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Dark Rooms for hire in London
Cheapest is E5 Process, in Clapton (Hackney)
Four Corners, in Bethnal Green (Hackney)
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A fairly productive day in the #darkroom this afternoon- about fifty 5x7s and the thirty 35mm contact sheets from film shot in the past month. Most if the 5x7s were of a friend's wedding- I'll make a print list for my next darkroom session using the contact sheets soon.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “A fairly productive day in the #darkroom this afternoon- about fifty 5x7s and the thirty 35mm contact sheets from film shot in the past…”)
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End scene from yesterday's #darkroom session- I dry my 11x14 fiber prints pinned back to back to save space. Made twenty-nine in this session but plan on reprinting a few and then continuing to wrap up my print list for an upcoming show on Tuesday.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “End scene from yesterday's #darkroom session- I dry my 11x14 fiber prints pinned back to back to save space. Made twenty-nine in this…”)
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Printed about twenty-five 11x14 fiber prints yesterday for my upcoming exhibition in December. Somehow I found the energy to print another twenty-three contact sheets before I took the darkroom firm for the day. Film is #IlfordHP5 and paper is @ilfordphoto 's wonderful Multigrade FB Classic (Glossy). Need to flatten these prints before they get matted and framed for two weeks. Cameras: #LeicaMP #LeicaM6 #LeicaM2. The print shown was the MP/ #Summicron35 Asph. Combo. One more darkroom session and things ought to be good to go.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Printed about twenty-five 11x14 fiber prints yesterday for my upcoming exhibition in December. Somehow I found the energy to print another…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Any day is a good day for a #darkroom session but cold rainy days eliminate any guilt about missing out on tumecthat clild also have been…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Getting caught up on developing film that needs to be developed since December- January's been pretty good so far. Three sessions of…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “My standard and personal black and white film development method gets me twelve 35mm rolls in an hour- I mix 1/2oz of #KodakHC110 into…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Finally got back in my darkroom today and finally got caught up on my 645 medium format archives. Out of about sixty rolls from 2010-2017 I…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “More than pics of cameras seems most people are interested in my posts about my process & workflow. Fine with me. So, this is the film I've…”)
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Finally got a good five-hour #darkroom session in this afternoon, cranking out another 98 little "cabinet" sized (a Japanese photo paper size- 12x16.5cm) RC prints for a future edit. I try not to fall behind in my workflow- I develop my film after 30 or 40 rolls pile up, then make contact sheets, then a print list, and then these little workprints. My photo exhibitions are edited from two or three such rounds. Shoot>Develop>Print-- ever since college it's how I've worked, and I plan on doing it as long as I can. Next up is another round of film development. The process never ends- and the fact that I can never be all caught up is comforting.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Finally got a good five-hour #darkroom session in this afternoon, cranking out another 98 little "cabinet" sized (a Japanese photo paper…”)
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Starting the weekend off with some #DevClub - gotta catch up on film shot in April/May. As usual it's all bulk loaded #IlfordHP5 rewound into older Fuji canisters. Most of my next exhibition in August is in these rolls. What you see is about four hours of pleasant work over a few days- using Kodak HC-110 developer and a bag of Kodak fixer I think the total cost to process all this is under thirty dollars. If you shoot black and white film you ought to develop it yourself- for me the level of control it gives me over my negs alone makes it worth the time and effort- the low cost is a nice bonus.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Starting the weekend off with some #DevClub - gotta catch up on film shot in April/May. As usual it's all bulk loaded #IlfordHP5 rewound…”)
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Souping twelve rolls more of #IlfordHP5 -- shooting & developing thousands of rolls over the past 17 years has streamlined my process to where I can make every second count. I run three 4-reel tanks in succession each #DevClub session- this takes a little over an hour. From back to front: Tank 1 is in the wash, Tank 2 is fix, and Tank 3 is developing. Since the wash and fix tones are flexible , I time everything off of my standard development mix/time: 1/2oz #KodakHC110 in 1000ml 25C water for 15 min.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Souping twelve rolls more of #IlfordHP5 -- shooting & developing thousands of rolls over the past 17 years has streamlined my process to…”)
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(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “変な生花。スチール花?Weird flower arrangements. Or steel reels drying after a round of #DevClub. #ShootFilm #永遠銀塩 #フィルム現像”)
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Twenty-four rolls of @ilfordphoto #IlfordHP5 drying from today's two #DevClub sessions. After I pull my negs out of the wash I let them soak for 30 sec. in a tank of water and a chemical Fujifilm makes called Driwel- so that they dry well- (no dust or spotting problems with it) and hang them up in my shower with the exhaust fan on low. Two hours later I cut them up and file them in negative sheets for my archives and future darkroom sessions.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Twenty-four rolls of @ilfordphoto #IlfordHP5 drying from today's two #DevClub sessions. After I pull my negs out of the wash I let them…”)
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Moments after I file my negs I turn on my light box and use a loupe to make my first edit. I look at each frame and draw a black dot under the ones I think look worth printing directly on the negative sleeve. The black dots become white dots on the contact prints, allowing me to see what frames were best the first time I saw them. Editing: No thinking, just an immediate gut reaction. Dozens of exhibitions and thousands of prints and even more rolls of film has taught me that my basic intuition is my best bet for shooting and editing. Basically, my work is about my feelings for the subject or moment- I gotta have them in mind when I edit. For me, if I didn't feel something there's no reason to take the pic in the first place. I don't believe that sitting on images (the idea that they "marinate" is idiotic)- I need to see what I've been doing! Photography is the thing I love most- why delay any part of it? What also makes editing easier is that I tend to shoot only one frame per subject- I found out that it was usually the first of a chain of five images that nailed it- so I figure the first one is the best one. I'd rather look at 36 different things on a contact sheet than six versions of six things...
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Moments after I file my negs I turn on my light box and use a loupe to make my first edit. I look at each frame and draw a black dot under…”)
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Loading up another twenty #35mmFilm canisters with 100ft of @ilfordphoto #IlfordHP5 film. It's always good to see comments or messages from others here who've started bulk loading their film now. All this takes me about half an hour to do.
(via Tokyo Camera Style on Instagram: “Loading up another twenty #35mmFilm canisters with 100ft of @ilfordphoto #IlfordHP5 film. It's always good to see comments or messages…”)
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