thenamelesshaven · 2 years
Reblog for a larger sample size for no sample size at all, because obviously nobody will vote
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
To Catch Happiness In A Bottle
A flutter of wings
Pursed lips
Not quite right
Frothing bubbles 
And a misty fog
Just a shade too bright
Catching light 
Fracturing rainbows
From warm honey glow
As a page is turned
Ink stained pages 
Whispering half truths
Found from trials
And errors plentiful 
To hold up a bottle
Swirl it around 
Letting the liquid flow
Blood in water
Mosaics of color
As the sun rolls by
Catching crystals in its light
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
Tag nine people you would like to know better
i've been tagged apparently.
Three Ships: FrankenRai (Noblesse) | WolMae (Return of Iljimae) | TempUru (TTIGRAAS) | I couldn't find ship names for any of these so I just made up some of my own.
First Ship: I've actually forgotten the names of both the people and the story, it's been over a decade since I read it. The ship was between a cursed shapeshifter (always to shift into a white tiger during the day) and the noble son who fell in love with the female persona but was tasked to kill the tiger form.
Last Song: Changgwi by Ahn Ye-eun. I've been binging her works lately.
Last Movie: I don't really watch movies? My last drama was Queen Seondeok (rewatch) but as a new series would be Taxi Driver (despite its name, it's a fun crime drama.)
Currently Reading: (rereading) The Crimson Petal and the White.
Currently Watching: My Name (technically, I have like half an episode left.)
Currently Consuming: A konjac jelly pouch. peach flavored.
Currently Craving: Gopchang/Makchang with sikhye.
I haven't existed on this website long enough to know people to tag.
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
To Master One's Own Fate
I've been dreaming of a time
From long long ago
Where the lines of mortality
Divinity and reality
Blur and merge 
Into something fantastical 
And utterly magnifical
Was it Before?
Or was it Now?
Perhaps was it Then?
And I wonder 
Does it really matter at all?
Every chance is a choice 
And every choice is a path
Nothing is truly set in stone
So step on forward
And weave your own fate 
Your life has only just begun
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
Thoughts on stars?
I've always had a fascination with stars and cosmic imagery in general. I'm not sure if I can pinpoint exactly when or why. They just remind me of my people, seperated by distance but constant in their presence. They also remind me how fragile everything is, how precious time can be. Stars take far longer to die but they still, inevitably, do. Their death tends to be prettier than most things even though the death of our own sun is most likely to make this place unhabitable but I still find their existence a delight to experience.
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
An Old Friend
A whisper of something
Someone at the edges
The flicker of a shadow 
Of a presence lingering
Just out of view 
Out of perceptions range
A flash of colorful void
Infinite nothingness 
Indulgent eyes 
Are so very old
Immortals and gods
Even demiurges cannot compare
Stare into oblivion 
Pass a gaze right over them
Stare into abyss 
Spot their figure smiling
Blink and they're gone
Except they're not
Awareness passes
Like sand through fingers
Or a dream through memories
They are still there
Lingering just outside
What vision can perceive 
Waiting and watching 
An existence like a breath
There for a single heartbeat
And gone the very next
One day they'll speak
When they become everything
And all awareness can perceive 
Are them standing there
Staring and smiling 
Kind and fond 
As cognizance can finally
Finally filter in their words 
"Oh little one, you can call me Death."
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thenamelesshaven · 2 years
Finally existing I suppose.
I made this tumblr, promptly forgot about it, and was only reminded when someone decided to ask for my tumblr one day. So I might as well work on here too.
About Me
Hello. I'm Nameless but feel free to call me Ess or whatever other iteration of my name you'd like. I don't really care for any particular gender but if you're ever unsure, feel free to default to they/them. My age will remain unspecified for the time being.
I mainly write poetry and don't mind requests either. i don't really think my writing is worth going through the trouble of creating comissions for so don't worry about that. As long as you don't start claiming it as yours, I probably won't care what you do with it. I also do analysis of both my poems and whatever other fandoms I end up dipping into. I'l also probably end up rambling about something or the other. (I'll update the necessary tags as things go on.)
All poetry will be tagged with Creation's Archives.
All asks/requests will be tagged with The Void Answers.
All random rambles will be tagged with Shattered Shards.
I don't care about gender, political opinion, age, or whatever people decide to nitpick on; you're all welcome here. Whether you just lurk or interact with me or this blog, know that you're all appreciated. So go about your day or night knowing you have been percieved and accepted regardless of who or what you are.
Oh, and don't use my writing without permission. Thank you.
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