themanwiththecrown · 1 year
@strnza can do just about anything and Dick is just going to be like :)
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themanwiththecrown · 1 year
I'm not making promises on consistency ever but if you like this post I'll drop Dick into your inbox soon. <3
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themanwiththecrown · 1 year
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Is that about hacking those Super PACs?
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themanwiththecrown · 1 year
Things I always want to do: be here more, write Dick more, interact ic and ooc more. 😭
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themanwiththecrown · 2 years
Hii! Its me anon! Im so sorry for disappearing so randomly, life has been crazy! Hope ur doing well and taking care of urself!
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hello, anon! it's okay, you're not the only one who has been randomly disappearing. i appreciate you checking back in and hope you're staying healthy out there. and i do miss our little chats. ^^
i hope life hasn't been crazy in a bad way. be sure to take care of yourself. <3
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themanwiththecrown · 2 years
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
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i know i’m very slow here but dicky and i love you all and hope you all are doing good. thank you also new followers for following despite that, too. i apologize in advance for this stinky leviathan.
please feel free to message me or, is you use wire feel free to chat him up. info here. i’ll still be slow due to irl stuff and my focus being crap but i do tend to lurk.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
Hii! This is the Anon from last time ^^
It's been so long since we last chatted, I hope ur doing well! A lot has changed for me, been feeling really good about myself and I think Im in love with someone from work, it's kinda stupid and crazy lol funnily enough the person and Dick has a lot of similarities in terms of personality and in their way of talking. However pretty sure that they dont like me back oh well lol
But enough about me, I really hope u have been taking care of urself!
My favorite Anon!! We are very pleased to see you around.
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It has been too long. I apologize for going MIA for a while. I've been doing my best to take care of myself but things have been a good bit hectic for a while now. Life and a roller-coaster, all that. But we make do, don't we? :)
I'm very happy to hear you're feeling good about yourself. You deserve to. You're a good soul, one could even say you got that spark to you. Especially if you can bring such joy to a person by just kindly sending anons. When I came back I was worried I wouldn't hear from you again so I am absolutely thrilled, which I think says a lot about the sort of impact you're able to make on somebody. Whether this person from your work feels the same or doesn't, I believe you will have made your impact in their life. It's funny how we can get pulled into finding people unexpectedly similar to those we enjoy - and come to enjoy them for those similarities and for the individual they are.
I can't go saying either way what is what; but I will say, with my dumb experience, don't let yourself wallow in negativity about the unknown. Things can surprise you. Do what's comfortable and healthy for yourself. Whether that means taking it slow and investing time or confessing your interest - doing right by yourself when you know what you want to do is worth doing. No pressure, of course. I'm just here to remind you that you better be good to yourself. You've been nothing but a gem here. <3
Please, share with me more if you'd like. ^^
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
eliza and dick cannonball contest into the pool starting NOW, WHOEVER MAKES A BIGGER SPLASH WINS!!
D-Did she forget that Levaithan... Leviathan... are heavily water-based monsters?
Leviathan & water.
They go together.
He takes a long, long, long sip of his whiskey.
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"I'm going to crush you." He bet.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
carriageofaerietails: Mireya has college assignments he can do if he wants. :P
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He suddenly can’t hear you.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
strnza: fire kind, sexy ;)
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“Worse for you, I reckon.” >:)
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
strnzaeliza: i am going to burn the paperwork.
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He’s going to burn you, brat.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
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You know Purgatory was fucking awful if a Leviathan is this happy to be doing paperwork.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
Update: still juggling irl stuff but I'm going to try and get back to you all a little more. ^^
I see I also have new followers. Hello! Please feel free to let me know if you want to do anything. Just be aware I'm running very slow at the moment!
I hope everyone is having a good day and/or night.
Still alive and planning to write here!! Some irl stuff has gotten in the way and slowed me down. Should be rectified soon, I think.
I hope you all are having a good day/night!
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
Still alive and planning to write here!! Some irl stuff has gotten in the way and slowed me down. Should be rectified soon, I think.
I hope you all are having a good day/night!
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
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“...” He’s trying to figure out what the actual hell he’s looking at. It’s like a Leviathan but... fucked up. Little mortal rendition. What is it the humans like to say? Imitation is flattery? He’s feeling a touch insulted. At least they got the teeth right on this one.
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themanwiththecrown · 3 years
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When you have to edit your own promo and replace Dick with Richard in the post itself, and move the ‘dick roman’ tags to the very end to let it show up in the search results. But not all the search results, only a few.
Dick is not amused and neither am I. But I’ll take some search result tags over none at all zzz
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