thenintendochatroom · 4 years
Hey! Today is April 1st. On this day in 1873 the first White Star Line Cruise ship The SS Atlantic Sunk of the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The wreck was due to the captain making an assumption that the ship was low on fuel. So they tried stopping in Halifax to refuel but hit a rock on the coast and sunk. The wreck killed 535 out of the 952 on board. Most of them were married women and men along with their children. Only one child survived the entire incident. His name is John Hindley. He was only twelve at the time. He and his older brother and family were heading up to New Jersey to Visit family but never arrived.
It’s said that this piece of history is almost completely forgotten even by the locals in Halifax. If you love history and don’t like the ocean thanks to these stories like and share to bring this part of history back!
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This is John Hindley.
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thenintendochatroom · 5 years
Ok to make up for all the angry posts (there is more lol) here is my cat I rescued from an abusive school.
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I was in a play and one of my costars who went to the school and people who work at the school said that the kids would throw rocks and choke him which made me mad. So I picked him up brought him to my car on my moms side and said, “we are taking him home” and now we have my baby boy Felix. Although I will admit...he is a huge crackhead lol he has 3 am cat olympics 😹
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thenintendochatroom · 5 years
Hi it’s me again. Today I bring you a story of my siblings.
I have two other siblings. An older sister and a younger brother. I personally wish I was a only child. I hate having siblings. Now I have a feeling most of you are thinking, ‘oh I know deep down you would do anything for your siblings and you love them to bits.’ When I was younger I would have said that you are right but now it’s the complete opposite.
My siblings couldn’t give two craps about me. Here is an example.
I had my only friend over and we were in my barn working on a song for my graduation because I was told I could sing. My barn has a tack room and the door can lock and so can the window. We were working when my sister and her fiancé came and started banging on the door demanding to know what we were doing. We said that we were working but they didn’t care and continued to call us gay and that we were weird. Not even two minuets later they came back with air soft guns and my brother and they started shooting through the window(they broke the window off the track) and the barn walls. They were desperate to get inside and hit us. This went on for 30 minuets. When we thought we could go back inside we noticed that my brother was on the roof. Waiting to shoot us and we were right. As a small way to get revenge I made a small scratch on my sister’s fiancé’s car. Later they made it sound like we had to apologize and pay for the “damage” I did. I was furious. They had the audacity to make me apologize for a car and they couldn’t apologize for scaring the life out of me and my friend and risking us getting hurt. What makes me sad is that my sister (who I used to be really close too) cared more about a car than me. She cared about a boy who she had only dated for 8months more than her sister who she had known all her life.
I took pictures that night of the car and the damage was so small I had to zoom in so much in order to see the hair strand like scratch on the car.
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With out the hand I put on there I couldn’t see with a naked eye where the scratch actually was. I don’t know about you but this seems like nothing compared to hurting a human life. He also claims that he never had a gun in his hand but he is lying because we heard and saw who was holding the air soft through the barn walls.
If you want to hear more reasons as to why I hate my siblings, I have more.
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thenintendochatroom · 5 years
So. I am homeschooled and I personally want to give a few tips to those wanting to either homeschool their kids or drop out of school and do homeschooling.
1. Make sure you have a plan. There are many ways to homeschool. There is online classes, the kind where you go to a school once a week and get home work there, or the kind where your parents are your teachers and get stuff off of the internet. Personally I have done all of these and I really hate the last one. Unless your parent is a teacher or teaches a specific subject you need then do not do it. My dad is not a teacher and thanks to their “wise choice” I did not learn pre algebra in 8th grade. I didn’t realize how badly I needed it until my freshman year of high school when I was in algebra and didn’t know or understand the basics. Thanks to my favorite math teacher I have relearned everything and I am now in algebra 2 with an A. Real teachers are better than a website on the internet. The second option is a good one and I think it was my favorite. I got to go out once a week and get to be apart of things in the school aswell. I was able to take a real science class. The online schooling is what I am doing now and it’s nice but you don’t have WiFi everywhere you go. I would recommend online if you are a person who is busy or travels a lot. Also do not get angry if you do the parent is the teacher option. your kid is not going to get it. Take your time. Remember your way of teaching my not click like a teachers would. Why? Because you (the parents) only know one way to teach it and a real teacher knows how to explain it in a way a kid can understand. This option is literally the worst. I would always end up in a puddle of tears after trying to discuss math with my dad. So take. Your. Time. Don’t. Rush. It.
2. Make sure you have some sort of outlet that you can do through out the week. I had a few in my past but either it ended or I gave up. I wish my parents had taken the time to actually talk to me and give me a “you can do it” pep talk before doing so. As of now I have no outlets and no friends. Literally. None. I remember growing up and asking my mom why no body hung out with me or why I didn’t have any friends and every time she said she didn’t know. I want to warn future homeschoolers about the need to get out there and make friends and do things that you enjoy because one day if you don’t, you will regret it. I wish my parents had let me choose wether or not I wanted to be homeschooled but alas I can’t change the past.
3. Love your children!! I can’t stress this enough. When I had more activities as a kid and in my early teenage years I would get picked on constantly for being homeschooled and to be honest, I still do. The bulling does leave its mark. When I would talk to people about how hard chemistry or algebra was they would say, “oh you are homeschooled. You wouldn’t understand.” They would also make that one “Mean Girls” joke at me saying, “ she doesn’t really go here” even the teacher was enjoying it. So when I say love your children I mean it. Being homeschooled or in school in general isn’t easy. The constant teasing and bombarding of questions takes a toll on you. I know, I have been through it. So please comfort your kid(s) before it’s to late.
4. This is the final one for now and I feel that it is important. Wait. Wait until your kid is old enough to ask if they want to be homeschooled. I wish my parents did because I am honestly so jealous of all the things other kids my age do. Like go to prom or even just a school dance. I will never be able to make good friends or have a real graduation. I have always wanted to be apart of a real group of friends and go through the 4 hard years together but now I will never know what that is like and I hate it. So please. Ask before you do. Your actions have consequences. You can homeschool your kid when they are young but when they get older at least let them try it. You never know, they could like it better.
So in conclusion make sure your kid or you yourself have a plan, an outlet, and tons of love and support.
I am probably going to rant about this topic later on in the future.
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