenient for me, the mun. I have decided that roleplaying on Tumblr has turned into something that makes me sad instead of joyous, therefore rendering roleplaying as almost a chore.
I cannot live like this. While roleplaying has given me amazing opportunities and the chance to meet amazing people that have changed my experience on this website, it has also brought me people and experiences that have changed me negatively.
Overall, it was fun while it lasted.
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Years of service in the military resulted in countless times where Roach had inhaled smoke, whether cigarette, cigar, or from various fires around him, but he had never willingly smoked. He had grown up with the lesson that smoking kills, and he couldn't help but think about the heart attack his mother would had if she ever found out that he tried a cigar.
Then again, he was freezing on the face of a cliff, and the idea of having some warmth was better than nothing. He reached out and took the cigar that was offered to him. He hesitated for a brief second, and then took a short inhale.
Immediately, smoke filled his mouth, and he managed to hold it in for a split second before he erupted into a violent coughing fit. He buried his face in his elbow as he coughed, and after he finished it took a few minutes before he could talk since his lungs burned.
During his fit, Soap had taken the cigar from Roach's fingers, and through watery vision, Roach made out his Captain's form. He squinted against the wind and snow and asked shakily, "How long have you been smoking those things?"
Chuckling under his breath at the kid’s honesty, Soap finally found the case he had been looking for. Pulling out another cigar — and damn, he was getting low — he snipped off the end before lighting it up. Damn, the pull felt food. Once he pulled the cigar away from his lips, he exhaled, rolling the Villa Clara between his thumb and his trigger finger. He knew the boy’s eyes were on him, and for a moment he knew exactly what Roach must have been seeing. Gear was different, and God knew he was a far prettier sight than the old man had been, but he was still in the same position Price had been. He always could have ignored Roach’s comments, but that was another shade of difference between him and Price.
"Aye." he answered. Turning his head to look back at Roach, he offered him a puff of the tobacco. The sergeant wouldn’t be any help for him if he became a bugsicle.
It became apparent to him that Roach settled just in and out of focus as the wind and snow kicked up, and he could barely keep his mouth a straight line rather than a scowl. All that white was a bitch on his scarred eye, though he’d die before telling anyone how it gave him trouble in certain conditions. Any admission of it could be enough to have him pulled from the team.
Damn thing usually saw fine, except in all this Godforsaken snow.
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Gary clutched onto Julia's shirt tightly, relieved that she had heard him and was there to help. He closed his eyes as her cool fingers smoothed back his hair, and his body began to shiver a little less violently.
"I wanted to see you but I got dizzy and fell," Gary explained miserably. He opened his eyes and peered up at his mother sadly. Even though her presence was comforting, his head still throbbed, his body still shook with chills, and his throat was dry like he hadn't drank water in years. Remembering the reason for his journey, he reached up to rub his aching throat.
"My throat hurts, Mommy," Gary whispered.
Looking up from the reports she had been reviewing, Julia was sure she heard some sort of thump. Listening, she tried to gage where, exactly, Gary might be in the house, before realizing that the thud had come from her own door. It was followed immediately by her son’s voice, and she stood suddenly and cleared the distance in a few short steps.
Throwing the door open, her heart was racing, but she soon found her little boy. “Gary!” she cried, kneeling to his level and pulling him into her lap. She knew Gary was sick, but she hadn’t expected her boy to fall so easily. “Oh, sweetheart, baby, baby.. why were you on the ground? Did you fall? Were you dizzy?”
Smoothing blond hair back from his forehead — clammy, he was so clammy, sweat slick against her palm — she checked him for any bumps or bruises. Finding none immediately, she calmed somewhat. Now all there was to fix was whatever had made Roach so sick. Looking into his dark eyes for a moment, she opted to pull him into a hug.
"I’m here, darling, I’m here." she shushed him, fingers running through his pale hair. He was so hot. Despite his condition, she stilled a bit, panic of finding her boy on the ground ebbing off.
"Tell Mama what’s wrong, rybka." she urged, voice soft, less panicked than before. Suddenly, she worried she might have scared her poor boy, and winced. She knew she had to keep her head with these things. She was the parent.
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"I wish," Roach grimaced. His head had throbbed dully ever since they had returned to base from the mission, and Roach figured that the torture wouldn't end anytime soon.
"I couldn't sleep, and it was hard to sit still, so I went wandering and found you," Roach explained. He glanced at the pie in Taz's hands and quickly looked away, feeling his stomach flip at the mere sight of food. Bones had forced some toast down his throat yesterday, but after throwing it up twenty minutes later, Roach had decided that liquids would be fine, for now, since the smell of most foods made him want to gag.
"What are you doin' up, anyway?" Roach asked. "Couldn't sleep either?"
Taz couldn’t sleep. This came as no surprise to him when he woke up in the early hours of the morning with the sheets tangled around his legs. He had kicked them off, feeling trapped in them, and felt the need to move. So he did the next best thing besides sleeping and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Upon hearing a familiar voice, Taz glanced up from the leftover Christmas pie he had discovered in the refrigerator. “Hey, man! What are you doing up so early? Figured you of all people would be snoring your ass off with that banged up head of yours.”
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+ bonesofthe141
It was official: Roach was completely bored, and he was driving everyone insane because of it. Light, Red, and Eli had suggested that he go see Julia, and she sent him to deliver a file for Ghost, and the lieutenant had managed to last three minutes in Roach's presence before kicking him out.
Now, finding himself alone and still bored, he decided to go visit someone he hadn't seen in what felt like forever. He trudged towards the infirmary, easily navigating through the halls towards his friend's office/room.
He knocked twice, pausing before pushing the door open. He grinned when he found Bones sitting at her desk.
"Hiya, Bones," he greeted.
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+ tazofthe141
It was surprisingly quiet on base that afternoon.
Captain MacTavish had given them the morning off after an especially tough mission, and most of the 141 had taken the opportunity to sleep in.
Not Roach, though. He had a mild concussion, and sleep was seemingly impossible to reach, so he had gotten up to wander. He had eventually found himself in the kitchen, and he was excited to find a fellow task force member alive and moving on base.
"Hey! Taz!" Roach called. He crossed to room to join the older man, grinning. "Good to see someone alive in this ghost town."
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+ wolfofthe141
Roach winced as his injured shoulder brushed against the door frame of the rec room. The latest mission had been hard on him the most, and the shrapnel that had nearly torn his shoulder muscles apart left a bunch of nasty scars. To keep himself form poking and examining his injury, he had retreated to the rec room, hoping for some company.
He was relieved to see a familiar figure on the couch, whittling. He practically sprang from the doorway towards the couch, and he collapsed onto the seat next to Wolf, giving him a wide grin.
"Whatcha whittling?" He asked.
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+ hissingthroughmyteeth
Gary didn't have the best of luck. That didn't mean he was any less bummed that he caught the flu, though. The strain had spread through the entire school, and just when he was safe, Gary was slammed with the symptoms.
That was Thursday, and after skipping school Friday, Gary found himself miserable and even sicker on Saturday. He tossed and turned in his bed before finally tossing the covers back. His body shook violently with the chills, but he was thirsty, so he stumbled out of bed, the room spinning.
Maybe I should call Mom, he thought. He sat down shakily and swallowed hard. His throat hurt, so yelling was out of the question. He considered his options, and finally decided to go down the hall to his Mom's room.
Shivering violently, he began his long journey towards her room. By the time he reached the door, he felt dizzy, and he lost his balance, slamming against the door. He slid down as his legs gave out, and he whimpered as his head throbbed and spun.
"Mommy!" He cried softly, his throat aching. He prayed that she heard him.
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Starter call! :D
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ULTIMATE SHIP MEME - Send my character a ❤ and I'll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours.
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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Roach had grown up in D.C., and the U.S.'s capital gave its fair share of snowy and cold winters. However, that was a sunny day in California compared to the current conditions he was camping in currently. Which was a shame, considering how much he enjoyed snow. It reminded him of the winters he spent with his siblings, and a few where he had the chance to play in the snow with his niece.
Soap's voice snapped Roach from his thoughts, and he peered up at his Captain miserably. "I'm pretty fucking cold," he said. Seeing Soap rummage for a cigar, he shook his head.
"Do those things keep you warm or something? That's the third one in like, the past two hours."
Snow was just God’s way of giving people the middle finger. Soap couldn’t stand the shit at home, couldn’t stand it in Russia, and damn sure was not about to tolerate it on the ledge he and Roach found themselves on. Damn modules never could land somewhere nice. Barbados was absolutely beautiful this time of year, but that would have been too easy.
No, there would be hours still of sitting in this shit, waiting. Fucking ridiculous, if you asked him. Rain, extreme heat, any other weather pattern he could have tolerated without complaint. But snow? Fuck everything about it, and fuck Kazakhstan along with it.
Rifling for a cigar, Soap knew to stay frosty, even if his tolerance of the weather was fraying at the edges. Frosty. What a stupid word for the situation. Deep blue eyes drifting to the lad beside him, Soap blew into his gloved hands after a moment.
"How’re you holdin’ up, Roach?"
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"I can get the hat and scarf, Mommy. You can get the other stuff, right? Really? Will it stay for a long long time?"
(More Super!Bug pls and thank) "It's snowing, Mommy!"

"Da, it is! Looks like we will have a white Christmas after all rybka. What do you say we go on an adventure outside today, hm?"
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"Yay! Can we make a snowman taller than you, Mommy? What do we need for our Supplies? Is it gonna be long? What if all the snow melts?"
(More Super!Bug pls and thank) "It's snowing, Mommy!"

"Da, it is! Looks like we will have a white Christmas after all rybka. What do you say we go on an adventure outside today, hm?"
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"Really? Yay! Will you make a snowman with me, Mommy? Can we go sled? Will you help me build a fort?"
(More Super!Bug pls and thank) "It's snowing, Mommy!"

"Da, it is! Looks like we will have a white Christmas after all rybka. What do you say we go on an adventure outside today, hm?"
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I have never claimed to know much about these comic books, but I do know Captain America when I see him! Though I do not know this uniform… I hope you like it, though. Merry Christmas, Gary.
No way... Julia! You... you bought me this? How...? *shakes head* Jules you are amazing. *hugs her tightly* Thank you.
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christmas eve/morning sentences.
"What did you get?"
"I've always wanted this!"
"Oh, boy --- socks."
"I think I know what this is!"
"Wake up, wake up! It's Christmas!"
"The carrots we put outside are gone!"
"He left two cookies."
"Do you think Santa read my letter?"
"Merry Christmas!"
"Watch out, mistletoe!"
"It's snowing! It's snowing!"
"That toy is getting on my last nerve."
"Santa must have thought you were a good boy/girl this year!"
"Don't eat all that candy in your stocking. Don't want to be sick on Christmas, now do you?"
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."
"I still have some last minute shopping to do."
"Naughty boy/girl! Santa isn't going to be very happy about changing his list so close to Christmas!"
"Blast that Christmas music!"
"Help me make the cookies!"
"Hold still! Just one more picture."
"At least act like you two like each other."
"The dog ate the mince pies."
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse."
"The toy's batteries are already out they've played with it so much."
"Can we watch a Christmas movie?"
"Oh, god. I hate kissing her/him."
"Look at all those presents!"
"17? Last year I had 18!"
"This is the best Christmas ever."
"This is the worst Christmas ever."
"At least wear a jacket outside."
"Oh, no you don't! You're not going outside without the proper attire."
"The tree fell!"
"Shut up your singing!"
"He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice!"
"I'm freezing my baguettes off."
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"But I'm not tired. What if he never comes?"
[SUPERBUG AU SURPRISE] "Mommy, when's Santa coming?"

"Soon, rybka! After you go to sleep, he should put in an appearance."
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