My daughter Ella (now 8 years old) got a Ukulele for Christmas last year. She’s been writing little songs on it ever since. She only knows one chord, so most of her songs are just her singing over that chord, but her desire to sing and to write songs is obvious. Well, this Sunday she and I were sitting around playing our ukes, and she had the first line of this Gospel song: “When I die, I will not die.” And we just went from there... So this is the first song co-written by Ella Mae and her proud papa. We recorded it on my phone, somehow it sounds like it was recorded in a barn in the 1930s. I think it sounds perfect.
We humbly present: Wings of Glory
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I wrote this song about 10 years ago, as I was about to marry my gorgeous wife. (TEN YEARS!!!) I decided not to use it in my wedding, so it just sat.
A few weeks ago my youngest brother Pete called and asked me to sing a song at his wedding. I was honored and offered him this song. I’m glad that he and Lindsey accepted, so that it could be someone’s wedding song!
My uncle John suggested I call it “This I Vow” I think that’s a fine title. So that’s what it shall be called. Enjoy!
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Jason Molina Rest in peace brother.
Oh Jason
You breathed out fire
That sucked you in
The Night bird’s wail
Is wailing
As black dust is falling
And the old earth is shaking
And I hear your voice calling
But the sound that it’s making
Is swirling through vastness
And falling like morning
So softly it beckons
So starkly it’s warning
Saying: “Do not come following
Me to this blindness
There’s no sight in finding
A light of this brightness
There no sound in hearing
The voice of this pureness
And there’s no words to confess
These things that I’ve known
So drown them in sorrow
And washed them in moonlight
There’ll be a tomorrow
But I’ll be gone.”
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I don't tumble all that often, but in view of the massive Dylan tribute album that Amnesty International just released I thought I'd put this one up. I'm in the process of (slowly) putting together an album of covers tentatively called "Heroes Break Your Heart" and this would certainly qualify. There aren't many songs more heart breaking than this one that Dylan wrote at the ripe old age of about 22. At the time his soul / voice must have been about 75 or so. Amazing. I take a different tack singing it in a higher register and messing with the melody a bit. I'm no closet dylan fan by any means, I've covered his songs plenty; but it's a bit of a step for me to actually record one and post it. I hope you enjoy. I'll probably play this at my upcoming show at Amplified Art (325 Blake Street, Raleigh) on THURS Feb. 9th! Here's the fb event page:!/events/291710754221163/
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Today is my daughter Ella's 2nd birthday! Some time right around her birth I started singing this "Aye ya ya ya" tune over and over... I think Eileen and I were a both a bit overwhelmed with our older two kids, knowing a third was about to arrive, so it was sort of a stabilizing chant for me, i think. Anyhow, when Mariella Mae was born it didn't take long for that little melody to grow into a song. It's not quite finished, but I haven't had the inspiration to get it there just yet. Here's a version of it I recorded back in Feb of this year.
Happy Birthday my sweet girl!
ps. I can definitely site Caetano Veloso's version of Cucurrucucu Paloma from the film "Talk to Her" as a major influence. What an incredible performance from a true master! It gets me every time!
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This was the debut performance of the song "An Old Heart" ... performed in July 30th 2004 at the Patterson Theatre (the night I proposed to my wife). Playing with me are: my brother Paul (banjo/bass), Drew Thiemann (drums), Jeff Conlin (organ), Rebecca Lemus (clarinet), Amanda Dusold (oboe), and Kate Rears (cello). Been years since I listened to the recording from this night, and if I may say so we KILLED IT considering we had one rehearsal beforehand. I seem to only have 5 songs of the set (I think there were 2 more). Anyhow you can download them here:
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Track 3 off the upcoming album is called Midnight Moon. This is a rough mix.
I wrote the melody in my head on the way home from seeing Damien Jurado at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill. Eileen and I had been fighting before I left for the show. I didn't want to leave w/o resolving things, best I can recall we both tried (this was 2004/05 I can't remember exactly when), but the argument just kept flaring up. Eventually I just left angry, went to the show. It spoke to me, calmed my spirit. When I got home Eileen had left to sleep at her parents house. She left a note. The lyrics to the song came easily. I felt like such a bratty kid, pretending to be a married man. Growing pains.
The strings on the track were written/performed/recorded by Daniel Hart. ( He plays violin w/ St. Vincent and others. He's an amazing guy and an incredible musician. He added his magic to 3 songs on the album... which I hope to finish tracking this month!!!
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rough recording from rehearsal last week... the song "Chapter 2" might be heading in a new, more Dwight Yokum direction that previously anticipated... hmm. You are hearing me play an out-of-tune guitar, Will Goodyear playing drums, Mark Connor playing a bass guitar.
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New demo version of Down / Out - a song on the upcoming "Mike & Eileen Chapter 1" album. Thanks to Jeff Conlin for the super awesome Wurlitzer and creepy organ playing! Can't wait to make the real thing. Thanks to Brian Million for the mix!
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I wrote this song about my gorgeous wife for her 33rd birthday. Love you babe.
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Ok, so i've decided to post one rough mix here... song is called Woman I Once Knew, and it goes something like this:
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it begins again
well folks, i don't know much about this tumblr thing, but i thought i'd try to start one anyway. Seems like a good time, as the first new Mike Roy solo album since 2003 is almost fully tracked, and soon to be in the very capable hands of Ryan Simms for some much needed post-production magic. My first post will be to reveal the cover art for the new record. It's called ShotFriction. It's rather dark, almost spooky even at times. I think it will a perfect mid-late October album, Halloween time, when it's dark and damp all the time. That's when this album should be listened to. I'm really pleased with how it's turning out so far... can't wait to hear it after Ryan is done with it. So that's all I have for now, I have some rough mixes up on MySpace for now, but they won't be up long...
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