therapyjon · 3 years
I’am 2wks out from a THR. PT progressing well Any words of encouragement out there?
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therapyjon · 4 years
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therapyjon · 4 years
From ghoulies and ghosties and long- leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night... Good lord deliver us.Happy Halloween!
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therapyjon · 4 years
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therapyjon · 4 years
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There’s a place in the sun,
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therapyjon · 4 years
Hey! I just wanted to say thank you for the comment that you left on my post. I also wanted you tell you that it will get better soon, maybe not today or in a few months but it will get better :)
The stone in my pocket gets smaller some days.
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therapyjon · 4 years
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Waterfall on limestone.
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therapyjon · 4 years
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Fungi # puff ball. Mushroom goes into a bar and bartender refused to give him a drink. Mushroom says why not Iam a fun gi !
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therapyjon · 4 years
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therapyjon · 4 years
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therapyjon · 4 years
Pros and Cons of Bipedalism
One of the most efficient gaits of the animal kingdom
Can carry and use tools while walking
Less area for sun exposure back in Africa (top of the head vs whole back)
Can carry our young since their stupid tiny hands can’t cling to us anymore like proper primates
Taller: see predators coming, pick fruit from trees, give better high-fives
Look scarier to other animals
Back hurty
Knees: “I didn’t sign up for this.”
Heart: “I didn’t sign up for this.”
our circulatory system has to work so hard bro
Big tiger can see us better
Did I mention how much birth hurts bc of our stupid upright hips? Seriously, commonly dying in childbirth isn’t an evolutionary benefit smh
Anyway, I would like to hold a re-vote on walking upright, who’s game? 
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therapyjon · 4 years
My son and I were banned from the Great Barrier Reef.
Easter time is da time fo eggs and the time fo eggs is da Easter time!
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therapyjon · 4 years
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My wife is dead. I’am alone with my dog.
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therapyjon · 5 years
My wife is now on hospice and it’s a very rough time for me.
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therapyjon · 5 years
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therapyjon · 5 years
This creature is symbolic to me. I’ll be 72 on Sunday!
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therapyjon · 5 years
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This woman is in the picture above hanging by her teeth as a child!
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