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“Glad you could make it, Amber~”
Elaina greeted Amber with a smile as she saw her approaching. She doesn’t exactly have her staff “battle ready” as she was just training by herself.
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“So before we actually begin, is there any rules you have about our spar? Oh right I have to say this but ... I may be drastically of higher level than you since you just evolved so we may need to establish some rules and such...”
(askpokemoncrossover)Amber @ Elaina: Amber closed her eyes and called out to Elaina with telepathy: "Can you hear me, Elaina? I just evolve into a braixen and i'm ready to spar with you. Can you meet me at this location:
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I'll be waiting for you there. Please take it easy on me, ok? this is my first battle with another braixen and I want to see how far i can go before i reach my breaking point."
"I heard you loud and clear!"
Elaina answers back at her, impressed that she already can do telepathy. She had been preparing for this spar and was training for a few days in preparation. It has been a while since she sparred with someone other than Cipher. She takes a deep breath before walking towards the supposed rendezvous.
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"Deep breathes, Ellie ... Just go easy on her and be cautious ... You can do this."
She readies her Fire Stone staff holding it tightly in anticipation, her heart racing with each step in the sand. Luckily the sea breeze helped her calm herself down as she takes one deep breath and calls out to Amber.
"Amber! I'm ready when you are ..."
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"We don't abuse the lights ... we preserve it." He looks over at Suthen. "Are you alright? Here let me help you ..." He cautiously approaches him again.
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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He smirks and finding a bit of confidence. "Yes I am sure! They are 100% real I can assure you considering I live in one..." He slowly approaches him again.
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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"Suthen ..." He slowly approaches him. "Name's Cipher ... I don't think our natures aligh ... You live in this forest while you prey on other 'mons while I ... live in the city and being civilized ..."
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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"I'm just a regular Meowstic." He responded firmly, trying not to look frightened. He can feel in Suthen's aura that his primal hunger he displayed earlier was gone. "I-I should say the same to you ... who are you?"
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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"Listen here you hunter, I have every right to fear for my life!" Cipher tries to get back up as his supposed Thunder Wave attack faded away. "If your so-called 'future' is what you say it would be, then I might as well try to avoid this forest!"
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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"Stay back! I'm warning you ..." He was readying a Thunder Wave attack as he unknowingly tripped sending him to fall backwards on the ground. "Please! Stay back! Don't eat me ..."
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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"W-wait ... WHAT!?!" Cipher had a look of absolute horror in his face upon hearing that. He backs away for a bit as he saw his fangs glowing. "Okay umm ... sorry but I might have to decline that offer ..." He starts backing away slowly.
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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“Ohh ... I’m so sorry if I bothered you or something ...” Cipher chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. “Ummm ... can I at least help you though?”
((⏪ Suthen)) Cipher: Why hello there, are you lost?
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Suthen: "Mh?-"
Year: 2000, Age: 12
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Suthen: "What? Nope, I live here."
Suthen: "I was trying to get some food for my brother."
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Elaina smiled at her warmly before responding. “Sorry about that ... I wasn’t aware you were easily startled and all ... I’m Elaina by the way, pleased to meet you, Sapphire.” 
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Sapphire startles a bit, not having expected a visitor, before nervously returning the handshake.
“O-Oh.. umm… h-hello! My name is Sapphire, w-what’s yours?”
“S-sorry for jumping, I-I wasn’t expecting anyone…”
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The Minccino raised an eyebrow. 
???: “You do realize you are trespassing in this private ship... Give us another reason why we should let you three go.”
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“W-we just came here by accident! ... We’re not going to steal your stuff here ... honest!”
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“Y-yes ... he’s right! Now could you please let us go?”
The Minccino seemed to be listening intently to their reasoning.
???: “What do you have to say, partner? Should we?”
(continued from here)
As Elaina turned to check on Cipher and Jasper, the tiny zigzagoon was no longer standing where he was before. Upon further inspection, it was clear that the sword rack had been moved forward slightly. Very quiet Jasper-like cowering noises came from behind the rack.
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“Oh, h-hey, over here. Don’t w-worry ab-bout me, you two. J-just laying a trap for what-tever’s coming for us. Gotta a-always be a st-step ahead, y’know?”
With his free paw, Jasper firmly grasped the leaf charm that was attached to his chart tube. He rocked back and forth panicking, nervously holding his sword at the ready.
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“Link ... pleasure to meet you I suppose. I almost mistook you for a Mightyena ...”
He stands up and inspects him thoroughly.
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“I have to say your fur and markings look interesting ... can I perhaps get a feeling of its texture? If you don’t mind that is ...”
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“…Krantz is a pretty unique name,” Link approaches awkwardly, with nothing else to say. “Does it have any meaning?”
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He raises an eyebrow, giving him a stern look. 
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“One library is already stressful enough and you expect me to be your right hand man? I’m afraid you need to get your priorities straight. What makes you think your offer will be much gratifying?”
Ah Muzen Cab@Krantz: "Cold, serious, and even a little harsh...I need more like you. You seem to hold this, Memento to a high regard. Why is that? You seem like one who...wants control, especially with that demeanor of yours."
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“I just have a high respect for professionalism. If one is respectable enough in a certain position they will surely be worthy of my trust.”
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“If she wasn’t … I would have just left the Citadel when I had the chance.”
He raises an eyebrow at something Ah Muzen mentioned.
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“Are you perhaps insinuating something by any chance? You seem pretty keen about what I am…”
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“Why greetings, strange wolf. Pretty coincidental for our color schemes to be similar ...”
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“Anyway, pretty uncanny how you know my name and I don’t yours but you seem like a nice fellow.”
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“About my name so to speak ... it is pretty complicated but if you are willing to listen then I suppose I can tell you. Before anything else though, what is your name?”
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“…Krantz is a pretty unique name,” Link approaches awkwardly, with nothing else to say. “Does it have any meaning?”
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“I suppose I can explain a bit about myself...”
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“My name is Krantz, a librarian of the Exaltation Citadel. I am unofficially the head librarian of sorts.”
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“Now if this sort of background is what you are keen on, it is pretty difficult if you are to convince me to your cause. I mean what are you even going to do? abduct me or anything?”
Ah Muzen Cab@Krantz: "Cold, serious, and even a little harsh...I need more like you. You seem to hold this, Memento to a high regard. Why is that? You seem like one who...wants control, especially with that demeanor of yours."
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“I just have a high respect for professionalism. If one is respectable enough in a certain position they will surely be worthy of my trust.”
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“If she wasn’t … I would have just left the Citadel when I had the chance.”
He raises an eyebrow at something Ah Muzen mentioned.
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“Are you perhaps insinuating something by any chance? You seem pretty keen about what I am…”
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“I suppose so ... but sounds like a good idea! Lissa , should we give it a try?” He looks over at Lissa while Elaina is within earshot and managing to help evacuate a few people out.
@richard-good @ask-guardian-gallade @gameover-gardevoir @moe-kai@kuixotic @themeowsticvigilante @micheleandlissasblog @no-mans-pokeverse
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‘Jolly’ dropped Michele on the ground as the cold ice got around his foot.
He had a shocked expression, confused by himself, by his mental state.
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The Darkrai got scared seeing the flames surrounding him, he immediately thought of an attack. But turning in the direction the flame came from, he seemed relieved.
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Participants can only interact with each other until Part 4 of ACT3.
(Do yer best for now, and remember that teamwork is a good way to have advance.)
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"Alright, now that's been covered ... Come on, Lissa." Elaina smiles.
"What about you guys? What are you going to do?" Cipher the turns toward the other participants.
@ask-guardian-gallade @gameover-gardevoir @kuixotic @richard-good @ask-the-vaporeon-story-teller
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‘Jolly’ dropped Michele on the ground as the cold ice got around his foot.
He had a shocked expression, confused by himself, by his mental state.
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The Darkrai got scared seeing the flames surrounding him, he immediately thought of an attack. But turning in the direction the flame came from, he seemed relieved.
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Participants can only interact with each other until Part 4 of ACT3.
(Do yer best for now, and remember that teamwork is a good way to have advance.)
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