thequestioningpod · 3 years
Modern fandom went awry when people stopped learning how to avoid content that upsets them and instead starting actively seeking it out.
I mean this in the kindest, most loving way possible, but babes you’ll be so much happy when you stop focusing on what other people are doing and instead focus on what you like.
You’ll never be able to stop people from liking what you hate, and the best way you’ll find any peace of mind is properly utilizing blocking, blacklisting, and muting tools. Take it from someone who used to run a shipping discourse blog, fandom is supposed to be what you enjoy, stop focusing on things that upset you.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
I want this on our merch omigod!!!!! 
if you want to ask a bisexual or asexual person about their sexual history to verify that they’re queer, but you don’t want them to take it the wrong way, try this useful communication technique:
give them twenty dollars and go away.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
Does masturbation count?Regardless, fuck off
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
This is so cute! I didn't know!
You may have already answered this but what does the "Ace of ♣️/♥️" mean ??
I haven't! I got reminded of it from a post i reblogged recently, so I just added it.
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For me, ace of clubs (♣️) and ace of hearts (♥️) means I'm grayasexual and experience romantic attraction. Like the post says, this symbol code has fallen out of popularity due to aphobia. Not saying it isnt used still, but it used to be more widely known. So I wanna use it since its cool, and so that others can know about it again. I'm also in the process of making some pride flag edits based on them. :>
[Image Transcription: Ace is a popular nickname for a person who is asexual. It is a phoenetic shorterning of "asexual," and has lead to some symbolism regarding the playing care "ace." Some asexuals use the ace of spades or hearts to represent their orientation. The ace of hearts is more commonly used for romantic asexuals, whereas an aromantic asexual would generally use the spade.
♥️ Ace of Hearts - romantic asexuals
♠️ Ace of Spades - aromantic asexuals
♦️ Ace of Diamonds - demisexuals and demiromantic asexuals
♣️ Ace of Clubs - grayasexuals and grayromantic asexuals /End Transcript]
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
Y'all gotta listen to our second episode coming out at the end of next week! This is exactly what we talk about!
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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[ID: At the top, text reads “Remembering many people think of sex and romance as being inherently linked like”. Below is the confused crab meme. A crab confusedly looks around. The image has been distorted by spinning it around the crab. End ID]
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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Comic #261: - Growing up Ace - Website links: here!   Being pride month I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn’t qualify as queer.  I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
This genuinely made me snort so loud
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It’s like we’re a myth or something
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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🥳 let’s boost this so baby aces know they’re not alone! Let’s get the conversation going!
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
This is the most flawlessly worded set of posts I have ever come across! This is an experience I find exceptionally difficult to explain to people and these guys have captured it perfectly! So I am just here doing my job and reblogging this masterpiece!!
enough with m-spec/asexual/aromantic/trans/nonbinary people just being "valid" and "welcome" in the community. we're not just valid, we're important. we're not just welcome, we're inherently fundamental members of the community. we're essential. the queer community is just as much ours as it is of lesbian and gay people.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
This is a concept we really want to focus a later episode! 
I often discuss the different types of love I experience and how my love is different as an asexual in a romantic relationship to perhaps an allosexual in a romantic/sexual relationship! However both Lala and Bean have had conversations with me asking if I could explain my concepts of love to them. This caused one of the very first arguments ever between us because Lala proposed the idea that the term love is flawed and that a mindset centred on the idea that everyone has to experience/ understand some kind of love is very toxic. 
For so many reasons that are all  ‘Me problems’ I took this very personally and it actually took reading this post and some of the notes as well as talking more openly with Lala and Bean and our other friends about their personal concepts of love for me to begin understanding the toxic and arophobic mindset I have around the concept of love! I am sad that it was a problem I had to overcome especially when I always advocated so loudly to educate people on asexuality and the absence of sexual desire/feelings but I really really appreciate @aroacechillzone for this post and @fuji09 for being brave enough to ask this question because it has really changed my whole perspective and I am so grateful!! 
<3 Bibi 
Ok I’m really confused now. I just watched a tik tok video saying “love is what makes us human” is arophobic and not every single person in the world feels some form of love but like, I don’t understand that. Like you mean to tell me some people out there don’t feel any single type of love at all whether it’s platonic or familial? There are eight different types of love. I don’t see how that’s possible. How can there be people who don’t feel any form of love at all?
Also apparently saying “there are others types of love” is also not ok because it’s insinuating that I think romantic love is superior? Because for me it’s me understanding that aromatic people don’t feel romantic love at all and I understand there are many different types of love that are all equally important.
I don’t like finding out something I believe is offensive when I truly believe all love is equal. Of course I won’t say those things anymore since it’s deemed offensive but I just don’t understand it.
This isn’t me being arophobic so please don’t accuse me of that. I’m genuinely confused on this and if anyone is up to explaining it to me then go for it because I’m honestly just confused.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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Omniromantic Lesbian moodboard ^^ For @starkidweirdo c: Hope you enjoy it!!
Want one? Send an ask~~ -mod Jay
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
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Bisexual, pansexual, and omnisexual folks are a totally valid and beloved part of the LGBTQIA+ community, regardless of the gender of their current partner! There is far too much exclusion of bi, pan, and omni people within the community, and we've got to call it out.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
Love This!! We have two ace identifying speakers on our podcast and 2 questioning AROmantics! This is such helpful information for questioning folk who are worried/ having that identity crisis of not being asexual or aromantic ENOUGH to feel comfortable using the labels! Always remember you are completely valid in whatever you choose to identify with and sexuality is fluid! One label might not fit you perfectly but that doesn't mean you can't identify with it! <3 
Quick question from someone who’s still trying to figure out her identity: What’s the difference between oriented aroace and angled aroace?
here is a link that explains the labels :)
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
Sorry for the trigger to anyone! But such an important post!! <3 
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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thequestioningpod · 3 years
To all the masc, butch, and stud lesbians out there wearing black in this hot ass weather,,,thank you for your service 😌
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