themeowingfox · 3 hours
BlogTember Day 19: What's a God to a Blogger
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I might be misread it as a "What's a God looks like in bloggers world?" or something like that.
This is Arceus in my universe, he's the kindest one and is unlike some of the other Arceuses. People believe that he blesses the good souls and he doesn't curse the bad ones. Instead, he gives an advice.
Some info on him can be found here.
Also lil' bonus doodle:
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[ feat. @ask-team-misfit and @book-of-legends ]
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themeowingfox · 2 days
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(So, it may take a little longer to get the next post done because of IRL stuff. Have a few funny stream doodles because I needed a bit of laughter to get me through this.)
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themeowingfox · 2 days
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(So, it may take a little longer to get the next post done because of IRL stuff. Have a few funny stream doodles because I needed a bit of laughter to get me through this.)
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themeowingfox · 2 days
so Silas would be a fan of Hawaiian Rolls then?
I may have just woken up, I may be groggy as all helll, and I may have just discovered paper exists... it might be 2am but god damn
YES. You live with Silas? You're 100% going it wake up at ungodly hours of the night to the sight of THIS MAN
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Slamming down an entire pack of hawaiian rolls in the dark at 3 in the morning. Just bc he woke up and he was hungy. And he WILL NOT apologize for it >:C BUY HIM MORE NOW.
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themeowingfox · 3 days
I'm leashing lief and tying to leash to a pole :3c
Denied. Now the air has been replaced with pollen puffs /j
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themeowingfox · 3 days
💌 Something funny, and predictable on my part to ask:
Tsubayaki would definitely not like Lief, right XD
Believe it or not. No. At least from what I've seen so far.
She would see him as a somewhat troubled mon just trying to live his life and lacks someone he can confide in. However her opinion on someone can change a lot after she's properly met them and talked. (I'm looking at you Valiant. That poor boy.)
If they were to meet however, I can see Tsubayuki either becoming sympathetic towards Lief at best, or find him a snarky nuisance that she'd dissuade from interacting with her from the threat of attaching ice to the back of his neck or back at worst. Would honestly depend on Lief
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I won't lie, those two interacting with each other does sound like it would be interesting.
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Wait what happened to your pen?
I was drawing Lief and it broke.
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Friends. Fucked up friends. The things they would do together. Yes. :D
Shauna and Valiant! IF IT ISN'T MY FAV WERIDOS DUO 💖🥺
How does he feel about her currently?
Despite his brain being empty as all hell I can tell you with certainly he very much likes Shauna. I know they might have had a rough start there with him getting a tad stressed out at not understanding her but I assure you, Valiant doesn't stay distressed for very long. He might feel upset for a vague moment but he very much bounces back to feeling nothing pretty quickly.
Dude can go from "I'M DYING. THE WORLD IS ENDING. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HURT. IS THIS THE END?" to "Oh I feel fine. Anyway!" pretty fast.
But yes. TvT He very much likes Shauna as confusing as she may be.
My general thoughts about them
*Nervous Laughing* I have a feeling Shauna is going to remind him a lot of the situation he had with Mia. Mia was like Valiant's only real friend, she was someone who went out of her way to talk to him and stuff. Shauna kinda is like that, so his lil brain is ofc going to go "Shauna = Mia?"
He might be hesitant to actually declare her as a close friend because the moment that happens you know Arceus is going to try to take it all away from him. So expect him to be a bit distant and hesitant at first, but making friends with Valiant is pretty easy. All you have to do is be extremely persistent or just generally nice/helpful <:3c
Valiant very much is the type of person you could talk to once and he'd go "WE'RE FRIENDS." That poor boy doesn't understand what separates someone who was nice to him once from someone who is a 'friend'. He does however know a general difference between someone being a close friend and friend.
A close friend is very much something he craves but is aware he shouldn't consider a person since Arceus loves being like "You like this thing? Okay! You can't have it anymore, get rid of it now."
Besides that... LET THESE TWO GET UP TO NO GOOD. Valiant is about to learn a bunch of random shit from Shauna and start doing it too. We've already talked about the BLEP, he would 100% start mimicking things she does. If Valiant starts mimicking things you do? Oh my god ✨ BEST FRIENDS ✨ he trusts your reactions and comments enough to copy them.
Shauna is like 😭 the perfect friend for this boy on so many levels, LET THEM BE FRIENDS!! She's quiet, shes sweet, patient, and DOESN'T FEAR THIS MURDER FOX WEIRDO. Perfect friend.
She gonna get some looks thooo, Valiant in-universe is everyone's worst fear and there's in tiny lil pink creature next to the homicide commuter, is she crazy?? Someone save that poor girl!
Anyway... uh can you tell I love them a lot? The brain rot I have for these two. IT NEVER ENDS! I have so many more thoughts about these two by brain brain cannot form them into words rn 😭
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Still heavily in the drafting phase so things are subject to change and whatnot:
Lief: “Eugh. That brat behind you better not be the source of all this fuss.”
Lief: “We’re not seriously going to help that, right?”
A pause. Hazel narrows her eyes in annoyance.
Hazel: “Yeah, we are. Vurunne’s my friend.”
Hazel: “You may not understand her like I do, you may not have felt whatever the fuck that was, coming from HER.”
Hazel pauses to point at Pikavee. Everyone looks over, confused.
Hazel: “But Vurunne's hurt. And we are getting her out of the rain.”
The rain stopped.
Hazel: “Huh.”
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themeowingfox · 3 days
What is the most dastardly and/or devious thing each member of the cast has done?
Pokemon shaming, but in written form:
Pikavee: [Presumably caused millions in damages Stepped on the hood of some cars by accident and her trainer now owes the owners for the damages.]
Lief: [Steals things from the townies. Has made a real attempt to disrupt the research being done on the ruins.]
Fenninkou: [Nicks extra snacks from Eve when she isn't looking to add to her secret item stash.]
Rue: [No Rue, thought crimes do not count.]
Hazel: [Pulled a dine and dash. Has eaten meat before.]
Vurunnekin: [What HASN'T she done, is the better question??]
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themeowingfox · 3 days
I'm gonna be irresponsible and leave Lief in a room with Fennikou, and lock the door :3c
Truly despicable. Villainous behaviour right here. /lh
Fenninkou: You?! òAó
Lief, having tried to leave before you can close him in only to hit his head: Ow, geez... ><
Lief: *trying to shake off his dizziness* Y-you didn't see that.
Fenninkou: Pff. ewe
Lief, sitting: Yeah, whatever. Do what you want, as long as you stay your little troublesome butt right over there. Away from me.
Fenninkou: No promises. You're probably up to something.
Lief: Oh, what could I POSSIBLY be up to now, according to you?
Fenninkou: I don't know! Something! You're a feral!
Lief: As flattered as I am that you think so highly of me, I'm really not in the mood. See, I almost split my head open, we're both locked in this white void of a room...
Fenninkou: You may as well just admit it.
Lief: Yeah yeah. Caught me red-handed. Lousy kid...
*One Hour Later*
Lief: *bored, glancing over on ocassion*
Fenninkou, still sitting and still glaring: >>
Lief: *smirk* You can't keep that up forever.
Fenninkou: Try me.
Lief: Would be a shame if something made you blink. Or sneeze. ;3
Fenninkou: You better not-
Lief, now holding a pollen puff: Ehh~? ewe
*Y'all probably know where this is going lol*
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themeowingfox · 3 days
How well would ur sona do in this world? And if instead of Pikavee, your sona was brought there instead?
Me? My Ishvee ass in this hell I subjected my characters to- UH I MEAN this very wonderful paradise?
You shouldn't have! :'D
Really, you shouldn't have. I'll just stick to my little hole in the ground.
Ooh, that's how I'd survive. I'LL JUST DIG A HOLE >:D
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Fennikou and Peri
Joke answer: Always watching. You have to imagine a cat when it's watching you so intently.
Semi-serious answer: Wary of Peri. She knows little about her. For all Fenni knows, she's always been a Mew. But she's a kidnapper all the same in her mind; even if she's never actually caught her in the act. XD
Will this change the more this catdog sees of Peri? Depends. A part of it also is that Fenni has yet to break that "once a bad guy, always a bad guy" mentality at present. Aside the complicated reasons why one would do bad things...
Buut that ain't for a while yet. :P
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Imagine Lief and Shauna in the same room...
*The two stand, facing each other.*
Shauna, staring: owo
Lief, clearly creeped out: Why do you smell like that? No Pokemon smells like that.
Shauna: *blep* oPo
Lief: Yeah, ok. Leaving right now before anything spont-
Lief, now floating: AH?!
Shauna, also floating: =P=
Yeah, probably for the best. Otherwise it'd just be Shauna hovering over him and making sure he takes care of himself.
She tends to do that when she senses anxious energy from others. And Lief has quite a bit of baggage.
Not to mention he already has Sirius doing that- I mean what :P /lh
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themeowingfox · 3 days
💌 Believe Lief and Rimi was asked about, but not Lief and Noelle? Gimme the gossip 👀
I believe you do asked about Noelle + Lief relationship when they were at the sleepover.
The relationship is now worse than the post-sleepover. I know they both have family tragedies. While Noelle has overcome her aunt's death, Lief is the opposite when comes with this, now with his mama. But Noelle won't forgive hurting someone over it.
Let's talk about more lighthearted stuff instead. After meeting with RiMew, he would bug Noelle of how he met her girlfriend again and found out that she's a Mew. But Noelle knows that her Rimi isn't a Mew and she will say stuff like: "Stop spreading baloney, buggie!"
And that's how it is for now.
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themeowingfox · 3 days
📩 Shauna and the Baddies! Why my brain is full of Shauna lately... /lh
Hehe, all of the Shauna. All of her >:)
Rimi and Shauna: I think Rimi would really like Shauna! And I think Shauna would really like her. :D
Rimi and Noelle: It seems Noe has taken a liking to her already so far. What is with this Houndoom and befriending several foxes of... unusual natures? 👀 /lh
I still need to reply and crawl out of this art rut, but I can safely say Shauna likes her. Or at least, is certainly very interested in her!
Shauna and Edin: Expect questions related to his muscle strength. But this aside, while I'm not as familiar with Edin as I am with the girls, I'm not seeing anything that would put Shauna off immediately.
Then again, Shauna is a tough Pokemon to really "put off". Most likely, she'd put you off.
Just saying. For Shauna to look at you and keep her distance... what did you do? Confess right now. /lh j
All this to say that I think they'd like each other, ultimately.
But how would they feel about her tendency to burn overcook her food? Because she'd absolutely cook food for them to eat during their breaks.
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themeowingfox · 3 days
Shauna facts? Shauna facts 👀
Sometimes she's kinda prone to mirroring others; especially those she spends lots of time with. Because the feelings of others tend to rub off on her, this can lead to her own mood changing to reflect what she feels.
As an example, here is Shauna in her default state:
Shauna: .w.
Shauna: *blep*
All smiles, right? Maybe a bit spacey, too.
But she's looking a little lonely, let's say, uhh...
*zips off and returns with a random character [courtesy of @book-of-legends ]* Jackpot! Let's say he happens along and keeps her company- :P
Jackpot, probably: WAIT WHERE THE HECK AM I?!
If Shauna hung around this sad sack long enough, she will similarly become anxious and restless. Restless in all the worst ways.
Jackpot: OH GOD NOT HER-
Even better, you two know each other! :D
Shauna: *ear twitch; gets a look on her face like she's suddenly itching everywhere*
Jackpot: *panic* NO NO NO, GET HER AWAY
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