theologicalchimera · 28 days
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it really tickled me that my old as hell homestuck art still gets reblogged. heres some hs from this year. a crunchy vriska and a few fancytiers 
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theologicalchimera · 1 month
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this homestuck discourse shit is easy
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theologicalchimera · 1 month
Homestuck Aspect Favicon
BS: Here's some Favicons! Mostly images I just shrinked, haven't posted anything like this on here before, so here.
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theologicalchimera · 2 months
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theologicalchimera · 2 months
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ok so yeah, weve redesigned everything (:
used @superxstarzz's combined classpects!! were a collector of melancholy ((which is to say thief+maid of heart+doom))
basically me but cooler haha, anyways, here's the main info:
name : ansrae horibl
handle : theologicalChimera
blood colour : jade
lusus : chimera
weapon : half of a giant scissor ( scissors kind )
classpect : collector of melancholy ((thief of heart & maid of doom))
lunar sway : prospit & derse
land : land of fungus and gummies ( LOFAG )
lovable prick
as silly as entity can be in this god fucking society
throws up often
hates his lusus but feels bad for it
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theologicalchimera · 2 months
folks i am going through metamorphosis, that is to say im changing my trollsona and trolltag (:
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theologicalchimera · 3 months
going to classpect all the bugs in my head with this fuck it
i did some math and as it turns out there's a total of 10296 combinations (which is like. a lot). you mentioned earlier that you'd probably just keep making the combos indefinitely until you finish... but that sounds like it'll take a while since there's just SO MANY. do you think you could make some sort of masterpost to keep track of all of the classpect combos? i just keep looking at them and there's so many and it's hard to keep track of all of them, so it'd be nice if there was some easier way to find all of them
oh!!! oh my thats!! that's a lot!! what have I gotten myself into!!! this is DEFINITELY going to take a while, honestly I might graduate hs before I finish :,) So yeah, a masterpost is a great idea!
two main issues though:
I. am so new to tumblr. I have no clue how to make an effective masterpost
the sheer amount of classpect combos and how frequently I add to that seems like way too much to track on a tumblr post!
So! I made something a little different: a masterdoc! it was the best thing I could come up with that's convenient and easy to update. It's basically a glorified checklist, but hey, it gets the job done!
Here's the link!!
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theologicalchimera · 6 months
YOO, your Page of Doom analysis was so cool I loved it. Because I love Pages (because I am one) would you want to do a Page of Breath too?
- 🍊
yippieieiei im glad you enjoyed it !!
onto the page of breath breakdown :
page : one who is exploited by or through their aspect
breath : freedom , leadership , inspiration , disconnection
now how do these concepts mix ?
well read the bloody webcomic to find out cuz theres already someone with that classpect and its a great bloody character /j / lh
so they make for a , , particular person , for sure , , because the page class kind of , , fucks with the aspect , to put scientifically , , , , they are very much a pushover , ,first because page . and secondly because thats just very common with breath players , , so you can imagine how much theyd be . regardless theyd be a very good player to have in a session , as is the case with most pages , , because of their potential .
i imagine their journey would be to learn to be a leader , , starting out insecure of their worth and abilities , , being a bit of a mess probably , , but their main mission would make them lead , , not when theyre ready necessarily but when they have to , , taking them out of their comfort zone and letting them bloom
i think with pages of breath specifically they would have a very strict life , , maybe they have shitty strict parents , , maybe they have bad friends who push them down , , either way : they have it bad at the start , , but with time and patience , , theyd become both more carefree and more confident , , being able to lead with ease and make quick decisions ! this would probably be due to both the " push " i talked about , , but also from an inspiration theyd draw from either another player or someone ( real or not ) that they look up to , , id say specifically an idealised self for this classpect in specific
powers :
i think pages are the silliest for the powers :D
i think power wise they wouldnt be the strongest out of pages , , instead being good at decisions and more so leading from a bit of a distance , , maybe clearing the path first and seeing whats ahead and then letting their teammates clear the area
so theyd be able to " do the windy thing " like john to some degree , , but more than becoming wind , , theyd " blow the wind " almost , , making go both alongside them as well as guiding them
this would be both at the beginning as well as later on , , id say theyd also be able to make tornadoes around them , , say theyd start out doing this pretty early on , , but without much control of it ! leading to them having the base powers rather soon but having no clue of how to use them to their advantage
overall thoughts :
neat guys all around ngl , , treat them with care though , , because if you do and dont just kill them youll have a great player at your disposal !! so let them grow and youll be BLOWN AWAY by their powers (;
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theologicalchimera · 7 months
What's your thoughts on the Page of Doom? I really ike your blog so far :)
woohoo my first request on this blog !!
so lets start breaking everything down :
page : one who is exploited by or through their aspect
doom : decay , rules , control & sacrifice
so how do these mix ?
actually not that badly ! basically a page of doom would be VERY passive , , because itd all lead to a very , , doom bound person , , particularly so !! so basically theyd be very with the flow in how they act ; very much a helper ( which is in my opinion the best role for a doom player ) , someone who wouldnt have much control over what happens to them to their dismay , , say , they would have a particular lack of rules & control which would be very detrimental to them in the session in the beginning of course as is customary for pages , , but again as a page they would grow through their aspect .
theyd be , , to put it lightly , , not very stable , , and would probably be scared of their aspect because they would not understand the great power that it could imply , , but of course they wouldnt ! its hard to grasp how powerful a fully realised page and thats fair , , itd be a spectacle to behold !! but for now theyre a complete pushover and not particularly responsible , , opting to just , , ignore their aspect due to thinking theyd fail if they tried .
being such a troubled classpect , i think they would just do everything in their power to be someone they are not , , having an idealized version of themself that theyd try pretty hard to live up to , , id joke about it being doom guy but itd actually work pretty well as to how a page of doom would want to be like , , being recklessly destructive and tearing through everything that stands on their way blinded by their wrath , , but eventually coming to terms with their way of being and even embracing it !
powers :
again , , no flashy names sorry not sorry
well , , itd be hard to say honestly , , but based on jake ( the page of hope ) theyd be stupid powerful !
id say theyd be able to be engulf everyone in a specific radius in doom , , making them either decay slowly , , like some fucked up poison effect in pokemon , , or making them be more prone to sacrifice , , say maybe to the pages advantage ?
although thatd be on a higher level , , onto the easier stuff :
theyd be more than a healer a support , , being able to give great advice on what to do , , overall being able to lead surprisingly well when they allow themselves to
theyd also be able to break things without meaning to , , id say theyd be clumsily powerful in the beginning , , then later on making it more intentional as they realize all the power they have
overall thoughts :
they would be a great member in any session , , as tends to happen with pages !! just be patient and dont lose hope , , , , id even go to saying that this classpect is powerful in a way so magnificent it is hard to properly understand , , mainly due to how unexplored the doom aspect is in canon , ,
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
it me !!
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tiny thieves :)
last two are in the notes
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
the man the myth the legend :
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name : camlio horibl
handle : teratologicGalimatias
blood colour : jade
lusus : pill bug
weapon : half of a giant scissor ( scissors kind )
classpect : thief of doom
lunar sway : prospit & derse
land : land of fungus and nausea ( LOFAN )
lovable prick
as silly as it can be in this god fucking society
throws up often
hates his lusus but feels bad for it
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
to kickstart this blog , id say itd be only fitting to classpect myself : a thief of doom !
lets start breaking down the title :
thief : one who steals their aspect or steals with their aspect
doom : decay , rules , control & sacrifice
so ! how do these two concepts mix ?
well , , , , they dont mix , , per se , given how they lead to a very destructive person , whether self destructive or overall destructive , is fully up to each person , given the two routes of a thief : to steal doom or to steal through doom . which even then can lead to different outcomes , because of the many meanings of doom , although they usually mix they still vary .
so we generally have a very contradictory person , generally acts more controlled as they feel they lack it otherwise , having many rules and either forcing others to follow them too or taking ideas from rules that others have , but still very messy and disorderly .
theyd be more anxious than brooding , always ready for things to go sour , knowing that things will and are bound to be doomed in the end , but desperate to make that end come later and to some but not those they hold dear , even if it means bringing that doom to themself
they can be very mean but would know when to be mean and to who , usually through examining how to theyre attacking behaves and using it to their advantage .
because of being an active class theyd be selfish but because of their aspect would manage to be more sympathetic than your usual thief , overall trying to be kinder but still ending up a prick .
now onto the abilities of a thief of doom :
i dont remember in canon abilities having flashy names so i wont give them any ( totally not out of laziness )
theyd be a fucked up healer , given how theyd have to give that doom elsewhere , at lower levels theyd only be able to heal themselves and throw part of the doom to an enemy , with some of it getting lost the more distance there is within the two opponents . later on theyd be more , , , , normal ?? healers , sort of , , because theyd still have to dispose of the doom somehow but now theyd be able to take away doom from allies !
if they are strong enough theyd be even able to insta kill opponents & revive allies !! given how theyd take so much doom , it only makes sense , but thatd be a lot later on
theyd be able to sway opponents and allies to do their biding by " stealing " their control / rules
theyd be able to effectively avoid a heroic death by " swapping " their sacrifice with an opponent , easily winning battles that way , but i doubt that itd be an easy to get ability
overall thoughts :
they are a trainwreck but an useful one at that , so take them if possible as theyd be a great ally but also an even worse enemy , which is on par for a thief , only real difference is that theyd be smarter and nicer about it all
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
hell yes
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I made the void one for a friend and I liked making it so I made all of them. I struggled with translating some of these to pixel art and they didn't all turn out how I wanted them to but I thought I'd post them anyway in case someone else likes them
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
this person is so smart their post are bloody brilliant
Thief of Doom Classpect
Components of the Thief
Thief: One who steals their aspect for themselves or uses their aspect to steal. Skilled at using their aspect but only has a small amount of their own. Doom: Restrictions, Sacrifice, Rules and Limits, Decay.
Methods and Purpose
A Thief of Doom might decide to steal a sacrifice from someone else if they thought the price was something they weren’t bothered about losing so they could reap the benefits instead, They could take the Doom of something they want restoring it to peak condition or restrict others to allow them to steal something.
Powers of the Thief
Insignificant Sacrifice: Steal a choice of sacrificing something from someone else, However the conditions of what is lost and what is gained in exchange stay the same, This becomes easier if what has to be sacrificed the Thief deems worthless or has in excess.
Extract Atrophy: Take the Doom from something to restore it’s quality or condition, At higher skill levels the Thief can use this to heal themselves.
Arbitrary Prohibition: Use accumulated Doom to impose a random restriction onto a melee or a single opponent, The severity of the restriction depends on how much Doom is expended, With more skill the Thief can somewhat direct the type of restriction that is imposed.
Passive Effects
Drought of Decay: The Thief’s natural accumulation of Doom causes anyone in their presence for extended periods to become more resilient and aquire a slight increase in their passive regeneration trough an overballance of Life aspect.
Collector of the Ruined: You can steal anything you want that is reaching the end of it’s lifecycle with no resistance.
Selfish Prerogative: You will quickly realise the source of any restrictions or rules that are preventing others from giving you assistance or something you want or require.
*note: This was a request but I neglected to write down who it was for, If you message me I’ll tag you*
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theologicalchimera · 1 year
greetings ! my name is ANDREA !!
over here , i will over analyse just about anything homestuck related
with that said , asks are open !!
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