I love how you can anonymously vent on Tumblr and people wouldn’t even care cause everyone exists on a different plane of existence. Like everyone I see here is living some life that is barely expressed on Tumblr, like who are these people? You are the magic people and i love that part of tumblr.
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SAY HIS NAME ✊🏾 please share and reblog this video
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not gonna lie in the least weirdest way possible, if someone said to me they think I’m someone who could get away with murder, or a crime of some sort, that’ll be the best compliment I would receive that week because it means said person thinks I’m (a) independent, (b) smart enough to get away with it and (c) have the skill and violence to kill someone
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Yooooo Carats, don’t burn yourselves out too much, but STREAM Homerun!!! Also, the other songs are absolutely mad can’t lie I love them all, but yh, give them our love
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people who like studio ghibli: more respect from me than most people
people who like Howl's Moving Castle as their favourite Ghibli movie: Absolute legends, we need more people like this in the world
people who draw/create Howl's Moving Castle fanart: Please just have my children and water my plants and just make gods feel underpowered.
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teachers: say sorry when you come in if you're late because it's basic manner and etiquette
also teachers: HOw DaRE yOU IntErUPT mE WheN YoU'RE LatE SiT DOwNNNNNNNnnnnNNnNn
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Why do you like sharks?
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idk why but I’m getting Snuffkin from Moomins vibes here
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Hey Tumblr, please help me. If anyone knows where to watch french movies illegally (like idk i wanted to watch Hunchback of Notre Dame or like any disney movie) please PLEASE tell me i really wanna watch french movies but me broke, thank youuuuuuu
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this is innovation. we all need this.
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pure truth
this should not be a controversial statement: any adult who works full-time should be able to afford a safe & comfortable living space, and an adequate budget for food, transport, clothing, household items, and healthcare, with money left over for leisure and savings. every worker deserves this. that should be the standard. 
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what do you mean, that’s just truck-kun and his wife admiring the growing child they created
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You know when some clothes or an aesthetic outfit look SOOO nice and you really like it, but like, you know you’re not gonna wear it well, but you just DIE for that look or outfit especially cause it’s on someone else? Yh, I’m getting that feeling right now
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Hello All
My birthday is coming up next week. Which means it's been a month since moving to a very small town, and I have not been employed or even called back at any jobs I've applied to. I'm a queer trans poc and this is a hick town full of Donny T supporters. So finding a job here had proven more difficult than it first looked.
I have a whopping 3 dollars in my bank account and my phone service is being shut off soon. If anyone can possibly help me out until I'm able to find a job out here, I'd super appreciate it.
Venmo and Cashapp are @ Clmwsm
And PayPal and Google pay are @ [email protected]
If anyone can help me out I'd be very grateful
Reblogs help too
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i’m so sorry to ask for help again but this is an emergency. we had to rush our dog to the vet and basically she needs surgery. the estimate is $682. if she doesn’t get it she will literally die and i don’t know what to do. we can’t lose her, not now. she means the world to us. we don’t have this kind of money at the moment due to being in a really rough spot. we need to make this amount before september 21st, but the sooner the better. i’ll link my payment info below but if you want to be sure, you can call the veterinary office and put money towards it through them. just dm me and i’ll send you the info you need. i am begging people to reblog this i don’t want to lose someone i consider family. literally even a dollar would help. i’m sorry if this is messy or quick or anything i’m just panicking. thank you so much for reading.
EDIT: after doing more research and being informed by a couple people who work at vet offices, there is an extremely good chance that the surgery is going to be quite a bit more expensive than the estimation says, to say the least. because of that i’m making the goal higher at $1000. i know that’s a lot more but i really do not want to take the chance of not being able to afford it the day of the surgery. i’m not necessarily expecting to get that much but if we can at least get to $800 i’m hoping it will be enough. thank you again for reading and please keep reblogging. 
paypal venmo cashapp
489.25 / 1000 (updated august 30th - thank you so much!)
Keep reading
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I absolutely hate having to create this post, but the Netherlands has a new political party that wants to legalize the possession of child p*rnography, s*xual intercourse with TODDLERS AND CHILDREN, bestiality and necrophilia (s*x with corpses). In the Netherlands this political party, that has ALREADY tried to gain power years ago, is known as the pedo-party and people are understandably outraged about the fact that the PNVD, as they call themselves, has been RECOGNIZED as a political party in their country.
Please read this translation of the attached screenshot of their goals:
People of all ages, including children, have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. This includes s*xual self-determination. Everyone can consent to engage in s*xual contacts. The PNVD wants no age restrictions in the law, but punishability of s*x with someone of whom one knows, or should have known, that he did not agree or (for example due to incompetence) could consent to it.
The discriminatory morality law should be replaced by a general law against s*xual violence. One must always be able to say “no” without consequences, even in dependency relationships. Prejudiced parents (and social workers) should not harm their children by making them feel guilty.
S*xual contacts in public, such as in nature reserves, are allowed. If the nuisance becomes too great, action can be taken. Anyone who can agree to this must be allowed to pr*stitute themselves. Anyone may choose to participate in p*rnography production. The PNVD is against censorship. P*rnography may be broadcast during the day. Private ownership of all forms of p*rnography, including child p*rnography, is permitted.
S*xual contacts with animals are becoming legal again. S*xual abuse of animals remains a criminal offense. Legalization of n*crophilia if the deceased have explicitly given written permission for this. Furthermore, anyone who can agree to this must be allowed to choose to participate in risky or harmful s*xual contacts.
The founder of this party, a p*dophile named Nelson Maatman has openly said in a televised interview that young children can consent to s*x. He said, and I QUOTE: “A child aged two or three may say that they want an ice cream or go to the playground. This is the same. It’s time they were stopped being considered second-class citizens.” (x) Now read that disgusting statement again and replace ‘anyone’ with a toddler, because that’s who this disgusting monster meant.
If you’re even the slightest bit disgusted and want to help the dutch fight this, please sign this petition to dismantle the PNVD AND reblog as much as you can. P*dophiles should not be politicians, and children. cannot. consent.
(Let me know if you need any help translating anything to sign the petition.)
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