This is the most real thing that I've read. I said 'real' because for me these are the same things that I want for me. If you want, we may become friend.
( I'm sorry if my english is not correct as I tought. )
i want a girl that i can take photos of in every feeling. before bed when her eyes are heavy and voice is quiet, after sex when her legs are weak and her cheeks red, after she tells me she loves me, before she kisses me. i want to capture every moment so I can remember passion in the purest way
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#001 She ıs lıke snow: ıt's cold and cruel to beıng wıth, but ıt's somehow beautıful and you mıss ıt when ıt's not there, and ıf you hold ıt ın your hands close enough and long enough ıt change, ıt melts.
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