Theodora Peterson. 20. You'll probably find me in the Third Cohort. Or at that boutique across from the bakery. *rp account*
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“Well how else am I supposed to thwart my father? It’s always funny to see the constipated look on his face when he sees how long my hair is.” Theo didn’t particularly keep his distaste for his father a secret. In a moment, Theo was playing along with his female counterpart as a dramatic hand found it’s place over his own heart. “But, of course! How am I to go through life without my heart’s duet? My name twin?”
“Have you thought about asking to transfer to the 5th? I’m sure what would just make him so, so happy.” She said with a grin that quickly turned into a serious look again as she took her hands away from her heart, reaching out towards him, “Oh Theo! I never knew! All this time I thought we would be better apart, but perhaps we’re stronger together.”
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“Both a gift and a curse for someone who’s the daughter of the goddess of rumors!” Tegan said with a shrug. She was someone who would definitely try not to judge on harshness since she tended to speak so harshly herself. “If anything, people who lived here before should be expecting newcomers to be polite or not ask for any help at all! Rudeness isn’t taken very lightly by many Romans who’ve been here for a while, I’d imagine?”
“Oh. But it’s good to find out juicy gossip.” Sometimes it still amazed Theo what there were gods for. “Exactly! Now this might just be a pet hate of mine, but when people don’t use their manners it makes me want to give them the worst make over of their life.”
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“I wouldn’t mind being likened to a girl,” Theo said with a shrug. “Though I would seriously question how someone might mistake me for a creature as glorious and magical as a woman.” Gender was a funny thing, and Theo didn’t particularly mind what it was people decided to call him as long as they weren’t being rude about it. “Ah but then I’ll have the wound that’s left when you leave me.”
“It’s all that attention you give to your hair, people clearly think you should be related to Venus is someway,” she couldn’t help but tease lightly. Rolling her eyes Theo gave a dramatic sigh, placing her hands over her heart to add to her performance, “Oh my! I never knew my presences was so important to your life!”
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“That makes a lot of sense. The gods are immortal, they don’t really need sleep when they have eons and eons to live! That doesn’t give them an excuse to go and mess with our dreams, though.” Valentina frowned. She’d heard the horror stories about demigod dreams. Well, perks of your mom being unimportant and unacknowledged. “As much I like to think it’s all natural talent, I had a lot of lessons when I was younger. They were what got me through constantly switching schools; the knowledge that that was the one steady thing in my life.” She nodded along with Theo. “I know, right? I own up to my perfectionism. That way I can say it’s all on me when I achieve perfection.”
“It doesn’t give them the right to do a lot of things and yet, here we are. All stuck under town arrest.” Theo didn’t have any particularly strong feelings about their current situation. Sure it was annoying but it wasn’t like she was going to be leaving New Rome anytime soon so nothing much had changed for her. Other than the influx of children. Which she was more annoyed about than anything else. She nodded her head, Theo couldn’t relate exactly, but she understood the need for a constant, “Well it’s good you had dance then. And clearly it’s all paying off.”
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in an endlessly revolving dream i danced with you again
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So I cut you off
I don’t need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I’ve been done
I’ve been movin’ on since we said goodbye
I cut you off
I don’t need your love, so you can try all you want
Your time is up, I’ll tell you why
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“ Oh, truly! ” Although her mother was a minor deity, so Valentina wasn’t often plagued by demigod dreams. The only time the dreams had actually been really bad was when Gaea was influencing her, constantly whispering in her ear. She had been the strongest in her dreams. “ I don’t think the gods understand that some of us need our beauty sleep. ” Or, in Valentina’s case, enough sleep to cope with the day and not come out of the cohort like a total wreckage. “ It’s easier to glide on ice than on the dancefloor, you know? ” She couldn’t help but agree with Theodora. “ I do, yes. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, but it doesn’t limit me in any way, thank Venus. ”
“I’m sure mother dearest does, but she’s a goddess and sleep probably means nothing to her in the grand scheme of things.” Which would explain why so many of the gods thought bed time was the perfect opportunity to have a little chat with their children. “Oh. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I suppose gliding is a lot easier than stepping. Do you do lessons or is it all natural talent?” Theo had very little sense of rhythm so was pretty sure dancing on ice would be just as awful for her as dancing on a floor. “At least you know it as well, the people who are in denial are the worst.”
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“Sometimes when I say things, they tend to sound a little harsh. So sorry.” Tegan smiled at the other girl. “You’re right it isn’t fun to uproot your life especially under such bad circumstances. But you’re also right that there’s no excuse for bad manners. People can be angry all they want but they shouldn’t be taking it out on someone who might be able to help them. Don’t you agree?”
“Not like it wasn’t the truth though.” She gave a little shrug and a slight sigh of relief that the girl hadn’t taken what she said in a bad way. The last thing Theo needed today was some sort of argument. “Right? It’s like they think by being rude people are going to help them faster. When it actually has the complete opposite effect.”
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“An insult? How could it be an insult when the both of us are so majestic?” His ever-present grin was still on his lips before he quickly switched to an expression of feinting offense. “Theodora, I am wounded. You weren’t looking for me? Ironic isn’t it? Since you were looking for a shield…and here I am…wounded.”
“Because they’re clearly calling either you a girl or me a boy.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his word choice, they both really were quite majestic. It was probably the hair. “And yet here I am, stuck talking to you anyway. I’m sure your wound will heal up nicely as soon as I leave and you can smoke again.”
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Favorite flower?
“I’m found of a good rose. Wait, is that cliche? Oh who cares.
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Wow you're so luck to share a name with the super cool Theo Karavadra
“He’s actually not that cool you know and you should stop trying to boost his ego, it’s already big enough to fill an arena.”
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“ This actually turned out to be a great idea, Theo! We should tell Hank, or one of the praetors once we have a real plan. ” The barracks looked clean enough, except for a few beds that were still unmade, so Maya moved towards them to start that. Of course, some legionnaires didn’t appreciate people touching their stuff, but Maya didn’t want to take the blame if the praetors didn’t approve of the state of the barracks. “ Hey, I don’t need therapy! I’m just saying it’s very calming. ” She stuck out her tongue to Theo, but cracked a smile anyways. “ Kill or be killed, conquer or die… it’s all about survival. ”
“It would probably boost morale a little bit too,” Theo knew she always felt a lot better about life when she’d used a nice face mask or cleaned her sword with the nice polish. She followed Maya’s lead over to the beds to help with the making of them, belatedly wondering if they should change the sheets as well but that might have been pushing things a little. “Are you sure? We can talk about your problems if you need to Maya. I know how hard it can be to not wear orange out of fear of it clashing.” Theo teased with a pointed look at the other girls hair; but it was all in jest, Theo hadn’t actually seen Maya wearing an outfit that didn’t suit her complexion. “Ugh. I hate those sayings. They’re so doom and gloom. I’m a much bigger fan of ‘Love will conquer all’.”
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“I know, right? Between the two of our amazing·good looks? It’s a wonder that I don’t get mistake for you more often.” He looked towards the other Theo, titling his head to the side as she spoke.·“What’s the point of fighting for your life if you’re not enjoying it in the first place?” he challenged with a small smirk.·“So how’d you find me in her anyway?”
“Would it be an insult to me or to you if people got us confused?” Theo wondered aloud.·“I’d rather not have to fight at all to be honest with you but...good point,” she gave him a little shake of her head and smile before looking around the room again.·“Believe it or not Theo, I wasn’t actually looking for you. I was looking for a shield.”
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“ Oh, I know. And the demigod dreams can get out too, we don’t need those anyways. ” Valentina was quite taken aback as she realized that Theo probably didn’t know about her particular abilities, because she didn’t respond at all to the obvious message behind the words. Her dancing, now that was another matter altogether. “ My favourite style is anything on the ice. ” Yes, figure skating could totally be considered a dancing style. But her actual favourite wasnt a subject one could discuss too openly. “ I’m not so sure about that, but thank you. The sentiment is appreciated. ” ‘Hey, Theo, guess what? My mom danced in a night club and the only dancing I’m good at involves a pole!’ What a joke.
“As if our lives weren’t a hassle enough, we can’t even have a decent sleep.” Theo rolled her eyes though she couldn’t help but smile a little too, her dreams had never been as bad as some peoples; Venus wasn’t a minor goddess but sometimes it paid off knowing your mother only really got into other peoples business if it involved a relationship. “I’ll never understand how you make it look so graceful on the ice,” she couldn’t help but pout, it wasn’t jealousy exactly. “They say practice makes perfect right? I’m sure you will be. You seem like the type to strive for perfect.”
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Theo waved a hand as if dismissing her correction. “Psshhh details. We have the same name, we’re practically twins.” He’d always gotten a kick out of their shared title, ever since he’d ever met the other Theo. “It’s not like I’m lazy where it matters. Right? And I’m setting the example of enjoying life. Is that so terrible?”
Restraining herself from also mentioning the age gap Theo rolled her eyes instead, “Sure. People often find it hard to tell us apart.” Raising an eyebrow at him she stepped a little more into the room, was it used for storage? “I’m sure there’s an argument there about how we might be close to a fight and enjoying life should be put on hold but –” Theo shrugged. She liked to avoid thought of war.
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“ Well, we should hope so! We can’t have you unaware of your surroundings. But I guess the ADHD is to blame for that? You know, our heightened awareness of our surroundings. ” Or something like that. Valentina didn’t really tend to read a lot, and the briefing about her disorders had been.. well, brief. “ Oh, yes. Very nice. ” She had to keep in her laugh - did Theo really not realize the connotations? She’d obviously charmspoken the owner into keeping it open. It was not secret that she could do that around camp. “ Oh, I keep trying different styles of.. you know, off-ice dancing. Since my mom charmed my dad with dancing. ” And that was basically all Valentina really knew about her godly parent.
“Sometimes I could do without that particular skill set.” There had been more than one occasion in which her heightened senses had caused her to stumbleupon uncomfortable situations. Theo didn’t know much about Valentina’s life before camp, or even much about her mother aside from the obvious facts, but hearing that dancing was some sort of connection made her understand why the other girl danced to often. “Have you got a favourite style yet? I’m sure one day you’ll be even better than her with the amount you practice.”
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