Mike Dillard's Blog
121 posts
Mike Dillard's mission is to empower those who want to change their life, and change the world for the better, with the knowledge and skills they need to do so. If you’re an entrepreneur, or want to become one, read about our experiences. My Profile Links Google+ ProfileGoogle+ PageYouTube ChannelBloggerWordPressGravatar TwitterDiigoEvernoteInstapaperApp.netDriveOneNoteBitlyBlogAlternionFlavors.meKuraturPaper.liRebelMouse
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You
This work, however, would influence more than just the realm of the natural sciences. Many fields that we now classify under the heading of social science did, in fact, also grow out of the foundation he helped lay.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You
This work, however, would influence more than just the realm of the natural sciences. Many fields that we now classify under the heading of social science did, in fact, also grow out of the foundation he helped lay.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You
This work, however, would influence more than just the realm of the natural sciences. Many fields that we now classify under the heading of social science did, in fact, also grow out of the foundation he helped lay.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
Why Only Rebels Find Real Fulfillment
Sometimes, in certain instances, sure, you’ll fall close to the middle of the bell-curve, and that’s fine. But much of the time, you’ll be navigating the corners, and that’s when you’ll be punished. Societial rules don’t cater there.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
Why Only Rebels Find Real Fulfillment
Sometimes, in certain instances, sure, you’ll fall close to the middle of the bell-curve, and that’s fine. But much of the time, you’ll be navigating the corners, and that’s when you’ll be punished. Societial rules don’t cater there.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
Why Only Rebels Find Real Fulfillment
Sometimes, in certain instances, sure, you’ll fall close to the middle of the bell-curve, and that’s fine. But much of the time, you’ll be navigating the corners, and that’s when you’ll be punished. Societial rules don’t cater there.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
Why Only Rebels Find Real Fulfillment
Sometimes, in certain instances, sure, you’ll fall close to the middle of the bell-curve, and that’s fine. But much of the time, you’ll be navigating the corners, and that’s when you’ll be punished. Societial rules don’t cater there.
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themikedillard · 6 years ago
The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You
This work, however, would influence more than just the realm of the natural sciences. Many fields that we now classify under the heading of social science did, in fact, also grow out of the foundation he helped lay.
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Take On Red Bull And Monster From Scratch…
Today is a story about David Vs Goliath…
But in our tale, David is a guy named Aaron Hinde, and a few years ago he decided to take on the Goliaths of the energy drink industry, Red Bull and Monster.
In 2009, Aaron and his business partner Orion hated the fact that they couldn’t find a healthy energy drink, so they decided to create their own.
Neither of them had been in the beverage industry before, and had no idea how to create one. They had almost no money, zero investors, and no distribution.
But that didn’t stop them.
A few Google searches and phone calls later, and they had their first can of LifeAid in their hands.
But creating the product was the easy part.
Getting it onto store shelves without a budget was the real challenge.
So they started thinking outside the box and skipped the grocery chains completely.
Instead, they went after one specific fitness niche and slowly but surely started to build a following…
Today, LifeAid will do over $30 million in net profits, and can be found on store shelves everywhere from Albertson’s to Whole Foods to GNC.
It is a truly inspiring story that contains an incredibly valuable marketing lesson for every startup…
And speaking of David Vs. Goliath, the new platform is now live! In many ways, we are pursuing the same strategy Aaron and Orion did to take on our much larger, more established competitors in the e-learning space, by offering a superior quality product, to a very specific group of people…
Namely you… And the other amazing entrepreneurs out there who want to change the world.
If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, head to and checkout the insane amount of value you’ll get when you upgrade to a premium membership for just $19. For those of you who already have, thank you! h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Create A Perennial Seller…
When you look at the New York Times list of Best-Selling books at any given time, you’ll obviously find the latest and greatest titles that are flying off the shelves.
But what you might not realize, is that the book that’s currently in first place… Really isn’t.
Because that best-selling list does not include titles that are considered Perennial Sellers��� The books that have been selling millions of copies year after year, for 10, 20, or even 30 years on reputation and word of mouth alone…
Titles like Think and Grow Rich, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, or the Bible.
These are the books like Four Hour Work Week, or videos like The Secret, that can create a brand, and define a legacy for decades.
And I can attest to the power of creating a Perennial Seller, because my very first book, Magnetic Sponsoring, is what launched my entrepreneurial career 12 years ago.
Entrepreneurs today are focused on producing content in quantity, when they should be focused on quality if they want to truly stand out from the crowd.
Well today, Ryan Holiday will walk us through that process and teach you what it takes to create your own Perennial Seller.
You’ll learn how to come up with an idea that has a real chance at disrupting your market, and capturing the world’s attention.
We’ll dive into the marketing process that will help you launch it,
And talk about the amount of time and work that you should invest in order to produce a timeless piece of work. h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Own The Day, And Own Your Life…
I don’t consider many people in this world a mentor, but Aubrey is one that I do.
As you’ll hear today, he’s mastered the art of building a life, a business, and a world around him that matches the vision in his mind, better than anyone else I’ve ever met.
He’s spent years overcoming his biggest demons and challenges in business, in his relationships, and in his physical and mental health, and has literally transformed every aspect of his life to become the man he’s always wanted to be.
But the methodology he used to accomplish all of this is what I love the most, and what we’re going to talk about today…
The good news is that radically transforming your life does not have to be this monumental event that requires you to muster up heroic levels of discipline.
I think by now we all know that the chances of that working and sticking over the long-run are incredibly low.
What you can do, is break down that process into tiny little pieces that are much easier to implement.
This is what we’re going to talk about today, and it’s a game-changer… h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How This Homeless Man Achieved The American Dream…
We’ve had several guests on the show here who have gone through incredibly levels of abuse during their childhood…
Wesley Chapman being one, and today’s guest JT McCormick another…
As a child, JT was sexually abused for years. Having mixed-race parents, he was always the outcast no matter where he went, and spent most of his youth either homeless, or in juvenile detention.
By all predictive measures, JT should have ended up dead, or in prison.
But he didn’t.
He got his first job sorting mail for Nationwide Insurance. He quickly worked his way up the ladder. Within a few years he was offered a Regional Vice President position at another firm, and then landed at a software company called Head Spring.
Within two years he was promoted to President of the company, and HeadSpring was listed as one of the top places to work for the next three years in a row.
Today, JT’s career has brought him much closer to home when my friend and fellow SMM guest, Tucker Max, brought him on as the CEO of Book In A Box.
As you’ll hear in today’s interview, they are achieving record growth under his leadership.
What I’m absolutely fascinated by, is how people like Wes and JT managed to turn an abusive nightmare childhood, into fuel for an extraordinary life.
Ultimately they must have made a conscious decision to pursue a better path… To choose empowerment instead of victimhood, and service instead of perpetuating a cycle of abuse.
Today we’re going to dive into JT’s story and discover that moment, and the decisions he made that changed his life.
They are living examples of the fact that your past does not determine your future, and that you are one decision away from changing your destiny.
This is what Self Made Man is all about. h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Build A Massive Instagram Account… with Andrew Goodman
A few weeks ago we hosted Pejman Ghadimi on the show, who’s a very successful entrepreneur. His two primary brands are Exotic Car Hacks and Secret Entourage, and between them, he has over 45,000 paying Members.
Over the past two years Pejman has put a ton of effort into growing his Instagram audience, with Secret Entourage accumulating over 450,000 followers and 100,000 for Exotic Car Hacks.
Acquiring those kinds of numbers takes a strategic plan, systematic execution, and some inside baseball.
So how have they done it?
Well today we’re joined by the man behind the curtain of those accounts and their growth… Andrew Goodman.
Andrew joined Pejman’s team in 2014 and quickly took ownership of growing their Instagram audience to what it has become.
Today Andrew is going to lay out their entire process for you in one of the most detailed and valuable episodes we’ve ever had here at Self Made Man.
You’ll learn about the software they use to create and manage their accounts.
How many times they post per day and why.
How they create super fans.
And best of all, what you need to do to build your account if you’re just starting from scratch.
If you want to grow a massive following on Instagram quickly, this is this episode you’ve been looking for.
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Build A Massive Instagram Account…
A few weeks ago we hosted Pejman Ghadimi on the show, who’s a very successful entrepreneur. His two primary brands are Exotic Car Hacks and Secret Entourage, and between them, he has over 45,000 paying Members.
Over the past two years Pejman has put a ton of effort into growing his Instagram audience, with Secret Entourage accumulating over 450,000 followers and 100,000 for Exotic Car Hacks.
Acquiring those kinds of numbers takes a strategic plan, systematic execution, and some inside baseball.
So how have they done it?
Well today we’re joined by the man behind the curtain of those accounts and their growth… Andrew Goodman.
Andrew joined Pejman’s team in 2014 and quickly took ownership of growing their Instagram audience to what it has become.
Today Andrew is going to lay out their entire process for you in one of the most detailed and valuable episodes we’ve ever had here at Self Made Man.
You’ll learn about the software they use to create and manage their accounts.
How many times they post per day and why.
How they create super fans.
And best of all, what you need to do to build your account if you’re just starting from scratch.
If you want to grow a massive following on Instagram quickly, this is this episode you’ve been looking for.
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How Black Rifle Coffee Declared War On Hipsters And Won…
Today we have an amazing interview with the Founder of Black Rifle Coffee, Evan Hafer…
Black Rifle is the quintessential entrepreneur success story…
So Evan had two passions in life… Roasting his own coffee, and serving his country as a member of the Special Forces.
When he finally made the decision to retire from the military, he needed a plan B, and selling coffee became it.
He would literally roast his beans at home, bag them, and then taught himself how to market online until he made his very first sale.
From that point forward, he never looked back, and has created one of the most viral brands in the world.
Black Rifle Coffee is one of the best examples of niche marketing that you’ll ever find.
They market a fantastic product to a very specific audience, without apology…
Their humorous ads are filled with guns, girls, and a declaration of war on hipsters and their dedication to their audience has been rewarded in spades.
Today they’ve grown to 100 employees, have 30,000 active customers who subscribe to their monthly coffee club, and a valuation that’s in the $100’s of millions.
If you want to learn how to create a world-class brand from your kitchen table… If you want to dive into the formula they’ve used to create their viral marketing videos, and if you want to learn what it takes to build a $100 Million company from scratch, do not miss this episode. h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
Embrace What Makes You Different…
I know a lot of listeners out there are attempting to build their company, their brand, and their online presence for the very first time, which is always the most difficult stage in any entrepreneur’s career.
Establishing that foothold, and getting the market’s attention when you don’t have an audience is a challenge, so I’m always eager to bring guests onto the show who have managed to overcome this hurdle.
Today we’re going to talk to Dr. Mona Vand.
Mona is building one of the fastest growing personal brands in the health and wellness industry.
Now what makes her story particularly interesting is that she used to be a pharmacist, and the pharmaceutical industry is not viewed very fondly by natural health enthusiasts.
In fact, it’s often portrayed as enemy number one.
But Mona didn’t hide that fact, or give into the assumed expectations for a wellness expert.
Instead, she incorporated her expertise in both areas into her brand, resulting in an extremely unique combination that’s allowed her to stand out in a very crowded marketplace.
Today we’ll dive into her thoughts around branding, the challenges she’s had along the way, and how she’s built up an audience on Instagram of more than 116,000 followers.
If you’re looking for ways to stand out and establish your brand, today’s podcast is for you… h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: true;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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themikedillard · 7 years ago
How To Buy An Exotic Car Without Losing Your Shirt…
Today we’re going to have a little bit of fun talking about a subject that is near and dear to my heart, which is cars.
As many of you know, fast cars are one of my biggest passions in life.
I started racing in 2008 when I entered and finished the most dangerous race in the world, the Baja 1000.
In 2014 I won the Mint 400, and then competed in the Pirelli World Challenge last year.
Well all of this started when I bought my first supercar in 2008 which was an Aston Martin Vantage.
From that moment on I was hooked… Hooked on the speed, the beauty, the art, the technology, the heritage, and the story of motorsport.
And what you quickly realize is that the right car is a tool for transformation.
When you step into one of the machines, you are transformed. You feel different. You are suddenly the wolf in a street filled with sheep.
You can’t help but appreciate the fact that you’re sitting in one of the rarest, and most high-tech machines in the world, and that driving it to its potential requires years of training and practice.
It’s very similar to the feeling you’d have when you put on a tuxedo and look in the mirror, or for the ladies, a new pair of Manolo’s.
If you’re driving a $200, $300, or $400,000 car, you are doing something right in life.
With that being said, purchasing one of these vehicles is a minefield that could cost you an incredible amount of money, which is a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way.
Over the years I’ve owned a second Aston, three Audi R8’s, three Ferrari’s, a 2005 Ford GT, and two Porsche GT3’s.
But here’s what most people don’t realize…
With the right knowledge, you can actually drive the exotic car of your dreams, for the same amountof money as a Honda or a Ford.
For example, I purchased my last Ferrari 458 at sticker for $285,000. I drove it for a year, put 6,000 miles on it, and sold it back to the dealership for around $270,000.
Which means my total cost to own that car was around $15,000 plus the cost of insurance.
If you’d purchased a nice Ford F-150 truck, you’d have lost the same amount of money in depreciation.
How much the car costs is irrelevant. The only number that matters, is how much it’s worth when you sell it.
Well today we’re going to learn how to these kinds of cars without losing your shirt… In fact, you can even get paid to drive them.
Pejman Ghadimi is a very successful entrepreneur with a similar passion for cars. He’s owns a luxury car rental company, and he’s the Founder of where he teaches people how to purchase and sell supercars responsibility.
Should you lease or should you buy?
Should you pay cash or finance?
Should you modify your car or leave it stock?
How much should you pay, and how can you find an allocation for the super-rare hypercars like the McLaren P1 that could literally put a million bucks of profit into your pocket?
We’ll dive into all of these questions and more today. Listen now to begin your own transformation. h3, a h3{font-size: 26px !important;}.speaker-info-wrap span{display: none;} .single-post .post-content {padding:40px 50px 0px 40px;} .single-post .post-image img {height:660px;} @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {.single-post .post-image img {height:auto !important;}}
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