thepahararegion · 7 months
Flossinado [Bug/Flying]
This Pokemon lives in the main center of the Pahara Dome, it flys wildly around humans, spreading sweet scents of Candy Floss. To Flossinado's detriment, this scent attracts predators like Gulltassium.
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thepahararegion · 7 months
Stihenkyus [Flying/Grass]
In Ancient times this pokemon ran at 180mph, not easily hunted. Using it's long neck it grabbed at its prey, the Hamberthys, it has special flesh inside its beak to resist the fin-flames of its prey. Some say Cavemen had great feasts when they managed to catch a Stihenkyus.
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thepahararegion · 7 months
Hamberthys [Fire/Water]
In ancient times this fossil pokemon used the flame on its tail to lure in smaller fish pokemon like Magikarp. Though it had one predator, the Stihenkyus, Stihenkyus used its long neck to stick its head into shallow water and grab the Hamberthys. As it's mouth is flame resistant.
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thepahararegion · 7 months
Royabat (Female) [Dark/Steel]
A group of Royabats are called a " Shivelry ". As the female Royabats help their group by collecting food and fighting off threats like Banevil and Paharian Serperior. Once a wing shield falls off they loose their spot as the leader in the ground, usually being abandoned by the Male.
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thepahararegion · 7 months
Royabat (Male) [Dark/Poison]
This Pokemon lives in the Pahara Dome city streets, feeding off the negative actions and thoughts of people. In exchange after it feeds the person feels happier and better. Young Paharian male Zubats follow Royabat to find feeding spots.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Zubat [Dark/Flying]
After the Great Paharian War Zubat in the Pahara Region drained people of their negativity. Becoming dark type and hiding in the Pahara Dome's cave, hibernating in Spring and Summer before swarming in Autumn and Winter.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Omasnail [Water/Normal]
Once Snailitate evolved into Omasnail it migrated to the Deep water of the Beach-region, it latches onto seaweed and coral to hold its ground before searching for prey. Once latching onto prey it squeezes them until they pass out.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Snailitate [Normal]
Snailitate lives in the Beach-region in Pahara, it's back resembles some sort of mouse, surprisingly the imitation works on its predator, Gulltassium. Gulltassium isn't interested in mouse and leaves Snailitate alone.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Banevil [Grass/Dark]
Now evolved it absorbed the negative thoughts around it, causing its mind to be corrupted with dark thoughts, it flies in the air and drops coconuts onto unsuspecting prey. Trainers with enough skill to tame and befriend a Banevil are deemed pure hearted.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Gulltassium [Flying]
It is unknown why Gulltassium evolved overtime to camouflage as a banana peel as it is very ineffective for keeping predators away and fooling prey in. Its even more bizarre that it camouflages as a banana peel since it's habitat is the Beach-region of the Pahara Dome.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Primarima [Ice/Fairy]
Primarima scavenge the Polar-Region of the Pahara Dome, leading their group into the wet and icy atmosphere. When in conflict the Primarima use their icy hands to punch opponents far before finishing them with a icy blast.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Serperior [Psychic]
Even deeper in the caves Serperior go to find the most powerful crystals to eat for energy and power, Psychic flames burst from their head tendrils and tails, younger Servine and Snivy are intimidated and leave the area.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Blaziken [Electric/Fighting]
Paharian Blaziken have mastered mixing their fighting with lightning, every kick and slash causes with a thunderstrike apon their targets. Blaziken train young Paharian Combusken to help the pack they travel in.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Brionne [Ice]
Paharian Brionne gets aggressive when around another male in the group, they battle it out by spinning at each other. The first one to get knocked out loses and the winner becomes the leader of the group.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Servine [Psychic]
Paharian Servine live even deeper in the caves, surviving off of newly grown crystals. They use their psychic abilities to grow small hands, using the new limbs to grab hold of small rocks; after they grab onto the rocks they use the rest of their body to swing up to the destination.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Combusken [Electric/Fighting]
Paharian Combusken have improved on the art of slashing and electricity, they charge up their claws with electric and cut into their meals of poor Caterpie and metapod. Combusken Carry newly born Torchic up to a mountain to continue the life cycle.
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thepahararegion · 9 months
Paharian Popplio [Ice]
These Popplio differ from their Alolan counterparts, their personality being a lot more bold and rough. This difference between the two has happened because of the Icy landscape of the Polar-Region in the dome. They never rest due to the cold, always moving and scavaging for food.
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