therisingsunflower · 3 months
I know that this is a dnd blog but fyi I have/had a strong interest in chickens and creating a new breed and this dapper fellow is not too far off from what I dream
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Imma blaze this chicken
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therisingsunflower · 3 months
While I’m on a 16 day trip to Japan I still wanna use this blog at least during times when I’m on public transport, so to continue the last entry here is (what was supposed to be a short) blurb over the silly gems of the Khalkoth Mountains: Teikos!
The Rising Sunflower - Teikos and what not
Teikos? Yeah I pretty much just took the name from the Spanish Tercios as both are the firepower of their respective armies. To explain how things work in the rising sunflower I sho
To speak plainly these gems store the essence of a deceased creature as a sort of magical crystal tamagotchi
Creatures that are only recently deceased are capable of having their “essence” stored within Teikos, in reality this essence is sorta like save data or the log of a program, and using this essence the wielder of a Teiko can use the willpower of the deceased creature and manifest it as miracles,
“Miracles? Oh you mean magic so they just cast spells and are a -“ yeah kinda tbh
Miracles is the wording I use, while a typical dnd party will only use the spells and some other quirky features of a teiko they have a bunch more in universe uses, from powering a giant ass laser to fuelling magic wheelchairs and artificial limbs, and heres the how:
Teikos can function rudimentarily by themselves sure, hold it in the palm of your hand and cast produce flame and boom your hands on fire ain’t that great, but typically a person slots them into specially made weapons or other fittings and from there they function as augmentations spell devices or anything else really. Examples are of a wooden peg leg having a Teiko that produces a fleshy texture and the ability to grip and control the peg as if it was a regular ol leg, or of a chair that using Teikos could allow a person to hover off the ground to go up stairs, or in the case of the Velvetei’s dark moon, having 8 to power a sort of reactor to a weapon of mass destruction.
The cost of a Teiko? Maintenance
Teikos have to be polished and kept in a environment reminiscent of the original creature’s, for example keeping a Teiko with the essence of a yak in the bottom of your damp bag will cause it to simply not function and not grant miracles, hence they have to be held in special cases when not in use that mimick their habitat like a pocket terrarium.
Little tidbits that didn’t fit anywhere else:
The reflection do a Teiko shows the creature who’s essence is contained within, and when slotted to a weapon often the reflection shows said creature using a practicing with a similiar weapon
A Teikos miraculous potential is based on the will power of the creature, so a caterpillar that fought hard to survive is much more capable than a lazy bear
Teikos have harsh rules on export by the Velvetei and though there’s many out and about new ones are typically harder to find than abandoned old Teikos
Teiko weapons can range from being mundane weapons with a slot to magical items in their right and granting augmentations such as a gun that uses the Teiko to avoid the use of gunpowder or a bow that puts more oomph into the arrows or whatnot, I’ll provide more examples at a later point but this is long enough as is so just take that as it is
Teikos level up and you can chose whether to give exp to yourself or to the Teiko, Teikos have their own levelling chart and stuff as well as their own spell list which honestly is quite modular and if anyone would ever run them they could change things that don’t seem to fit or are not “worth it”, typically tho spells by Teikos have a casting range of touch with the touch being whatever they are slotted into such as a spear has the weapons focal point like the spear head or the butt end of the spear be the thing that “touches”
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therisingsunflower · 4 months
Ok so originally this was gonna be about all the races in the rising sunflower but it turned out there’s so much on just a single race and their history that I will probably have to do each race in their post soooo
The races of the Rising Sunflower
To start off pyrri was created by the sheriffs of the rising sunflower minus illdrine as a sort of safe haven unable to be touched by the outside world, and almost immediately before any people could be thought of the tranquil ones sent a capsule full of the people known as Usañu: these are the first people of pyrri and it is commonly said they were sent down from the moon by their hidden goddess illdrine in the earliest days, after all animals and plants had been created and thrived
Usañu are stouter than many other races and feature large lop button ears, a cottontail and a short bit of fluff and fuzz on their arms legs and sometimes on their necks. After the creation of other races half were subjugated except for those who didn’t tolerate it and went searching for a new place to call home. Of the many tribes that settled in different locations 3 settled in a place known as Holy Lokura, where a girl of the wheaten tribe had gotten a vision on their destined paradise. This woman became queen of the Lokura and married two men, one from each tribe and bore two offspring whom bore many more offspring, until a plague hit and those not of direct descent of her were said to have died leading to the extinction of the wheaten tribe, leading to the other two fighting viciously over Holy Lokura and claiming it as their birthright, until a deceptive peace was signed where the then Plushin clan took a majority of the land while the Velvetei got the hilly and mountainous parts outside of the river bend. As for the ones left behind they climbed the social ladders and ended up becoming elite mercenary bands or the highest ranking of soldiers and bodyguards, or just staying poor farmers as that’s how life goes. After the Velvetei went digging around the mountainside for resources they came across peculiar gems that have since become widespread in usage in pyrri, as for their details I suppose I’ll do it next time as this post is way way too long lmao
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therisingsunflower · 4 months
Explaining any lore would be difficult without knowing previous lore so I suppose starting near the top is good for explanations
The Rising Sunflower and stuff
The lore of the dnd world starts with the golden gears, this is a concept of what keeps everything turning and running, what makes it all ‘tick’, the golden gears operate as not an entity but as a set of omnipotent rules and restrictions. I could go into detail on how the cycles of spirits go to the trail after a death to get to the west and stuff but I’ll just save it for a future entry. For now what matters is under the golden gears there are settings, like think of a box of toys and stuff, a world with time, places and other stuff is a ‘setting’, and settings would be complete anarchy without sheriffs, these jade illusive creators are created by and are basically the fingers of the golden gears, they are what typical characters in a setting would refer to as a god and they each possess a domain or multiple domains like a typical DnD god. Now in one setting the sheriff that grants life, illdrine, created a race to inhabit and coexist in the world that was so potent and pure they all immediately died and their spirits slipped past the golden gears, instead inhabiting a plane of existence known as the meta-plane. These sadistic few are known solely as “The Tranquil Ones”, and often pit each other in a game of wits where the medium is a setting, and losing would mean returning to the cycle which would dissipate their soul into nothing after death due to being a bug in the system. However they could not exist in the meta plane and interact with the settings if it weren’t for a sheriff who could act as a middle ground, illdrine. Enslaved by The Tranquil Ones and forced to create whatever they desire for their entertainment, illdrine is a husk of a sheriff that is severed from the golden gears. Their constant messing with the settings, and in specific their favourite being the one known as The Rising Sunflower, led to it being a complete bastardisation of what it was supposed to be. In it the peoples of the world were led into committing a great god hunt and exterminating everything they deemed possible of housing a god, driving all creatures to extinction and even entire races of people. It is for this reason Pyrri was created, a land where the influence of The Tranquil Ones wouldn’t be able to manifest and a haven for the spirits stuck in the cycle. I think explains the basics of the foundation of this dnd world, I’ll answer any questions and continue diving into Pyrri next time
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therisingsunflower · 4 months
Ok so like I figured out tumblr a little more after using it for just looking at art and found a use for this dusty old blog; to have a place to share information about dnd and the world me and my players campaign is running in
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therisingsunflower · 4 months
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10 Year Anniversary
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therisingsunflower · 6 months
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Imagine a perfect world where we could get rid of everything that plagues us (warlocks) and bring goodness everywhere (scrapped mystic class concept)
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