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Jon couldn't possibly understand why a bird dying was so interesting that they had to hurry to go and see it, but he couldn't lie, he was slightly intrigued himself. If what she said was true, and the bird's death was one worth seeing before he died, he could put up with a fast pace walk, couldn't he?
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"First and last time, indeed." he responded, after this was done, he wasn't sure he wanted to run around after birds again. "The cold's just fine, the bird's just fussy, s'all."
Nymeria glanced behind her before looking ahead and making an incredulous face. “Well when phoenix die they burst into flames, and they’re reborn from the ashes left behind. A burning day only ever happens once in a hundred years though. Which is why time is of the essence right now and we have to hurry.”
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"Besides you’re from the North. This is probably the first and last time you may ever see one. For obvious reasons they’re not too fond of the cold."
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       "Patience.. I'm often told I don't have a lot of that.." he joked, more to himself than the young girl before him. He was curious though, if reading body language was such a useful skill, she'd be able to read him, wouldn't she? "A'right then, if it's so useful.. tell me," he folded his arms across his chest, amused. "What does my body language say about me?"
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Myrcella repressed a laugh, he seemed surprised to be asked his opinion on something. It was equal parts amusing and endearing. “You can learn plenty if you are patient. Reading body language is a useful skill to have in my opinion.”
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        He flipped the book open, his gaze running over the words for a moment before averting it to the girl nearby. He gave a light laugh at her words, the gentle teasing amusing him momentarily. "I'd love to see you in a tourney, if I'm being honest." he mused quietly, "Snow. Jon Snow." he introduced himself, closing the book before slipping it back on the shelf. He reached for another, his eyes darting between the shelf and the girl as they washed over her features, ones that he hadn't seen before but somehow knew. "Who might you be?" he queried.
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     It was likely that she was being a bother, but there was a familiarity about this stranger that Daenerys couldn’t ignore. In appearance he favoured Ned Stark, yet the way he carried himself reminded her of a noble. An incredibly humble noble at that. He was quite a bit like her own Lord Brother, Rhaegar, now that she thought about it. “Well, are you going to remain a stranger? Or must I first win a tourney in order to learn your name?” She teased him back just as gently.
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           He leaned against the door frame, watching as the arguing group broke off before glancing at the girl again. "My thoughts?" he repeated before giving a light shrug. "Dunno, I personally wouldn't just sit back and watch everyone.. there's not much you can learn about someone from afar." he explained, "You ought to go in and try to get to know them, learn a lot more about them that way.."
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Myrcella pursed her lips for a moment and shook her head. “Not really. I believe someone can learn a lot about people by simply standing back and watching the world go by.” She glanced once more as the small group broke off and wandered away before turning her attention to the handsome young man before her. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”
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         "You're telling me to hurry up because of a bloody bird? Seven Hells.." Jon muttered, breathing a sigh before speeding up to match the eager girl's pace. "Mind telling me what happens? I don't pay much attention to birds unless they're trying to peck my arse off.."
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"Unless you plan on never seeing a phoenix dying and being reborn, then yes you have to." Nymeria said tugging him along, "Honestly, come on. I’m not missing something that happens once in a generation on account of the fact that you don’t want to move quickly."
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            Jon's gaze was averted from the shelve of books nearby to the arguing group of students that had distracted the seemingly graceful blonde. "Over there?" he nodded toward the general direction, "S'bit odd, watching people argue, don't you think?"
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Myrcella moved her gaze away from the arguing group of students that had captured her attention and smiled apologetically. “Forgive me, my mind was elsewhere.”
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          Of course his half-sister wouldn't say a word to him, she rarely ever did. It reminded him fiercely of Lady Catelyn. "Afternoon, Sansa." he spoke with uncertainty, brushing past her ever so gently as he entered the room.
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Sansa nearly jumped, startled by the voice of her half-brother. She had been distracted by her book and didn’t realize she’d been blocking the doorway. Her mouth pressed into a tight line as she stepped aside but gave no response to Jon.
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"Really? .. Do I have to?"
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Come on, come on. You’ve go to see this! Hurry up!
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     He gave a small smile, "You're forgiven." he teased, moving to enter the room without another glance toward the girl who had blocked his way. He passed by a shelf, pausing the retrieve a book from its higher point. "That'd be because I never gave it to you." he responded, sending a glance her way before looking down at the book in his hands.
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     ”I didn’t see you there, forgive me,”  Daenerys apologized as she moved away from the door. She had seen that face before, she realized, but not on him. No, that was the face of a Wolf from the North. He looked more Stark than Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully’s own children. “I apologize, I’m afraid I did not get your name?”
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"D'you mind? I need to get in there."
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