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Countdown to Season 6: Favourite Location - Beyond The Wall
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Season 1 // Season 6
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So it is before the walls of Minas Tirith the doom of our time will be decided.
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get to know me meme ↳ [1/5] favorite male characters > Aragorn
‘I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil’s son of Gondor.
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graphics, tecnically — sansa stark + negative space as asked by @starklys
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Girl or boy, we fight our battles. But the Gods let us choose our weapons.
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endless list of favorite characters |→ ned the piemaker
“You don’t have to pay for it—friendship. The truth is there are a lot of people like you—us—with strange hobbies or talents or gifts that we try to hide because we’re afraid it makes us seem weird or turns people off. But that’s a mistake. What makes me unique has brought every person I love into my life.”
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Elf Week –> Day 4: Elven realms
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There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.
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“Lee Pace is a lovely, affable, gentle man but we turned him into this scary-looking character with pale skin, penetrating eyes, silver-blond hair and amazing eyebrows. He looks stunning and it is perfect for his character because Thranduil is intimidating and takes no nonsense and, let me tell you, when Lee comes on set in character, people just clear out of the way!”
Peter Swords King
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         “That’s what I am: just a traveler. Imagine it: no tax, no bills, no boss. Just the                                                                                       OPEN SKY.” 
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asoiaf meme: (½) queens ➝ DAENERYS TARGARYEN Do you know what it is like to be sold, squire? I do. My brother sold me to Khal Drogo for the promise of a golden crown. Well, Drogo crowned him in gold, though not as he had wished, and I… my sun-and-stars made a queen of me, but if he had been a different man, it might have been much otherwise. Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid?
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More Chris Riddell on Gaiman.
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Some people manage to lose a knife or a mug! Ah, not me, I manage to lose an entire d r a g o n
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we’re gonna save the world tonight
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We are Groot.
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