the pope
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i only have the CPPS tutorial
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thepopemobile · 5 days ago
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GARYYYY GARYYYY GARYYYY ⟡ this is like... old but I'm impressed by this
also hi I'm new to tumblr how to use pls help
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thepopemobile · 6 days ago
How to host local Club Penguin Private Server (CPPS) on Silicon Mac (M1/M2/M3) thru play.localserver & Solero's Wand install.
I spent so long looking for a solution to this that I want to contribute what worked for me. I got so frustrated looking for something that worked, and I hope this guide will help others avoid that frustration.
This is NOT a guide on hosting or serving a CPPS. This is a guide on making a CPPS playable by locally hosting your server on your Silicon M1/M2/M3 Macbook. This worked on my M3 Macbook, and, in my experience, it seems the newer the hardware/operating system gets, the harder it is accomplish this.
DISCLAIMER *I do not know very much about this topic. I can paste commands into terminal and execute them, I know how to install DMG files I downloaded from the internet (the bar is in hell, I am aware), and I know how to enter play.localhost to run this in a browser. I am no expert; this guide is for beginners like myself who want a CPPS. This is beginner-level stuff. If you want advice or need help hosting, refer to the Wand Github page, Solero's Dash (an actual web-hosting solution for Houdini/Wand), Solero's discord, or, when in doubt, Google it. (I recommend only asking for help in Solero's discord for help AFTER trying your best to search for a solution, and even after that, trying to search key terms in their chat logs. They often have to repeat the same advice over, and over, and over again.)*
TLDR; IDK shit about shit
wand description from github: Wand makes it easy to configure dash, houdini and a media server utilizing docker & docker-compose.
All the assets are located here.
Installation instructions from the above link:
Installation script 1. run the script: bash <(curl -s 2. Answer Questions which are: Database password (Leave blank for random password) Hostname (example: (Leave empty for localhost) External IP Address (Leave empty for localhost) 3. Run and enjoy. Run this command: $ cd wand && sudo docker-compose up
The steps I took:
1. Install Docker via Terminal & Homebrew.
Installing the Docker DMG file did not work properly when I tried. I realized later that Docker is seperate from Docker Desktop (the DMG file). I got Docker to work by using Terminal to install Homebrew, and then using Homebrew to install Docker.
Indented text = paste into Terminal.
Command to install Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Ensure Homebrew is installed:
brew --version
Install Docker:
brew install docker
Recommended: Install Docker Desktop (useful in determining if your server is running, stopped, or stuck in a restart loop).
brew install --cask docker
Run Docker Desktop:
open -a Docker
2. Run installation script:
bash <(curl -s
From Github instructions:
Answer Questions which are:
Database password (Leave blank for random password)
Hostname (example: (Leave empty for localhost)
External IP Address (Leave empty for localhost)
3. $ cd wand && sudo docker-compose up
This is what is provided in the Github. This command didn't work on Mac; I believe it's formatted for Linux OS. Here's how I broke it up and enabled it to run from Mac's Terminal.
Navigate to Wand directory:
cd wand
Double-check if you're in the right directory:
Start Docker container:
docker-compose up
If the above doesn't work, try
docker compose up
brew install docker-compose
Takes a second...
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Ensure Docker is running:
docker info
If it isn't, open the Docker Desktop application.
*After using compose up, this error may appear:*
WARN[0000] /Users/[user]/wand/docker-compose.yml: the attribute version is obsolete, it will be ignored, please remove it to avoid potential confusion
This is harmless. If you get annoyed by errors, this can be solved by:
nano docker-compose.yml
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See Version 3.7 at the top? Delete that line.
Ctrl-X (NOT COMMAND-X) to exit, Y to save, Enter.
Type http://PLAY.LOCALHOST into a browser.
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Create a penguin.
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Try logging in that penguin:
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This step was agony. I'm not savvy with running obsolete or deprecated software, and, of course, Club Penguin (and Houdini/Wand's assest) uses Flash, which was discontinued, and timebombed by Adobe, in 2021.
I tried Ruffle. Club Penguin Journey uses Ruffle, so why can't I?
Running Ruffle in Firefox:
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No luck.
In the Solero discord, they'll direct to this blog post:
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This method does not work on Mac M1/M2/M3. The program is "out of date" and you cannot run it. It works on Macbook's running Sonoma and backward. I'm on an M3 running Sequoia.
they'll often post this video in the discord:
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In theory, this method should work, and it does for many, but for whatever reason, not on my M3. I tried different versions of Ungoogled, I tried so many different patches of Pepperflash, and it never cooperated. I tried Pepperflash, I tried Fast Patch!, I tried dedicated Flash browsers, running Flash plugins for Pale Moon, Ungoogled, Waterfox, but I could never get past him.
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Every time I see this stupid penguin's face I'm filled with rage. But I am going to save you that rage!!!
If you get this method to work, yay! I could not. Maybe I don't know enough about patching, maybe I'm a little tech stupid.
WHAT WORKED: Using a dedicated CPPS desktop application that allows you to plug in a URL.
I give you...
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He is your solution, your answer to
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I discovered this solution through Solero's Discord, when someone answered a question re: playing online.
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Waddle Forever was not what I was looking forever, but I noticed in their credits:
The electron client is originally forked from the Club Penguin Avalanche client. The server is based in solero's works in reverse engineering the Club Penguin server (Houdini server emulator). The media server is also mostly from solero's media servers.
And that's how I found out the solution: Using CPA Client
Download the CPAvalanche Client
It runs Adode Flash x64. Easy peasy.
(the instructions are in Portuguese, but for English users:
Navigate to releases.
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And download this one:
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Once downloaded, open.
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Drag into applications.
Run http://play.localhost through the client:
Open CPAvalanche Client. It will direct you to CPAvalance once loaded, but you're here because you want to play play.localhost.
Navigate to CPAvalanche Client next to your Apple. Click Mudar a URL do Club Penguin.
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Press Sim.
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URL: http://play.localhost
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Press Login once the page loads, and...
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That's it! No more penguin! Have fun :)
Solero Discord / Waddle Forever / Wand / CPA Client / Solero.Me
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