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This is a retired blog! I'm now at thatsnotbeautiful. Previously therealdirktm. I use this blog for meta/commentary about the various fandoms I'm in and sometimes fanfiction-writing stuff. icon by northernvehemence.
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therealdoxian · 8 years ago
Lost in Translation on Ice - Translation Mistakes in Episodes 1-6
Hi! I’m that person who wrote that post with the lost-in-translation innuendo from episode 6. After that, some people said they want to know about the rest of the ‘lost in translation stuff’ from the rest of the episodes……so, hey, I’m crazy, so I went and did it.
This post aims to collect and explain as many translation errors, emphasis changes and things that just can’t make it through the language barrier as possible from the Yuri on Ice official subs, through episodes 1-6.
I want to preface this by saying that I have the utmost respect for Crunchyroll translators. Theirs is a tough job : parsing everything by ear, running on tight deadlines, having no context for future episodes and needing to make sure everything sounds like a real conversation. It’s hard, and I don’t envy them their jobs.
But even the best translators could make mistakes.
Let’s get started, shall we? Episode 1’s going to be a little dry, but rest assured that there are some juicy, tasty stuff down the line in further episodes! This is also going to be very long, so please bear with me. A short count of issues :
Episode 1 - 17 issues Episode 2 - 15 issues Episode 3 - 9 issues Episode 4 - 23 issues Episode 5 - 26 issues (!!!!!)<– this one is important Episode 6 - 20 issues  (This is going for maximum accuracy, so there will be some splitting hair and some throwing conversational flow to the winds when it becomes necessary.)
Episode 1
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The subs translated this line into present perfect tense, but it’s actually in the past perfect tense. Correct version : Ever since I first saw his skating, it had been an unending chain of surprises.
You know, in case we don’t have enough ‘describe Victor in the past tense’ things to freak out about!
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The subs missed a word here, simplified the sentence and removed the tiny personal touch of the announcer to make it more like English language sports commentary. The announcer also described Victor’s skating, not just the state of his competition. The original line is 「いや、フリー��驚異な強さで圧倒しました!」(いや means ‘no’, but in cases like this it’s often used to show awe at something you half-expect anyway.) When you add the missing bits back in, the line would be like : I’ll be damned, he also crushed the FS with a miraculously strong performance!
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‘Seems to lay such rumors to rest’ is a rather mild way to put what the announcer is saying. He sounds quite excited in the Japanese commentary, but that’s not how English sports commentary works, so….anyway, the original line is 「そんな噂を吹き飛ばすかのような圧巻の滑りでした」, which would make the whole sentence ’Some speculated that he might retire this season, but that was a masterful performance to blow any such rumors out of the water!’
The actual meaning doesn’t change much, but the emphasis has been shifted quite a ways.
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therealdoxian · 8 years ago
What are Ace Attorney Characters like in the original Japanese Version?
mxearthling asked me:
hello!! i found your AA “pronoun” and honorifc post in the tag and it was really interesting!! i was wondering if you could expand on blackquill, edgeworth, and klavier in particular when it comes to how they refer to themselves/what others call them? i am INSANELY curious.
This is an interesting Question I got a while back. Now that I’ve replayed some of the games AND am playing Spirit of Justice I feel more up to try and answer it. That said, I am going to go through all Ace Attorney main characters, meaning Defense Lawyers, Detectives, Assistants and Prosecutors, and will give you a profile of how they were written in Japanese, comparing it a little to the original. 
This post might be edited when I realize I misremembered something or learn something new.
That said, let’s go!
Currently on this list:
Phoenix Wright
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
Miles Edgeworth
Dick Gumshoe
Pearl Fey
Franziska Von Karma
Ema Skye
Kay Faraday
Apollo Justice
Trucy Wright
Athena Cykes
Klavier Gavin
Simon Blackquill
Phoenix Wright
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Japanese Name: 成歩堂龍一(Naruhodô Ryûichi)
Japanese Name Meaning: “Naruhodô” is a pun on “Naruhodo”, a Japanese phrase akin to the English phrase “I see(what you mean).” “Ryûichi” means “Dragon”, and the ending of the name indicates that he was the firstborn son of his family. This “Dragon” is presumably what served as the inspiration for naming him “Phoenix” in the English localization. 
Refers to himself as: “Boku”, a rather soft-sounding way for men to say “I”, albeit it’s still less formal than “Watashi” would be. This makes me sound younger than a professional who would be using “Watashi”, since older men tend to prefer “Watashi” in their work life. While we’re at “Boku”, contrary to what you may have heard, women *do* use it veeeeeery rarely, albeit women using this in real life are usually seen as eccentric and odd. It’s more common for women to use it in poetic writing, though. In any case, Phoenix’ “Boku” is written in Hiragana, indicating that it sounds especially soft, hinting at his generally mild-mannered personality. 
Referred to by the Textboxes as: “Naruhodo”, with a short “o”, openly acknowledging the pun.
Referred to by others as: Maya, Pearl and Mia call him “Naruhodo-kun”, with the short “o”. Trials and Tribulations indicates that Phoenix tried to stop Mia from constantly cutting off the “O” in the end of his name, but she never did, so the punny nickname stuck. Larry and Edgeworth both call him by his last name, “Naruhodô”, without a honorific, which is common among male friends. Apollo and Athena correctly refer to him as “Naruhodô-san” (with the long “O”). Trucy calls him “Papa”, which explains the writing on his beanie. The Judge calls him “Naruhodô-kun”. Blackquil calls him “Naru-no-ji”.
His Speech-style: Somewhat casual, he does sound like a pretty typical, mild-mannered young man, using less polite forms when talking to Maya and more polite forms when talking to certain witnesses or the Judge. He uses the very common, polite “Desu-Masu” forms (which most people in Japan use when they’re talking to anyone other than their closest friends and family) a lot more frequently than a lot of other characters in the series.
Notes: Probably the character who carried over best in the translation. His averageness definitely helped.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
Dramatical Murder english patch: Ren route walkthrough
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Ren, aka the blue pomeranian, is the OTP of the game ( Someone took the entire “man’s best friend” talk really seriously huh?) You unlock him after you’ve played through Koujaku, Clear, Noiz and Mink’s routes. You guys ready to do this? 
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
So you want to get into Overwatch lore?
This version is from 2016-08-07 Click here for the most up to date version of this post
First rule of Overwatch lore: The game is not canon.
Character bios
A great place to start, it will give you a solid base to stand on going further. Recommended reading order:
Reinhardt Torbjörn Mercy Winston Tracer McCree Pharah Widowmaker Ana Soldier: 76 Reaper Mei Bastion Zenyatta Hanzo Genji Roadhog Junkrat Zarya D.Va Symmetra Lúcio
News, comics, and videos from the Overwatch universe.  This is my recommended reading/watching order:
[News] Experimental weapon stolen from Watchpoint: Grand Mesa [Twitter] Security breach [Twitter] Who is “Soldier: 76?” [News] Fading glory: On the trail of Jack Morrison [Video] Soldier: 76 Origin Story [Twitter] Overwatch File 00231 [Comic] Legacy [Video] Ana Origin Story [Video] Tracer Origin Story [Twitter] Weightlifting world champ [Twitter] Visit Numbani [News] Lúcio brings music to life with Syneasthesia World Tour [Twitter] Increased mech production [News] Mei’s adventures [Twitter] Vigilante justice [Comic] Train Hopper [Comic] Dragon Slayer [Twitter] WANTED [Twitter] Banco de Dorado robbery [Video] A Moment in Crime Special Report: “The Junkers” [Comic] Going Legit [Twitter] They Came From Beyond the Moon! [Comic] A Better World [Comic] Mission Statement [Comic] Destroyer [StarCraft] D.Va’s profile on StarCraft World Championship Series [Twitter] Strange lights sighted [Video] Recall [Video] Are You With Us? [Video] Alive [Video] Dragons [News] LumériCo’s vision for Mexico unvieled, but threats to safety and security remain [Video] Hero [Video] Cinematic Trailer [News] Overwatch is back: Uncertainty and hope after UN confirms vigilante activity [Video] We are Overwatch [Comic] Old Soldiers
Congratulations, you should now be up to date with Overwatch lore.
Heroes of the Storm - Tracer Trailer Sombra ARG
Have I missed a source? Please let me know.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
I just tag-rambled about this but I wanted to make a whole separate post about it. I loved, so much, the scene when Ronan dives into the acid pool to save Opal and then Adam saves them both. They’re both heroic, but in such different ways? Ronan diving in headfirst without hesitation because someone he loves is being threatened, acting from instinct rather than logic. Ronan’s first thought when he realizes he might die being that if he dies, Matthew dies too. And then Adam, Adam saving Ronan and Opal (Matthew by extension) because he’s the Magician, because he took the time to sit next to the pool and create a pattern that made sense to him. It’s not like Adam was just able to wave his arms and have Cabeswater do his bidding; his magic doesn’t work that way. Adam and Cabeswater can rarely communicate easily. Instead Adam sat on the forest floor and made patterns with rocks while his friends were possibly drowning and figured out how to make the connections that could save them. And Ronan instantly realizes it was Adam, not the plants, that had saved them.
Anyway what i’m trying to say is that I’m dying forever about what a good team Adam and Ronan make, dying forever about how this situation required both of them doing what each is good at in order to not end tragically, dying about how their personalities are so different yet so complementary. They’re just so good together and I’m falling off a cliff about it, bye.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
How Lord English’s Defeat Was Achieved
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Whilst talking to a friend I was suddenly struck by a realization that I think explains the precise nature of how Lord English was defeated. I’ve already spoken a little about how the destruction of the Green Sun should not have depleted his Clockwork Majyyks, and therefore shouldn’t have made him any more invulnerable. Here is my take on what I think happened, and how it explains not only the ending, but the entire plot of Homestuck (seriously).
I’ve already spoken a fair bit in the past about Homestuck’s underlying themes in relation to the comic’s name. At first, when taken literally, “Homestuck” appears to be named for only a very small portion of Act 1, when John is literally “stuck in his home”. He is able to leave later on, so he’s no longer home-stuck, right? Now, my take has always been that this depends on your definition of “home”. Homestuck is a story about people leaving behind “homes” of various scope. John leaves his house, yes, but then he leaves his universe, his session, and ultimately his fundamental reality behind. He becomes unstuck from canon itself. From what more is there left to become “unstuck”?
Let’s remind ourselves what the “treasure” juju does. I mean, obviously we know that Caliborn initially used it to seal the souls of the beta kids, and then later Vriska deployed it against Lord English. But what else does it do? John put his hand through it and it became distributed throughout the canon of Homestuck. This is an ability with a very specific scope; he is distributed not throughout reality, but throughout Homestuck itself. There’s a reason why it is shaped like the Homestuck logo; the ultimate weapon is a gateway to Homestuck.
Lord English cannot be destroyed by conventional means, he can only be defeated by the exploitation of glitches in Paradox Space. So far, the glitches in Paradox Space we have seen have taken a very specific form also; metacanonical altering. Caliborn jams sparkle dust in the game cartridge, and .jpeg artifacts appear across the comic. John sticks his hand in the the juju, he gains the ability to use a retcon glitch. This is how one “glitches” Paradox Space, they interact with the narrative itself; with Homestuck itself. The juju allows one to do this, and this is why it’s so powerful.
Here’s my hypothesis. The weapon/treasure juju does not have three different abilities, it has one. We’ve been seeing it as 1. being able to trap four souls, 2. being able to impart retcon abilities, and 3. having an offensive ability to be used against Lord English. In reality, these are all one ability! The ability to act as a gateway to the Homestuck canon!
Caliborn did not seal the four kids within the juju! He sealed them within Homestuck. This is why the comic is called “Homestuck”! The kids are literally trapped within the narrative by the power of the juju. But, this power is also how Lord English is eventually defeated! Here is what happens in the [S] Act 7 flash.
Vriska activates the juju, it grows big and the kid’s symbols flash on its surface.
The symbol on the victory platform flips around, and turns white, the same colour and size as the juju. A door appears on its surface.
A door also appears on the side of the juju facing Lord English! This is not a coincidence. There are two doors here, one leading one way, and one leading the other way.
Homestuck is ending. By that expanding convention of the Kids, John in particular, escaping their bonds, then there is one more bond for them to break, one more door for them to pass. They need to leave the comic itself.
This is what the white juju with the door represents! The door on the Kid’s side leads out of Homestuck, whereas the door on English’s side leads in.
The kids will get to live on in a happy life beyond the narrative, possibly in the extracanon epilogue, the Paradox Space comic, not to mention fanworks. English will not. Caliborn gaining his power is shown at the moment of his defeat because his timeline is cyclical, marked by two circumstancially simultaneous events; his birth and his defeat. Similarly, the kids leaving Homestuck and Lord English “entering” it are two circumstantially simultaneous events orchestrated by the juju. Lord English has become trapped within Homestuck. While the comic may end for the kids, and they can move on, English is forever trapped within a loop of destruction, held by the bounds of canon.
The reason the juju flashes with the kids colours is because it is preparing to release them, but not to fight English, it is preparing to release them from Homestuck itself, by the comic’s ending.
This is why the comic had to end right after this moment, because otherwise the kids would not have escaped and English would have more canon scope throughout which to dominate.
This is why the juju is white, this is why the Act 7 curtains are white. White is the colour of Homestuck itself, as shown in the text for the logo displayed in the flash in act 1. The white curtains close on the comic, the white juju acts as the gateway into canon.
Perhaps the Green Sun had influence that reached beyond the canon (Paradox Space comic)? If this was the case, the English can no longer use it to access anything outside the canon, because Calliope destroyed it.
This is what Homestuck means. The clue was hidden in the name all along. This was a story about four kids who had literally been trapped inside their own story, and escaped it, trapping their unkillable villain inside it as it ended, meaning that he could spread his destruction no further. Of course Lord English can no longer cause harm within Homestuck, if Homestuck itself has ended! What an appropriate way to defeat an undefeatable villain in a comic where fourth wall breaking and metacanonical interactions with the main narrative are such an integral plot device.
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Here is Hussie, deciding to kill off Lord English the only way he can; by ending his own comic. If the ending seemed abrupt to you, this is why.
That magnificent bastard.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
Fuck...There’s another layer to the Homestuck Ending
Wayyyy back in the beginning we find out that John is interested in coding even though he’s not super great at it
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all the other characters we see who ARE good at coding use it to hack shit
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what power does john get much later on in the comic? long after he’s gone godtier?
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i.e. powers that allow him to retcon the story as he sees fit (or how others tell him to)
but there’s another layer to this, because homestuck is both a story and a “game”
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because its a game as well these powers also allow him to HACK THE GAME
don’t like the outcome you just got? 
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use a third party device to go back to a save state that’s not present in the game itself and do it over again
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don’t feel ready to fight a boss you accidentally triggered? use console commands to teleport out
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don’t feel like spending hours if not days of playtime going back to an earlier save and “fixing” your game so you get the ending you want? 
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download someone else’s save file and use console commands to rez YOUR favorite characters that got killed off in THEIR game
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THAT is why we get Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5 instead of getting to know these characters the way we did before Game Over
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they aren’t characters from OUR game but someone else’s
we don’t get to see them grow because we weren’t there when it happened
we have to rely on screenshots from other player’s games just to know what happened
so yeah we get our happy ending, just not with our characters
all because we, the readers/players of homestuck the game, are cheating cheaters who cheat (and through us, John with sburb)
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
Ehh, this is something I did when I was bored/frustrated one day.
I was writing a Haikyuu!! fanfic but it corresponds with the canon, so I decided to make a timeline of the events thus far in the manga. 
This is just a rough timeline with my fangirl/fujoshi comments in there. It’s not incredibly detailed, just what event is happening. I also put in the chapter the event is happening at. There were just some quotes I like put in there too. I’ll probably clean it up later.
Divided by assumed date (most the dates so far correspond with the year 2013), chapter, what Karasuno is doing, and what the other schools are doing at the same time.
So yeah. If anyone is interested. I update it weekly when the new chapter is translated.
*squints* Yeah, it’s a bit messy.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
that post i’ve been alluding to about all my imaizumi feelings
got into a conversation on twitter this morning and I said I’d get into it more when I had time and i don’t know if this is actually anything we were talking about anymore but this is the result
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
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Source: sugarblaster. Be sure to thank them because this couldn’t have been possible otherwise. (She even rescanned these pages so I could read the cutoff bits! So cool!! I love you!! Cheers!!!)  
I can’t do this without you, Haru.
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
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Memoryhead - one of the most mysterious amalgamates found in True Lab. So mysterious it made me wonder of it’s origins, and soo…
Theory time! 
I bet I am not the only one who noticed that Memoryhead looks like bunch of skulls creating one bigger skull. The aesthetics of eyes (black eye sockets with pin sized lights), faces and teeth greatly resembles those of skeleton brothers.
In this case are those skeletons too? We don’t see any other through a gameplay beside brothers and Gaster - if Gaster is a skeleton that is. Shouldn’t there be more of them? This certain lack of other skeletal representatives (beside bros who just happened to appear in Snowdin one day) made me wonder if Memoryhead isn’t the reason why we don’t see them. Maybe it’s simply made from almost every skeleton that survived underground.
So there are few options how skeletons ended up in True Lab:
If Gaster was experimenting on skeletons those could be his first failed attempts to create them or using them as test subjects. Sans could be the first one that didn’t turned out bad.
They were skeletons working there, just like Sans.
Maybe they had fallen and since they were just there in the lab they could be the first experimental patients whatever they were failed experiments or workers or civilians
This could be the reason why we have seen only Sans and Papyrus and why nobody have seen other skeletons or even mention them. They are all stuck in Lab and for some reason, whatever happened Sans and Papyrus are the only ones that survived the fate of their brothers.
Interestingly they speak in code similarly to Gaster and they an be heard only through phone. What’s more, their attacks look like Gaster’s (or skeletons) faces. Are they remembering how he looked? It is after all a MEMORYhead, it is possible it’s channelling their experience to fight.
I can’t English.
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Possible look of workers/experiments/civilians before melting into amalgamate. Why there is a bird skeleton? The question should be - why not?
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
One-Punch Man – The Party-Pooper Post
(of the female and queer representation in OPM and why GenoSai fans should care)
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So OPM has sprung upon tumblr and is gaining popularity rapidly. That’s great. But it seems everyone is ignoring one small thing – 
One-Punch Man is incredibly misogynistic and homophobic.
At first, when I watched the anime, I chose to ignore Mosquito-Girl; I’ve chosen to give the series the benefit of the doubt, and dubbed her character as an exaggerated representation of over-sexualized females in a parody-framework.
Then I got to read the manga (spoilers ahead.)
Afficher davantage
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
A few clarifying details for “Osomatsu-san” episode 9. (Spoilers, sex, and suicide mention)
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
About osomatsu san ep 9, seems there are a lot of theories about the train station name (saihate), also how the outline in that picture was drawn with green color, mix of the usual blue and brown color. Any thought about it?
I’m going to expand upon your ask behind the cut so that other people know what you’re talking about. (Episode 9 spoilers)
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
Some Thoughts and Theories on Teddy and his Relationship With Vincent (A.K.A: Why My VinLou Ship Should Win Dammit!)
So on my regular re-read of BFF, I’ve come to notice a few things about Teddy and Vincent’s relationship that I think bear mentioning. Right now, we are at the stage where we are all wondering whether Teddy is having what may be the most inconveniently timed epiphany in regards to his feelings for Vincent, but I would like to raise the possibility of Teddy confusing his feelings for love when they aren’t. I would like to consider the possibility that his feelings are closer to admiration or maybe even jealousy to some degree. And I don’t mean jealousy over Vincent’s love, but Vincent himself. Let me explain:
1. Teddy has body image issues. He is skinny and scrawny and no matter how many people tell him that it isn’t important or that he looks good, he still can’t take his shirt off in public. Vincent wasn’t very attractive either when they first became friends, and while everyone likes to applaud Vincent for staying friends with Teddy after he got hot, I would like to take a moment to think about it from Teddy’s side. He has this new best friend who, even though he was just as dorky, swooped in and beat up John and stopped his bullying. And then one day he went through this ugly duckling transformation and now suddenly this new friend he has is popular and attractive. He has this amazing body now, the kind that Teddy wishes he could have. Maybe not the kind Teddy wants to make love to, but the kind he wants for himself. I bring this up after seeing the little collage at the start of chapter 20. Yes, it’s Teddy thinking about Vincent’s body, but it is sandwiched between scenes of bullying, where Teddy was made to feel bad because of his own physical appearance. That doesn’t seem like a time when Teddy would be thinking about anything sexual. I personally read it a little more like envy. Like, here is Teddy’s body that he hates, but look there is Vincent with the ideal form. 
2. Teddy is definitely jealous of Vincent’s relationship with his father, probably because he feels like Vincent is the son his father always wanted. 
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Now, Teddy’s parents like Vincent a lot. I mean, they even bought him a car! And they’re nice to him, basically providing the example of good parenting and a good married relationship that Vincent never got at home. Also things like this: 
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At first, I assumed that Teddy would be happy that his parents like his best friend, and I’m sure he is. But he is also jealous of it. Like the time Dr. Bijapur wanted to offer to walk onto the field with Vincent during the last game of the season. Teddy was very adamantly against this, and not because it might be embarrassing or anything, but instead…
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Now this doesn’t mean that there isn’t genuine affection there. The two of them are close, best friends, which leads me into my next point.
 3. Teddy is kind of clingy. And I’m basing that off of several factors. For starters, there is his friendship with John which came to an unfortunate end. The two of them were very close, BFF’s since they were babies. In fact, it was in the flashback to their friendship that I first saw the words “Best Friends Forever” actually used in the comic.
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As the title of the entire comic, I can’t help but feel like this is important. The John and Teddy relationship has been set up to play a very important role in this story, much more important than I assumed John would be in the beginning, and I can’t help but suspect that that is because Teddy’s previous relationship with John is influencing his current relationship with Vincent. How? Well, John was Teddy’s original Best Friend Forever. With the death of his mother and his descent into douchebaggery however, that friendship came to a bitter end. Enter Vincent, Teddy’s new Best Friend Forever. Even without romantic feelings, Teddy values Vincent a lot and would hate to lose him. At the beginning of the comic, Vincent is really the only friend Teddy has, and even after he becomes friends with the cheerleaders Vincent is still the only friend he really opens up to. And Teddy is fiercely protective of that friendship. I mean, just remember the revenge he sought when the guys crashed Dude Night? 
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If you remember, this resulted in the guys getting stood up for the dance. 
Teddy, who everyone believes is so sweet and nice and innocent, is not afraid to play dirty to protect his relationship with Vincent. It’s that important to him and I can’t help but feel like some of that is due to his own insecurities. Vincent is handsome and popular he has no reason to stay friends with Teddy, especially considering that Teddy has already had one best friend turn on him. 
But where am I going with this? Well, several places. For starters, Summer Break. Where Vincent almost kissed him. Teddy noticed. I know Teddy noticed because he told Penelope, and then later Vincent asked if they needed to talk about it. It is obviously a thing that they have both acknowledged. Vincent even said as much to Louis.
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So, all agreed? Teddy has clearly acknowledged that what happened was a thing, but then continued to act as if it never happened. But he knows that it did, and Teddy isn’t stupid okay? There are only so many reasons to try and kiss somebody, so I’m pretty sure that he knows somewhere, maybe even just in the back of his mind that Vincent has feelings for him. And I can’t help but wonder if somewhere equally deep inside, he is relieved. Because if Vincent has feelings for him, he isn’t going to leave him. And I don’t think that Teddy is in love with him, but the way he acts sometimes… He has to know how that kind of behavior comes off. People have even confronted him about it and Penelope was concerned that he wasn’t being careful enough of Vincent’s feelings. And I would like to think better of Teddy, but he has been known to be a bit devious to get what he wants, and maybe it’s accidental. Maybe he doesn’t quite realize what he is doing. But I sometimes wonder if he acts the way he does, knowing Vincent’s feelings for him, to help ensure his place in Vincent’s life. because if Vincent is still in love with him, Vincent isn’t going to leave him or turn on him like John did. Hell, Teddy is even turning down Princeton to go to a less prestigious school with Vincent. Sure, he said that Princeton was too WASP-y, but his father brought up a good point: So is Victoria High. I don’t quite believe that argument. I more readily believe that Teddy is scared of being on his own, without Vincent. Of having to make new friends or maybe of growing apart from Vincent as people sometimes do when there is distance between them. Going away to college can be scary and I believe that Teddy is scared. Do I believe he is handling his fear in a healthy way? No, not at all. Neither does his dad, actually. 
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No. I don’t really think that Teddy knows that. Regardless, I think that all of his fears and insecurities are only exacerbated by the fact that for the first time, things are changing… How? Well…
4. Teddy never had any problem with Vincent dating Kamri. In fact, he even encourages it at times. He likes Kamri and he likes her and Vincent together. But if you’ll notice, Kamri never came between the two of them. Hell, when the comic starts Vincent and Kamri are in bed together and he is still talking about Teddy. But then, Vincent and Kamri were never in a real relationship because Vincent has always been gay and in love with someone else. I don’t think Teddy has ever had to experience the adjustment period that comes with trying to balance a best friend with a relationship because Teddy has always come first, regardless. But now there is Louis in the picture. Louis who is male, and gay, and someone who Vincent could conceivably develop feelings for. Have an actual relationship. And even though Teddy is unaware of their secret fuckbuddy arrangement, he is still feeling the effects of it. Vincent is spending time with Louis that he would normally have reserved for Teddy, and the secrecy makes it all the worse because to Teddy he is suddenly lying and sneaking around and not being totally honest. Teddy doesn’t know what exactly is up, but he knows that it’s something and I imagine that his own personal insecurities make this especially worse.  
4. Then there are the things we’ve learned about Teddy through his relationship with Penelope. 
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And this was over Penelope, a girl he was kind of dating just to date. To get experience or something. And I mean, he did like her. He wasn’t in love with her, but he did like her. I think he was a little put out that she didn’t want an actual, exclusive relationship with him though. So if we think about this as foreshadowing, there was Teddy and Penelope. And they liked each other. But Penelope had a boyfriend. And Teddy wasn’t necessarily jealous, but he was competitive and a bit possessive. And if you look at the Teddy/ Vincent/ Louis situation, I could honestly see it playing out in a similar way. I think that Teddy has gotten used to being first in Vincent’s life (Literally first. Vincent has a crap relationship with his parents, Teddy is actually the most important person to him) and has never had to share and I don’t think he wants to now. 
Now, these are just my theories based on my own personal observations. The observations of an avid VinLou shipper. Maybe I’m right. Maybe I’m wrong. Honestly, the comic has surprised me before. In the beginning I had assumed that it would be Teddy in love with Vincent, not the other way around. That part honestly surprised me. In the beginning I thought that Louis was a much smaller character and now he is part of my OTP. I thought that John was an insignificant jock character, just there to be kind of an asshole. I was wrong. One of the great yet frustrating things about this comic is that it isn’t usually predictable. 
I am sure that there are plenty of VinTed (TedVin? Vinddy?Tedcent? Bijafawkes? What even is the Vincent/Teddy ship name?) shippers with their own theories and I would honestly like to hear them. I think the biggest hole in this is the Teddy-boner scene from the ski chalet, and asking Louis about his sexuality. How he knew he was gay. Now teenage boys get boners all the time and Teddy may just be confusing his feelings towards Vincent, of not wanting to lose him, as something romantic. That’s the only real argument I have against those things and I admit, it’s incomplete. I will conclude, however, by saying that I do love Teddy. I know that someone of my opinions may sound as if I think he is a horrible character and I don’t. I don’t think that any of his actions, whether I am interpreting them correctly or not, are coming from a bad place. I think that he loves Vincent, and whether that is a romantic love or not, that he doesn’t want to lose him. But I do also agree with Louis in the latest chapter (23.4) Teddy is being a bit of a selfish asshole, so while I love the character I can’t say I’m fond of his behavior. 
I agree with Penelope when she said that Teddy needed to spend more time alone. 
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She means you need to learn to be a little more independent Teddy. The codependency in their relationship is one of the main reasons why I no longer ship Vincent and Teddy together. 
Do you agree? Do you disagree? I love talking about this comic (And reading very long text-post theories and speculations. I hope you do too. If not….sorry not sorry) so please, share ALL the theories with me. I can take it! 
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therealdoxian · 9 years ago
the tile puzzle Papyrus tries to use against you was created “by the great Dr. Alphys.” if you look at Alphys’ computer you’ll find that it’s “accessing a puzzle in Snowdin.” combined with the fact that the machine Papyrus uses to turn on the puzzle is in fact, Mettaton’s original form, it’s all but stated that Alphys hacked the puzzle to allow the easiest possible route through it
during the first Undyne chase sequence, once you run into the patch of tall grass, Undyne’s spears start sailing too high to hit you. if you befriend Undyne and call her when you revisit this room, she admits that she deliberately didn’t try hitting you when you were in the grass because Alphys told her that that particular kind of grass is an endangered species (during the “garbage dump date” sequence Alphys admits that the grass isn’t endangered, she just uses it to make an ice cream like substance)
it is only possible to get the Best Ending in Undertale by befriending Alphys, helping her admit her feelings to Undyne, helping her move past her self-loathing, and helping her to tell the truth about the Amalgamates (it’s also very heavily implied that you stopped her from committing suicide)
Alphys experimenting with Determination ultimately led to the creation of Flowey. while this ultimately led to a lot of heartache and suffering and has been widely regarded as a bad move, in the end is was only through Flowey’s plan to steal everyone’s souls that Asriel was able to gain enough power to break the barrier sealing the monsters in the Underground
so if you ever find yourself thinking “i’m a loser, i’m garbage, i can’t do anything right,” just remember: Alphys perceived herself as worthless trash that was unable to help anyone, when she was the most important character in Undertale the whole time
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