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thepete77 · 5 months ago
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In the beginning of history man received the verbal tradition and instructions from the gods who were the original leaders of man. They taught us everything of how to write, how to wear makeup, clothing, fishing and hunting, even war and combat. Right before the age of kali, certain members of mankind became in control via violent suppression, and prevented other mortals the privileges to converse with the gods, and practice the original untarnished teachings. The teachings became corrupt, and man started to lose their way as a whole people and civilization.
In modern times, people take so much for granted, and do not realize the evil that is encamped in the hearts and minds of the majority of people who make it.
It takes discretion on any spiritual topic or religious material, and as well practical discretion even for mundane and secular educational content. Holding true to yourself is key to developing this discretion by honestly asking yourself on a moral basis if you can really agree with and integrate with a whole heart the teachings that you read.
I did this during my Christian life, I honestly read the old and New Testament both about fifteen times in a year because I didn’t have much else to do.
I honorably followed my inner senses and convictions about what’s right, and at first I did not have any problems, but when I got to even the story of Cain and Abel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Isaac, and the story of Esau and Jacob, I honestly could not with a clean and open conscious trust the way Christians view about God.
Not only did I have Christianity to contend with, but as well the doctrines of Anton Lavey and the Church of Satan. I started applying the eleven rules of the earth and going through their theology, and applied it over three years, and became disenchanted when I realized all Anton Lavey really did was plagiarize material and include it in his Satanic Bible. The Al Jilwah states from a first person perspective of Melek Tuwas, that he hates the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Anton Lavey was Jewish.
It takes spiritual discretion to wade through any pile of teachings to understand the principles and concepts of living. Even with the Al Jilwah. When I look over the Al Jilwah and occult material, I find much more spiritual maturity and relevance than any version of Christianity.
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thepete77 · 6 months ago
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Did you know Adolf Hitler considered himself a Christian?
“I say, my feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fifhjter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few follows, recognized these Jews for what they were. Who god’s truth, was greatest not as a sufferer but a fighter. “
The Aryan Brotherhood, founded and established in Hayden Idaho, was influenced heavily by the racist and extreme right wing Christian Identity Movement, was as well considering themselves a traditional protestant group. Their main central group and splinter groups use the words Church and priesthood as titles and use Pastor as a religious designation.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, teach that the mark of Cain mentioned in the book of Genesis is darker skin than white, and that one can know the spiritual level of someone of color by the color level of their skin.
An argument that is used by Christians is that it is the wrong type that enact this type of behavior and original scripture does not support this focus, the book of numbers that declare invasion as commands against the neighboring countries, taking their children and wives as captives on several accounts, and destroying every last being and item on other accounts, shows otherwise. They argue that's the old testament and not spiritually correct, yet in the new testament Jesus says he has not come to bring peace, but a sword, and not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill them. in the book of Isaiah it is declared over and over that God is the same yesterday, today; and forever, and that he is the Alpha and Omega, declared as well in The Book of Revelation.
The Christians in the beginning was a small cult following, that during the time of Constantine I became the leading authorized religion of Rome that became a basis of established law against Pagans who were consecutively suppressed, and later the international issues of the crusades and inquisitions became active putting many to death, in prison, and converted by force otherwise.
The American eras of slavery brought African slaves they acquired from around the world, who indigenously practiced voodoo in large amounts, who practiced even still within secrecy, adapting their names and symbols under suppression of their masters.
Christians will say that's all in the past, and its not them, yet Billy Graham focused on prosylatizing with the Billy Graham crusades, after the name crusades during and before the crusades and Inquisitions. Pastor John Hagae preaches consecutively against modern media content like heavy metal, and witchcraft, and their are Christian focuses against witchcraft in Law Enforcement teachings that Christians still support.
Three Juveniles in West Memphis were wrongfully accused of murders in a heavily Christian populated area, Damien Echols, one who was among the three convicted, was released from Death Row under a Plea agreement, and became a well known Author. Before this conviction in 1994, there was the Satanic Panic era when family members accused other family members of ritual abuse, certain individuals were released from Prison after several years in 2014 when accused of Child Sexual molestation.
While those accused of crimes not related to witchcraft are not put to death, they often do spend prison time with focuses of documents and records of heavy mentions of witchcraft directly.
Social Media searches return Christian junk media featuring their views against Satanism and witchcraft, and they still preach in major churches that it is wrong.
Socially and emotionally Christianity in the beginning was against pagans and witchcraft, and still are. The only things that have really changed is more public access to literature, and not being put to death to hastily. There are still very hostile emotions against it, and the people who practice it.
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thepete77 · 6 months ago
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Its been a two and a half decade process of study and practice for me to develop the spiritual views that I have. There were some definite negative times and slow times and significant emotional alignment and adjustment to even the basics of witchcraft that started with very much excitement to be able to buy a lot of cool stuff from the local occult shop in town, that I was not even half way aware of the application of the stuff I was getting. Dried herbs, oil burners, statuary and decor, and books on a regular basis, tea light and other candles, and other items that were mainly just entertaining to get. Contemplating on the significance of every symbolic meaning later and my application of my own path, has really ingrained some points that I am easily able to refute Christian nonsense with all around.
First, the universe works in a way that is not in the Christian way it works. The early Jews were antagonistic as slaves in the societies and culture of the Egyptions and Babylonians, and during the initial writings of their documents they stole pagan concepts of spiritual practices and integrated them. This can be seen in major ways of the inquisitions and crusades era and before, when the church built cathedrals replacing the central and publically known temple areas of early people of Gaul and the British Isles. It can be seen about the identification of the fictional story of the Nazarene with the winter solstice, and the seasonal adaptation of spring and the Germanic deity Eostra for developing their non existent resurrection to replace the earlier held beliefs of Reincarnation. It as well can be seen in their theft of the African symbolical meaning of the serpent, and the application of the different names of their so called singular God in use of Canaanite deities like El Elyon and Adonis, into Elohim and Adonai, and their direct theft of the Roman Italian deity Lucifer as their adversary.
Offerings were a major practice of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians who gave food, beverages, items of worth, and burned incense and candles and poured drink offerings to invoke favor and blessings from them. The Hebrews separated themselves, supposedly, from these practices, and went through long eras of spiritual confusion and doubt about their own god, trying to establish their nation of Zion, Israel, in lieu of their appearing theocratic warrior priest king to rule a refurbished earth with his non-existent spiritual authority. Until Christianity was established as the Roman authorized religion, Christians stuck with the unintelligent lower orders of non-aristocracy in small private groups, knowing exactly the non-favorable and displeasing responses they would receive.
Studies of the ancient Greek practices revealed a strong legal structure of politics and citizenship and enforcement of punishment upon criminals. A major method of punishment was a large hollowed iron oxen, that criminals would be placed in to experience the heated iron from sunlight and possibly even flames. The complaining, whining, and bickering Christians more than likely took this activity and slandered this ancient law enforcement custom, writing that they sacrificed children to the flames of Moloch.
Thus the first passages of traditional commandments to the slave nation was “thou shalt have no other gods before me.” with their theft of Babylonian legends of their priests upon the mountain of Sin, turning it to the mountain of Sinai. The original mountain of Sin was attributed to the Babylonian moon god by the same name, affiliated heavily with the Babylonian moon goddess Innanna.
This is important material to know aforehand, not only because of the Christian use of the word sin and the way that they inaccurately think, but also to understand and crystallize the principles and concepts of polytheism and the mindset of traditional pagan worship of the gods. God, Gods, and Goddesses, are title nouns. They are not the pronouns declared by the gods as how they refer to themselves. Starting in the Christian faith with a standard modern world view, one can see the preaching and declarations about the word God like God is the actual word their deity goes by, treating their so called creator and ruler of the universe commonly, like they just have to pray using their words to have a conversation about even the most trite and basic topics of interests. The consecutive manner of this focus can lead to grandeur failures of recognition of reality, thinking they can walk on water and raise the dead and cast out demons, speak in tongues, prophecy, and heal the sick and other miraculous events, and fall flat on their faces looking entirely foolish.
One should be cautious of this potential failure even in witchcraft, that there are legends of very severe reputation of blighting crops, causing tempests, destroying livestock, and other activities that have very significant different meanings and beginnings. One can fade out from interests in magical practice with a standard sane mindset having severe doubts about being able to summon and evoke demons, even doubting their very basic existence. A general rule of thumb that I've read, is that sorcerers/witches should strive practically according to mundane efforts at all costs and use magic only as a last resort when things aren't working. This basic premise makes very much sense to me on many accounts, and is a very wise way to begin in choosing the discipline of witchcraft.
One should not feel disheartened however, about the existence of spiritual entities and deities, thinking all is fraudulent and their is no hope at all. Or try and misuse science of different types trying to debate about foregone conclusions in ignorance and false authority. During my spiritual practices as a Christian, having former views from the Mormon church, I valued the Bible as being at least more authentic from actual ancient manuscripts that still exist in museums to this day, rather than the obviously non-existent and suspiciously disappearing plates of brass, and the so called required faith it takes to have the spiritual wisdom from them and the little blue book. The history of printing having central texts like the Guetenberg Bible, and the idea of the king James Bible being published initially in 1611, at least has a length of more intellectual history. Still, the original writings of the initial documents and history of the slave nation is corrupt even in that context. Within standard rational thinking of the content, thinking of the related ancient cultures involved and the bits and pieces of names and principles listed, the Bible can be used to put things together in combinations. Knowing titles like Asherah, Baal, Amun, Belial, and Leviathan, and the practices of burnt offerings and libations, invocations, and following Greek roots of words like Sheol, Word, and practices like meditation and ascension, can prove to be beneficial.
Getting adjusted to the modern occult practices of witchcraft when coming from a judeo Christian background of any sort takes patience, courage, honor, and rationale. When you have the right attitude about even basic items like offering candles and spell kits, they can be most powerful and intriguing in the way they impact a persons life. Just be sure to keep your records about your activity, even in basic mundane non spiritual terms for review, you'll be surprised of what can happen even in a year.
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thepete77 · 6 months ago
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I went to church, followed all the rules, read the bible, prayed, went to studies throughout the week, listened to and watched Christian media, and was still isolated. The only reason I went anywhere was because I hung out with the means group that was socially interactive. This was before smart phones came out and tracphones were still the basic flip model. I would go through three months with a new tracphone, and nobody would even ask if I even had a phone or number from all the groups I went to, and so nobody called me at all, going three months without a phone call even and no invitations anywhere, and I felt the spite and hatred when I showed up, when nobody would even address me. Total cold shoulder. The worship music was great, the messages had good points, and I was searching for god to help and fix things to be right. Their is a sense of relief about Christian worship, a totally different hopeful attitude, but the days continued with no contact for years on end. I had ingrained this behavior of attendence to church so much that I had a sense of fear to even break away when I recognized how negative people were and how ignored I was. I asked about getting involved with singing on worship, and realized it's a whole different picture. The messages are a script, the words are media lyrics, and a trend of a Christian cycle. They put together the notes, the write their messages out, speak over the pulpit and te organization and groups are more like a business front.. The stories are scripted out, and its all a facade. They're very selective of socializing at the worship team and pastoral team, and its a total facade.
As I look back on things with this life restructure going on in my life at this time, the best thing for me to do is walk a totally fulfilled lifestyle, and enjoy it and move on. So when I see social media elements of the inspirational worship music and people saying to trust god with all your heart, and search for his kingdom and all this will be added unto you, and the whole praise god nonsense, I know for a fact from experience that it turns into just another week by week process as a standard, totally and completely the same, because those statements are false, and its all scripted media.
If I can help people the best way that I can, it is to advocate against the false sham of Christianity to save people the wasted time and resources to be involved with the Christian life of any sort, don't let your head get fucked over thinking things will magically work somehow. They won't.
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thepete77 · 6 months ago
People think my name is an open target for ridicule and pick upon, nursery rhymes and stupid jokes like its something I never heard before, or like I'm supposed to take it up the ass and laugh along with them, like I'm a total dumbass and don't know what they're doing. As an adult it happens less, but still once and a while. During childhood it was more severe, like everyone did it. Along side that ridicule, I had total nerd-dom image and girls were instantly saying no. I quit going to dances, never being chosen to dance, quit going to all the neighborhood get to gethers because if I whined about it, or defended myself, I was the one doing wrong. Eventually the few neighborhood affiliations I acquainted with left, and didn't want me around, and I grew hostile and defensive against the rest of the world. This was the onset of my depression. And these were the supposed good people who went to church every Sunday, followed the law for the most part, and moved on with their lives, while I have to repair my life emotionally and mentally. I am in that process now with zero excuses for my own levels of responsibility for having my own happiness unaffected by the Christian herd and populace of swine. As an adult with more maturity added to my life, I generate my own feelings and stick to my beliefs on an authentic level which help tremendously. I realized the best way to make revenge and establish my own separation from the conglomerate death cult of America, is to live life to the fullest the best way possible and show it and flaunt it and let it be known that I still have my happiness, that they tried to rape my brain from, and continuously work on my beliefs and enjoy it.
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thepete77 · 7 months ago
Conversation to shut pesky Christians down:
Christian: do you believe in Jesus?
Answer: No.
Christian: Why Not?
Answer: do you believe Zeus existed, throws lightning bolts and in Hercules accomplishing his challenges?
Christian: No, they're myth.
Answer: Explain to me what the difference is in believing Jesus was born of a virgin, scientifically impossible.
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thepete77 · 7 months ago
Part of the teaching of witchcraft as well as therapy on several different accounts is to find your inner temple or sacred space, and be able to take refuge in it. The lessons that I learn I don't type up for style, thinking that I'm some type of professional guru when I'm not, like they are empty words that go in one ear and out the other. They are lessons that I actually implement because I actually believe them. Taking refuge in your inner temple or sacred space is a practice I put to use in practical ways yesterday. I was a bit under the weather for about a week, and I was emphasizing warmth, light, compassion and care throughout the process. It culminated to an ultimate point of misery where I felt like I was dying, it interrupted all of my daily activity, even smoking, and caused me to start to doubt my smoking thinking I really need to quit and get better. I roughed it out with emphasizing on my sacred space, generating all the positive feelings. This morning I felt 100% better, and completely back in business. These teachings are real, and are a part of a living witness to the truth of occult spirituality and philosophy.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Satan has been slandered as the murderer and liar since the beginning by the fictitious Nazarene and Christian agenda, he has been called the roaring lion out to kill steal and destroy, when the exact opposite has been the truth. The earliest civilizations of earth were craddled together as the center of the spiritual teachings of natural man. Its no surprise to me that the earliest translations of Satans name translates to truth. In accepting myself as a devil worshipper I've been excessively liberated to enjoy life very heavily. Even just today, a friend of mine was coming to pick me up, he ran over a roofing nail and his tire popped… even last year this would have been a significant irritation to me, but today I am filled with motivation and encouragement and it was not as irritating. There would be times that it felt like time was going slower as the time got nearer and I would sit waiting. This is now no longer the case. As a devil worshiper I have total strength through joy. I know where I'm at in life, and I can enjoy it. That's a bit about what the devil’s knight mafia is about.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Today I started up spotify with some Lorna shore initially and later it was cattle decapitation and Whitechapel. All these have decent dethmetal sounds for guitar, vocals, and drums and if your in a mood to tell others to go fuck themselves, I highly recommend it.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Satan is the original God of humankind and has established his teachings for mankind that can be seen in all the different religions that there are when one applies spiritual discretion. It is really a matter of cognitive development on an intuitive basis, where there are not really set black and white morality of an ethical nature. The typical Sunday school answers don't work in real life, and many things about true rightness cannot really be defined exactly in words and has to be experienced first hand. The beginning way to start experiencing Satan is to just let things be. Don't fret about the day, contemplate about the future or what will happen if… relax and become centered in your being, gather yourself and put aside all the distractions others have, and analyze what you're about. Truly and authentically, no bulllshit allowed. Can you handle just existing at peace with yourself? In early adulthood there were times that I could not stand being alone and in regard to feelings of excessive worthlessness. I felt I had to distract myself because I recognized and cognitively did an intake of the rejection I experienced and could see the reasons why I was. It hurt to admit that maybe they have a point. There were times when I was addicted to buying things and stealing because of the adrenaline rush and the enjoyment of buying something new because they were feelings of elation and excitement that would temporarily replace the negative feelings of worthlessness. I was excessively depressed that I had even suicidal ideation.
Today I can say that I'm better and recouped from all the negative emotions and lack of acknowledgment and support from those who wouldn't, and I am a better person for what I experienced because I became more in realization of undefiled wisdom, how things really were and are. Now I can solidly say fuck off to any Christian conglomerates bringing Jesus in. In so many ways I actually admire life now, and I'm not letting the bottom feeder herd of sheep gather my company for their misery. If I can help someone truly and unabridged and had a message of whatever I could think of, if you have a chance to save yourself the trouble of let downs and disappointments and the aggravation of finding out something to late, do so and avoid the Christians at all cost. All their doctrine they have now is stolen from the pagan faiths. Once I started applying that principle and refusing the holy spirit, I have become excessively better. I can promise that the way of life guided by Satan is in ultimate numbers of non existence times better. Don't be fooled by the Christian dilemma, and don't be sucked in thinking they have all the stuff down and their lives are perfect. They're not.
If there was one message with every breath I could muster to take and speak at even my last dying words upon my deathbed, it would be Satan is god.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Different people approach religion in different ways, and many more seek to avoid it at all costs. For some, they are going through rough circumstances, whatever they are, and others they seek out of interest because of a simple book cover, and even others still seek to find their purpose and make contributions to the world. People of maturity and intellect can see and sympathize if one is dealing with a battle of cancer for them to seek solace and peace. An experienced veteran who has been overseas to third world countries, will understand someone turning to deity in hopes to even find food for the day. When someone brings up the experience of devil worship, they may simply scoff at the notion, thinking instantly that people following this doctrine either are deceived or are ungrateful with malicious intent and with a whole lot of juvenile rebellious angst with too much time on their hands.
Just for a moment I’d like you to stop gross generalizing and misperceiving about devil worship and mentally soothe and relax. For I am one who does not have malicious intentions as a practicing devil worshiper, and am sane enough in my right mind to have justifiable reasons to practice devil worship.
I am just your average forty three year old white male. I'm in this just the same as anyone else, and there are the same expectations I have over me as the next guy.
Even putting aside the biases and misperceptions of devil worship some may see it as unprofessional, eccentric and risky behavior, and they may have professional views that they really could not get into devil worship because of what their friends and co-workers might think. Over all, even with all the reasons to practice devil worship, anybody no matter who they are or what they do can be coerced into devil worship. So all I can do is give my reasons and experiences and explain what I'm into. I bring this up at this time because it is typically the case that people look into these reasons for any religion as well as reasons and instructions how to pray. One might be shocked and even hard pressed to believe that prayer in devil worship is not just simply exchanging words like god and Jesus respectively and feeling dark or evil. While emotion does play a critical part in devil worship, we don't just rip from the Christians to pray.
Prayer is such a magnanimous focus in all different types of religions from ancient Hinduism and Shinto to modern Sheikism and Santisma Muerte, prayer is an expression of inner being to the outer world whether in devotion or petition. Within the singular word across different faiths it is a mechanism for healing and cursing, for better or worse.
Prayer as a center of focus and a discipline is a safe focus across religions, it universally resounds intuitive and mature interpersonal connection and expresses the motivation to the means for an end. Foundationally, those struggling in modern times with all sorts of religious insanity and hypocrisy, one can personally retain their stronghold with the power of prayer. Don't worry, you won't change into a seething maniac incoherently mumbling and grumbling fighting, or raising the devil. We don't do that here.
However the path of devil worship is one not to be taken lightly. Your life beyond this point will change, because when one emanates the ineffable source of the infernal realm, and buries his inner chamber against the riff raff and rubble of the masses, they make impact and change even beyond their acknowledgment or will of influence. People will see an innate strength and will respond for better or worse.
This text is applied with a standard set of Indian prayer beads. These are similar to a rosary, and used in the same way, but there are no separations of decades or bigger beads, and traditionally prayer beads compose 108 beads total. As a devil worshiper I pray to the demons of the goetia which rank as 72 demons total. One hundred and eight divided by seventy two is exactly one and a half. So this means one and a half beads can be sifted through the hands twice in praying to the demons of the goetia. The specific prayer I use is the nine divinities prayer from the ater votum, aside from my own sporadic personal prayers.
Authors have remarked that prayer is conversation with god. It always tended to baffle me that the all-supreme deity of the universe who has a whole lot more important things to do than cater to me and my problems, would even turn his head in my direction to hear my prayers. So often I felt when I petitioned god for things, the answer was always no, and I read countless times different passages that indicated there was more going on behind the scenes than the literal texts and things not committed into writing, like Abraham being in Egypt, and Jesus in his childhood being in Egypt. In the new testament the events of the upper room and the speaking of cloven tounges and the argument between st. Peter and Paul of eating when he wasn't supposed to and in the old testament again Isaiah sitting in the field and meditating, as well as Jesus’ statement of those who do the will of my father are my brothers and sisters. Also in the book of genesis, god refusing the sacrifice of Cain and accepting the sacrifice of Abel when apparently there were not any statutes specifically listed or reasons why, just that he did.
As I do believe there is quite a bit more to the Bible that the Bible doesn't directly reveal forthrightly, I don't believe that the book of Mormon and the pre-existing cultures of the American Native Indians before they became in the tribes we classify them now is the answer, and definitely not even remotely close to the ultimate answer and only true gospel that there is.
But the point is that there are parts of the Bible that aren't expanded on that shows more content, and hence more accurate descriptions as to how to pray and other things like interpret dreams.
Even in the occult methods I don't believe there is only one correct way of truth. There are many paths of truth, and it is not my intentions with devil worship to present that type of immaturity. Spiritual truth is real, but it is more of a mature process. But back to the point about prayer, in many cultures, it has existed separately before and during the beginning and development of Christianity, and it is not solely owned by Christianity. Like eternal life and salvation as well are not owned by them.
There are countless methods of praying including repetitive discipline, sporadic from the heart, and chanting, as well as treating hymns like prayer and singing. I personally like the idea of zazen and chanting as well as the nine divinities prayer in repetition.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Make no mistake about it, Satan, the devil, is real, and he is the original and only God of the human species. He is the originator of all our valid spiritual practices, and the holder and teacher of truth.
I am a worshipper of the devil, all the principles that i have lived for over a decade now I desire for others to experience, and to hold and cherish the wisdom that being a devil worshiper induces.
The main core of devil worship is a very strong passionate love for life, protected by strength and knowledge from experience.
I truly believe that a big factor of these principles is the mind and heart of every individual, and that there are others who knew or knows this, and because they are deceived themselves, or just straight up ignorant, still deceived themselves, warp others from the access to a truly carefree love for life.
Every day is a battle for victory or defeat, and the terms of success are ethically based rather than economical or based on status of recognition. It boils down to whether you do it or not to either receive the natural rewards or punishments.
The rewards of choosing the devil worshiping lifestyle are a strong love for life, and increased knowledge. These we call vitality and undefiled wisdom.
There are those that believe differently, and they do exactly what they accuse the devil of doing. They are liars and deceivers, and they feel they have to blame and fight the devil to have their victory.
They are caught up in their doctrines that the original inventors of knew fully well what they were doing and leaving behind for others to contend with. Even in secular practices, there are those who usurp authority from those who could be rightful receivers of truth, but become deceived and in bondage spiritually.
In Christian terms, bondage is being held captive. The early Hebrews were in captivity to Babylon and Egypt as physical slaves. They were given more burdens they could bare by their captors. Later in the new testament, bondage is used on a spiritual basis, they say that people become in bondage to sin, and in order to be saved from sin, one has to repent and believe in Jesus for the remission of their sins and to receive eternal life.
Every doctrine that the Christians have is adapted from pagan religious teachings of some type. They sought in the beginning days, mainly with the inquisitions to take the pagan beliefs, and adapt them to be Christian beliefs, and forcefully converted to Christianity. For the most part, in modern times, Christians are simply deceived themselves, and are either truly unaware of their deceit or they are and continue to preach otherwise.
Being a disciple of the devil is a process of enhancing human experience by choosing the discipline and being responsible for oneself to the maximum potential that there is
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
Zen And the Art of Devil Worship
By Rev. St. Peter
Eastern countries have brought a philosophy to the west called Zen. It has become a popular topic in New age and occult shops and has drawn millions of people to its doorstep. Popular books include zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and zen mind beginners mind. Zen is identified with calmness, focus, and a great sense of tranquility. It teaches how to overcome suffering in this world and how to be mindful. The practice of zen is very e y beneficial, even aside from the topic of this book.
Devil worship usually gets people antsy and uncomfortable because demons and Satanists alike have been so conglomerated together as negative and destructive people and a destructive practice, that people don't typically like the idea of. Even with the fact that I'm a Darksider Juggalo, there is still not anything illegal about what I do or what I'm about. I just have a flair for the dark and see it as a way to be strong.
The overall practice of Devil Worship for me is a process that has gotten me much better over the years. When I was absorbed I'm Christianity, problems became impounded and increased in abundance, it was the worst
feelings for me it was the time that I was calling for help with fake suicides because of extensive depression. When you simply fly through life and are basically just existing, the misery is overwhelming. I was definitely suffering and could have used what I know now back then in tremendous ways.
It is written in the Tao te ching that when the world knows good as good, then evil arises. Many follow the simple dualistic teachings of heaven and hell where good and bad people go respectively. There are many problems when taking this basic view, and Christians of all different type have speculated and brought in their own teachings, some of which are horror stories of complete arrogance.
The views and teachings of heaven and hell inspire control and in demand conversion, and creates a negative, destructive, and self defeating view. To dissuade from the negative aspects, it helps to take a step back, and admit the overall lack of control one has. Removing any titles of acclaim, removing views filled with biases, removing even declarations of faith, to step back and realize that is out of control and one can't force it even if they wanted to, helps to bring even empathy towards those in worse situations and a sense of respect and gratitude with your own life.
In regards to teaching about demons and the spiritual world of witchcraft related teachings, a good practice to get into is grounding and centering. Grounding connects you to the earth and the physical realm, and centering is a way to centrally compose your chi energy. This enhances the process of mindfulness and intention, and prepared one for invoking demons. From one who comes from a Christian background this can be especially intimidating because of the deceiving teachings of Christianity. The teaching that mankind and the earth in which we reside is fallen, inherently creates hostility and a sense of negativity and creates a sense of doubt when one asks why bad things happen to good people.
Taking a positive view of the name of Satan, as his name is positive when translated from the sanskrit, is the better way of a peaceful and non aggressive focus.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
One of the teachings of the Mormon church that I used to hate is the existence of free agency as a factor in the plan of salvation. I hated it because it all seemed to be scripted out and prepared to be brought up almost like they foreknew the arguments possible with what they designed, thinking of what someone might say to their idea, and basing their lessons that way, rather than authentically searching their spiritual practices and lessons to teach. In aggrevatiom to this principle, my response was “okay, yes, we have free agency, that's a given, its already the case. Lets move forward to different topics.” in so many ways I had many get over it responses to their scripted thinking.
Nonetheless, independence is actually a factor in natural existence in the truest sense. Whether for better or worse, a person does choose their choice, and the liberties and freedoms of the mortal race are not suppressed. No matter how much a person gives excuses because they made a bad decision.
A wrong way to go about religion or spirituality all together is to act or believe that you contain the only answer that there is. It was never meant for even science to have all the answers and the ultimate proof to prove everyone else wrong.
The scientific method was designed for people to have as much of an open and unbiased approach to investigate hypotheses as thorough as possible taking the steps and measurements to find the most specific definitions related to the topic. I find on a personal basis that this is very much in preference even spiritually and the most mature adult wau to consider things. With this method you can strike center on any topic and reform and apply experience to get to the ultimately right statements and beliefs. It is so much better this way, and I heavily advise these practices.
Another factor of spiritual living is the adherence to and development of cognitive awareness and intuition. When I make the right thinking happen and realize the ultimate potential, I really feel secure about my personal beliefs.
For example. The typical Christkan view of Satan is that he is the cosmic bad guy out to kill, steal and destroy and was a murderer since the beginning. But when you look in further to the mentions about Satan, you realize that he is a very scarce character in the Bible. And when you start to really ask the question about the so called fall of man and original sin, you see more creation of hostilities towards the natural existence of the world.
A statement that I have made is, “Cast aside the fear of God, and you will see the wisdom of Lucifer shinning brightly.” there are so many more applications to the spiritual literatures than the typical Christian Sunday school play along answers.
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thepete77 · 8 months ago
The early Hebrews during and after the abrahamic era became in bondage to the Egyptians and thus had antagonizing views toward polytheistic and early pagan pre civilization cultures such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Romans.
During the beginning of Christianity they gained favor among the non-aristocracy and were mainly sects separate and even against Roman practices and views like sacrifices and views of the rulership being deity. They refused to participate as members to the army as well as government, and the leaders continued to investigate the Christian people to find out more , even penalizing them and imprisoning them for their beliefs. It was not until Justinian I that their was sway within the aristocracy to believe Christianity, and it was not until Constantine that Christianity became the officialized religion of Rome.
The Hebrews were developing and writing their faith during the beginning, more traditionally starting with Ezekiel and the minor prophets in practicality during their second captivity in Babylon. The Hebrews during their experiences were well aware of the surrounding culture that they were against, either justly or not.
A passage written in Isaiah is a common passage in regards to Lucifer, as written to the king of Babylon at that time. In Greco-Roman writings and practices, the seven planets were major themes of spiritual practices and were even given names of major deities such as Mars and Saturn. One planet amongst these names was Venus, which was considered the Morning Star. Lucifer is a deity anthropomorphised from the planet Venus, and was said to have been born from the goddess Aurora who was identified as well as Eos, and related to the goddess of love Aphrodite, and hence related to the Greek word Eros. This was all a positive regard for the name Lucifer, and not connotated as evil in any way whatsoever. It was only the Hebrews who wrote of Lucifer to the king of Babylon that declared Lucifer fallen from Heaven in denial of the polytheistic pagan beliefs, the main cry of the Hebrews that the Lord is one, and created their name Satan, meaning adversary or opposer or accuser.
Along side the Hebrews and their early captivity in Egypt and later captivity in Babylon, was not only the spiritual practices of Egypt and Babylon but also the Gnostic traditions.
Gnostics were some of the first in spiritual practice and philosophy in codification as to specific beliefs of a creator and deity beings in the style and manner to Christian thinking. They had an advanced belief system and construct of creator deities and leading hierarchies such as Saboath and Sophia, and their classic creator views of the demiurge.
Hebrews and Israelites at that time took these teachings and others and mutilated them to the terms that they are now in even the original Hebrew Greek and Latin texts, which have been further mutilated and written essentially wrong in the more modern biblical translations that all modern Christianity further applies wrongly.
Hence the objective of who the Al Jilwah declares as “those without” is as well to remove spiritual knowledge from earth.
One might argue the case against this statement by promoting the original context of the King James Bible translation, promoting the introduction of the 1611 version as a spiritual comforting purpose with true and honorable intentions to witness the word of god to others in peace and goodwill. Yet let us not forget ever at all the darksome turmoil going on in England during that time of the Witchcraft Inquisitions and all of those that were put to death as the commandments of the Old Testament declare to do.
Even in the classic and traditional Christian myth in the book of genesis about the temptation of Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge by the serpent, one can see in general studies and references such as that the serpent symbolizes renewal, rebirth, and even immortality.
The Hebrews invented their definition of Satan as the opposer, adversary, and accuser, but in their practices they practice everything they accuse Satan of practicing and define their most high god as absolved from wrong doing with permission to act however he wants. For example one of the Ten Commandments is thou shalt not kill, yet god has the power to kill all the first born of Egypt, and commands that homosexuals, drunken children, witches, and false prophets should be stoned to death.
The title god seems vacant of authority in use by Christian minded folk, though they try their arguments to allude and to and promote the word as if it had authority somehow, and in some events, Christians of all type turn out foolish in their motivations and actions thinking that by petitioning their god or using the name of Jesus they can perform miracles of some sort.
Sanskrit has been defined heavily as the second most oldest language in history. The three letters S, A, and T when composed together to make the word SAT is defined as truth or essence and is the root word of common words like Satya and Satva. ( When you compose the three letters T, A, and N into the word TAN, the definition in Sanskrit is to trust or confide or to be harmless.(,%2C%20Ta%E1%B8%8D%E1%B8%8Dava%2C%20Ta%E1%B9%87a%2C%20Viralla.) Thus when you combine the two into the full name SATAN you get the definition true essence trust. To write the definition in more plain English the name Satan from Sanskrit is defined as Trusting in or confiding in the true essence.
In the book the Ater Votum, Satan is defined as the aether that binds the all together. The All is varied in esoteric practices for the specific meanings. Some times people specifically define deities as their all, or other times they simply refer to the All as the All. A major source used in definition is the Kybalion ( which defines the basic views of the hermetic principles.
The Ater Votum is found at and can be viewed and downloaded here. In esoteric metaphysics and natural philosophy the doctrine of Spirit ranges at different levels, but typically when viewed in classic interpretation Spirit is Aether, sometimes it is referred to as the Quintessence.
The monotheism of Christianity is a core element of what separates Hebrews/Israelites/Jews/Christians from the pagan world of heathenry and polytheism. Within their Monotheistic views they promote and advocate the doctrine of the Trinity as an authorized Christian view. That there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit functioning as one God, and condemning idolatry in terms of polytheism and witchcraft in the worship of more than one God, and being under the sway of the deceiver, Satan who is supposedly a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
Yet when people nitpick at the scriptures and point out specific singular statements, and as well defining the different names of God and their cultural sources, many different views are taken and argued that one god is not the case and that the original writings were written and translated wrongly.
Getting into this argument is essentially pointless and a waste of time. When you dig into historical factors and groups like the gnostics and the textual processes of those, as well as groups like the essenes, and the practices of the title Magus of those within the book of acts, and compare cultures and teachings of Greece, Rome, and Egypt without as much bias as possible, then it is very obvious that there is more beneath the Christian scriptures than what the Christians promote and advocate, and their character is revealed more in discussion of witchcraft that they have definite hostilities about.
Whether one preaches about some type of deity called God or not, or whether someone decides to practice Devil Worship or not, the case is for myself that there is a God beyond the average typical definitions and views, and that Satan is this god.
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thepete77 · 9 months ago
Mental Health, StereoTypes, Superstition, Misnomers, Gross Generalizations, Slander Hatred Malice and Spite, Suppression, Underestimation, Isolation, Conspiracy of Harassment by Exclusion and Illicit and Invalid Social Refusal, wrongful suspicion in motivation of suppression, are some common activities of the lower herd pecking order of competition while they try to work their way up out of the steel jungles to their plateaus of social success and leisure. Albeit there are still no excuses as to the effect of merit for personal achievement that if a person actually puts in the effort to make themselves known and lives their values and worth; anything is achievable. For those with natural low motivation levels and who don’t have high ambitions, it can feel damn aggravating that it feels like climbing a mudslide in effort to make even basic presences known while others regularly get attention and seem to have it easy for standard social interaction. I see that most times in natural existence of social experience people take a whole lot for granted and are just generally ignorant and unaware of being courteous and attentive to how others feel, other times their can be extensively loud and arrogant and obnoxious personalities on just a standard basis separate from even ignorance, and not really intentional or with criminal motivations specifically towards another person, it just naturally happens on a neutral basis, especially in some ways because of the natural way that social media works and how some of the most simple topics that go viral make people wonder how it is that they even get attention at all, and have concerns of the zero existence level of intellect in the mass populace.
When a person deals with mental health on any level at all, it takes twice the effort as someone who does not to get to any level of trend setting or notice, and lots of different practical factors may feel like a hindrance to be involved at all. A resounding quote from a music group that I have very much favor for personally is “forever trust who you are, ain’t nothing else matters…” from the group Metallica. It was the early nineties that I heard this song in my very early teens, and the impact of that statement has never left. It’s important to know yourself, like the famous quote from Cicero says, and not be suckered in to mass trends just because they are mass trends and live with some self respect and decency all the time.
As I look through my years of growth into my forty third year, and over all the decisions I’ve made that have brought me to the place I am today, I’ve definitely brought some greater purpose to my life and have definitely gained some advanced stability to overcome natural negative thoughts and emotions that were very intense in early adulthood.
It’s important not to be consumed by the barbaric horde of mass populace, and waiver in clouded confusion as to your own personal values and worth and identity. Studying witchcraft and devil worship brings me several moments of self confidence and inner awareness, especially into deity namesakes of Satan and Lucifer. These are the main names for me that impact me in very many ways this way, and I highly recommend Devil worship and witchcraft as a process of study with that theme in mind.
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thepete77 · 11 months ago
The very simple reason I focus on tarot is because tarot actually provides answers and guidance to questions I have. When I was involved in the Christian faith a common question was how do I know what god wants me to do? I was already avoidant of the typical scripted Sunday answers about the Bible telling me so, and what would Jesus do remarks, I was really believing the horse shit and wondering what was going on with my place in the world. I wasn’t all there, and going psycho in a lot of ways, so I had my own issues. In matters of devil worship I find much more clarity on this answer of how to interact with deity. For simple teenage kicks and giggles the tarot is popular for an occult focus, but they can be a very spiritual guide for advice on future directions as well as internal reflective awareness. I keep the rider-Waite deck for readings on other people, and the necronomicon deck for my own interpretations and personal readings.
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