oh fuck I just figured out how to change my title
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Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
theonewhopoops · 16 minutes ago
On November 7, 2024, Denmark used a racist, culturally biased "parenting competency" test to remove a 2 hour old baby, Zammi, from her loving indigenous Greenlandic Inuit mother, Keira, because her native language, which uses minute facial expressions to communicate, will not be able to "[prepare] the child for the social expectations and codes that are necessary to navigate in Danish society." This test had been recommended not to be used at the federal level before this happened but certain municipalities, including the one this happened in, chose to continue to use it regardless. Not only is this blatantly racist but also violates multiple declarations and conventions that Denmark has signed that protect the rights of indigenous people.
Please sign this petition to help Keira to get her baby back.
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
i keep thinking about how i never talk about my characters, and decided im gonna change that! keeping any future oc ramblings tumblr exclusive. because i like yall
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of course, first up is stanley. gonna start by copy and pasting his info from his toyhouse profile below! (which you can also check out here!)
Name: STANLEY PRESCOTT He/Him - Age: 25 (Born on August 14, 1982 - His storyverse takes place in the mid-late 2000’s!) - Height: 5’10 ft (178 cm) Voiceclaim: Keith Murray
Computer technician by day, guitarist and singer by night.
Stanley’s a bit of an aimless adult, just going through the motions - working at his dads computer repair shop part-time, messing around with electronics instead of fixing them - He’s good at his job, after all computers are what he specializes in, but he never realized just how… Boring it would be. Starting a band with his best friend Richie has brought some excitement, and given them a good excuse to constantly hang out and party. Hell, he’ll take any excuse to fund some fun in his mind-numbingly boring life.
He still feels some obligation towards helping his dad out, though, and his part-time job helps his band cover costs, so he’ll deal with it till they make their big break. Till then, he’s satisfied playing small shows and is just happy to be hanging around his closest friends. Although… He can't really explain it, but ever since he tried repairing his dad's computer to resell it, he feels like lately his own electronics have been acting rather... Buggy.
Personality: Stanley can come off as a bit cocky and self-assured, especially when on stage performing for an adoring crowd - what can he say? He loves the attention! But he’s overall a nice, friendly guy. He’s very witty and playful, and a tad sarcastic - he loves bizarre, dry humor and being a facetious ass to his friends. He’s definitely much calmer and pleasant to talk to than he seems - at least, compared to how he acts on stage and around his closer friends. He often shies away from more serious situations if he can help it, he hates confrontation and will avoid directly confronting a situation if he can - which usually leads to shit building up and blowing up in his face. Once pulled into a situation, however, he doesn’t shy away from it - just because he hates confrontation doesn't mean he’s afraid of it, but he’ll try and keep things from blowing waaay out of proportion if possible. He can get very snarky, blunt, and direct when upset - which is very rare, its hard for him to get seriously upset. He’s often called stubborn, as once he’s set his mind on something it can be hard for him to budge on whatever it is. He can also be very irresponsible and impulsive - If it piques his curiosity even the slightest, its easy to drag him along for whatever - he’ll often indulge in his own wants and skirt away from his responsibilities to go out and have fun, go drinking, party, etc. He‘s young, he’s kinda dumb, and he just wants to have fun!
Random Notes:
Ever since he fixed his dads stupid computer (and got shocked when he plugged it in), electronics have started to glitch out, spark, and stop working whenever he’s near for no reason. He has no idea why this happens, and it interferes with his job- and it gets worse whenever he gets worked up, often accidentally shocking himself and the tech around him.
His hair started prematurely graying when he was 18. He owns it though and claims it makes him look cool and mature- although he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel at least a bit self conscious about it. It goes completely gray by the time he reaches his mid 30s.
Richie’s the one who taught him guitar, and gifted him his first guitar- Rocky, a blue stratocaster. He has a growing collection of guitars that he‘ll switch between, but mainly uses Rocky (his blue strat) and Crash (his green custom-built strat) when performing. He also taught himself to play drums- he isn’t very good at it though.
He‘s a huge nerd when it comes to his equipment - god, don’t even get him started on his collection of guitar pedals or his set up. You wont be able to get him to shut up. Anyways, check out his sweet pedalboard setup - Hey, wait! Where’re ya goin’?
He drives a 2000s Toyota Sienna!
Diet Coke addict. Fuck, he loves the taste of fizzy ultra processed chemicals.
He loves cats! Unfortunately, he is also allergic to cats. Will this stop him from petting any he sees anyways? Absolutely not. Allergies be damned. In fact, he has a cat of his own (named Russel!) He’s also allergic to shellfish and kiwi’s - which he doesn’t like as much.
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
you literally have shitty hide armor and a dull ass shortsword. let me guess. your loot is 6 gold coins too? 🙄
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
I've been disabled for almost 29 years. Here's what I've learned.
Tablets sink and capsules float. Separate out your tablets and capsules when you go to take them. Tip your head down when taking capsules and up when taking tablets. Liquigels don't matter, they kinda stay in the middle of whatever liquid is in your mouth.
If your pill tastes bad, coat it with a bit of butter or margarine. I learned this from my mom, who learned it from a pharmacist.
Being in pain every day isn't normal. Average people experience pain during exceptional moments, like when they stub their toe or jam their finger in a door, not when they sit cross-legged.
Make a medical binder. Make multiple medical binders. I have a small one that comes with me to appointments and two big ones that stay at home, one with old stuff and one with more recent stuff.
Find your icons. Some of mine include Daya Betty (drag queen with diabetes), Stef Sanjati (influencer with Waardenburg syndrome and ADHD), and Hank Green (guy with ulcerative colitis who... does a bunch of stuff). They don't have to be disabled in the same way as you. They don't even have to be real people. Put their pictures up somewhere if you want; I've been meaning to decorate my medical binders with pictures of my icons.
Take a bin, box, bag, basket, whatever and fill it with items to cope with. This can be stuff for mentally coping like colouring books or play clay or stuff for physically coping like pain medicine or physio tape.
Decorate your shit! My cane for at home has a plushie backpack clip hanging from the end of the handle and my cane for going places is covered in stickers. All of my medical binders have fun scrapbooking paper on the outside. Sometimes, I put stickers and washi tape on my inhalers and pill bottles. I used my Cricut to decorate my coping bin with quotes from my icons, like "I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se" and "I need you to be angrier with that bell".
If a flare-up is making you unable to eat or keep food down, consider going to the ER. A pharmacist once told me that since my eye flares can make me so nauseous that I cannot eat, then I need to go to the hospital when that happens.
Cola works wonders for nausea. I have mini cans of Diet Pepsi in my coping bin.
Shortbread is one of the only things I can eat when nauseous. Giant Tiger sells individually-wrapped servings of shortbread around Christmas or the British import store sells them year-round. I also keep these in my coping bin.
Unless it violates a pain contract or something, don't be afraid to go behind your doctor's back to get something they are refusing you. I got my cardiologist referral by getting in with a different NP at my primary care clinic than who I usually saw. I switched from Seroquel to Abilify by visiting a walk-in.
If you have a condition affecting your abdomen in some way (GI issues, reproductive problems, y'know) then invest in track pants that are too big. I bought some for my laparoscopy over a year ago and they've been handy for pelvic pain days, too. I've also heard loose pants are good for after colonoscopies.
Do whatever works, even if it's weird. I've sat on the floor of the Eaton Centre to take my pills. I've shoved heating pads down my front waistband to reach my uterus.
High-top Converse are good for weak ankles. I almost exclusively wear them.
You can reuse your pill bottles for stuff. I use my jumbo ones to store makeup sponges and my long skinny ones to hold a travel-size amount of Q-Tips.
Just because your diagnostics come back with nothing, it doesn't mean nothing is wrong. Maybe you were checking the wrong thing, or the diagnostic tool wasn't sensitive enough. I have bradycardia episodes even though multiple cardiac tests caught nothing. I probably have endometriosis even though my gynecologist didn't see anything.
You can bring your comfort item to appointments, and it's generally a green flag when someone talks to you about it. I brought a Squishmallow turkey (named Ulana) to my laparoscopy and they had her wearing my mask when I woke up. I brought a Build-A-Bear cat (named Blinx) to another procedure and a nurse told me that everyone in the hall on the way to the procedure room saw him and were talking about how cute he was. Both of those ended up being positive experiences and every person who talked to me about my plushies was nice to me. If you don't feel comfortable having it visible to your provider during the appointment, you can hide it in your bag and just know it's there, or if you're in a video appointment, you can hold it below frame in your lap.
Get a small bucket, fill it with stuff, and stick it in your bed (if you have room for it). I filled a bucket with Ensure, juice boxes, oatmeal bars, lotion, my rescue inhaler, etc. in October 2023 in anticipation of my laparoscopy and I still have it in my bed as of January 2025.
If your disability impacts your impulse control (e.g. ADHD, bipolar disorder), you should consider setting limits around your spending -- no more than X dollars at a time, nothing online unless it's absolutely necessary, and so on. Or, run these purchases by someone you trust before committing to them; I use my BFF groupchat to help talk sense into myself when I buy stuff.
Feel free to add on what you've learned about disability!
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
Doghouse, Levins St. Paper Miniature
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[Silent Hill]
Made from paper for AGDQ2024
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
At the end of the day you have to understand some people are mentally ill like really really mentally ill on a level you can’t understand. I see this a lot when someone does something weird or incomprehensible and people are shocked trying to figure out their intentions and why they’d do it and it’s like there’s people who are psychotic or delusional or have rapid mood swings you’ll never be able to comprehend and very often people with other mental illnesses who are able to function more acceptably have a bad lack of understanding of that and compare what they can do and act like as the standard not understanding that’s not the same playing field
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
body positivity has largely failed because people started arguing for attractiveness and romantic prospects instead of respect and dignity
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
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routine starship maintenance
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
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Overview of some topics when it comes to drawing characters who are burn survivors.
DISCLAIMER. Please keep in mind that this is an introductory overview for drawing some burn scars and has a lot of generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. I'm calling this introductory because I hope to get people to actually do their own research before drawing disabled & visibly different characters rather than just making stuff up. Think of it as a starting point and take it with a grain of salt (especially if you have a very different art style from mine).
Talking about research and learning... don't make your burn survivor characters evil. Burn survivors are normal people and don't deserve to be constantly portrayed in such a way.
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edit: apparently tum "queerest place on the internet" blr hates disabled people so much that this post got automatically filtered. cool!
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theonewhopoops · 2 hours ago
i'm sorry to keep spamming but i still don't have enough work to cover rent and bills
i am $261 away from having rent/bills covered at the minimum, and $461 away from a doctors visit / hopefully anxiety medication
i have better formatted commission posts on toyhouse and furaffinity. i can do pretty much any style from soft painted to cel-shaded toony, and i can draw any species from humans to furries to robots to lobsters to that niche CS rotting in your folders
i also have a kofi where you can tip me, buy stuff from my shop (like resources and even some originals), or join my kofi tiers for exclusive benefits, including sticker club!
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theonewhopoops · 3 hours ago
diet talk is so inexpressibly nonsensical the instant you know anything about "the human body" or "nutrition" or if you think about it for three seconds
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theonewhopoops · 4 hours ago
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hello fnv nation
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theonewhopoops · 4 hours ago
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theonewhopoops · 5 hours ago
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Some sonic doodles (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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theonewhopoops · 5 hours ago
.......I fucked up so bad.
I've been teaching Belphie not to jump on Pangur, cause she's old and arthritic and doesn't like it. and as part of my "training", I've been giving him a treat every times he stops his evil actions and trots over to me.
I thought I was training him to come when called. in actuality, I've been training him to bite Pangur. so now he'll jump on her, chew her ear, and then make bird-of-prey eye contact with me from across the room. and the worst thing is I'VE ALSO BEEN GIVING PANGUR A TREAT EACH TIME (so she doesn't feel left out). which means that she'll whimper pathetically from Belphie biting her, and then also make intense eye contact with me, because she's been conditioned to expect treats afterward.
I have accidentally made the most fucked up dynamic possible with both of these cats.
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theonewhopoops · 8 hours ago
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It makes me so angry that Trump's favorite song is the gayest song in existence and he has no clue and he even dances like he is yanking dicks and I can't laugh at this because facism.
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theonewhopoops · 8 hours ago
Dragongirl kidnaps a maid instead of a princess by mistake; comes back to her lair after a hunt to find the coins and gems in her hoard have been organized into neat piles sorted by type, value, and kingdom of origin.
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