thenamesedwin-blog · 6 years
Evenem Bay - Discord Roleplay
A group of teenagers who would all be dead long ago if it weren't for each other.
^^ No main plots are going to be driven, its going to be one of those, you can create the problems and stuff in the roleplay thing.
Roles Available: Teen #2: Teen #3: Teen #4: Teen #1s mom: Teen #1s dad: Teen #2s mom: Teen #2s dad: Teen #3s mom: Teen #3s dad: Teen #4s mom: Teen #4s dad: Teacher #1: Teacher #2:
*If we get full partners for each teen and one ends up with not one then I’ll make some have single parents,, and if we get two teachers then they will switch out pretending to teach, if not then one person will do it all.
message me if interested.
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thenamesedwin-blog · 6 years
Prompt: Friendship
Friendship. He didn’t have a good experience with friendship. But you see, he had a honest reason for not liking the idea of friendship. Every friend he’s ever had has left him. Friends don’t last. So why should he make hopeless relationships that would just tear him up at the end?
His first friend, had been when he was five and it was the first day of school. You suppose friendships at this age last a little while and then they either stay or slowly leave. But not this one, He had gotten pretty attached to this one, he’ll admit. He had been bubbly and liked the boy who had wanted to be his friend the moment they met. But it was only a week later, a week of him growing more and more attached to the boy, not knowing how dangerous that could be, when the boy had decided he didn’t want to play with him anymore, and had migrated over to the more popular kids in his class. That kid never did leave the jock group.
His second friend, that he had gotten truly close too, was online when he was ten. He knew the dangers of meeting people online. But he didn’t care, this girl got him, and he got her. She let him complain to her about all the problems buzzing around his little head, even though they were just silly ten year old problems. This girl though, was three years older then him. Thirteen. She lasted longer though. It had been over a year later when she had turned fifteen, when she told him she didn’t want to talk to the eleven, almost twelve year old. Had said she was too grown up to be his friend. She never did contact him again.
The third time he had ever made a friend, was with the sick non-binary kid who practically lived in the hospital he had started volunteering at. The boy told funny jokes, and they had multiple things in common. He had grown more attached to this one then the other two. He had felt like he was the big brother and he was the little sibling. But that all changed the day the kid told him they had a crush on him. He told him what he felt of them, and they only said a simple ok before going back to there daily activities. He hadn’t learnt until 3 days later when he had his next volunteer shift that the kid had been transferred to a different hospital unexpectedly. He didn’t know if they kid ever got better.
But you? Oh you were oh-so different. You are what’s making him question everything he had decided about on the topic of friendship. You have been with him for almost three years now. That's so much longer then the week, and then year, and then two months. You also aren’t show any signs of leaving. You are always there for him. You always head him face-first in his moods, and you never back down. You always manage to calm him, and he’s so thankful for that. You have helped him study for his finals, and you’ve taken him out to do stuff. But now he isn’t sure if he wants to be friends with you anymore. He needs to address this feeling in his stomach he gets around you, the constant butterflies. The amount of heat that flushes to his cheeks when you smile or laugh, and how jealous he gets when he sees somebody else with there arms around you. He comes to a quick decision about the matter though. So here he is. Standing infront of you, a powerful red blush adorning his cheeks, his hands quivering as his head tilts down towards the ground. “I like you- no I love you!” He shouts, falling to his knees as tears stain his cheeks, the feeling of fear over washes him, not fear of you rejecting him, but of you leaving him.
So what do you say?
*Sorry I tried my best
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thenamesedwin-blog · 6 years
Prompt: Jeans
The denim jeans covered in various patches of the fandoms and music bands she adored were the only thing they found of her in the 3 years they’ve searched. When she first disappeared nobody thought anything of it. It was usual for her, she often felt unwanted or in a not-so-happy mood, and would leave for a couple days before coming back, she was an adult and could take care of herself. But when she didn’t come back after a couple days, and when those days turned into weeks, the people who used to be around her freaked and called the cops.
When she was first discovered as missing, her girlfriend was the most effected. She had taken to staying up all night, trying to trace her girlfriends steps, or trying to get in contact with her. But as weeks turned into months, she felt like she couldn’t breath, like she was drowning in a sea of happy people who all went on with life as nothing was wrong in the world. She quickly discovered that depression was a huge and vast empty ocean and she was quickly sinking to the bottom.
Life became worthless to her, as she started to think the possibility her love is dead. She put less effort into things, and everything became a bore. She stopped going to school, stopped eating, stopped doing all her hobbies that would lift all the stress from her shoulders. Her heart ached every night she went to bed with a cold empty space next to her own, and broke every time she woke up to happy sun rays showering that empty space.
So when the cops called her into the police station on the Valentines day 3 years after she originally disappeared, her life shattered, the very last bit of hope she clung too, was ripped away from her like a stranger taking away a child's toy. As her gaze set upon the jeans her girlfriend loved dearly, the ones she had been wearing before storming out of her parents home, dirtied, faded, and scuffed up, her whole life shattered for the very last time.
And that night, she was found dead, both fore arms sliced down the middles, one cut not as clean as the other.
And when her girlfriend, who had been found and rescued, heard about the love of her life being dead- the only thought that had kept her going through all the torture she endured, another life was taken.
One life taken from the sight of worn jeans, another taken by the heart breaking news of her lovers death, a story that the whole world heard, and most took to heart. One who had died for another, and the other who had done the same.
*I don’t know how I got to suicide from jeans, but ya know. Also Suicide is never the option! Also sorry if this doesn’t make any sense or isn’t interesting.
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thenamesedwin-blog · 6 years
Gender Club
I want to start a club at my high school, specifically one for people who arnt cis female or cis male. Where we can do activities to learn to become comfortable with ourselves. And for the people who are comfortable with themselves can help the others. But I don't know what to call it? Suggestions???
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