thepixelprincus · 11 years
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so i’m kind of a dope. @thatgamecompany
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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Videogame Logic
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
Yep because there's only men in games right now and there are no women with major roles no have their been ever. -rolls eyes-
Not gonna respond to a rape apologist, misogynistic, delusional fuck. I would say your reading comprehension needs major work, but that would be overlooking you're biggest problem - you're a whiny oppressive douche. 
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
So I’m sure a lot of you have heard about the ridiculous ‘artistic event’ that some are calling a ‘feminist gathering’ being held at a plantation, hosted by Ani DiFranco. Well shits hitting the fan on the Facebook page after some woman kept dismissing the critiques of black women about the...
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
The Feminist Gaming Tag
is a mine field of misogyny and trolling. I didn't expect it to be otherwise, but some of the arguments are so silly I can't help but laugh until I cry (because after all, someone believes this stuff.) Like responses to Anita Sarkeesian's (and other non-oppressive gamers) point about no female heroes being met with "but all the villains are men!" But all the heroes are men....all the sidekicks are men....everybody is a man....so what point exactly are you trying to make? At this point we would gladly take a female villain if it meant something besides the objectifying, ornamental purpose of the female video game character. I mean, can you not just be honest like the other half of the tag and just outright admit you're a misogynist douche and don't want anyone that isn't a cishet male playing games instead of making really shitty, nonsensical arguments? Own your douchiness, fellas. 
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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I can’t believe I sacrificed a night of video games for these. A little while ago, the UN rolled out an ad campaign focusing on sexism on the internet (http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2013/10/women-should-ads). They utilize google’s instant search feature, and I felt the ads powerfully show how sexism on the internet reflects what we encounter in real life.
I decided to copy it, focusing on the discrimination and prejudice female gamers face within the subculture. These searches were done on November 14th, 2013.
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
there are always 3 types of sims gamers:
benevolent god: okay i'm gonna set everything up really nice and make sure everyone is comfortable and then i'll zoom right in and watch carefully oops is your hunger bar getting low don't worry shh i have that taken care of i have a cheat shhh it's okay keep painting that weird purple thing i love you
distant god: i'll set your life in motion but then i'm gonna pull back and let you do your thing maybe i'll wander the town a bit i'm sure you'll be fine
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
Indie Game: The Movie or: Media That Continues to Glorify Misogyny and Rape Culture in Gaming
As a documentary film programmer/maker and a gamer this documentary, Indie Game: The Movie seemed like a match made in heaven for me. Hell, its creators even hail from my birthplace, Winnipeg, Manitoba. But as I began to watch I realized it was no different than any other media surrounding gaming culture. The word "Indie" is just a gimmick to attract the "true geeks." To pander to that hierarchy of the art gamers and the shit gamers (CoD) the 13 year old boys that crave constant explosions and gratuitous violence when they press start, and we're here looking down on them because our games are the "cinema" of movies, the art before interactive, and come with pretty, glitchy soundtracks and 6 years of sitting in a basement working on raw talent. But is there really a distinction? When no matter if it's "Indie" games like Fez or Super Meat Boy or Braid or massive blockbusters in the gaming world like Call of Duty or Final Fantasy this is an industry run by white cis men and at the indiest, artiest of levels they continue to dominate. In the interest of being concise and handling one d-bag at a time I'm going to focus this rant on the douchiest of the douches from the film, Super Meat Boy co-creator, Edmund McMillen. Who is he? Besides an entitled prick that compares designing a flash game to "living in a concentration camp" he's also designed such uninspired rape simulations like "Cunt." Yep, that's right, he couldn't even be bothered to dress up his shitty game with a less blatantly misogynistic title. He, like so many other entitled, oppressive men know they can get away with this crap, and often design a neat little exit route for taking responsibility. Exhibit A:
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Right. So when people bring valid claims of perpetuating rape culture, violent simulations of rape, misogyny, STI shaming and ridiculing and triggering rape survivors he can point at this shitty little warning he inserted into the loading screen and say "I told you not to play it if it offended your delicate little sensibilities and you couldn't handle seeing a dick and a vagina in a game." Well, Mundo, it's not the genitalia that some folks find issue with, it's your portrayal of them.  Warning: description of game that simulates rape to follow: For starters you've got an embodied vagina, in that it's a vagina fashioned into a face that can emote. The only emotion it emits however is anger. Anger, that as you ram your penis (player) into it, it bleeds, and reacts with caricature-esque rage. Because anger is not a legitimate emotion in response to being violated. Because an angry representation of a raped vagina informs the player to view it as an archetypal game villain, and to return those signs of anger and retaliation with more abuse. Not only is the entire narrative of the game literally playing a dick that rapes a vagina, it sells the idea of the vagina as the deserving antagonist to the violation. Holy rape culture, Batman!  From there you witness the onslaught of the evil vagina's attacks, one of which is boils that emerge from the face, (vulva) burst, and swarm you with their diseases. Now we can tack on shaming people with STIs to the list of ways that Mundo here likes to degrade people with vaginas. The vagina is not just the justified target of rape in this game, it also serves to remind cis male players that vaginas can be traps, weapons and epicentres of disease hell bent on harming your poor, precious dick.  So in summary, I'm not buying into these indie, arty hierarchies of games. When you feed the perpetuation of rape culture, misogyny and objectification with your "indie" games you're not a pioneer of art in the medium, you're a bad businessman. Shit, Rockstar has been paying designers top dollar to do that for almost two decades, why are you working in your mom's basement again? *As an aside, I have chosen not to link to the game in question on this post. It is easy to find if you type in the name of the game and the creator, both of which are provided here. I'm here to call out bullshit not endorse it, and certainly not to trigger folks that don't absolutely want to see it firsthand. 
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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Fez (Xbox 360) Polytron 2012.
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
console specific games
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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first time doing stop motion
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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Some recent photobooth selfies 
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thepixelprincus · 11 years
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game cube
by empathyx
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