theonefrogpoet · 7 months
These absolute abstracted eyes,
O’ how they turn inward,
As you to your decrepit sins-
What right have you gazing upon them,
This broken throne of bone,
A river, cried of ruined blood-
You think not of the clock, waiting alone,
Draw forth your soul once more and bare it,
The cracks have long scarred, there can never be enough.
Linger now, this coil, long for more,
Cry your river the open sea,
Uncover the mirror as you tear out your insides,
Need not of it, only for the cracks to show again-
Upon your throne, upon the lives, upon your sins.
Reopen your wounds once more,
Hopelessly filling a bottomless soul,
Your insurmountable imaginary debt!
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theonefrogpoet · 9 months
What once frozen scars bleed true now-
How hidden a bandage might reveal itself,
Swords in abundance prescribe agony,
Save for one-
What power might be held behind beauty,
What painfully sweet sorrows line its blade,
One swift swing of treason upon thee-
Now cursed in future, tortured in present!
But a small scratch it requires, covered by fabric of white,
A festering wound of invisibility, long lost to the eye, forever trapped in memory.
For when seen again, a requiem of pain floods open-
A brutal reawakening- causing this misery to repeat itself!
This now and forevermore shall be your curse, your eternal cross to bear to the grave,
No salve nor potion should hope to cure this wound,
An agony for only the eyes of the accursed-
Watch now and wail, this battle never won,
There is no glory to be found in this fight,
Mere repetition of what once frozen scars bleed this night!
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theonefrogpoet · 10 months
A light,
Unbroken against this cloud-
What false memories once promised,
Cast asunder, this savior.
The Guide abandoned, un-needed-
Yielding, faltering against this beam!
Awaken anew, this world,
That we might once again see in color,
What beautiful colors break,
This canvas marred, yet indescribable,
A masterpiece of art,
Never again to be thrown aside-
Apply upon it an eternal coat,
Remember these abstractions,
That they may hold true against time!
Lest we be carried away by this torrent,
This darkness that dares destroy the colors-
A chance to ruin, now deemed null,
When faced this great revelation,
That the painting shall hold evermore!
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theonefrogpoet · 10 months
I wonder if this thing runs all night long?
You can feel the eyes of a poet. But why would I be someone to be interested by?
All I have given is cheesy love and a story of loss.
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theonefrogpoet · 10 months
I love the idea of a deity kicking their feet when they get another positive review
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theonefrogpoet · 10 months
That’s a lie, a frog wouldn’t do something like that tbh. Maybe you’re just jealous you don’t have a LILY PAD RAHHHHHHH
Hihihihihihi <3 died from CRIPPLING SPLATOON ADDICTION UwO
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theonefrogpoet · 10 months
This unbridled will, this spite-
Scorch the Earth, regard not for Mother Nature,
The Guide assures my way to be true.
Forced upon an opulent background,
With little regard for the stage.
All which it wills shall manifest,
Neither longing nor hatred, simple in goal:
Burn the bridges, cut the ropes, kick the hands-
No force shall oppose those imprisoned in mind,
For prisoners cannot be caged again.
Shed your skin,
Shatter your own sins,
Make of a mosaic which shall never tarnish.
Light the fire and salt the land,
Your non-grown crop will stop naught.
Pull me into the fire, embrace in the flame-
Lest the warmth return unto an organ of love.
Defeat is not hopelessness, purely a reason.
Do not rise from these broken ashes,
Become one with them,
Take upon this look, wear the scars and sins-
Every battle not a victory,
But a mere means to an end.
What sweet goals shall echo in mind,
A pen never put to paper, contained within a locked cage never seen-
After all, why give the luxury away,
Float above succession,
Lest the mortal path corrupt your eternal struggle.
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
The laugh track plays again
As they scream obscenities
The words
Strip my flesh
Carving me down to my true self
More exquisite than before
Yet withdrawn
I see nobody
From within these numerous pitfalls
I am
Absent of sunlight
Laughter incarnate
- G.M
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
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Haruki Marukami
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
What sweet buried hearts lurk-
This chest locked within, nailed these boards
Visit my plague, agony abound!
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
O’ what feelings might rejoice,
What Void may find itself drunken on hubris-
For if one finds their Void filled,
Does right it make-
What sins now lurk, seeking to destroy!
Confess as you may, they remain forever stuck,
The moon to your Earth, locked eternal,
Fighting against the urge to show itself,
Visible in the night, creeping in the day-
Explore it as you will, confide into it more your sins-
Let it ne’er be known, lest you reveal that which hides,
Masquerading as beauty, this eternal chain,
It yet remains cyclical, unbroken, never to be!
Lock this chest, forever hidden,
And eat the key!
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
Give good tidings,
Bite your lies-
The sun now shattered, a billion broken pieces!
Souls of all, damned now as before.
Repeat this cycle, you cannot break time-
Burning, scorching agony,
Set now ablaze your heart, your lies!
Bite your tongue, shatter your compass,
Even now thy Guide has abandoned,
What recompense, now dissolved-
The bitter acids within, do they ring true?
Pleading once more, upon deafened ears-
O’ what bells might have rung,
Should you have confessed, outward the sun-
What sweet songs you hath sang,
Lost now, trapped eternal,
The Void knows your sins,
Past you knew this sun,
Cast aside, a stranger!
Wander now, forevermore.
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
Tearing out the fabric at the back of my head
Yellowed fingernails claw through membranes
I cannot help myself
Lamentable decisions made in cyclic horror
I can't find a way back
I repeat my demise within the confines of my own creation
Gnawing at the hands of my god
Already once forgiven
- G.M
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
“We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
My vice, my addiction,
O’ my ecstasy!
Leave me not here,
Lend me what left there is of your hands,
Brittle and cold, a waning punishment.
Regret for me my sins, I’ve no control!
Burn the bridges, cut the ropes-
Prescribe unto yourself desensitization,
Lose me now, your hand is gone,
Far beyond me, fallen from vision.
Captivate me, steal me away-
Bless me your peace,
I wish it true, a mere marred promise!
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
Falling, drifting, fading-
Lose yourself, this airless weight,
Give into the Truth, become one with this Void-
It seeks to consume, you will fall.
There is no recompense, no restitution!
The Guide itself would never dare,
This emptiness, it consumes all paths- save for one.
Down, your last resort, letting go of the reins,
Your mind, your nerves, your arteries,
All faded into the non-Euclidean nothingness.
Drift away- this ocean of abandonment,
An isolated abyss!
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theonefrogpoet · 1 year
O’ to have died in vain-
A castle built for naught.
Upon the ramparts I flee,
This decaying, decrepit home-
Its walls hide only pain, longing!
How I seek that which knows,
How deeply it might comprehend!
O’ to have lived in vain-
Save me this torture, never ending solitude,
Wished for, but a monkey’s paw it was.
Forgive me, Great Guide,
But these ramparts and the depths they guard,
They allow my decent,
Despite your wishes,
Falling, fleeting, failing.
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