theredheadedmenace · 1 hour
Lactose: e-excuse me...
Stomach: hey, what do we have here? Some goddamned lactose!
Small intestine: we don't like lactose here, ya know? You're gatecrashing a very private party!
Large intestine: (pushes him, making him stumble) there's two ways you can leave here... The easy way, or the hard way. What's it gonna be?
Lactose: but I...
Lactase: (deep voice) step back, everyone. (walks up and puts his arm around lactose's shoulders) he's with *me*
Large intestine: lactase?!
Small intestine: b-but you're both...
Lactase: I *said* he's with me. You got a problem with that?
Stomach: (finishes sizing him up) right. Course not. It's cool, lactose. Just don't cause any *problems*, you hear?
Lactose: I-I w-
Lactase: you don't have to answer that, babe. Just keep walking
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theredheadedmenace · 1 hour
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Me when I fucking get you
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
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[wip snippet again]
Started out as a warm up portrait on Friday but then I drew his shoulders, and then his chest, why not figure out the arms and the hands too and then the legs took me the longest and now it's just straight up a full body illustration of the man. And I literally have 13 other Legend of Zelda WIP's waiting for me to finish ;v; Born to make finished artwork, forced to make an endless stream of WIP’s. No attention span having- not even a modicum of self control to be seen
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
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Reblog for sample size and also tell me why in the tags. I want violence. I want discourse. I want bloodshed
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
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여어- 히싸씨부리 ( ɔ̸ᴉʇɐ͟N͞さんのツイート )
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
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8/13/17-This took almost 3 days… இ-இ゚
It was too big so I had to shrink it and make it 72 dpi so I’m sorry if it’s blurry!
I wish someday I can draw illustrations for an upcoming game!!
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
white woman blast
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
uahhhhh (mouths you lovingly)
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theredheadedmenace · 6 hours
Do not feed the beast a lollied pop
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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Today’s cryptocurrency is: plastic gems
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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holds them gently
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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chinese lion dancer miku 🦁💥💥
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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Y’all did NOT gaf about my albw link but I DO !! So here’s MORE !! Because I LIKE him and my moots said he’s COOL !!
Still don’t have a name for him,,, so he’s just albw link for now
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
The Four Sword
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theredheadedmenace · 6 days
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They got hit by a cursed wizzrobe
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