A Lady Never Tells
105 posts
Indie and Semi-Selective Natasha Romanoff. Mun and Muse are 18+.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
Since I’m pretty much done with finals I will be online much more frequently while on winter break!!!! Hmu if you’d like to start something
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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Natasha Romanoff Promo Pictures Throughout The Years
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
NSFW Symbol Meme
Send a symbol for the following…
∞ - for my muse to run their hand up your muse’s thigh ღ - for my muse to drop to their knees and nuzzle your muse’s groin ❥ - for my muse to kiss yours until they’re both out of breath and trembling ♚ - for my muse to push yours to their knees for oral ♫ - for my muse to dance provocatively for yours ☏ - for my muse to leave yours a questionable voicemail (possibly drunk) ✌ - for my muse to jack off/finger yours  ☠ - for my muse to push yours against a wall and kiss them ☢ - for my muse to bring yours to the edge of orgasm, then deny them
Add ‘reverse’ for our muses’ positions to be switched!
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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“Oh yes–we heard all about those…LAWS your government passed.” She mused, a little curtly, thinking back to the man who called himself Thaddeus Ross–a man who tried to enforce Terran laws on the Guardians of the Galaxy. Needless to say, they absolutely refused to SIGN anything. And it only took Drax glowering over him to get him to leave them alone. He made her uncomfortable, that Ross character. “It’s disgusting to think that they could put limitations on where and when you are needed.”
As if any body of power could stop her or the Guardians from doing what was right. 
Gamora nodded though, returning a small smile to the woman. “I can tell. You all do seem very close. The division will PASS, eventually. Once a foe of unstoppable proportions arrives.” Her expression became a bit wistful, sad–remembering the dying moans and screams of her people as Thanos descended upon her planet. Mothers and fathers calling out for their LOST children. Her mother gripping her tiny hand, pressing pendents into her small palm.
She shook it away and glanced back at the window. “He has his MOMENTS. But he is my best friend. I’m lucky we found each other when we did. He SAVED me in a weird, obnoxious sort of way.” Gamora snorted sincerely, smiling at the window and offering a wave to the tiny speck in the distance. “I am glad they’re beginning to get along. I was worried there after Mantis broke your friend Clint’s toes, and Rocket bit your Tony on the hand.”
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“Mm, I’m not a fan of rules myself.” Natasha agreed, smirking over at her. “Although, to their credit, we had leveled cities by that point - oversight wasn’t a terrible idea. Execution couldn’t have been worse, though.” Natasha hadn’t wanted to pick sides in any of it. In fact, a few years ago, if the same situation had come up, she probably would have made herself scarce- let the other’s handle it, it wasn’t her problem. But she hadn’t wanted to walk away this time.
When Gamora mentioned an unstoppable foe, she huffed. “Oh boy, do we have another one of those to look forward to?” She joked.
“I’m glad he did. It’s good to have you on the team.” She told Gamora. “And don’t worry about Clint or Tony. Clint would’ve broken his own toes falling down the stairs or something, and Tony, well..... He can use a little bit of grounding now and then.”
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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The car is plush and inviting – that’s one of the first things that Bucky focuses on even if he shouldn’t. His head presses against the headrest and he lets out a small hum, listening to Natasha as she speaks and he drills his fingers against the arm rest. She’s right – they can’t prove that the program went down after the USSR supposedly fell, supposedly left it to be swept under the rug like most of the darker parts of history. And admittedly, Bucky hadn’t seen anything on it in the HYDRA files that had been leaked on the internet. So that left them with the very real possibility that the Red Room was still up and running, and if that was the case, ten they were all in trouble. 
Glancing over at the red head, he scrunches his nose for a moment in thought. It’s hard; part of him wants to console her and tell her that everything is going to be fine, but that dominate part of him knows that that isn’t what Nat is looking for. 
“It sounds like maybe it hasn’t been shut down. I don’t know about you, but young girls just coming and going like the wind is either some high level ghost shit, or we’ve got trained assassins on our hands. Normally I wouldn’t worry but…” Bucky trails off for a moment and rubs his palms on his thighs, the nerves kicking in. “Lately the past has had quite a way of kicking my ass and coming back around. I’m as safe as I’m going to get – I’m the Winter Soldier and everyone’s going to want my head. At least this prevents me from thinking about the inevitable.”
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“It fits their MO.” Natasha agrees, giving him a few moments to get settled before reversing the car out of the spot and leaving the hospital behind. Sure, there are natural explanations for all the little bits of evidence. Maybe it’s not the Red Room, maybe she’s paranoid, but all the leads put together give off the same air of mystery and dread she remembers her mentors having.
At any rate, it’s worth looking into.
When he mentions ‘the inevitable’, she doesn’t quite look over, but her chin tips in his direction, as if she was about to. Her hands adjust on the steering wheel. “You think everybody’s going to turn on you again?” She asks.
Of course, they did just kind of break him out of the hospital- politely, but still, but he’s with her, and Steve and Tony could get a hold of them if they want to. It’s not like he took out the nursing staff on his way out.
“You know Steve wouldn’t let that happen. I wouldn’t either.”
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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I would now.
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
Badly describe my muse in my inbox
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
is Thanos supposed to look like Joss Whedon or is it some kind of unfortunate coincidence 
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
Plotted Starter Call anybody? Like this and I’ll slip into ur DMs to cry about our muses and make up a starter!
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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“Of course we do–CONSTANTLY, if I’m being perfectly honest.” Gamora snorted, rolling her eyes to the side. They landed on her family outside sparring, although she could swear she heard Rocket cussing at one of the Avengers–Scott, she thought she heard his name was. She let out a sigh and quickly grabbed her holopad, typing a quick message to Peter who stopped watching, with his hands on his hips, turned around and WAVED at the glass window. 
Even if he could only see a small green SPECK.
“They’re idiots–but they are my idiots.” She mused fondly, waving back. “We all come from…precarious backgrounds. And…we met when I decided to attack my MATE for an orb.” She admitted, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed against her chest. Her lips curled up with a special, AFFECTIONATE smile as she remembered their disastrous meeting. 
“Drax is valiant, strong–but he does not understand your Terran metaphors or similes. Groot is our sentient little SWEETHEART. He gave his life for us, and now he’s…well…he is MOODY, but he’s going through puberty. Rocket is so brilliant and smart, but he NEVER stops talking and it must always be an argument. Do not call him a RACCOON. Kraglin will usually keep to himself, but he is a good MAN. Mantis…well…you all met Mantis.”
The empath was still getting used to the Guardians, but she was quickly fitting in. However, she did note that many of the Avengers got excited when they found out her powers. 
“And Peter…Peter is…” She glanced back out the window to see her mate DANCING with what Stark referred to as an iPod? Gamora let out a small huff of admiration and smiled (and was that a faint BLUSH on her cheeks). “He is our team leader, stubborn, smart, and irritatingly ARROGANT. But he is my mate and I could not imagine our leader being anyone but Star-Lord.”
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Natasha could tell just from listening that Gamora loved her team mates. It was sweet, really. Natasha did care for her fellow Avengers- even those she didn’t get along with, but they weren’t a family like the Guardians. Natasha couldn’t exactly preach about that, though. She wasn’t exactly trusting, or honest most of the time, but she did try and keep the team together.
“We didn’t start out as friends,” Natasha explained. “We were forced together. I knew Tony, and Clint, but I had never met Bruce or Steve before. By the end of the Chitauri invasion, we had become teammates. We worked well together. Our team keeps expanding, though, and we don’t always agree on... well, anything. Steve gets mad at me for keeping secrets. Tony gets mad at Steve for being stubborn. T’Challa hated Bucky because he thought he killed his dad. Tony hated Bucky because he did kill his dad. They all hated Steve for defending Bucky.” She told her.
“We do care about each other, though. At least we’re trying to. We’ve managed to get Tony and T’Challa to stop trying to kill James- Bucky, I mean. So it’s a start.”  Natasha smirked when she looked over at Gamora, nudged her gently. “You’re good for him. He doesn’t act like such a dick when he’s around you.” She teased. “Seems like he helps you mellow out too. They’ll all get on pretty well with the others.”
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
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“Not exactly asking, more like telling you that you can either be an accomplice or you can look the other way.” Bucky hums a moment, takes a deep breath, then yanks the needle out of his skin. A soft hiss leaves his lips, and he quickly grabs the machine that’s starting to beep and hits a few buttons, recalibrating it before he turns to face the red head once more. Thankfully, he’s not stuck in the hospital gown that he had been a few hours previously. He’s got a pair of sweat pants on and a soft shirt, and it’s more than enough to get himself out of here without prying eyes. 
“No chess board – that shit makes my head hurt.” Giving Natasha a grin, he grabs her hand and ducks his head, tugging her toward the sliding doors. A few nurses glance up at the noise, but otherwise go back to what they’re doing – none are too concerned with someone walking out, at least. Bucky’ll count it as a small miracle.
“So about the Red Room – tell me what you know. What evidence do you have that they’re bringing up operations again?”
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“You know, there’s a way to remove those things without hurting yourself.” She jokes, although she is already on her feet, scooping her purse up and getting ready to dropkick a doctor if need be. As if she’d ever let him break out without help.
She takes his hand and sticks by his side, playing it cool as they duck past the nurses. She’s honestly a little disappointed in the security on this place- it’s good that James won’t be staying there. Who knows who could have just walked into his room like this?
Once past the doors, she subtly yanks on his arm. “Car’s this way.” She reminds him in a cheerful, conversational tone so it doesn’t register to anybody in the quiet din of the hospital.
“Like I said- it���s all just chatter right now. A couple of weird sightings- young girls who pop up and vanish, a couple of ‘runaway orphans’ who match descriptions. But when I heard about that assassination attempt- it sounded too familiar. I know it sounds silly, but I can just... feel it. Besides, it’s not like we ever could officially confirm that the Widow project went under after the USSR collapsed.” Natasha explains. The failed assassination attempt had given her flashbacks to her first kill- she’d failed to kill the target on her first attempt, and to prove herself to her handlers she’d gone back out the next night, sneaking out of the Red Room to finish the job. She’d been stabbed, but she’d gotten it done.
“But like I said, I’m not asking you to help me clean up my mess right now. Let’s just get you somewhere safe.”
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
You do care. You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.
J.K. Rowling (via lovelornrocketscientist)
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theprodigalspider-blog · 7 years ago
please stop framing me for murder. just because i have killed 1,846 people doesnt mean i killed that specific one
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