themusiciansstuff · 2 years
This topic makes me laugh anytime I get to talk about it . The tussle between musicians and audio engineers.Their wahala no dey finish 😃.The trouble can either come from the audio engineer or vice versa.
I remember some years back I also had this issue, I will always want to quarrel or argue with the sound engineer about me not hearing some part of my drums accurately.
On a second thought I told myself let me wear the shoes of an audio engineer so I can understand why they do particular things that we musicians get angry about. On wearing those, then I got to know the pain they go through when they mix our instruments for us. Sometimes the room might not be friendly enough for the kind of mix you want ,some instrumentalist don't take sound check seriously while some instrumentalist particularly talking drummers will want to overshadow everybody...lol
On the other hand some audio engineers are just volume controllers. That's what they know how to do best. They do not understand the acoustic of the room at which they are mixing, frequencies of all the instrument and most importantly how to balance all instruments to give a good output in all.
So for me I feel that as an instrumentalist or a musician the need to have trainings on frequencies,the make up of mixing of your instrument and that of your fellow musician is a plus to you as an instrumentalist /musician. Hence it makes you converse in terms that both you and the audio engineer will understand and thereby make both persons input on the production easy and exciting at the end of the day.
Moreso, to the audio engineer if you need to improve on your skill please do, understand the frequency of all instruments and please treat musicians politely because you're there to serve their needs.
In all, both musicians and audio engineers need to work harmoniously in other to give our audience the best of production at all times.
Akhenoba, Davies Oshone
(c) 2022
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themusiciansstuff · 2 years
This article is aimed at reiterating the importance of the fundamental drum rudiments as to how it can help you improve your drumming and also ensure that your abilities are not undermine due to lack of knowledge of this rudiments.
Drum rudiments are basic elements for all drum grooves and fills. This gives explicit insight as to how important the mastery of drum rudiments can change radically or fundamentally your drumming. Drum rudiments are core groundwork of drumming. However, learning the drum rudiments is one of the most disregarded or over-looked drumming principle.
The need to understanding drum rudiments, how to orchestrate them round the drums also the ability to play them across your four limbs cannot be over emphasized. I hear most drummers say I want to be as fast as Dave Weckl, Eric Moore, Thomas Pridgen and the likes this will only be wishful thinking if the drummer has not spent quality time practicing his or her fundamental drum rudiments amongst other drumming techniques to help attain that height of proficiency.
The ability of a drummer to orchestrate different strokes or sticking pattern around the drums is something worthy of note. Let take for example the Single Paradiddle (RLRR-LRLL) this particular rudiment can be played in different forms such as placing accent on different strokes of the paradiddle, playing them as inversions. Also it becomes exciting when you play that rudiment on different sound sources on the drums. Inquisitively a drummer can also play this particular rudiment across his or her four limbs and thereby giving the drummer a more melodic approach and also encourages independence and coordination abilities of the drummer.
For every drummer out there aspiring to be great, the need to learn and master the fundamental drum rudiments, practicing them with the metronome at different tempos and playing them at different note values cannot be over emphasized, as this gives you solid foundation to becoming a proficient and dynamic drummer amongst other drumming techniques that also makes you a great drummer.
Hence, the need to master your drum rudiments on your journey to becoming a proficient, creative and dynamic drummer should not be overlooked.
Akhenoba, Davies Oshone
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