Phlegmatic-Choleric | Gemini ♊️
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
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I used to be very confident with myself and the way I look because even though im not pretty I was loved by many. Not until these tragedy came. I was hated and got ridiculed by the people I recently met because of my physical appearance and because of the place where I came from.
People judged even before knowing me.
Recently, a girl made fun of me & laughed saying- "Look at yourself? Dont try to fit in with the relatives of your boyfriend because they dont like you because you're ugly and they wont even gives you a second glance".
Comments like these used to hurt me like hell, I used to spend hours crying. I could never utter anything mean back at these people, who did their best to pull me down and make me feel worse. Those days were dark, I wasn’t confident at all, I mostly avoided posting my photos and videos anymore in my socmed. I suffered a lot of self issues and caused me mental disturbances.
I just wanted to hide myself from everyone. Not that I wasn’t already invisible. Those days was a horrible time for me, I was an extremely and was brutally bullied and as a result suffered a major lack of self-esteem and no one seems to care.
People they would always belittle me, because they thought I wasn’t pretty enough.
Leave pretty, they would straight up call me ugly.
But, if you notice clearly am I smiling in the picture above? Yes, and that’s because I never believed that beauty is subjective to your body weight, color of your skin, hair on your face, blemishes, freckles, etc. I believe you’ve been made the way you are, with a special purpose. How do you define “pretty” is not the universal definition of pretty given Albert Einstein or Frankenstein.
Pretty is boundless.
And, so I believe that everyone is pretty.
I think I learnt this over a period of time, it’s a journey…something that doesn’t happen overnight.
I evolved with time…learned and accepted myself and embraced whatever I am blessed with, that changed a lot of things and created a difference in my life, it’s always about you perceive yourself.
I think how you are as a person and how many hearts you touch is much more valuable than just mere appearance.
Cherish what God has given to you, and love yourself, build a strong character & personality and work on yourself, each and every day.
And voila, you’re pretty!
If your issue is more about self esteem, in my opinion any woman can make herself feel good about herself. Be polished and presentable and you will feel your confidence going up.
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
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“I had it rough, to the point where I dealt with a serious identity crisis. I was born dark and apparently, it’s a sin. My whole life I have been reminded of that either in the form of bullying and hatred or by those fairness ads that endorse how dark skin is just a symbol of ‘not being pretty’. This whole deal has led me into depression, anxiety, and self-doubts. I, sometimes, still struggle with that”
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
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You may be ugly in your own eyes but not everyone’s.
There are lots of people like that; who are ordinary even more than the most ordinary people. But their attitude makes them so rich that we cannot escape without respecting and loving them.
Even if you are the most beautiful in this planet; it’s temporary. You know it.
Why trying to win the world through external stuff when you can win with your behavior and attitude?
Why bother obsessing over something that is temporary?
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
You can always improve yourself. Go to the gym. Eat healthy. Increase knowledge. Take up a hobby. Work on makeup skills. Buy a pretty wardrobe. But do not give up on the fact that you can be pretty in the way you desire, it just takes improvements.
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
If you have clear skin then the battle is already won. You can wear anything. You can show off anything. You can put on nice makeup.
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thenameischen · 5 years ago
I am Chennie Del 26yrs old girl from Bukidnon. Recently, due to all bullying from an old friend and from people who still dnt know me i spent these past few days sulking about “why I am not pretty ?” but not anymore.
All this started because I was born with dark complexion and I dont have enough time to dress up and fix myself because im too confident that Im so pretty to my man's eye and Im so busy with my responsibilities as a mom and a wife. After receiving those criticism I cant help to feel insecure and feel ugly. My man got worried and I was reminded everyday in a way or another that I am always beautiful. But accdng to the people who bullied me, the comment of my man dont matter because there are lot of them who thinks IM UGLY. They even told me that I was hated because of my physical appearance.
I cried almost daily because of mean comments hurled at me. Comments were usually about my not so pretty facial features. Because of my teeth i was called names and advised that I should stop making videos on tiktok because I look dull. Well it helped me into developing thick skin now and were saving money to fix my lower teeth and I don't care what people are saying about me anymore what matter now is Im not alone building myself again, my man is always there to lift me up and I was given a chance by Mary Kay to gain my confidence back.
Now Iam happy and content most of the time with the way I look. But I would be lying if I say I don’t ever think “if only I was pretty”. With time I have grown to accept everything. I learned it the hard way that if you will not love yourself no one else will. Now I often take pictures with smile on my face.
I wish I could tell this to my self before, it does not matter whether you are pretty or not. What matters is what kind of a person you are , how you treat others and yourself. Be kind, smart, strong, intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful.
Be someone who is remembered for their good deeds. Looks are temporary. What helped me into realizing this, is the encouraging words of my boyfriend, my friends, my family, his family and thru Mary Kay. Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you and accept you for who you are. Love is the prettiest thing in this world which makes everything pretty.
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