thenewsuburbia · 4 months
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thenewsuburbia · 7 months
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Obey Mommy Alexa’s tits.
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thenewsuburbia · 11 months
“OMG, hasn’t she gotten sooo big!”
It never really bothered you that your current girlfriend and ex were friendly. Your group of friends had been close since highschool, and lots of ya’ll had dated each other. Wasn’t weird… usually.
But this was feeling a lil different.
“Doesn’t she look so much bigger then when you dated? The Product has really done a wonder on her!”
It was true. Leanne had always been big, her chest was huge when you started dating her years ago. But this? This was another stratosphere of boob. Huge, ungodly mounds of soft tit-flesh wobbled before your eyes.
“This must be incredible for a boob-man like you!” Tessa added, giving Leanne another squeeze.
“Yeah, so… wait…. what did you want to talk about?” You had finally found your voice, though you could tell how timid you sounded. You had been in the other room, minding your own business, when the girls called you in. What was the point of this show?
“So glad you asked.” Leanne’s husky voice had an air of syrupy sweetness to it. “Tessa was just telling me that you haven’t been a very good boyfriend lately. You haven’t been paying attention to her. She’s feeling a little…. unappreciated.”
You glanced over at Tessa and to your surprise, she was still smiling. You opened your mouth but Leanne cut you off.
“And I said, thats weird… because you were always a lil puppy dog around me… especially when I showed off the girls.” She gestured to her own tits again. “So we decided it was time to.. *giggle*…. what did we call it? oh yeah… “Get you back on the boob” *giggle*.
You were uneasy now. You had broken up with Leanne out of fear. Fear of losing your independence. You were so obsessed with her chest and she knew exactly how to weaponize that obsession to her advantage. Is this the kind of things girls talked about together?!
“So, *hoooney*” Tessa put extra embellishment of the word. “I decided I’m gonna go on The Product too. I’m gonna get fucking huge. My tits are gonna be your whole fucking world! Maybe then you’ll appreciate me? Treat me right? Fucking worship me?”
You could only nod dumbly staring into the wall of tit in front of you.
“Good boy.”
“We’ll start your training now. Come to mama…”
You cock surged at those words as Tessa guided your head into Leanne’s soft chest. A hand found its way to your crotch.
“Just imagine, baby. Imagine what it’ll be like when I’m even bigger than her.”
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thenewsuburbia · 1 year
What had originally been pitched to me as a spontaneous catch up and a few drinks was starting to feel a little more… deliberate. The girls pulled me along the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlamps. It was very late and the normally boisterous neighborhood was quiet except for the giggles of my girlfriend and her bestie.
(2 weeks earlier)
“Come on, Gabriella is only in town for one night! It’ll be fun!” Mikayla had said, twirling her blonde hair playfully between her fingers.
I had my reservations, sure. Mikayla and I had been dating for the last 4 years, ever since college, and we had been living together for the past 6 months. Gabriella had been her college roommate, and they were inseparable, like sisters. Total “besties” still even though they now lived a few states apart. I had always thought Gabriella was fun, but her interest in me had always made me a little…uncomfortable. Before I started dating Mikayla, Gabriella (or Gabby as we called her in college) had come on to me pretty strong a couple drunken nights at parties. I thought she was cute, but we never did anything, because while slender little brunette Gabriella was always sweet, everybody knew I was not-so-secretly-obsessed with her big titted blonde roommate….Mikayla.
Hence, my hesitation. Since college all that had changed. Gabby had started on 'The Product' very early on. She’d been very vocal about it on her social media. At first it looked like she was involved in some weird MLM campaign or pyramid scheme. All her posts were about psuedo-science-y health supplements that “helped women ascend” or “become the most feminine version of themselves.” Whatever the fuck that meant? But then, I couldn't help but notice something.
Were her breasts getting slightly bigger in each post? It was almost imperceptible at first, but I saw it. Only a breast-obsessed weirdo like myself would notice something like that I thought. Maybe she was just a late bloomer? Maybe it was a push up bra or a new insta filter? A trick of the light? But as the weeks and months went on it became clear. There was no denying it. Cute little Gabby was becoming an absolute bombshell!
Gabby had asked everyone to start calling her Gabriela around the time I moved in with Mikayla. By that time her tits were looking almost as big as my girlfriend’s. That was also around the time that she started dating Chase, some ex-jock looking guy. Her posts about 'The Product' started to become less frequent. She'd gone relatively quiet on instagram. Not that it really mattered at that point as about 20% of my feed was now filled with women raving about 'The Product' and all its fantastic 'virtues'. Though none of them seemed to have grown as much as Gabriela. Not yet anyway.
Gabriella’s growth was most evident in her chest. But it was increasingly obvious that she was getting bigger and thicker all over. Was she getting taller too? I wondered with an equal mix of excitement and guilt. But her growth seemed to have plateaued recently, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. My obsession with her had been growing along with her bust. I was already ashamed of my inflation with her growing chest, and I was nervous of how far it would go.
I had always been a breast-man. Even in college the girls often teased me about it, but my fixation with Gabby’s chest was on a whole other level. I felt enslaved by it. While Mikayla was asleep,I found myself screen-shotting Gabriella's most breast-centric posts
and fapping to them later. I regularly checked her insta story as soon as I woke up for updates. And, while Mikayla and I were perfectly happy, and in a very good place, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about my growing desire to get up close and personal with her best friend’s tits. I couldn’t help but imagine what Mikayla would say if she knew how her friends growing bustline had affected me.
So, understandably, 2 weeks later, a couple days before Gabriella’s arrival, I was feeling a little uneasy, and even though I gave some noncommittal “mmmhmmms” and “we’ll sees” for most of the week, Mikayla had been surprisingly insistent that I attend their little reunion. I encouraged them instead to have a girls’ night, but she effortlessly brushed off these suggestions with a laugh and a wave. By Saturday I still hadn’t found a solid out from their night out on the town, and as loath as I was to admit it, part of me was very much excited to see Gabriella’s new lushness in person.
In hindsight, the first red flag was when Mikayla was getting ready.
“Wow… you… you look great.” I half mumbled, my mouth slightly agape. She was wearing a low cut black top, showing far more cleavage then I was accustomed to seeing. If I haven’t mentioned it before, my girlfriend had an incredible rack. Big perky tits that looked even bigger on her tight athletic frame. She had been absolutely stacked in college, which was one of the reasons so many guys (myself included) had been infatuated with her back then. Today though , her bra made her girls look enormous. They strained against the confines of her overmatched bra and top leaving almost nothing to the imagination. She almost never wore anything this revealing. I couldn't help but wonder: Was she feeling slightly competitive? Jealous? Of her old friend's burgeoning bust?
She took my open-mouthed stare as a sign of gratitude.“Awwww thanks babe” She purred, “Tonight is going to be soooo much fun! Now hurry up and get ready, our dinner reservation is at 7. Gabriella is meeting us there and I don’t want to keep her waiting.”
And so we arrived at one of our city’s better Italian restaurants, 15 minutes early, and ordered drinks while we waited for Gabriella to arrive. My back was to the door, and I tried my best to stifle my excitement as I fought the urge to glance furtively backwards.
“Are you excited to see Gabriella? She’s gotten so huge we might not even recognize her” Mikayla asked as she stared into my eyes, looking to gauge my reaction.
*Gulp* While Gabriela’s growing bust wasn’t exactly a secret, it certainly wasn’t something I was stoked to discuss with my girlfriend, especially given the boob-jealousy I had picked up on earlier. I tried to steer the conversation back towards less-charged waters.
“Yeah, it’ll be good to catch up. I’m excited to hear about her new job, and oh what about her boyfriend?” I said, hoping to distract her with some gossip and set us on course for an incredibly boring PG script for this evening.
“Yeah, I hear her new job is big money. She replaced some senior level guy at the company, and she's still so young, and Chase sounds like a total sweetheart. She told me he’s like a cute lil puppy dog around her.”
That characterization struck me as odd. It certainly didn’t align with my preconceived notions of the aggro / alpha looking jock I'd seen in her photos. I racked my brain trying to remember his social media… hadn’t he been on his college football team? Nothing about the dude in the letterman jacket with his arms around two girls at a party screamed “puppy dog” to me, but maybe I was unfairly labeling a dude I had never even met.
Before I could think about it too much, my thoughts were interrupted by a shriek of joy from across the table.
“Ahhhhh GABBY!”
Mikayla practically jumped out of her chair as she ran towards the door to hug her friend. I turned around just as they were breaking their embrace and my jaw must’ve hit the floor.
Lil Gabby wasn’t so 'little' any more. In fact, lil Gabby was gone, and in her place stood Gabriella. What a woman! Gabriella was MASSIVE. Oh. My. God. Her tits were twice as big as I’d seen in her posts! They were displayed proudly nestled in a lacy magenta top, which was low cut to the point of obscenity. So much creamy, mouth-watering cleavage! Holy shit, my girlfriend’s sizable rack looked rather bland by comparison.
Was she wearing heels too? I didn’t remember her being so tall? I was literally speechless as the two of them bounded over to our table, chattering away with girlish glee.
I maybe mumbled some 'hellos' as the girls took their seats at the table. I was trying my best not to stare but finding it exceedingly difficult. Gabby was not only huge, but she seemed overall much … I don't know… softer. Her ballooning curves strained against every seam of her outfit, putting her body on full display as she moved. She had this aura of…matronly confidence…about her. She was glowing and giggling and as she glowed and giggled, her luscious, all-consuming, breasts glowed and giggled with her. I was transfixed, and I found myself hanging on to her every word as she went through the motions of catching us up with her life.
A bottle of wine was ordered with appetizers. I found myself drinking wine a little quicker than the girls mostly to calm my nerves. I was fidgety, and I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I found myself drinking wine a little quicker than the girls. The girls were talking very quickly about all manners of things, and I did my best to keep up, however, after our entrees and my third glass of wine, (when had we ordered a second bottle?) I found myself falling under the spell of Gabriela’s movements. Her every sway and jiggle captivated me, and as I poured myself yet another glass of wine, I noticed a smirk creep over Mikayla’s face. Did she just catch me staring? I might have been imagining things, but I could have sworn I just saw Mikayla and Gabriela share a satisfied glance.
“What?” I asked dumbly.
“Oh nothing. We’re just glad you’re here, and having a good time. Should we order some cocktails with our desserts?” Mikayla asked sweetly.
“Oh, I don’t know. This has been quite the lovely meal, but honestly, I’m feeling a little tired and I'm about ready to go ho—“
“Bullshit” Gabriela cut me off with a smile. “How many times in college did the 3 of us stay up till sunrise? Now that you’re all grown up you’re ready for bed at 9pm on a Saturday?”
“I… I don’t know. You two should just go ahead and have fun tonight. I think I’ll just catch an uber after the check.”
The girls looked at each other and turned back to me with mock pouts. Their eyes glowed mischievously as they leaned in towards me, the closeness amplifying their dramatic curves.
My god, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t steal a glance at both their chests. I wasn’t used to seeing this much cleavage from my girlfriend and Gabriella’s tits were pushed together so dramatically with her sultry pouty pose… she looked like she was about to explode out of her top!
“Awww come on, baby”
“It’ll be so much fun!”
They took it in turns slowly breaking me down, first one and then the other as they both stared at me with pouty little faces.
“We have so much to talk about.”
“ … just like the old days!”
“Yeah, preeety puuuh-leeez”
It was a trick they both used to pull on me back in college when they wanted me to do something…and it still worked.
What could I say? With one more quick glance at their cleavage I gave in with a sigh.
“Ok… fine.”
“Yaaay!” They were giggling and smiling, clapping their hands in joy as they jumped up and down… and their tits jumped right along with them. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as my eyes couldn't help but follow the bouncing boobs. What had I just gotten myself into?
“Ok, so here's what I’m thinking: We order some cocktails and have ourselves some desserts. Then we go out for a bit of drinking and dancing. Oh, and don’t worry about the check. My new 'big girl' job came with a huge signing bonus, so this is all on me!” Gabriella smiled proudly.
I was secretly thankful she offered to pick up the check. Although we were doing alright, financially, Gabriella had ordered 2 appetizers, a giant entree, and three desserts (“all to share of course”). Boy could she eat! Apparently her new body required plenty of fuel to keep her going, and to keep her growing.
“Yay, tell us about your new job!” Mikayla chimed in.
“Ok, well, first off its huge money, but more importantly, its like, a super important position within the company. This guy, Mr. Reeves, well he used to oversee this entire department with like 50 employees, and I was hired to be his assistant. You know, sending emails, keeping track of his appointments, and things like that.” She said, talking fast in between bites of tiramisu.
“Anyways, he started getting…ummm… let's say a bit distracted. He was letting things slip and spending a lot of time in his office with the door locked. So, I started taking on more and more of his responsibilities. It was really unfair because I was basically doing his job, but still getting paid as an assistant while he sat inside his big corner office.”
“I was going to quit, but then this new lady became CEO. She was older than me, Mrs. Banks was her name, but I actually knew her from some Product meetups. We weren't like, friends, or anything… but I had seen her before and we chatted once. Anyway, Mrs. Banks is so pretty and easy to talk to…even though shes a total boss bitch, and she brought this whole new energy to the company! One day she called me into her office and asked me to help with a performance review for Mr. Reeves. She was so nice and I told her everything as honestly as I could, and the next week she told me I’d been promoted! To his job! And he was being asked to stay on as MY assistant to ‘help with the transition'!”
Mikayla giggled so much she snorted. “Oh my god! And he stayed? That's so embarrassing for him! Is he still … distracted? Like, why would you even want an assistant who was so absentminded?"
“Oh, he’s much more efficient now. I think assistant life suits Mr. Reeves…. or Tom as we call him now. He is so eager to complete the assignments I give him and he always gets my coffee order just right. Mrs Banks told me the secret to her success is knowing how to motivate her underlings.” She paused for a sip of wine and a dramatic smirk. She spoke in a syrupy sweet baby doll voice “And lets just say I know exactly how to motivate my lil Tommy.” She chortled, sending her tits wobbling. And glanced up into my gaze.
I had been semi-aroused for all of dinner, but this last story had an unexpected effect on my hardening member. My cock had fully sprung, throbbing against my khakis as she stared into my eyes. What the hell was she doing to me?!
With desserts finished, the work talked continued up until our bill arrived. Gabriela snatched it quickly and pulled a heavy looking black American Express out of her clutch.
“So…” She smiled back at us, absentmindedly adjusting her top. “Where's the best place to go dancing around here?”
We had agreed to go to Cache Cache, a kind of salsa bar with live music and DJs. The place was packed, but after a little scouting we found a booth (both the girls sat across from me) and we ordered some margaritas. Boy, I needed to be careful. It had been a while since I had drank this much. I was once again struggling to hold up my end of the conversation. I was never a sloppy drunk, but after a few too many I tended to get a little slow and glassy eyed. The girls, meanwhile, were showing almost no effects from the alcohol. Had they been drinking as much as I had? They were absolutely glowing, both of them, chatting animatedly and giggling. As I became less and less of a factor in their conversation, I began to fixate on the girls’ body language. The lean-ins, the arm crosses, the way they were posing. It all seemed rather deliberate.
Was Gabriella trying to show me what I missed turning down her advances all those years ago? Her posture and glances and smirks seemed to scream:
“You didn’t want me because I wasn’t busty enough for you. Well, look at me now. Am I big enough yet? Take it all in. Stare at my huge, fat titties. Look how much bigger I am than your girlfriend.”
My girlfriend, meanwhile, seemed just as eager to keep her chest front and center. Like, right now she was pulling her shoulders back and fiddling with her top. Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed like she was feeling a little competitive. She, of course, knew all about my breast-fixation, and having this busty goddess here (especially a busty goddess who, she knew, had once tried to hook up with me) had her vying for my attention, it seemed.
But, while the ladies’ body language was screaming pay-attention-to-me-cat-fight, their tone and conversation could not have been any more different. They couldn't stop laughing or cracking jokes. They shared stories and gassed each other up. They seemed like the very best of friends having the time of their lives.
I tried to ponder this dissonance , but only managed to land on “maybe women are just weird and you don’t understand them at all.” While something was certainly up, I found myself too distracted by their large womanly chests to care. I was content to sit back and watch the show.
“So, why isn’t Chase here? We wanted to meet him.” Mikayla questioned, pulling me from my revelry. I knew nothing about the guy, but I was very interested in what kind of guy could land this bombshell sitting in front of me.
“Oh, he’s at home. He’s so sweet, you’re going to love him! He treats me, like, so so well and he's so handsome.” Gabriella couldn’t hide the pride in her voice. “It’s like… he does everything I ask him. He takes me on expensive trips, and gives me back massages, and buys me presents. Sometimes it feels like he worships the ground I walk on!” She laughed, an arrogant smirk creeping across her face.
“Sounds like Mr. Reeves… sorry I mean… lil Tommy might have some competition for your assistant soon!” Mikayla chortled, laughing so hard a tear rolled down her cheek.
“Well, Chase definitely knows his place. He LOVES serving me. He has been so supportive of me being on The Product! A lot of guys would let their fragile male ego get in the way, but he loves seeing me get bigger and bigger… becoming more woman for him. More woman than he can handle. It seems like the bigger I get..” She cupped her breasts and gave them a demonstrative shake “the more he’ll do anything to keep me happy.” She was practically purring.
“OMG!” Mikayla was laughing so hard her eyes were watering “He must REALLY want to see you happy now. Girl, your tits are absolutely massive!”
“Ummm yeah, ya think?! At first I thought they were TOO big, but between work and Chase and everything….. I don’t know… everything has just been going so well since I got on The Product. Guys seem to love it. ‘Bigger is better,’ right?” She turned to me with a knowing smile. “What do you think? Do you like them or do you think they’re too big?”
My face flushed scarlet. I glanced back and forth between the two girls. How the hell was I supposed to answer that?! Mikayla was staring at me inquisitively, waiting for an answer. Gabriella smirked with her chest displayed proudly. Given the semi-competitive nature I had picked up on, how could I answer? Should I be honest? Should I lie? How could I make sure Mikayla didn’t feel insecure, but also not insult her best friend's body?! Both their stares intensified and I knew I had to say something.
“I…uhhhh, well, I think its, ummm, important to, you know, like… feel good about your own body.” I finished lamely, desperately trying to look anywhere but at the girls.
Both girls broke into hysterical laughter. Mikayla was full blown crying and Gabriela had to put her fist to her mouth to try to gain control. This was not the reaction I had been expecting to my lame platitude about body positivity.
“OMG, see Mikayla, he can barely talk! Boys just get so cute and flustered when you talk about your titties getting bigger!”
“Well, he always gets cute and agreeable when I wear something that shows off 'the girls'” She gestured towards her chest. “But when you walk in here with those bazookas, the man can’t even speak!”
*More giggles*
“And you know, I LOVE it when boys want to keep me happy. I LOVE it when the cats got their tongue. At work, at home. Everywhere.” She was leering at me like I was her prey. “So I’m just going to keep getting bigger and bigger!”
“GIRL!” She snorted again “HOW MUCH BIGGER CAN YOU GET?! You used to be so much smaller than me, I couldn’t even fit into your sports bras. And now you're making my girls look puny!” She cupped her breasts and pushed them up, turning to Gabriela as if for comparison.
“Oh, your girls are doing just fine, hun. But if you wanted to get a little bigger you could always try The Product.” She leaned towards Mikayla, mirroring her cupping. Both their breasts were fully on display, side by side. Her tone, which had been so playful all night went down to a lower, more serious octave. “But if you want to get really big, like… huge…you have to try The Program.”
Had I heard of this Program before? I racked my memory, it was something from The Product people, I think, but I couldn’t remember any details.
“Whats the Program?” I asked, trying to sound academic about the question.
This brought another fit of giggles and a playful eye-roll from Mikayla. “Oh my god, you sit there mute and practically drooling for the last half an hour and OF COURSE your first contribution to the conversation is to ask about The Program that would make my tits huge!”
“No no, it makes sense. Its normal for guys to be curious about this kind of thing.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and turned to face me in full now. “The Program is from the company who make The Product. Its new, I only started on it a few months ago when I met Chase. The program is for partners, you see.”
I thought back to her insta. How she had seemed to stop growing about 6 months ago, only to see her bigger than ever here today. Was this all from The Program?
“The Product is just supplements.” Gabriela continued, answering the questions implied by my furled brow. “Vitamins and hormones and estrogen and other proprietary stuff that make a woman experience a kind of second puberty. any girl can get them. In fact, the company is planning on it. The Program, however, is a full routine for women and their partners, and it's much more exclusive at the moment. There's still supplements, of course. Different supplements though, some for me and some for him. But it also comes with therapy and couples treatment sessions. Sometimes we do sessions together, sometimes separately. I always come out of my sessions feeling so confident and fresh. I don’t know what his sessions are about, but when he gets home he is just the perfect little boyfriend…so eager to please. I can tell he wants my breasts, he’s so on edge and tense. It's like he wants to beg me for them, but doesn’t know how. So he begs quietly, with his eyes and actions. Oh I just love it when he whimpers! This program has just made us so much closer and we're both so happy! He is the perfect little boyfriend for me and when I finally let him see the girls… it's like pure joy for him. He's gotten to the point where he can barely contain himself!...for now” *Giggle*
I realized I’d been silent during her whole speech. While Gabriela and I had locked eyes for her description of The Program, Mikayla’s eyes had been staring at me, reading my reaction. Was this competitiveness, or something else?
Gabriela continued, unfazed by my growing discomfort and poorly hidden arousal. “The Program is about balance. It's about rebalancing outdated gender roles. Mankind has been in charge for about…2000 years now, I think it's time for women to take the reigns.For womankind to ascend, mankind needs to wane, and as I strive to become so much more, Chase strives to become so much less. Some guys, the dumb alpha guys, might think that's weakness, but women like me know that it takes incredible strength to give everything to us. To give up all that Power, to give up all that Control that men have had for so long. He wants to help us- he wants to help me- become the best version of myself, and that strength… the strength to concede'' Her voice took on an aroused husky lilt “makes women like me very, VERY, Happy.”
"And when I'm happy, he's happy, you see? I take care of him and all his 'little' problems. All his little male urges…as I’ve gotten bigger his appetite for me has become so much more overwhelming for him. He's so hungry. Every deep breath, every low cut blouse, every new bra… it practically melts his little brain. He’s gotten so…so fixated… on my body…on my breasts. And I can give him exactly what he wants, his every urge and whim is completely satisfied. And in exchange…he does everything I say. Everything is so easy for him now. Everything is less complicated now that his only focus is my happiness and the pleasure I can give him. Now doesn't that sound like a good deal? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone take care of you and all your silly little needs?”
She grabbed another margarita, seemingly out of thin air, and handed it to me. Wait, had they not ordered one too?
“But come on” Gabriela’s voice took on her playful tone again, turning back to her friend “Did we come here to talk about my relationship or did we come here to dance?!”
The dance floor was a blur. The margaritas seemed to be really catching up to me. My head was swimming, and I found myself floating from one moment to the next with no real memory of how I got there.
The girls pulled me along and made sure I got to where I needed to go. All 3 of us were dancing together, nothing sensual, just kind of boppin’ around and vibing on the dancefloor. The DJ was really good, mixing some house tunes with latin sounds. The tempo varied, sometimes slow and passionate, other times more upbeat.
It was crowded, hot and sweaty, but not necessarily in a bad way. The atmosphere felt charged and electric. The two girls were radiant, moving rhythmically, drawing the glances of men and women alike, but often for different reasons. Women gave them jealous looks while men lusted after them, but they didn't seem to care. They loved being the center of attention. It's where they belonged.
Soon, the beat picked up and Mikayla pulled me close. With no hesitation, she laid a searing kiss on me. It wasn’t the kind of kiss I was expecting, it wasn’t a sultry-sexy-dancefloor-kiss, it was romantic… dare I say… sweet. It was more than a peck, for sure, but it was tender. Her lips moved playfully over mine, and when she broke the kiss, she smiled at me. It was a cute and compassionate smile, again not what I was expecting. It caught me off guard. She put her arms around my neck, and pulled me close.
“I really love you and appreciate you.” She whispered into my ear, her tits pushing into my chest below. “You deserve a little reward, I want you to feel really good tonight.” Her hand reached down between us and gave my bulge a playful squeeze. “You’re already hard, huh? Hope that's for me and not for Gabby’s huge tits.” Before I could respond, her tongue invaded my ear, and slowly moved its way down to my neck.
I was momentarily speechless, this was so unlike her! Wasn't she supposed to be mad at me? Hadn't she caught me staring at Gabriela’s new vastly superior curves? As she pulled away I saw she was still smiling sweetly, with no trace of malice in her eyes. Now I was really confused. Seeing my perplexed expression, she smiled playfully before turning around and starting to grind against me. I had always been a tit guy, but there was no denying Mikayla’s amazing rear. Her athletic yet supple backside (the product of 3 yoga classes per week) pushed back against my hardness, moving in sync with the music. I began to reciprocate, slowly grinding back into her as my arms wrapped around her and pulled her in closer. She moaned in unfeigned pleasure allowing me the opportunity to look over her shoulder and down into her deep inviting cleavage. Her breasts glistened and bounced in the hot and crowded nightclub, which only served to heighten my libido more. Unconsciously I redoubled my hip motion against her.
“ Ahhh! Oh baby, did looking down my top get you excited?” She purred breathlessly “Does it get you hot looking at my big titties? Good. I wore something really low cut to get you all hot tonight.”
We continued like this, dancing wrapped together like two serpents for several songs. I was absolutely throbbing, I had no idea what had gotten into her. Maybe the drinks were finally starting to catch up with her too. No matter the reason, I was enjoying myself too much to worry.
“Mind if I join you two love birds?” Gabriella had come up in front Mikayla. “The guy over there in the basketball jersey keeps creepin’ on me.” Mikayla just laughed and pulled her friend into our space.
If I thought they were jockeying for my attention before, the two of them were bringing it to a whole new level now. The two of them seemed to be putting on some kind of show, both of them determined to inflame my desire further. But whether their motivation was competition, or something else, I had no idea.
My girlfriend's hips pushed back into mine, the softness of her rear pressed against my hardness, while her best friend's tits swayed rhythmically in front of me. Gabriella came in closer still, her chest pushed against Mikayla’s. I couldn’t help but stare at their racks pressed together as Mikayla’s ass became more insistent against my length. The brunette’s dark eyes locked on to mine as she adjusted her top, pulling it down a bit to show more creamy cleavage. My eyes responded immediately, darting down to her undulating breasts. My girlfriend slowly turned around, still keeping our hips pressed together. Her hand reached down to my shaft as her lips and tongue played roughly on my neck.
Between the drinks, the dark dancefloor, and Mikayla’s newfound aggression I was in a bit of a haze, I maybe rutted into her hand, a bit eager to get relief. Her lips moved up to my ear.
“Gabby has gotten so big, hasn’t she?” She whispered huskily. I looked up, Gabby was facing me, eyes locked directly on mine with a sultry expression on her face. The way she moved was so sensual and hypnotic. “Just look at her” my girlfriend continued “Look at how her body moves.” I was looking, no doubt, at how one part of her body was moving. Her breasts were swaying lasciviously, bouncing and jiggling with the beat. Every movement seemed designed to draw my gaze, the way she leaned and crossed her arms and arched her neck and shoulders… all of it seemed so coordinated. All the while, my girlfriend's hand was still on my girth… not stroking, but just sort of fondling. My mind raced as my breath quickened.
Mikayla’s hands, Gabriela’s breasts, Getting Bigger, Gabriella Ascending, Growing Tits, Those Jiggles, Mikayla’s hand squeezing a little more insistently.
I groaned, fearing I was too far gone to stop myself from orgasming right here on the dancefloor, but as if sensing my upcoming eruption, Mikayla let go and stepped away.
She smiled at me playfully as I let out an embarrassing pitiful whimper, my balls clenching to prevent what would have been a shameful blunder.
As if unaware of my plight, the girls carried on dancing. They moved towards each other, giggling.
“God” Mikayla huffed, “you are so big!” Her hands reached up and cupped her brunette friend's chest. Both girls smiled hungrily at each other. Then, out of nowhere, she leaned forward and kissed her bestie.
The girls had made out twice in college, that I knew of: once on a dare at that random frat party when they were freshmen, and then again at a drunken after-hours a couple of years later. The second one was unprompted, but they both denied remembering it when I brought it up the next morning. So…maybe this wasn’t completely out of character for them…but it still caught me off guard. While Mikayla and I’s earlier kiss had been sweet and loving, this one was sultry and passionate. I stood there dumbly, just watching their dancing tongues while Mikayla’s hands explored her friend's body. They broke apart, smiling devilishly at each other before turning to me.
“Shots?” The both suggested in unison, before breaking into another fit of giggles.
After another trip to the bar, I followed the girls’ swaying rears back on the dancefloor. One or both of them led me by the hand at all times now. I was once again struck by how drunk I felt versus how sober they seemed to be.
My memories for the rest of the night started to get muddy. I couldn't remember much, just flashes of sweat and softness. I was making out with Mikayla, Mikayla was making out with Gabriela, Gabriela and I were making out. All our bodies writhing and gyrating into each other. I remember a cocktail of feelings: confusion, guilt, pride…. but more than any other, I remember being filled with unbridled lust. My hands pressed into the girls’ softness, their bodies pressed against mine. And, of course, I remembered tits. Their breasts were front and center, dancing in front of my gaze as I fell deeper and deeper under their spell. Mikayla’s mouth was on my neck, her breathy voice was in my ear.
“Isn’t she so big?”
“So soft.”
“Sooo nice.”
“It’s ok to stare.”
Tits were swaying rhythmically and I couldn’t look away as my girlfriend’s words seeped into my brain.
“Thinking is hard.” A hand grasped my hardness.
“Staring is easy. Don’t you want things to be easy?”
“Don’t you just looooove how big she’s gotten? Look how massive she’s become. She’s sooo much woman. Do you think you can handle that?”
“You want to be under the spell of a big and powerful woman, don’t you? Say it, baby….”
“Y-yes.” I breathed.
Two devilish smiles and a knowing glance between them.
"What was that honey? We couldn't quite hear you.
"y-Yes!" I sputtered enthralled by the idea of being under the spell of a giant woman and her equally giant tits.
One of the girls-Gabriela I think-pulled out her phone and said the bar was closing soon. She suggested we go outside for some air before closing our tab. I nodded along as Mikayla grabbed my hand, following her friend, and leading us to the patio area.
They carefully sat me down on some metal patio furniture across from them. They continued chatting, and glancing at me, while I just smiled stupidly back at them.
Honestly at this point I had no idea what was even going on. I just knew I felt…good…and I wanted to keep staring. I wanted to keep following their lead. I wanted to do…whatever they wanted.
“Ugh, that was SO MUCH FUN” one of them chirped.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my hands off your tits.”
“Yeah, they're kind of hard to avoid these days.”
Even though I wasn’t adding anything to the conversation, I was well aware that both girls were looking at me… even though they were talking to each other. Feeling a rush of drunken spins coming on, I decided I needed to settle my focus on something, and (to nobody's surprise) I settled right on Gabriela’s tits as I nodded along to their chatter.
“All those guys in there were so annoying. They were flocking to your new big titties like magnets.” More giggles. “Doesn’t it get annoying?”
Gabriela took an inflating breath. “Annoying? No. Quite the contrary, actually…”
How were they stringing sentences together like this when I felt so dumb? Still, I stared directly at the cleavage in front of me.
“It makes me feel…” Her shoulders pulled back, and she took another inflating breath. “Powerful.” She said in a confident tone that reverberated through my cock and sent tingles down my spine.
“But…” Gabriela continued. “You should know all about that. My tits might be new but you’ve had that rack since freshman year!”
Mikayla hmmm’d for a little bit.
Something about this discussion felt…. I don’t know… rehearsed?
“Well, I’m big. But you’re massive. I’ve never felt that power before.” I could feel her eyes boring into me. “But, I think I’d like to.” She finished devilishly.
Wait, what was she talking about? My ears perked up and (with tremendous effort) I pulled my gaze out of their cleavage, and gave a concerned look to my girlfriend of 4 years. Was she talking about getting on the Product?...Or…even more concerning, The Program? My mind, perhaps in self-defense, recalled Gabriella’s description from earlier, ‘for womankind to ascend, mankind has to wane.”
GULP. I didn’t want that! (Did I?)
Gabriella was talking again, both girls still looking directly into my soul.
“You’d get so, so big. So much bigger than me, so much quicker.” Her voice was husky and hypnotic. “I was barely a full B-cup when I started. You’re already stacked. You’d be bigger than me in no time if you started The Program. God, the feeling of getting bigger and more powerful feels so fucking good. I want that for you so badly.”
“What about you, honey?” Mikayla asked, her voice dripping with sweetness. “Do you want to see me grow bigger and more powerful? Do you want to see my breasts swell a little bigger each day? I know you're such a breast man… would you like to see me outgrow my bras? I know how much you loooove my big bras.” She smirked knowingly.
God, I tried not to think of that time she had caught me sneakily masturbating with her bra. I had hoped she had forgotten about that.
“I could try on some new bigger bras for you, when I start growing? Let you see my progress?”
A smarter man than me, or perhaps just a more sober man, would have put some of these puzzle pieces together. Far from being in competition with each other all night, the two best friends were working together from the start. Together they had spun a beautiful boob web, and I was the fly stuck in it. But I was not that smart, and not that sober. I didn’t see the trap. And as much as the idea of my girlfriend getting even more chest-heavy appealed to me. A part of me (perhaps my male ego or sense of self-preservation) still felt very conflicted by this whole indecent proposal.
Something about it felt…unatural…and downright terrifying. It felt like jumping off a cliff, and never being able to go back.
“Well, honey? What do you think?”
“I… I dunno.” We both knew about The Product, sure, but, honestly, we had never talked about it, and this hardly felt like the time and place to do so. As I found my voice, I decided to serve up some platitudes rather than make any big decisions. “I want you to be happy, but you’re already so big.”
“Yes, but imagine if she was even bigger!”
“Yeah, well… I dunno…” I gulped. Already in our relationship I felt a little powerless around Mikayla’s tits. It was a great fear of mine that she’d realize the power her chest held over me…. She might even take advantage of it, if she wasn't already. Did I want this unspoken power dynamic to be spoken? Did I want her leverage over to become even BIGGER? Did I want to be her doting little puppy dog boyfriend?
“I can see you’re thinking about it. How about this….why don’t the three of us go back to our place. We can have some drinks, put on some music, have a little fun. I want to absolutely spoil my little breast man. Tonight, our titties are going to be your whole fucking world. You can worship at the altar of boobies all night. Getting up close and personal with Gabriela’s girls might help you learn to appreciate what I could become. If you're man enough to go through with it, that is.
You can spend all night experiencing the benefits of a bigger Gabriella, and imagining what life could be like for us. Maybe that’ll help you make up your mind?”
I stared at her utterly speechless, unable to think. I backed away slightly shocked and confused.This could not be real!
"Don't you worry." Gabriella said as she snuggled her chest close to me. "We can just…talk…" Mikayla my girlfriend, took her hands and cupped her best friends giant tits, making them look bigger than ever. She gave them a demonstrative wobble with a smirk.
"We will help you come to the right conclusion no matter how many times it takes.”
"That’s it. That's a good boy."
"Let us…take care of you…"
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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image: Yvonne Bar
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
Lets get you settled, hon.
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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Oh sweetheart good morning! Merry Yule darling!! Do you like Mommy’s big green pretty outfit?!
No no no no! Santa didn’t come, it’s Dr. Befana that delivers presents, remember your re-education schooling! That fat old ridiculous man was just an invention of the insecure patriarchy along with their skinny little male “savior”. There’s no way a feeble man could’ve managed such a huge undertaking of keeping an eye all the big girls and little boys around the world, let alone keep all their desires organized and execute their delivery! Nor would you want him to! I mean giving a incapable man that much power! *shivers* He’d be sure to incompetently and corruptly run things amok! You saw how the last government was run before Mommy and all the other Women made sure we had a new, strong government!
If you promise to keep that validation-seeking little boy brain in check and apologize for these silly little patriarchal thoughts, Mommy will start giving you all the presents that Dr. Befana, the Matriarchal States of America, and your Mommy have brought you. Now I swear to Lilith you better apologize little boy!
Good good little boy! If you hadn’t groveled like that, Mommy would’ve brought you right to Miss Sarah’s Yule education class with all the other silly little non-believer boys!
Now for presents, we’ll start of course with this little horse! The perfect size for my shrinking little boy, I’ll get you a smaller one when you shrink out of this one, but isn’t it lovely! I know how much you’ve been missing driving Mommy’s big big car you like you used to, but it’s much too dangerous for little boys like you darling, this is much much safer! Now be a good boy it’s picture time for Mommy!
Ah ah ah, don’t ride on it yet! You know the drill! Strip out of those tiny PJ’s first so I can post these at the Coven, all the Ladies of Lilith will find it so so cute! And I’m sure Big Pretty Miss Sarah will love to see you in the Yule spirit! You can tell her all about the gifts Mommy and the Matriarchy got you at Lilith’s Yule Coven tonight!
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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“Dry-Nursing can be an important, helpful exercise while waiting for lactation to begin. It helps to establish dominance and can further strengthen intimacy and pair-bonding.” - excerpt, Collective Brochure #88ae4
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
“Good morning, sweetie. Now, don’t be scared. But it happened again.”
Slowly coming to my senses, my eyes opened to an awe-inspiring sight.
“Omg, you’re huge!”
“Yes, a little bit taller but so much bigger other places.” She swayed her shoulders, showing off her new curves. My jaw must’ve been hanging open. Slowly, another realization came over me.
“But that must mean…” I trailed off.
“Yeah, baby. You’re smaller. A lot smaller. But you’re soooo much cuter.” Her tone was syrupy sweet, like she was coddling me. I wanted to be annoyed but for some reason it hit a different nerve. My cock, not shrunken in the slightest, sprung to life.
“But, this time we have to go to the doctor. It was only a couple inches last time, but this is ridiculous!”
“We can go first thing Monday morning, baby. But …maybe we can find a way to just enjoy it and have some fun.” Her voice took on a devilish tilt, like she knew something I didn’t. “Only for the weekend, of course.” She leaned over me to smooth my bedhead. Her giant tits hung directly over my face, her new proportions on full display.
“Fun?! What could be fun about this?!”
Her hand went to the tent in my pants and gave a tantalizing squeeze. “Well, mama wants to try something.” Wait, what did she call herself? She lowered her cleavage an inch away from my nose. I starred upward, dumbstruck. I watched as her free hand came into view and pulled her top down, releasing her massive tits with an ungodly wobble. Her other hand stroked my length thru my sweatpants.
“I… I don’t know.” I managed weakly. “Maybe we..—mmph” My next timid words were cut off as her nipple lowered itself into my mouth. Acting on instinct, I started sucking. Slowly at first, then with more vigor.
“No talking, just sucking right now, baby.” She moaned in unfeigned pleasure…unconsciously my sucking had taken a crazed, frenzied pace. “Just do what comes natural…” Her pace, still thru my PJs had picked up slightly, but my body was reacting to even these simple ministrations. Far too soon, embarrassingly soon given she was just lightly fondling me thru thick cotton… I realized I was too far gone. She seemed to realize it too. “Awww goooood boy. Get it all out.” My hips buckled at ‘good boy’ then collapsed, but my mouth stayed intently suckling at her breast even as my orgasm waned. “Mmmmm” she purred “thats what I thought.”
I mumbled something, already feeling a wave of contentment wash over me. What had I been so upset about before? Something I wanted us to do? Or somewhere I wanted us to go? But it was so hard to think with mommy’s tit in my mouth. Wait, did I just think of her as Mommy? That wasn’t right… was it?
“I think these changes are more then physical, sweetie.” Mommy’s voice rang in my ears, causing my heart to flutter. “And I think we should explore them aaaallll weeeekend loooooong.” Her hand hadn’t left me and I was somehow already stiffening again. “We can go to the doctor on Monday, if you still want to ….”
The doctor! Of course, yes. We’d make an appointment and go on Monday. Get this sorted out!
My mouth still sucked her nipple as I thought about our appointment on Monday. But my thoughts were interrupted when I felt the first drop of milk hit my tongue. Instantly, my mind went blank… Mommy would figure it out for me! My hips humped into her waiting hand. I could almost feel the smile growing on her face as I took the first gulp.
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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Good boy, just watch me go round and round and round.
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
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thenewsuburbia · 2 years
“Shhhhh, It’s OK, baby. I know you’re tired from the party. Being around all those big ladies was a lot for you, huh? I can see you’re fussy. Maybe we can play Mommy and Baby to get you settled in for the night? No? Why not? Are you worried about pleasing your big soft mommy at your new shrunken size? Ok, ok. So sensitive! Well, at least help me unzip my dress so I can get ready for bed.”
“Oh… whats that sweetie? Mhmmm… ok, if you want to. What made you change your mind?”
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thenewsuburbia · 3 years
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“Honey…do you see that? Do you see those veins, in my breasts? See how they’re pulsing?” she asked, looking down at me, “It means they’re filling up for you, they’re swelling. It means we’re ready…ready for the next step.”
I sat, below her, and could do nothing but gape, gape and goggle at the hugeness of her chest and, yes, yes - I could scarcely believe it - the visibly pulsating veins just below the surface of her taut skin. She had grown, surely, over the past several months - taller, bigger, dramatically more curvy - but the change in her in chest, in just these last few days…it was astounding. I was speechless.
“Look at my breasts, honey,” she continued, “Look at how ready I am for you…” 
As I gawked, vainly trying to stammer a response, I could feel my thoughts slowly dissolving, my mind slowly dimming as pheromones wafted from her and began their work on me, dumbing me down, down, down…
I felt her hands - one, and then the other - creep behind my head and link together, in my hair. Slowly, gently, she began to ease me forward, towards her. “It’s going to be so nice, honey, so nice,” came her voice, becoming a purr now, “so nice when, finally now, finally I can feed you….”
I whined. I heard myself. I whined like a mewling babe. A complaint but also something else…a call? A plea? A whine of…surrender?
She laughed. “Oh, baby, yes. I’m here. I’m here and I’m so full for you,” she said, inching me closer still, “I’m huge, I’m swollen. I’ve made so much milk for you. Here, smell…”
With that, she pulled me in, tenderly, to her breasts. She knew exactly what she was doing, gently pressing my mouth and nose in between her breasts, forcing me to breathe the pheromones from her warm cleavage, weakening my resolve even further. 
“Oh, yes!” she giggled, “Do you smell that? Do you smell all the milk Mommy has for you? MMMmmm…so much milk for her little one, so much milk for her little husband…”
I whined, again, and could do nothing but nuzzle in more, nuzzle in deeper, my whole face nearly disappearing between her huge, warm breasts. I breathed her in and felt my mind becoming blank, my will becoming…hers.
At this point, she knew it. She knew how weak I had become. She knew I would do anything she’d say. I was a weakling. A weakling man. And she, above me, was my wife. She would own me, soon, own me like property. And I would shrink, slowly, slowly over the days and weeks, helpless at her breast. Shrink and shrink and shrink, smaller and smaller and smaller, until - smaller than a babe in arms - I was more a part of her than truly myself. 
Oh, Milly…
 “Come here, baby,” she whispered, as one hand left my nape to peel the top away from her giant left breast, “Come let Mommy feed you…”
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thenewsuburbia · 3 years
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“I am most definitely a 30i…I know that’s a ridiculous letter for a bra..I mean, who knew they made bras that big?”
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thenewsuburbia · 3 years
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“*omigod hahaha crush him!!!!* Olivia texted back, seeing the snap her friend Alyssa had just sent. It was Alyssa’s first day back with her ‘husband’ since her latest treatment, and seeing these photos she had send…it made Olivia giddy…
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